/* * Copyright (C) 2011 Thorsten Liebig (Thorsten.Liebig@gmx.de) * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY{} without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "openems_fdtd_mpi.h" #include "FDTD/engine_interface_fdtd.h" #include "FDTD/operator_mpi.h" #include "FDTD/operator_cylinder.h" #include "FDTD/engine_mpi.h" #include "Common/processfields.h" #include "Common/processintegral.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "mpi.h" #include "tools/useful.h" #include "tinyxml.h" openEMS_FDTD_MPI::openEMS_FDTD_MPI(bool m_MPI_Debug) : openEMS() { m_MyID = MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank(); m_NumProc = MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_size(); m_MaxEnergy = 0; m_EnergyDecrement = 1; m_MPI_Op = NULL; if (m_NumProc>1) m_MPI_Enabled=true; else m_MPI_Enabled=false; if (m_MyID==0) { m_Gather_Buffer = new int[m_NumProc]; m_Energy_Buffer = new double[m_NumProc]; } else { m_Gather_Buffer = NULL; m_Energy_Buffer = NULL; } m_MPI_Elem = NULL; m_Original_Grid = NULL; //redirect output to file for all ranks > 0 if ((m_MyID>0) && (m_MPI_Debug==false)) { stringstream out_name; out_name << "ID" << m_MyID << "_" << "output.txt"; m_Output = new ofstream(); m_Output->open(out_name.str().c_str()); cout.rdbuf(m_Output->rdbuf()); cerr.rdbuf(m_Output->rdbuf()); } else m_Output = NULL; } openEMS_FDTD_MPI::~openEMS_FDTD_MPI() { delete[] m_Gather_Buffer; m_Gather_Buffer = NULL; delete[] m_Energy_Buffer; m_Energy_Buffer = NULL; delete m_Original_Grid; m_Original_Grid = NULL; delete m_Output; m_Output=NULL; } string openEMS_FDTD_MPI::GetExtLibsInfo() { stringstream str; str << openEMS::GetExtLibsInfo(); // MPI str << "\t\t" << "MPI -- Version: " << MPI_VERSION << "." << MPI_SUBVERSION << endl; str << "\t\t" << " compiled against: "; #ifdef MPICH2_VERSION str << "MPICH2 " << MPICH2_VERSION << endl; #endif #ifdef OMPI_MAJOR_VERSION str << "openMPI" << OMPI_MAJOR_VERSION << "." << OMPI_MINOR_VERSION << "." << OMPI_RELEASE_VERSION << endl; #endif return str.str(); } bool openEMS_FDTD_MPI::parseCommandLineArgument( const char *argv ) { if (!argv) return false; bool ret = openEMS::parseCommandLineArgument( argv ); if (ret) return ret; if (strcmp(argv,"--engine=MPI")==0) { cout << "openEMS_FDTD_MPI - enabled MPI parallel processing" << endl; m_engine = EngineType_MPI; return true; } return false; } bool openEMS_FDTD_MPI::Parse_XML_FDTDSetup(TiXmlElement* FDTD_Opts) { m_MPI_Elem = FDTD_Opts->FirstChildElement("MPI"); if (!m_MPI_Enabled) { if ((m_MPI_Elem!=NULL)) cerr << "openEMS_FDTD_MPI::SetupMPI: Warning: Number of MPI processes is 1, skipping MPI engine... " << endl; return openEMS::Parse_XML_FDTDSetup(FDTD_Opts); } if (m_MPI_Elem==NULL) { MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); if (m_MyID==0) cerr << "openEMS_FDTD_MPI::SetupMPI: Error: no MPI settings found, exiting MPI engine... " << endl; exit(-1); } CSRectGrid* grid = m_CSX->GetGrid(); delete m_Original_Grid; m_Original_Grid = CSRectGrid::Clone(grid); string arg_Pos_Names[] = {"SplitPos_X", "SplitPos_Y", "SplitPos_Z"}; string arg_N_Names[] = {"SplitN_X", "SplitN_Y", "SplitN_Z"}; const char* tmp = NULL; for (int n=0;n<3;++n) { m_SplitNumber[n].clear(); m_SplitNumber[n].push_back(0); tmp = m_MPI_Elem->Attribute(arg_Pos_Names[n].c_str()); if (tmp) //check if a split position is requested { vector SplitLines = SplitString2Double(tmp, ','); bool inside; unsigned int line; for (size_t lineN = 0; lineNSnap2LineNumber(n, SplitLines.at(lineN), inside); if (inside) m_SplitNumber[n].push_back(line); } } else //check if a number of splits is requested { int SplitN=0; if (m_MPI_Elem->QueryIntAttribute( arg_N_Names[n].c_str(), &SplitN) == TIXML_SUCCESS) { if (SplitN>1) { vector jobs = AssignJobs2Threads(m_Original_Grid->GetQtyLines(n)-1, SplitN, true); unsigned int line=0; for (size_t i = 0; iGetQtyLines(n)-1); unique(m_SplitNumber[n].begin(), m_SplitNumber[n].end()); } return openEMS::Parse_XML_FDTDSetup(FDTD_Opts); } bool openEMS_FDTD_MPI::SetupMPI() { if (!m_MPI_Enabled) return true; MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); //validate number of processes unsigned int numProcs = (m_SplitNumber[0].size()-1)*(m_SplitNumber[1].size()-1)*(m_SplitNumber[2].size()-1); if (numProcs!=m_NumProc) { if (m_MyID==0) cerr << "openEMS_FDTD_MPI::SetupMPI: Error: Requested splits require " << numProcs << " processes, but " << m_NumProc << " were found! Exit! " << endl; exit(10); } //create process table unsigned int procN = 0; unsigned int splits[] = {(unsigned int)m_SplitNumber[0].size()-1, (unsigned int)m_SplitNumber[1].size()-1, (unsigned int)m_SplitNumber[2].size()-1}; m_MPI_Op->SetSplitNumbers(0,splits[0]); m_MPI_Op->SetSplitNumbers(1,splits[1]); m_MPI_Op->SetSplitNumbers(2,splits[2]); unsigned int*** procTable=Create3DArray(splits); for (size_t i=0;iSetProcessTable(procTable); CSRectGrid* grid = m_CSX->GetGrid(); //assign mesh and neighbors to this process for (size_t i=0;iSetProcessTablePosition(0,i); m_MPI_Op->SetProcessTablePosition(1,j); m_MPI_Op->SetProcessTablePosition(2,k); grid->ClearLines(0); grid->ClearLines(1); grid->ClearLines(2); for (unsigned int n=m_SplitNumber[0].at(i);n<=m_SplitNumber[0].at(i+1);++n) grid->AddDiscLine(0, m_Original_Grid->GetLine(0,n) ); for (unsigned int n=m_SplitNumber[1].at(j);n<=m_SplitNumber[1].at(j+1);++n) grid->AddDiscLine(1, m_Original_Grid->GetLine(1,n) ); for (unsigned int n=m_SplitNumber[2].at(k);n<=m_SplitNumber[2].at(k+1);++n) grid->AddDiscLine(2, m_Original_Grid->GetLine(2,n) ); m_MPI_Op->SetSplitPos(0,m_SplitNumber[0].at(i)); m_MPI_Op->SetSplitPos(1,m_SplitNumber[1].at(j)); m_MPI_Op->SetSplitPos(2,m_SplitNumber[2].at(k)); if (i>0) m_MPI_Op->SetNeighborDown(0,procTable[i-1][j][k]); if (iAddDiscLine(0, m_Original_Grid->GetLine(0,m_SplitNumber[0].at(i+1)+1 )); m_MPI_Op->SetNeighborUp(0,procTable[i+1][j][k]); } if (j>0) m_MPI_Op->SetNeighborDown(1,procTable[i][j-1][k]); if (jAddDiscLine(1, m_Original_Grid->GetLine(1,m_SplitNumber[1].at(j+1)+1 )); m_MPI_Op->SetNeighborUp(1,procTable[i][j+1][k]); } if (k>0) m_MPI_Op->SetNeighborDown(2,procTable[i][j][k-1]); if (kAddDiscLine(2, m_Original_Grid->GetLine(2,m_SplitNumber[2].at(k+1)+1 )); m_MPI_Op->SetNeighborUp(2,procTable[i][j][k+1]); } } } } } m_MPI_Op->SetOriginalMesh(m_Original_Grid); m_MPI_Op->SetTag(0); return true; } bool openEMS_FDTD_MPI::SetupOperator() { bool ret = true; if (m_engine == EngineType_MPI) { FDTD_Op = Operator_MPI::New(); } else { ret = openEMS::SetupOperator(); } m_MPI_Op = dynamic_cast(FDTD_Op); if ((m_MPI_Enabled) && (m_MPI_Op==NULL)) { cerr << "openEMS_FDTD_MPI::SetupOperator: Error: MPI is enabled but requested engine does not support MPI... EXIT!!!" << endl; MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); exit(0); } ret &= SetupMPI(); return ret; } unsigned int openEMS_FDTD_MPI::GetNextStep() { //start processing and get local next step int step=PA->Process(); double currTS = FDTD_Eng->GetNumberOfTimesteps(); if ((step<0) || (step>(int)(NrTS - currTS))) step=NrTS - currTS; int local_step=step; //find the smallest next step requestes by all processings MPI_Reduce(&local_step, &step, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_MIN, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); //send the smallest next step to all MPI_Bcast(&step, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); return step; } bool openEMS_FDTD_MPI::CheckEnergyCalc() { int local_Check = (int)m_ProcField->CheckTimestep(); int result; //check if some process request an energy calculation --> the sum is larger than 0 MPI_Reduce(&local_Check, &result, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); //send result to all MPI_Bcast(&result, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); //calc energy if result is non-zero return result>0; } double openEMS_FDTD_MPI::CalcEnergy() { double energy = 0; double loc_energy= m_ProcField->CalcTotalEnergyEstimate(); //calc the sum of all local energies MPI_Reduce(&loc_energy, &energy, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); //send sum-energy to all processes MPI_Bcast(&energy, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); if (energy>m_MaxEnergy) m_MaxEnergy = energy; if (m_MaxEnergy) m_EnergyDecrement = energy/m_MaxEnergy; return energy; } bool openEMS_FDTD_MPI::SetupProcessing() { bool ret = openEMS::SetupProcessing(); //search for active processings in different processes size_t numProc = PA->GetNumberOfProcessings(); int active=0; bool deactivate = false; bool rename = false; for (size_t n=0;nGetProcessing(n); int isActive = (int)proc->GetEnable(); //sum of all active processings MPI_Reduce(&isActive, &active, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); deactivate = false; rename = false; if ((m_MyID==0) && (active>1)) //more than one active processing... { deactivate = true; //default if (dynamic_cast(proc)!=NULL) { //type is integral processing --> disable! Needs to be fixed! cerr << "openEMS_FDTD_MPI::SetupProcessing(): Warning: Processing: " << proc->GetName() << " occures multiple times and is being deactivated..." << endl; cerr << "openEMS_FDTD_MPI::SetupProcessing(): Note: Processing: Make sure that there are no splits inside probes or sources." << endl; deactivate = true; rename = false; } if (dynamic_cast(proc)!=NULL) { //type is field processing --> renameing! Needs to be fixed! cerr << "openEMS_FDTD_MPI::SetupProcessing(): Warning: Processing: " << proc->GetName() << " occures multiple times and is being renamed..." << endl; deactivate = false; rename = true; } } //broadcast informations to all MPI_Bcast(&deactivate, 1, MPI::BOOL, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); MPI_Bcast(&rename, 1, MPI::BOOL, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); if (deactivate) proc->SetEnable(false); if (rename) { ProcessFields* ProcField = dynamic_cast(proc); if (ProcField) { stringstream name_ss; name_ss << "ID" << m_MyID << "_" << ProcField->GetName(); ProcField->SetName(name_ss.str()); ProcField->SetFileName(name_ss.str()); } } } return ret; } int openEMS_FDTD_MPI::SetupFDTD() { return openEMS::SetupFDTD(); } void openEMS_FDTD_MPI::RunFDTD() { if (!m_MPI_Enabled) return openEMS::RunFDTD(); cout << "Running MPI-FDTD engine... this may take a while... grab a cup of coffee?!?" << endl; //get the sum of all cells unsigned int local_NrCells=FDTD_Op->GetNumberCells(); MPI_Reduce(&local_NrCells, &m_NumberCells, 1, MPI_UNSIGNED, MPI_SUM, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); MPI_Bcast(&m_NumberCells, 1, MPI_UNSIGNED, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); //special handling of a field processing, needed to realize the end criteria... m_ProcField = new ProcessFields(NewEngineInterface()); PA->AddProcessing(m_ProcField); //init processings PA->InitAll(); double currE=0; //add all timesteps to end-crit field processing with max excite amplitude unsigned int maxExcite = FDTD_Op->GetExcitationSignal()->GetMaxExcitationTimestep(); // for (unsigned int n=0; nExc->Volt_Count; ++n) // m_ProcField->AddStep(FDTD_Op->Exc->Volt_delay[n]+maxExcite); m_ProcField->AddStep(maxExcite); int prevTS=0,currTS=0; double numCells = FDTD_Op->GetNumberCells(); double speed = 0; double t_diff; double t_run; timeval currTime; gettimeofday(&currTime,NULL); timeval startTime = currTime; timeval prevTime= currTime; if (m_DumpStats) InitRunStatistics(__OPENEMS_RUN_STAT_FILE__); //*************** simulate ************// PA->PreProcess(); int step = GetNextStep(); while ((step>0) && !CheckAbortCond()) { FDTD_Eng->IterateTS(step); step = GetNextStep(); currTS = FDTD_Eng->GetNumberOfTimesteps(); currE = 0; gettimeofday(&currTime,NULL); t_diff = CalcDiffTime(currTime,prevTime); if (CheckEnergyCalc()) currE = CalcEnergy(); //make sure all processes are at the same simulation time MPI_Bcast(&t_diff, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); if (t_diff>4) { if (currE==0) currE = CalcEnergy(); if (m_MyID==0) { t_run = CalcDiffTime(currTime,startTime); speed = numCells*(currTS-prevTS)/t_diff; cout << "[@" << FormatTime(t_run) << "] Timestep: " << setw(12) << currTS ; cout << " || Speed: " << setw(6) << setprecision(1) << std::fixed << speed*1e-6 << " MC/s (" << setw(4) << setprecision(3) << std::scientific << t_diff/(currTS-prevTS) << " s/TS)" ; cout << " || Energy: ~" << setw(6) << setprecision(2) << std::scientific << currE << " (-" << setw(5) << setprecision(2) << std::fixed << fabs(10.0*log10(m_EnergyDecrement)) << "dB)" << endl; //set step to zero to abort simulation and send to all if (m_EnergyDecrementFlushNext(); } } if ((m_MyID==0) && (m_EnergyDecrement>endCrit) && (FDTD_Op->GetExcitationSignal()->GetExciteType()==0)) cerr << "RunFDTD: max. number of timesteps was reached before the end-criteria of -" << fabs(10.0*log10(endCrit)) << "dB was reached... " << endl << \ "\tYou may want to choose a higher number of max. timesteps... " << endl; gettimeofday(&currTime,NULL); t_diff = CalcDiffTime(currTime,startTime); if (m_MyID==0) { cout << "Time for " << FDTD_Eng->GetNumberOfTimesteps() << " iterations with " << FDTD_Op->GetNumberCells() << " cells : " << t_diff << " sec" << endl; cout << "Speed: " << numCells*(double)FDTD_Eng->GetNumberOfTimesteps()/t_diff*1e-6 << " MCells/s " << endl; if (m_DumpStats) DumpStatistics(__OPENEMS_STAT_FILE__, t_diff); } //*************** postproc ************// PA->PostProcess(); }