path: root/openEMS/matlab/FindFreeSSH.m
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diff --git a/openEMS/matlab/FindFreeSSH.m b/openEMS/matlab/FindFreeSSH.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8fd6c22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openEMS/matlab/FindFreeSSH.m
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+function host = FindFreeSSH(host_list, Settings, wait_time, command)
+% function host = FindFreeSSH(host_list, Settings, wait_time, command)
+% Find a free ssh host not running openEMS
+% internal function used by RunOpenEMS
+% host_list: give a list of possible host
+% wait_time: wait x seconds after not finding a free host and rechecking
+% default: 600 seconds
+% command: unix command to check for free host (empty result --> free)
+% default: 'ps -e | grep openEMS'
+% See also RunOpenEMS
+% openEMS matlab interface
+% -----------------------
+% author: Thorsten Liebig
+if (nargin<4)
+ % command which should return an empty string if host is available
+ command = 'ps -e | grep openEMS';
+% 10 seconds ssh timeout
+time_out = 10;
+if (nargin<3)
+ wait_time = 600;
+if ~isunix
+ ssh_command = [Settings.SSH.Putty.Path '/plink '];
+ ssh_options = [' -i ' Settings.SSH.Putty.Key];
+ command = ['"' command '"'];
+ ssh_command = 'ssh';
+ ssh_options = ['-o ConnectTimeout=' num2str(time_out)];
+ command = ['''' command ''''];
+if ischar(host_list)
+ fid=fopen(host_list);
+ if (fid==-1)
+ error('FindFreeSSH: cant open host file');
+ end
+ clear host_list;
+ host_list = {};
+ while 1
+ line = fgetl(fid);
+ if ischar(line)
+ host_list{end+1} = line;
+ else
+ break;
+ end
+ end
+ fclose(fid);
+elseif ~iscell(host_list)
+ error('FindFreeSSH: unknown host list format');
+while 1
+ for n = 1:numel(host_list)
+ host = host_list{n};
+ [status, result] = unix([ssh_command ' ' ssh_options ' ' host ' ' command ]);
+ if (isempty(result) && status==1)
+ disp(['FindFreeSSH:: found a free host: ' host ]);
+ return
+ elseif (~isempty(result) && status==0)
+ disp(['FindFreeSSH:: ' host ' is busy running openEMS ... ' ]);
+ else
+ disp(['FindFreeSSH:: shh connection to ' host ' failed ... ' ]);
+ end
+ end
+ host = '';
+ if (wait_time<=0)
+ warning('openEMS:FindFreeSSH',' unable to find a free host ');
+ return
+ end
+ disp([' no free host found waiting for ' num2str(wait_time) ' seconds ... '])
+ pause(wait_time)
+end \ No newline at end of file