path: root/openEMS/matlab/AddCPWPort.m
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authorRuben Undheim <>2018-09-02 01:07:06 +0200
committerRuben Undheim <>2018-09-02 01:07:06 +0200
commit4950c433f10aa481691c64d95b962791d724a42a (patch)
treea94f6c3afa00ab2655a702344ff00586104dc959 /openEMS/matlab/AddCPWPort.m
Import openems_0.0.35+dfsg.1.orig.tar.bz2
[dgit import orig openems_0.0.35+dfsg.1.orig.tar.bz2]
Diffstat (limited to 'openEMS/matlab/AddCPWPort.m')
1 files changed, 285 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/openEMS/matlab/AddCPWPort.m b/openEMS/matlab/AddCPWPort.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba4fc4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openEMS/matlab/AddCPWPort.m
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+function [CSX,port] = AddCPWPort( CSX, prio, portnr, materialname, start, stop, gap_width, dir, evec, varargin )
+% [CSX,port] = AddCPWPort( CSX, prio, portnr, materialname, start, stop, gap_width, dir, evec, varargin )
+% CSX: CSX-object created by InitCSX()
+% prio: priority for excitation and probe boxes
+% portnr: (integer) number of the port
+% materialname: property for the CPW (created by AddMetal())
+% start: 3D start rowvector for port definition
+% stop: 3D end rowvector for port definition
+% gap_width: width of the CPW gap (left and right)
+% dir: direction of wave propagation (choices: 0, 1, 2 or 'x','y','z')
+% evec: excitation vector, which defines the direction of the e-field (must be the same as used in AddExcitation())
+% variable input:
+% varargin: optional additional excitations options, see also AddExcitation
+% 'ExcitePort' true/false to make the port an active feeding port (default
+% is false)
+% 'FeedShift' shift to port from start by a given distance in drawing
+% units. Default is 0. Only active if 'ExcitePort' is set!
+% 'Feed_R' Specifiy a lumped port resistance. Default is no lumped
+% port resistance --> port has to end in an ABC.
+% 'MeasPlaneShift' Shift the measurement plane from start t a given distance
+% in drawing units. Default is the middle of start/stop.
+% 'PortNamePrefix' a prefix to the port name
+% Important: The mesh has to be already set and defined by DefineRectGrid!
+% example:
+% CSX = AddMetal( CSX, 'metal' ); %create a PEC called 'metal'
+% start = [0 -width/2 0];
+% stop = [length +width/2 0];
+% [CSX,port] = AddCPWPort( CSX, 0, 1, 'metal', start, stop, gap_width, 'x', ...
+% [0 0 -1], 'ExcitePort', true, 'Feed_R', 50 )
+% Explanation:
+% - this defines a stripline in x-direction (dir='x')
+% --> the wave travels along the x-direction
+% - with an e-field excitation in -z-direction (evec=[0 0 -1])
+% - the excitation is active and placed at x=start(1) ('ExcitePort', true)
+% - a 50 Ohm lumped port resistance is placed at x=start(1) ('Feed_R', 50)
+% - the width-direction is determined by the cross product of the
+% direction of propagtion (dir='x') and the excitation vector
+% (evec=[0 0 -1]), in this case it is the y-direction
+% - the stripline-metal is created in a xy-plane at a height at z=start(3)
+% --> The upper and lower reference plane (ground) must be defined by
+% the user
+% Thorsten Liebig <> (c) 2014
+% See also InitCSX DefineRectGrid AddMetal AddMaterial AddExcitation calcPort
+%% validate arguments %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+%check mesh
+if ~isfield(CSX,'RectilinearGrid')
+ error 'mesh needs to be defined! Use DefineRectGrid() first!';
+if (~isfield(CSX.RectilinearGrid,'XLines') || ~isfield(CSX.RectilinearGrid,'YLines') || ~isfield(CSX.RectilinearGrid,'ZLines'))
+ error 'mesh needs to be defined! Use DefineRectGrid() first!';
+% check dir
+dir = DirChar2Int(dir);
+% check evec
+if ~(evec(1) == evec(2) == 0) && ~(evec(1) == evec(3) == 0) && ~(evec(2) == evec(3) == 0) || (sum(evec) == 0)
+ error 'evec must have exactly one component ~= 0'
+evec0 = evec ./ sum(evec); % evec0 is a unit vector
+%set defaults
+feed_shift = 0;
+feed_R = inf; %(default is open, no resitance)
+excite = false;
+measplanepos = nan;
+PortNamePrefix = '';
+excite_args = {};
+%% read optional arguments %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+for n=1:2:numel(varargin)
+ if (strcmp(varargin{n},'FeedShift')==1);
+ feed_shift = varargin{n+1};
+ if (numel(feed_shift)>1)
+ error 'FeedShift must be a scalar value'
+ end
+ elseif (strcmp(varargin{n},'Feed_R')==1);
+ feed_R = varargin{n+1};
+ if (numel(feed_shift)>1)
+ error 'Feed_R must be a scalar value'
+ end
+ elseif (strcmp(varargin{n},'MeasPlaneShift')==1);
+ measplanepos = varargin{n+1};
+ if (numel(feed_shift)>1)
+ error 'MeasPlaneShift must be a scalar value'
+ end
+ elseif (strcmp(varargin{n},'ExcitePort')==1);
+ if ischar(varargin{n+1})
+ warning('CSXCAD:AddCPWPort','depreceated: a string as excite option is no longer supported and will be removed in the future, please use true or false');
+ if ~isempty(excite)
+ excite = true;
+ else
+ excite = false;
+ end
+ else
+ excite = varargin{n+1};
+ end
+ elseif (strcmpi(varargin{n},'PortNamePrefix'))
+ PortNamePrefix = varargin{n+1};
+ else
+ excite_args{end+1} = varargin{n};
+ excite_args{end+1} = varargin{n+1};
+ end
+% normalize start and stop
+nstart = min( [start;stop] );
+nstop = max( [start;stop] );
+% determine index (1, 2 or 3) of propagation (length of CPW)
+idx_prop = dir + 1;
+% determine index (1, 2 or 3) of width of CPW
+dir = [0 0 0];
+dir(idx_prop) = 1;
+idx_height = abs(cross(dir,evec0)) * [1;2;3];
+% determine index (1, 2 or 3) of height
+idx_width = abs(evec0) * [1;2;3];
+if (start(idx_height)~=stop(idx_height))
+ error('openEMS:AddCPWPort','start/stop in height direction must be equal');
+% direction of propagation
+if stop(idx_prop)-start(idx_prop) > 0
+ direction = +1;
+ direction = -1;
+% create the metal/material for the CPW
+SL_start = start;
+SL_stop = stop;
+CSX = AddBox( CSX, materialname, prio, SL_start, SL_stop );
+if isnan(measplanepos)
+ measplanepos = (nstart(idx_prop)+nstop(idx_prop))/2;
+ measplanepos = start(idx_prop)+direction*measplanepos;
+% calculate position of the voltage probes
+mesh{1} = sort(CSX.RectilinearGrid.XLines);
+mesh{2} = sort(CSX.RectilinearGrid.YLines);
+mesh{3} = sort(CSX.RectilinearGrid.ZLines);
+meshlines = interp1( mesh{idx_prop}, 1:numel(mesh{idx_prop}), measplanepos, 'nearest' );
+meshlines = mesh{idx_prop}(meshlines-1:meshlines+1); % get three lines (approx. at center)
+if direction == -1
+ meshlines = fliplr(meshlines);
+SL_w2 = interp1( mesh{idx_width}, 1:numel(mesh{idx_width}), (nstart(idx_width)+nstop(idx_width))/2, 'nearest' );
+SL_w2 = mesh{idx_width}(SL_w2); % get e-line at center of CPW (SL_width/2)
+v1_start(idx_prop) = meshlines(1);
+v1_start(idx_width) = (nstart(idx_width)+nstop(idx_width))/2;
+v1_start(idx_height) = start(idx_height);
+v1_stop = v1_start;
+v2_start = v1_start;
+v2_stop = v1_stop;
+v2_start(idx_prop) = meshlines(2);
+v2_stop(idx_prop) = meshlines(2);
+v3_start = v2_start;
+v3_stop = v2_stop;
+v3_start(idx_prop) = meshlines(3);
+v3_stop(idx_prop) = meshlines(3);
+width_add_start = [0 0 0];
+width_add_stop = [0 0 0];
+width_add_start(idx_width) = (nstop(idx_width)-nstart(idx_width))/2;
+width_add_stop(idx_width) = (nstop(idx_width)-nstart(idx_width))/2+gap_width;
+weight = 0.5;
+% create the voltage-probes
+port.U_filename{1,1} = [PortNamePrefix 'port_ut' num2str(portnr) 'A1'];
+CSX = AddProbe( CSX, port.U_filename{1,1}, 0, 'weight', -1*weight );
+CSX = AddBox( CSX, port.U_filename{1,1}, prio, v1_start-width_add_start, v1_stop-width_add_stop);
+port.U_filename{1,2} = [PortNamePrefix 'port_ut' num2str(portnr) 'A2'];
+CSX = AddProbe( CSX, port.U_filename{1,2}, 0, 'weight', weight );
+CSX = AddBox( CSX, port.U_filename{1,2}, prio, v1_start+width_add_start, v1_stop+width_add_stop);
+port.U_filename{2,1} = [PortNamePrefix 'port_ut' num2str(portnr) 'B1'];
+CSX = AddProbe( CSX, port.U_filename{2,1}, 0, 'weight', -1*weight );
+CSX = AddBox( CSX, port.U_filename{2,1}, prio, v2_start-width_add_start, v2_stop-width_add_stop );
+port.U_filename{2,2} = [PortNamePrefix 'port_ut' num2str(portnr) 'B2'];
+CSX = AddProbe( CSX, port.U_filename{2,2}, 0, 'weight', weight );
+CSX = AddBox( CSX, port.U_filename{2,2}, prio, v2_start+width_add_start, v2_stop+width_add_stop );
+port.U_filename{3,1} = [PortNamePrefix 'port_ut' num2str(portnr) 'C1'];
+CSX = AddProbe( CSX, port.U_filename{3,1}, 0, 'weight', -1*weight );
+CSX = AddBox( CSX, port.U_filename{3,1}, prio, v3_start-width_add_start, v3_stop-width_add_stop );
+port.U_filename{3,2} = [PortNamePrefix 'port_ut' num2str(portnr) 'C2'];
+CSX = AddProbe( CSX, port.U_filename{3,2}, 0, 'weight', weight );
+CSX = AddBox( CSX, port.U_filename{3,2}, prio, v3_start+width_add_start, v3_stop+width_add_stop );
+% calculate position of the current probes
+idx = interp1( mesh{idx_width}, 1:numel(mesh{idx_width}), nstart(idx_width), 'nearest' );
+i1_start(idx_width) = mesh{idx_width}(idx) - diff(mesh{idx_width}(idx-1:idx))/2;
+idx = interp1( mesh{idx_height}, 1:numel(mesh{idx_height}), start(idx_height), 'nearest' );
+i1_start(idx_height) = mesh{idx_height}(idx-1) - diff(mesh{idx_height}(idx-2:idx-1))/2;
+i1_stop(idx_height) = mesh{idx_height}(idx+1) + diff(mesh{idx_height}(idx+1:idx+2))/2;
+i1_start(idx_prop) = sum(meshlines(1:2))/2;
+i1_stop(idx_prop) = i1_start(idx_prop);
+idx = interp1( mesh{idx_width}, 1:numel(mesh{idx_width}), nstop(idx_width), 'nearest' );
+i1_stop(idx_width) = mesh{idx_width}(idx) + diff(mesh{idx_width}(idx:idx+1))/2;
+i2_start = i1_start;
+i2_stop = i1_stop;
+i2_start(idx_prop) = sum(meshlines(2:3))/2;
+i2_stop(idx_prop) = i2_start(idx_prop);
+% create the curr-probes
+weight = direction;
+port.I_filename{1} = [PortNamePrefix 'port_it' num2str(portnr) 'A'];
+CSX = AddProbe( CSX, port.I_filename{1}, 1, 'weight', weight );
+CSX = AddBox( CSX, port.I_filename{1}, prio, i1_start, i1_stop );
+port.I_filename{2} = [PortNamePrefix 'port_it' num2str(portnr) 'B'];
+CSX = AddProbe( CSX, port.I_filename{2}, 1,'weight', weight );
+CSX = AddBox( CSX, port.I_filename{2}, prio, i2_start, i2_stop );
+% create port structure
+port.LengthScale = 1;
+if ((CSX.ATTRIBUTE.CoordSystem==1) && (idx_prop==2))
+ port.LengthScale = SL_stop(idx_height);
+end = portnr;
+port.type = 'CPW';
+port.drawingunit = CSX.RectilinearGrid.ATTRIBUTE.DeltaUnit;
+port.v_delta = diff(meshlines)*port.LengthScale;
+port.i_delta = diff( meshlines(1:end-1) + diff(meshlines)/2 )*port.LengthScale;
+port.direction = direction;
+port.excite = 0;
+port.measplanepos = abs(v2_start(idx_prop) - start(idx_prop))*port.LengthScale;
+% port
+% create excitation (if enabled) and port resistance
+meshline = interp1( mesh{idx_prop}, 1:numel(mesh{idx_prop}), start(idx_prop) + feed_shift*direction, 'nearest' );
+ex_start(idx_prop) = mesh{idx_prop}(meshline) ;
+ex_start(idx_width) = (nstart(idx_width)+nstop(idx_width))/2;
+ex_start(idx_height) = nstart(idx_height);
+ex_stop(idx_prop) = ex_start(idx_prop);
+ex_stop(idx_width) = (nstart(idx_width)+nstop(idx_width))/2;
+ex_stop(idx_height) = nstop(idx_height);
+port.excite = 0;
+if excite
+ port.excite = 1;
+ CSX = AddExcitation( CSX, [PortNamePrefix 'port_excite_1_' num2str(portnr)], 0, evec, excite_args{:} );
+ CSX = AddBox( CSX, [PortNamePrefix 'port_excite_1_' num2str(portnr)], prio, ex_start-width_add_start, ex_stop-width_add_stop );
+ CSX = AddExcitation( CSX, [PortNamePrefix 'port_excite_2_' num2str(portnr)], 0, -evec, excite_args{:} );
+ CSX = AddBox( CSX, [PortNamePrefix 'port_excite_2_' num2str(portnr)], prio, ex_start+width_add_start, ex_stop+width_add_stop );
+%% CPW resitance at start of CPW line
+ex_start(idx_prop) = start(idx_prop);
+ex_stop(idx_prop) = ex_start(idx_prop);
+if (feed_R > 0) && ~isinf(feed_R)
+ CSX = AddLumpedElement( CSX, [PortNamePrefix 'port_resist_' int2str(portnr)], idx_width-1, 'R', 2*feed_R );
+ CSX = AddBox( CSX, [PortNamePrefix 'port_resist_' int2str(portnr)], prio, ex_start-width_add_start, ex_stop-width_add_stop );
+ CSX = AddBox( CSX, [PortNamePrefix 'port_resist_' int2str(portnr)], prio, ex_start+width_add_start, ex_stop+width_add_stop );
+elseif isinf(feed_R)
+ % do nothing --> open port
+elseif feed_R == 0
+ %port "resistance" as metal
+ CSX = AddBox( CSX, materialname, prio, ex_start-width_add_start, ex_stop-width_add_stop );
+ CSX = AddBox( CSX, materialname, prio, ex_start+width_add_start, ex_stop+width_add_stop );
+ error('openEMS:AddCPWPort','CPW port with resitance <= 0 it not possible');