function [I_port I_orig_port] = ApplyCurrent2Port(net, port, current, varargin) % function I_port = ApplyCurrent2Port(net, port, current, varargin) % % Apply a total current to a given port of your network % % arguments: % port: number of ports to apply the power to % current: applied total current % % output: % I_port: Total currents going into the ports % % See also: InitNetwork, SetPortTermination, AddElement2Port, % ApplyRFPower2Port % % ------ % Cuicuit Toolbox ( % (c) Thorsten Liebig, 2013 if (numel(port)>1) I_port = zeros(net.numPorts,net.numFreq); I_orig_port = zeros(net.numPorts,net.numFreq); for n=1:numel(port) [I_p I_op] = ApplyCurrent2Port(net, port(n), current(n), varargin{:}); I_port = I_port + I_p; I_orig_port = I_orig_port + I_op; end return end if ((port<1) || (port>net.numPorts)) error 'invalid port number' end if (numel(current)==1) current = current*ones(size(net.f)) end if (numel(net.Z0)==1) Z0 = net.Z0*ones(net.numPorts,1); else Z0 = net.Z0; end z_term = net.z; for n=1:net.numPorts z_term(n,n,:) = z_term(n,n,:) + Z0(n); end z_mat = z_term; z_mat(port,:,:) = []; z_mat(:,port,:) = []; port_other = 1:net.numPorts; port_other(port) = []; I_port(port,:) = current; for fn = 1:numel(net.f) z_port_vec = -1*squeeze(z_term(port_other,port,fn)); I_port(port_other,fn) = squeeze(z_mat(:,:,fn))\z_port_vec * current(fn); end I_orig_port=I_port*0; for n=1:net.numPorts C = reshape(net.ABCD{n}(2,1,:),1,numel(net.f)); D = reshape(net.ABCD{n}(2,2,:),1,numel(net.f)); I_orig_port(n,:) = (Z0(n)*C + D) .* I_port(n,:); end