/* * Copyright (C) 2008-2012 Thorsten Liebig (Thorsten.Liebig@gmx.de) * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #pragma once #include "CSPrimitives.h" //! Cylinder Primitive /*! This is a cylindrical primitive defined by its axis start-, end-coordinates and a radius. */ class CSXCAD_EXPORT CSPrimCylinder : public CSPrimitives { public: CSPrimCylinder(ParameterSet* paraSet, CSProperties* prop); CSPrimCylinder(CSPrimCylinder* cylinder, CSProperties *prop=NULL); CSPrimCylinder(unsigned int ID, ParameterSet* paraSet, CSProperties* prop); virtual ~CSPrimCylinder(); virtual CSPrimitives* GetCopy(CSProperties *prop=NULL) {return new CSPrimCylinder(this,prop);} void SetCoord(int index, double val) {if ((index>=0) && (index<6)) m_AxisCoords[index%2].SetValue(index/2,val);} void SetCoord(int index, const char* val) {if ((index>=0) && (index<6)) m_AxisCoords[index%2].SetValue(index/2,val);} void SetCoord(int index, std::string val) {if ((index>=0) && (index<6)) m_AxisCoords[index%2].SetValue(index/2,val);} double GetCoord(int index) {if ((index>=0) && (index<6)) return m_AxisCoords[index%2].GetValue(index/2); else return 0;} ParameterScalar* GetCoordPS(int index) {if ((index>=0) && (index<6)) return m_AxisCoords[index%2].GetCoordPS(index/2); else return NULL;} ParameterCoord* GetAxisStartCoord() {return &m_AxisCoords[0];} ParameterCoord* GetAxisStopCoord() {return &m_AxisCoords[1];} void SetRadius(double val) {psRadius.SetValue(val);} void SetRadius(const char* val) {psRadius.SetValue(val);} double GetRadius() {return psRadius.GetValue();} ParameterScalar* GetRadiusPS() {return &psRadius;} virtual bool GetBoundBox(double dBoundBox[6], bool PreserveOrientation=false); virtual bool IsInside(const double* Coord, double tol=0); virtual bool Update(std::string *ErrStr=NULL); virtual bool Write2XML(TiXmlElement &elem, bool parameterised=true); virtual bool ReadFromXML(TiXmlNode &root); virtual void ShowPrimitiveStatus(std::ostream& stream); protected: ParameterCoord m_AxisCoords[2]; ParameterScalar psRadius; };