/* * Copyright (C) 2011 Thorsten Liebig (Thorsten.Liebig@gmx.de) * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "CSTransform.h" #include "CSUseful.h" #include "tinyxml.h" #include #include #include "vtkMatrix4x4.h" #define PI 3.141592653589793238462643383279 CSTransform::CSTransform() { Reset(); SetParameterSet(NULL); } CSTransform::CSTransform(CSTransform* transform) { if (transform==NULL) { Reset(); SetParameterSet(NULL); return; } m_PostMultiply = transform->m_PostMultiply; m_AngleRadian = transform->m_AngleRadian; m_TransformList = transform->m_TransformList; m_TransformArguments = transform->m_TransformArguments; SetParameterSet(transform->m_ParaSet); for (int n=0;n<16;++n) { m_TMatrix[n] = transform->m_TMatrix[n]; m_Inv_TMatrix[n] = transform->m_Inv_TMatrix[n]; } } CSTransform::CSTransform(ParameterSet* paraSet) { Reset(); SetParameterSet(paraSet); } CSTransform::~CSTransform() { } void CSTransform::Reset() { m_PostMultiply = true; m_AngleRadian=true; m_TransformList.clear(); m_TransformArguments.clear(); MakeUnitMatrix(m_TMatrix); MakeUnitMatrix(m_Inv_TMatrix); } void CSTransform::Invert() { //make sure the inverse matrix is up to date... UpdateInverse(); //switch matrices double help; for (int n=0;n<16;++n) { help = m_TMatrix[n]; m_TMatrix[n] = m_Inv_TMatrix[n]; m_Inv_TMatrix[n]=help; } } void CSTransform::UpdateInverse() { // use vtk to do the matrix inversion vtkMatrix4x4::Invert(m_TMatrix, m_Inv_TMatrix); } double* CSTransform::Transform(const double inCoords[3], double outCoords[3]) const { double coords[4] = {inCoords[0],inCoords[1],inCoords[2],1}; for (int m=0;m<3;++m) { outCoords[m] = 0; for (int n=0;n<4;++n) { outCoords[m] += m_TMatrix[4*m+n]*coords[n]; } } return outCoords; } double* CSTransform::InvertTransform(const double inCoords[3], double outCoords[3]) const { double coords[4] = {inCoords[0],inCoords[1],inCoords[2],1}; for (int m=0;m<3;++m) { outCoords[m] = 0; for (int n=0;n<4;++n) { outCoords[m] += m_Inv_TMatrix[4*m+n]*coords[n]; } } return outCoords; } void CSTransform::SetMatrix(const double matrix[16], bool concatenate) { ApplyMatrix(matrix,concatenate); AppendList(MATRIX,matrix,16); } bool CSTransform::SetMatrix(std::string matrix, bool concatenate) { std::vector mat_vec = SplitString2Vector(matrix, ','); ParameterScalar ps_matrix[16]; double d_matrix[16]; if (mat_vec.size()>16) std::cerr << "CSTransform::SetMatrix: Warning: Number of arguments for operation: \"Matrix\" with arguments: \"" << matrix << "\" is larger than expected, skipping unneeded! " << std::endl; else if (mat_vec.size()<16) { std::cerr << "CSTransform::SetMatrix: Error: Number of arguments for operation: \"Matrix\" with arguments: \"" << matrix << "\" is invalid! Skipping" << std::endl; return false; } for (int n=0;n<16;++n) { ps_matrix[n].SetParameterSet(m_ParaSet); ps_matrix[n].SetValue(mat_vec.at(n)); int EC = ps_matrix[n].Evaluate(); if (EC!=0) return false; d_matrix[n]=ps_matrix[n].GetValue(); } ApplyMatrix(d_matrix,concatenate); AppendList(MATRIX,ps_matrix,16); return true; } bool CSTransform::TranslateMatrix(double matrix[16], const double translate[3]) { MakeUnitMatrix(matrix); //put translate vector into the last column for (int n=0;n<3;++n) matrix[4*n+3] = translate[n]; return true; } void CSTransform::Translate(const double translate[3], bool concatenate) { double matrix[16]; if (TranslateMatrix(matrix, translate)==false) return; ApplyMatrix(matrix,concatenate); AppendList(TRANSLATE,translate,3); } bool CSTransform::Translate(std::string translate, bool concatenate) { double matrix[16]; std::vector tl_vec = SplitString2Vector(translate, ','); ParameterScalar ps_translate[3]; double tl_double_vec[3]; if (tl_vec.size()>3) std::cerr << "CSTransform::Translate: Warning: Number of arguments for operation: \"Translate\" with arguments: \"" << translate << "\" is larger than expected, skipping unneeded! " << std::endl; else if (tl_vec.size()<3) { std::cerr << "CSTransform::Translate: Error: Number of arguments for operation: \"Translate\" with arguments: \"" << translate << "\" is invalid! Skipping" << std::endl; return false; } for (int n=0;n<3;++n) { ps_translate[n].SetParameterSet(m_ParaSet); ps_translate[n].SetValue(tl_vec.at(n)); int EC = ps_translate[n].Evaluate(); if (EC!=0) return false; tl_double_vec[n]=ps_translate[n].GetValue(); } if (TranslateMatrix(matrix, tl_double_vec)==false) return false; ApplyMatrix(matrix,concatenate); AppendList(TRANSLATE,ps_translate,3); return true; } bool CSTransform::RotateOriginMatrix(double matrix[16], const double XYZ_A[4]) { double length = sqrt(XYZ_A[0]*XYZ_A[0]+XYZ_A[1]*XYZ_A[1]+XYZ_A[2]*XYZ_A[2]); if (length==0) { std::cerr << "CSTransform::RotateOriginVector: Warning: vector length is zero! skipping" << std::endl; return false; } for (int n=0;n<16;++n) matrix[n]=0; matrix[15] = 1; double angle = XYZ_A[3]; if (m_AngleRadian==false) angle *= PI/180; double unit_vec[3] = {XYZ_A[0]/length,XYZ_A[1]/length,XYZ_A[2]/length}; for (int n=0;n<3;++n) { int nP = (n+1)%3; int nM = (n+2)%3; //diagonal matrix[4*n+n] += unit_vec[n]*unit_vec[n]+(1-unit_vec[n]*unit_vec[n])*cos(angle); //diagonal + 1 matrix[4*n+nP] += unit_vec[n]*unit_vec[nP]*(1-cos(angle))-unit_vec[nM]*sin(angle); //diagonal + 2 matrix[4*n+nM] += unit_vec[n]*unit_vec[nM]*(1-cos(angle))+unit_vec[nP]*sin(angle); } return true; } void CSTransform::RotateOrigin(const double vector[3], double angle, bool concatenate) { double XYZ_A[4]={vector[0],vector[1],vector[2],angle}; double matrix[16]; if (RotateOriginMatrix(matrix, XYZ_A)==false) return; ApplyMatrix(matrix,concatenate); AppendList(ROTATE_ORIGIN,XYZ_A,4); } bool CSTransform::RotateOrigin(std::string XYZ_A, bool concatenate) { double matrix[16]; std::vector rot_vec = SplitString2Vector(XYZ_A, ','); ParameterScalar ps_rotate[4]; double rot_double_vec[4]; if (rot_vec.size()>4) std::cerr << "CSTransform::RotateOrigin: Warning: Number of arguments for operation: \"RotateOrigin\" with arguments: \"" << XYZ_A << "\" is larger than expected, skipping unneeded! " << std::endl; else if (rot_vec.size()<4) { std::cerr << "CSTransform::RotateOrigin: Error: Number of arguments for operation: \"RotateOrigin\" with arguments: \"" << XYZ_A << "\" is invalid! Skipping" << std::endl; return false; } for (int n=0;n<4;++n) { ps_rotate[n].SetParameterSet(m_ParaSet); ps_rotate[n].SetValue(rot_vec.at(n)); int EC = ps_rotate[n].Evaluate(); if (EC!=0) return false; rot_double_vec[n]=ps_rotate[n].GetValue(); } if (RotateOriginMatrix(matrix, rot_double_vec)==false) return false; ApplyMatrix(matrix,concatenate); AppendList(ROTATE_ORIGIN,ps_rotate,4); return true; } void CSTransform::RotateXYZ(int dir, double angle, bool concatenate) { if ((dir<0) || (dir>3)) return; double vec[4]={0,0,0,angle}; vec[dir] = 1; double matrix[16]; if (RotateOriginMatrix(matrix, vec)==false) return; ApplyMatrix(matrix,concatenate); TransformType type = (TransformType)((int)ROTATE_X + dir); AppendList(type,&angle,1); } bool CSTransform::RotateXYZ(int dir, std::string angle, bool concatenate) { if ((dir<0) || (dir>3)) return false; ParameterScalar ps_angle(m_ParaSet, angle); int EC = ps_angle.Evaluate(); if (EC!=0) return false; double vec[4]={0,0,0,ps_angle.GetValue()}; vec[dir] = 1; double matrix[16]; if (RotateOriginMatrix(matrix, vec)==false) return false; ApplyMatrix(matrix,concatenate); TransformType type = (TransformType)((int)ROTATE_X + dir); AppendList(type,&ps_angle,1); return true; } void CSTransform::RotateX(double angle, bool concatenate) { return RotateXYZ(0,angle,concatenate); } bool CSTransform::RotateX(std::string angle, bool concatenate) { return RotateXYZ(0,angle,concatenate); } void CSTransform::RotateY(double angle, bool concatenate) { return RotateXYZ(1,angle,concatenate); } bool CSTransform::RotateY(std::string angle, bool concatenate) { return RotateXYZ(1,angle,concatenate); } void CSTransform::RotateZ(double angle, bool concatenate) { return RotateXYZ(2,angle,concatenate); } bool CSTransform::RotateZ(std::string angle, bool concatenate) { return RotateXYZ(2,angle,concatenate); } bool CSTransform::ScaleMatrix(double matrix[16], double scale) { MakeUnitMatrix(matrix); for (int n=0;n<3;++n) matrix[4*n+n] = scale; return true; } bool CSTransform::ScaleMatrix(double matrix[16], const double scale[3]) { MakeUnitMatrix(matrix); for (int n=0;n<3;++n) matrix[4*n+n] = scale[n]; return true; } void CSTransform::Scale(double scale, bool concatenate) { double matrix[16]; if (ScaleMatrix(matrix, scale)==false) return; ApplyMatrix(matrix,concatenate); AppendList(SCALE,&scale,1); } void CSTransform::Scale(const double scale[3], bool concatenate) { double matrix[16]; if (ScaleMatrix(matrix, scale)==false) return; ApplyMatrix(matrix,concatenate); AppendList(SCALE3,scale,3); } bool CSTransform::Scale(std::string scale, bool concatenate) { double matrix[16]; std::vector scale_vec = SplitString2Vector(scale, ','); if ((scale_vec.size()>1) && (scale_vec.size()!=3)) std::cerr << "CSTransform::Scale: Warning: Number of arguments for operation: \"Scale\" with arguments: \"" << scale << "\" is larger than expected, skipping unneeded! " << std::endl; else if (scale_vec.size()<1) { std::cerr << "CSTransform::Scale: Error: Number of arguments for operation: \"Scale\" with arguments: \"" << scale << "\" is invalid! Skipping" << std::endl; return false; } if (scale_vec.size()>=3) { ParameterScalar ps_scale[3]; double scale_double_vec[3]; for (int n=0;n<3;++n) { ps_scale[n].SetParameterSet(m_ParaSet); ps_scale[n].SetValue(scale_vec.at(n)); int EC = ps_scale[n].Evaluate(); if (EC!=0) return false; scale_double_vec[n]=ps_scale[n].GetValue(); } if (ScaleMatrix(matrix, scale_double_vec)==false) return false; ApplyMatrix(matrix,concatenate); AppendList(SCALE3,ps_scale,3); return true; } if(scale_vec.size()>=1) { ParameterScalar ps_scale(m_ParaSet, scale); int EC = ps_scale.Evaluate(); if (EC!=0) return false; if (ScaleMatrix(matrix, ps_scale.GetValue())==false) return false; ApplyMatrix(matrix,concatenate); AppendList(SCALE,&ps_scale,1); return true; } std::cerr << "CSTransform::Scale: Error: Number of arguments for operation: \"Scale\" with arguments: \"" << scale << "\" is invalid! Skipping" << std::endl; return false; } void CSTransform::ApplyMatrix(const double matrix[16], bool concatenate) { if (concatenate) { double new_matrix[16]; for (int n=0;n<16;++n) new_matrix[n]=0; for (int n=0;n<4;++n) for (int m=0;m<4;++m) { for (int k=0;k<4;++k) if (m_PostMultiply) new_matrix[4*m+n] += matrix[4*m+k]*m_TMatrix[4*k+n]; else new_matrix[4*m+n] += m_TMatrix[4*m+k]*matrix[4*k+n]; } for (int n=0;n<16;++n) m_TMatrix[n]=new_matrix[n]; } else { m_TransformList.clear(); m_TransformArguments.clear(); for (int n=0;n<16;++n) m_TMatrix[n]=matrix[n]; } UpdateInverse(); } bool CSTransform::TransformByString(std::string operation, std::string argument, bool concatenate) { unsigned int numArgs; int type = GetTypeByName(operation, numArgs); if (type<0) { std::cerr << "CSTransform::TransformByString: Error, unknown transformation: \"" << operation << "\"" << std::endl; return false; } return TransformByType((TransformType)type, argument, concatenate); } void CSTransform::TransformByType(TransformType type, std::vector args, bool concatenate) { unsigned int numArgs = args.size(); double arguments[numArgs]; for (unsigned int n=0;n argument; for (size_t n=0;n argument; for (size_t n=0;nInsertEndChild(Transform); return true; } bool CSTransform::ReadFromXML(TiXmlNode* root) { TiXmlElement* prop=root->FirstChildElement("Transformation"); if (prop==NULL) return false; TiXmlElement* PropNode = prop->FirstChildElement(); while (PropNode!=NULL) { std::string argument(PropNode->Attribute("Argument")); if (TransformByString(PropNode->Value(),argument,true)==false) std::cerr << "CSTransform::ReadFromXML: Warning: Reading of \"" << PropNode->Value() << "\" with arguments: \"" << argument << "\" failed." << std::endl; PropNode=PropNode->NextSiblingElement(); } return true; } CSTransform* CSTransform::New(TiXmlNode* root, ParameterSet* paraSet) { CSTransform* newCST = new CSTransform(paraSet); if (newCST->ReadFromXML(root)) return newCST; delete newCST; return NULL; } CSTransform* CSTransform::New(CSTransform* cst, ParameterSet* paraSet) { if (cst==NULL) return NULL; CSTransform* newCST = new CSTransform(cst); if (paraSet) newCST->SetParameterSet(paraSet); return newCST; }