function y = s2y(s,ref) % y = s2y(s [,ref]) % % Scattering to Y transformation % % input: % s: S-matrix matrix nxnxf (f: number of frequencies) % ref: (optional) reference impedance (default 50 Ohm) % % output: % y: Y-matrix nxnxf % % Reference: % % Thorsten Liebig % Feb. 2013 if nargin < 2 Z0 = 50; else Z0 = ref; end N = size(s,1); Nf = size(s,3); if (numel(Z0)==1) Z0 = Z0*ones(N,1); end E = eye(N); Zref = zeros(N,N); G = Zref; for n=1:N Zref(n,n) = Z0(n); G(n,n) = 1/sqrt(real(Z0(n))); end y=zeros(N,N,Nf); %preallocate for f=1:Nf y(:,:,f) = G\(Zref\((s(:,:,f)+E)\(E-s(:,:,f))))*G; end