/* * Copyright (C) 2010 Thorsten Liebig (Thorsten.Liebig@gmx.de) * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "operator_ext_upml.h" #include "FDTD/operator_cylindermultigrid.h" #include "engine_ext_upml.h" #include "tools/array_ops.h" #include "fparser.hh" using namespace std; Operator_Ext_UPML::Operator_Ext_UPML(Operator* op) : Operator_Extension(op) { m_GradingFunction = new FunctionParser(); //default grading function SetGradingFunction(" -log(1e-6)*log(2.5)/(2*dl*Z*(pow(2.5,W/dl)-1)) * pow(2.5, D/dl) "); for (int n=0; n<6; ++n) { m_BC[n]=0; m_Size[n]=0; } for (int n=0; n<3; ++n) { m_StartPos[n]=0; m_numLines[n]=0; } vv = NULL; vvfo = NULL; vvfn = NULL; ii = NULL; iifo = NULL; iifn = NULL; } Operator_Ext_UPML::~Operator_Ext_UPML() { delete m_GradingFunction; m_GradingFunction = NULL; DeleteOp(); } void Operator_Ext_UPML::SetBoundaryCondition(const int* BCs, const unsigned int size[6]) { for (int n=0; n<6; ++n) { m_BC[n]=BCs[n]; m_Size[n]=size[n]; } } void Operator_Ext_UPML::SetRange(const unsigned int start[3], const unsigned int stop[3]) { for (int n=0; n<3; ++n) { m_StartPos[n]=start[n]; m_numLines[n]=stop[n]-start[n]+1; } } bool Operator_Ext_UPML::Create_UPML(Operator* op, const int ui_BC[6], const unsigned int ui_size[6], string gradFunc) { int BC[6]={ui_BC[0],ui_BC[1],ui_BC[2],ui_BC[3],ui_BC[4],ui_BC[5]}; unsigned int size[6]={ui_size[0],ui_size[1],ui_size[2],ui_size[3],ui_size[4],ui_size[5]}; //check if mesh is large enough to support the pml for (int n=0; n<3; ++n) if ( (size[2*n]*(BC[2*n]==3)+size[2*n+1]*(BC[2*n+1]==3)) >= op->GetNumberOfLines(n,true) ) { cerr << "Operator_Ext_UPML::Create_UPML: Warning: Not enough lines in direction: " << n << ", resetting to PEC" << endl; BC[2*n]=0; size[2*n]=0; BC[2*n+1]=0; size[2*n+1]=0; } //check cylindrical coord compatiblility Operator_Cylinder* op_cyl = dynamic_cast(op); if (op_cyl) { if ((BC[0]==3) && (op_cyl->GetClosedAlpha() || op_cyl->GetR0Included())) { BC[0]=0; size[0]=0; cerr << "Operator_Ext_UPML::Create_UPML: Warning: An upml in r-min direction is not possible, resetting to PEC..." << endl; } if ( (BC[2]==3) && (op_cyl->GetClosedAlpha()) ) { BC[2]=0; size[2]=0; cerr << "Operator_Ext_UPML::Create_UPML: Warning: An upml in alpha-min direction is not possible, resetting to PEC..." << endl; } if ( (BC[3]==3) && (op_cyl->GetClosedAlpha()) ) { BC[3]=0; size[3]=0; cerr << "Operator_Ext_UPML::Create_UPML: Warning: An upml in alpha-max direction is not possible, resetting to PEC..." << endl; } } //check cylindrical coord compatiblility if (dynamic_cast(op)) { if (BC[2]==3) { BC[2]=0; size[2]=0; cerr << "Operator_Ext_UPML::Create_UPML: Warning: An upml in alpha direction is not possible for a cylindrical multi-grid, resetting to PEC..." << endl; } if (BC[3]==3) { BC[3]=0; size[3]=0; cerr << "Operator_Ext_UPML::Create_UPML: Warning: An upml in alpha direction is not possible for a cylindrical multi-grid, resetting to PEC..." << endl; } } Operator_Ext_UPML* op_ext_upml=NULL; unsigned int start[3]={0 ,0 ,0}; unsigned int stop[3] ={op->GetNumberOfLines(0,true)-1,op->GetNumberOfLines(1,true)-1,op->GetNumberOfLines(2,true)-1}; //create a pml in x-direction over the full width of yz-space if (BC[0]==3) { op_ext_upml = new Operator_Ext_UPML(op); op_ext_upml->SetGradingFunction(gradFunc); start[0]=0; stop[0] =size[0]; op_ext_upml->SetBoundaryCondition(BC, size); op_ext_upml->SetRange(start,stop); op->AddExtension(op_ext_upml); } if (BC[1]==3) { op_ext_upml = new Operator_Ext_UPML(op); op_ext_upml->SetGradingFunction(gradFunc); start[0]=op->GetNumberOfLines(0,true)-1-size[1]; stop[0] =op->GetNumberOfLines(0,true)-1; op_ext_upml->SetBoundaryCondition(BC, size); op_ext_upml->SetRange(start,stop); op->AddExtension(op_ext_upml); } //create a pml in y-direction over the xz-space (if a pml in x-direction already exists, skip that corner regions) start[0]=(size[0]+1)*(BC[0]==3); stop[0] =op->GetNumberOfLines(0,true)-1-(size[0]+1)*(BC[1]==3); if (BC[2]==3) { op_ext_upml = new Operator_Ext_UPML(op); op_ext_upml->SetGradingFunction(gradFunc); start[1]=0; stop[1] =size[2]; op_ext_upml->SetBoundaryCondition(BC, size); op_ext_upml->SetRange(start,stop); op->AddExtension(op_ext_upml); } if (BC[3]==3) { op_ext_upml = new Operator_Ext_UPML(op); op_ext_upml->SetGradingFunction(gradFunc); start[1]=op->GetNumberOfLines(1,true)-1-size[3]; stop[1] =op->GetNumberOfLines(1,true)-1; op_ext_upml->SetBoundaryCondition(BC, size); op_ext_upml->SetRange(start,stop); op->AddExtension(op_ext_upml); } //create a pml in z-direction over the xy-space (if a pml in x- and/or y-direction already exists, skip that corner/edge regions) start[1]=(size[2]+1)*(BC[2]==3); stop[1] =op->GetNumberOfLines(1,true)-1-(size[3]+1)*(BC[3]==3); //exclude x-lines that does not belong to the base multi-grid operator; Operator_CylinderMultiGrid* op_cyl_MG = dynamic_cast(op); if (op_cyl_MG) start[0] = op_cyl_MG->GetSplitPos()-1; if (BC[4]==3) { op_ext_upml = new Operator_Ext_UPML(op); op_ext_upml->SetGradingFunction(gradFunc); start[2]=0; stop[2] =size[4]; op_ext_upml->SetBoundaryCondition(BC, size); op_ext_upml->SetRange(start,stop); op->AddExtension(op_ext_upml); } if (BC[5]==3) { op_ext_upml = new Operator_Ext_UPML(op); op_ext_upml->SetGradingFunction(gradFunc); start[2]=op->GetNumberOfLines(2,true)-1-size[5]; stop[2] =op->GetNumberOfLines(2,true)-1; op_ext_upml->SetBoundaryCondition(BC, size); op_ext_upml->SetRange(start,stop); op->AddExtension(op_ext_upml); } BC[1]=0; size[1]=0; //create pml extensions (in z-direction only) for child operators in cylindrical multigrid operators while (op_cyl_MG) { Operator_Cylinder* op_child = op_cyl_MG->GetInnerOperator(); op_cyl_MG = dynamic_cast(op_child); for (int n=0; n<2; ++n) { start[n]=0; stop[n]=op_child->GetNumberOfLines(n,true)-1; } if (op_cyl_MG) start[0] = op_cyl_MG->GetSplitPos()-1; if (BC[4]==3) { op_ext_upml = new Operator_Ext_UPML(op_child); op_ext_upml->SetGradingFunction(gradFunc); start[2]=0; stop[2] =size[4]; op_ext_upml->SetBoundaryCondition(BC, size); op_ext_upml->SetRange(start,stop); op_child->AddExtension(op_ext_upml); } if (BC[5]==3) { op_ext_upml = new Operator_Ext_UPML(op_child); op_ext_upml->SetGradingFunction(gradFunc); start[2]=op->GetNumberOfLines(2,true)-1-size[5]; stop[2] =op->GetNumberOfLines(2,true)-1; op_ext_upml->SetBoundaryCondition(BC, size); op_ext_upml->SetRange(start,stop); op_child->AddExtension(op_ext_upml); } } return true; } void Operator_Ext_UPML::DeleteOp() { Delete_N_3DArray(vv,m_numLines); vv = NULL; Delete_N_3DArray(vvfo,m_numLines); vvfo = NULL; Delete_N_3DArray(vvfn,m_numLines); vvfn = NULL; Delete_N_3DArray(ii,m_numLines); ii = NULL; Delete_N_3DArray(iifo,m_numLines); iifo = NULL; Delete_N_3DArray(iifn,m_numLines); iifn = NULL; } bool Operator_Ext_UPML::SetGradingFunction(string func) { if (func.empty()) return true; m_GradFunc = func; int res = m_GradingFunction->Parse(m_GradFunc.c_str(), "D,dl,W,Z,N"); if (res < 0) return true; cerr << "Operator_Ext_UPML::SetGradingFunction: Warning, an error occured parsing the pml grading function (see below) ..." << endl; cerr << func << "\n" << string(res, ' ') << "^\n" << m_GradingFunction->ErrorMsg() << "\n"; return false; } void Operator_Ext_UPML::CalcGradingKappa(int ny, unsigned int pos[3], double Zm, double kappa_v[3], double kappa_i[3]) { double depth=0; double width=0; for (int n=0; n<3; ++n) { if ((pos[n] <= m_Size[2*n]) && (m_BC[2*n]==3)) //lower pml in n-dir { width = (m_Op->GetDiscLine(n,m_Size[2*n]) - m_Op->GetDiscLine(n,0))*m_Op->GetGridDelta(); depth = width - (m_Op->GetDiscLine(n,pos[n]) - m_Op->GetDiscLine(n,0))*m_Op->GetGridDelta(); if ((m_Op_Cyl) && (n==1)) { width *= m_Op_Cyl->GetDiscLine(0,pos[0]); depth *= m_Op_Cyl->GetDiscLine(0,pos[0]); } if (n==ny) depth-=m_Op->GetEdgeLength(n,pos)/2; double vars[5] = {depth, width/m_Size[2*n], width, Zm, (double)m_Size[2*n]}; if (depth>0) kappa_v[n] = m_GradingFunction->Eval(vars); else kappa_v[n]=0; if (n==ny) depth+=m_Op->GetEdgeLength(n,pos)/2; if (n!=ny) depth-=m_Op->GetEdgeLength(n,pos)/2; if (depth<0) depth=0; vars[0]=depth; if (depth>0) kappa_i[n] = m_GradingFunction->Eval(vars); else kappa_i[n] = 0; } else if ((pos[n] >= m_Op->GetNumberOfLines(n,true) -1 -m_Size[2*n+1]) && (m_BC[2*n+1]==3)) //upper pml in n-dir { width = (m_Op->GetDiscLine(n,m_Op->GetNumberOfLines(n,true)-1) - m_Op->GetDiscLine(n,m_Op->GetNumberOfLines(n,true)-m_Size[2*n+1]-1))*m_Op->GetGridDelta(); depth = width - (m_Op->GetDiscLine(n,m_Op->GetNumberOfLines(n,true)-1) - m_Op->GetDiscLine(n,pos[n]))*m_Op->GetGridDelta(); if ((m_Op_Cyl) && (n==1)) { width *= m_Op_Cyl->GetDiscLine(0,pos[0]); depth *= m_Op_Cyl->GetDiscLine(0,pos[0]); } if (n==ny) depth+=m_Op->GetEdgeLength(n,pos)/2; double vars[5] = {depth, width/(m_Size[2*n]), width, Zm, (double)m_Size[2*n]}; if (depth>0) kappa_v[n] = m_GradingFunction->Eval(vars); else kappa_v[n]=0; if (n==ny) depth-=m_Op->GetEdgeLength(n,pos)/2; if (n!=ny) depth+=m_Op->GetEdgeLength(n,pos)/2; if (depth>width) depth=0; vars[0]=depth; if (depth>0) kappa_i[n] = m_GradingFunction->Eval(vars); else kappa_i[n]=0; } else { kappa_v[n] = 0; kappa_i[n] = 0; } } } bool Operator_Ext_UPML::BuildExtension() { /*Calculate the upml coefficients as defined in: Allen Taflove, computational electrodynamics - the FDTD method, third edition, chapter 7.8, pages 297-300 - modified by Thorsten Liebig to match the equivalent circuit (EC) FDTD method - kappa is used for conductivities (instead of sigma) */ if (m_Op==NULL) return false; DeleteOp(); vv = Create_N_3DArray(m_numLines); vvfo = Create_N_3DArray(m_numLines); vvfn = Create_N_3DArray(m_numLines); ii = Create_N_3DArray(m_numLines); iifo = Create_N_3DArray(m_numLines); iifn = Create_N_3DArray(m_numLines); unsigned int pos[3]; unsigned int loc_pos[3]; int nP,nPP; double kappa_v[3]={0,0,0}; double kappa_i[3]={0,0,0}; double eff_Mat[4]; double dT = m_Op->GetTimestep(); for (loc_pos[0]=0; loc_pos[0] vPrims = m_Op->GetPrimitivesBoundBox(pos[0], pos[1], -1, CSProperties::MATERIAL); for (loc_pos[2]=0; loc_pos[2]Calc_EffMatPos(n,pos,eff_Mat,vPrims); CalcGradingKappa(n, pos,__Z0__ ,kappa_v ,kappa_i); nP = (n+1)%3; nPP = (n+2)%3; if ((kappa_v[0]+kappa_v[1]+kappa_v[2])!=0) { //check if pos is on PEC if ( (m_Op->GetVV(n,pos[0],pos[1],pos[2]) + m_Op->GetVI(n,pos[0],pos[1],pos[2])) != 0 ) { //modify the original operator to perform eq. (7.85) by the main engine (EC-FDTD: equation is multiplied by delta_n) //the engine extension will replace the original voltages with the "voltage flux" (volt*eps0) prior to the voltage updates //after the updates are done the extension will calculate the new voltages (see below) and place them back into the main field domain m_Op->SetVV(n,pos[0],pos[1],pos[2], (2*__EPS0__ - kappa_v[nP]*dT) / (2*__EPS0__ + kappa_v[nP]*dT) ); m_Op->SetVI(n,pos[0],pos[1],pos[2], (2*__EPS0__*dT) / (2*__EPS0__ + kappa_v[nP]*dT) * m_Op->GetEdgeLength(n,pos) / m_Op->GetEdgeArea(n,pos) ); //operators needed by eq. (7.88) to calculate new voltages from old voltages and old and new "voltage fluxes" GetVV(n,loc_pos) = (2*__EPS0__ - kappa_v[nPP]*dT) / (2*__EPS0__ + kappa_v[nPP]*dT); GetVVFN(n,loc_pos) = (2*__EPS0__ + kappa_v[n]*dT) / (2*__EPS0__ + kappa_v[nPP]*dT)/eff_Mat[0]; GetVVFO(n,loc_pos) = (2*__EPS0__ - kappa_v[n]*dT) / (2*__EPS0__ + kappa_v[nPP]*dT)/eff_Mat[0]; } } else { //disable upml GetVV(n,loc_pos) = m_Op->GetVV(n,pos[0],pos[1],pos[2]); m_Op->SetVV(n,pos[0],pos[1],pos[2], 0 ); GetVVFO(n,loc_pos) = 0; GetVVFN(n,loc_pos) = 1; } if ((kappa_i[0]+kappa_i[1]+kappa_i[2])!=0) { //check if pos is on PMC if ( (m_Op->GetII(n,pos[0],pos[1],pos[2]) + m_Op->GetIV(n,pos[0],pos[1],pos[2])) != 0 ) { //modify the original operator to perform eq. (7.89) by the main engine (EC-FDTD: equation is multiplied by delta_n) //the engine extension will replace the original currents with the "current flux" (curr*mu0) prior to the current updates //after the updates are done the extension will calculate the new currents (see below) and place them back into the main field domain m_Op->SetII(n,pos[0],pos[1],pos[2], (2*__EPS0__ - kappa_i[nP]*dT) / (2*__EPS0__ + kappa_i[nP]*dT) ); m_Op->SetIV(n,pos[0],pos[1],pos[2], (2*__EPS0__*dT) / (2*__EPS0__ + kappa_i[nP]*dT) * m_Op->GetEdgeLength(n,pos,true) / m_Op->GetEdgeArea(n,pos,true) ); //operators needed by eq. (7.90) to calculate new currents from old currents and old and new "current fluxes" GetII(n,loc_pos) = (2*__EPS0__ - kappa_i[nPP]*dT) / (2*__EPS0__ + kappa_i[nPP]*dT); GetIIFN(n,loc_pos) = (2*__EPS0__ + kappa_i[n]*dT) / (2*__EPS0__ + kappa_i[nPP]*dT)/eff_Mat[2]; GetIIFO(n,loc_pos) = (2*__EPS0__ - kappa_i[n]*dT) / (2*__EPS0__ + kappa_i[nPP]*dT)/eff_Mat[2]; } } else { //disable upml GetII(n,loc_pos) = m_Op->GetII(n,pos[0],pos[1],pos[2]); m_Op->SetII(n,pos[0],pos[1],pos[2], 0 ); GetIIFO(n,loc_pos) = 0; GetIIFN(n,loc_pos) = 1; } } } } } return true; } Engine_Extension* Operator_Ext_UPML::CreateEngineExtention() { Engine_Ext_UPML* eng_ext = new Engine_Ext_UPML(this); return eng_ext; } void Operator_Ext_UPML::ShowStat(ostream &ostr) const { Operator_Extension::ShowStat(ostr); ostr << " PML range\t\t: " << "[" << m_StartPos[0]<< "," << m_StartPos[1]<< "," << m_StartPos[2]<< "] to [" << m_StartPos[0]+m_numLines[0]-1 << "," << m_StartPos[1]+m_numLines[1]-1 << "," << m_StartPos[2]+m_numLines[2]-1 << "]" << endl; ostr << " Grading function\t: \"" << m_GradFunc << "\"" << endl; }