/* * Copyright (C) 2010 Thorsten Liebig (Thorsten.Liebig@gmx.de) * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "engine.h" #include "engine_cylinder.h" #include "Common/processfields.h" #include "operator_cylinder.h" #include "extensions/operator_extension.h" #include "extensions/operator_ext_cylinder.h" #include "tools/useful.h" Operator_Cylinder* Operator_Cylinder::New(unsigned int numThreads) { cout << "Create cylindrical FDTD operator" << endl; Operator_Cylinder* op = new Operator_Cylinder(); op->setNumThreads(numThreads); op->Init(); return op; } Operator_Cylinder::Operator_Cylinder() : Operator_Multithread() { m_MeshType = CYLINDRICAL; m_Cyl_Ext = NULL; } Operator_Cylinder::~Operator_Cylinder() { } Engine* Operator_Cylinder::CreateEngine() { //! create a special cylindrical-engine m_Engine = Engine_Cylinder::New(this, m_numThreads); return m_Engine; } void Operator_Cylinder::Init() { CC_closedAlpha = false; CC_R0_included = false; Operator_Multithread::Init(); } double Operator_Cylinder::GetRawDiscDelta(int ny, const int pos) const { if (CC_closedAlpha && ny==1 && pos==-1) return (discLines[1][numLines[1]-2] - discLines[1][numLines[1]-3]); if (CC_closedAlpha && ny==1 && (pos==(int)numLines[ny]-1)) return (discLines[1][2] - discLines[1][1]); return Operator_Multithread::GetRawDiscDelta(ny,pos); } double Operator_Cylinder::GetMaterial(int ny, const double* coords, int MatType, vector vPrims, bool markAsUsed) const { double l_coords[] = {coords[0],coords[1],coords[2]}; if (CC_closedAlpha && (coords[1]>GetDiscLine(1,0,false)+2*PI)) l_coords[1]-=2*PI; if (CC_closedAlpha && (coords[1]=GetDiscLine(1,0,false)+2*PI)) coords[1]-=2*PI; if (CC_closedAlpha && (coords[1]2)) return 0.0; if (pos[ny]>=numLines[ny]) return 0.0; double width = Operator_Multithread::GetEdgeLength(ny,pos,!dualMesh); if (ny==1) width *= GetDiscLine(0,pos[0],dualMesh); return width; } double Operator_Cylinder::GetNodeWidth(int ny, const int pos[3], bool dualMesh) const { if ( (pos[0]<0) || (pos[1]<0 && CC_closedAlpha==false) || (pos[2]<0) ) return 0.0; unsigned int uiPos[]={(unsigned int)pos[0],(unsigned int)pos[1],(unsigned int)pos[2]}; if (pos[1]<0 && CC_closedAlpha==true) uiPos[1]+=numLines[1]-2; return GetNodeWidth(ny, uiPos, dualMesh); } double Operator_Cylinder::GetNodeArea(int ny, const unsigned int pos[3], bool dualMesh) const { if (pos[ny]>=numLines[ny]) return 0.0; if (pos[0]>=numLines[0]) return 0.0; if (ny==2) { double da = Operator_Multithread::GetEdgeLength(1,pos,dualMesh)/gridDelta; double r1,r2; if (dualMesh) { r1 = GetDiscLine(0,pos[0],false)*gridDelta; r2 = r1 + GetEdgeLength(0,pos,false); } else { r2 = GetDiscLine(0,pos[0],!dualMesh)*gridDelta; r1 = r2 - GetEdgeLength(0,pos,true); } if (r1<=0) return da/2 * pow(r2,2); else return da/2* (pow(r2,2) - pow(r1,2)); } return Operator_Multithread::GetNodeArea(ny,pos,dualMesh); } double Operator_Cylinder::GetNodeArea(int ny, const int pos[3], bool dualMesh) const { if ( (pos[0]<0) || (pos[1]<0 && CC_closedAlpha==false) || (pos[2]<0) ) return 0.0; unsigned int uiPos[]={(unsigned int)pos[0],(unsigned int)pos[1],(unsigned int)pos[2]}; if (pos[1]<0 && CC_closedAlpha==true) uiPos[1]+=numLines[1]-2; return GetNodeArea(ny, uiPos, dualMesh); } double Operator_Cylinder::GetEdgeLength(int ny, const unsigned int pos[3], bool dualMesh) const { double length = Operator_Multithread::GetEdgeLength(ny,pos,dualMesh); if (ny!=1) return length; return length * GetDiscLine(0,pos[0],dualMesh); } double Operator_Cylinder::GetCellVolume(const unsigned int pos[3], bool dualMesh) const { return GetEdgeArea(2,pos,dualMesh)*GetEdgeLength(2,pos,dualMesh); } double Operator_Cylinder::GetEdgeArea(int ny, const unsigned int pos[3], bool dualMesh) const { if (ny!=0) return GetNodeArea(ny,pos,dualMesh); return GetEdgeLength(1,pos,!dualMesh) * GetEdgeLength(2,pos,!dualMesh); } double Operator_Cylinder::FitToAlphaRange(double a_coord, bool fullMesh) const { double min = GetDiscLine(1,0); double max = GetDiscLine(1,GetNumberOfLines(1, fullMesh)-1); if ((a_coord>=min) && (a_coord<=max)) return a_coord; while (a_coordmax) return a_coord-2*PI; if (a_coord>min) return a_coord; } while (a_coord>max) { a_coord-=2*PI; if (a_coord=(int)numLines[1]-2) return pos-(int)numLines[1]+2; else return pos; } bool Operator_Cylinder::GetCellCenterMaterialAvgCoord(const int pos[3], double coord[3]) const { if (!CC_closedAlpha || ((pos[1]>=0) && (pos[1]<(int)numLines[1]-2))) { return Operator_Multithread::GetCellCenterMaterialAvgCoord(pos, coord); } if ((pos[0]<0) || (pos[2]<0)) return false; int l_pos[3] = {pos[0], 0, pos[2]}; l_pos[1] = MapAlphaIndex2Range(pos[1]); return Operator_Multithread::GetCellCenterMaterialAvgCoord(l_pos, coord); } unsigned int Operator_Cylinder::SnapToMeshLine(int ny, double coord, bool &inside, bool dualMesh, bool fullMesh) const { if (ny==1) coord=FitToAlphaRange(coord); return Operator_Multithread::SnapToMeshLine(ny, coord, inside, dualMesh, fullMesh); } int Operator_Cylinder::SnapBox2Mesh(const double* start, const double* stop, unsigned int* uiStart, unsigned int* uiStop, bool dualMesh, bool fullMesh, int SnapMethod, bool* bStartIn, bool* bStopIn) const { double a_min = GetDiscLine(1,0); double a_max = GetDiscLine(1,GetNumberOfLines(1,fullMesh)-1); double a_size = stop[1] - start[1]; double a_center = FitToAlphaRange(0.5*(stop[1]+start[1])); double a_start = a_center-a_size/2; double a_stop = a_start + a_size; if (a_stop>a_max) a_stop=a_max; if (a_stopa_max) a_start=a_max; if (a_startstart[1]) && (uiStop[1]uiStart[1]) && (uiStop[1]==GetNumberOfLines(1, fullMesh)-1-(int)CC_closedAlpha)) uiStop[1] = 0; return ret; } Grid_Path Operator_Cylinder::FindPath(double start[], double stop[]) { double l_start[3]; double l_stop[3]; for (int n=0;n<3;++n) { l_start[n] = start[n]; l_stop[n] = stop[n]; } while (fabs(l_stop[1]-l_start[1])>PI) { if (l_stop[1]>l_start[1]) l_stop[1]-=2*PI; else l_stop[1]+=2*PI; } double help=0; if (l_start[1]>l_stop[1]) { for (int n=0;n<3;++n) { help = l_start[n]; l_start[n] = l_stop[n]; l_stop[n] = help; } } double a_start = FitToAlphaRange(l_start[1]); double a_stop = FitToAlphaRange(l_stop[1]); if (a_stop >= a_start) { l_start[1] = a_start; l_stop[1] = a_stop; return Operator_Multithread::FindPath(l_start, l_stop); } // if a-stop fitted to disc range is now smaller than a-start, it must step over the a-bounds... Grid_Path path; for (int n=0;n<3;++n) { if ((l_start[n]GetDiscLine(n,GetNumberOfLines(n,true)-1)) && (l_stop[n]>GetDiscLine(n,GetNumberOfLines(n,true)-1))) return path; //upper bound violation } if (g_settings.GetVerboseLevel()>2) cerr << __func__ << ": A path was leaving the alpha-direction mesh..." << endl; // this section comes into play, if the line moves over the angulare mesh-end/start // we try to have one part of the path on both "ends" of the mesh and stitch them together Grid_Path path1; Grid_Path path2; // calculate the intersection of the line with the a-max boundary double p0[3],p1[3],p2[3]; for (int n=0;n<3;++n) { p0[n] = GetDiscLine(n,0); p1[n] = p0[n]; p2[n] = p0[n]; } p0[1] = GetDiscLine(1,GetNumberOfLines(1,true)-1-(int)CC_closedAlpha); p1[1] = p0[1]; p2[1] = p0[1]; p1[0] = discLines[0][numLines[0]-1]; p2[2] = discLines[2][numLines[2]-1]; TransformCoordSystem(p0,p0,m_MeshType,CARTESIAN); TransformCoordSystem(p1,p1,m_MeshType,CARTESIAN); TransformCoordSystem(p2,p2,m_MeshType,CARTESIAN); double c_start[3],c_stop[3]; TransformCoordSystem(l_start,c_start,m_MeshType,CARTESIAN); TransformCoordSystem(l_stop,c_stop,m_MeshType,CARTESIAN); double intersect[3]; double dist; int ret = LinePlaneIntersection(p0,p1,p2,c_start,c_stop,intersect,dist); if (ret<0) { cerr << __func__ << ": Error, unable to calculate intersection, this should not happen!" << endl; return path; // return empty path; } if (ret==0) { TransformCoordSystem(intersect,intersect,CARTESIAN,m_MeshType); intersect[1] = GetDiscLine(1,GetNumberOfLines(1,true)-1-(int)CC_closedAlpha); l_start[1] = FitToAlphaRange(l_start[1]); path1 = Operator::FindPath(l_start, intersect); if (g_settings.GetVerboseLevel()>2) cerr << __func__ << ": Intersection top: " << intersect[0] << "," << intersect[1] << "," << intersect[2] << endl; } //otherwise the path was not intersecting the upper a-bound... if (CC_closedAlpha==false) { for (int n=0;n<3;++n) { p0[n] = GetDiscLine(n,0); p1[n] = p0[n]; p2[n] = p0[n]; } p1[0] = discLines[0][numLines[0]-1]; p2[2] = discLines[2][numLines[2]-1]; TransformCoordSystem(p0,p0,m_MeshType,CARTESIAN); TransformCoordSystem(p1,p1,m_MeshType,CARTESIAN); TransformCoordSystem(p2,p2,m_MeshType,CARTESIAN); TransformCoordSystem(l_start,c_start,m_MeshType,CARTESIAN); TransformCoordSystem(l_stop,c_stop,m_MeshType,CARTESIAN); ret = LinePlaneIntersection(p0,p1,p2,c_start,c_stop,intersect,dist); TransformCoordSystem(intersect,intersect,CARTESIAN,m_MeshType); } if (ret==0) { intersect[1] = GetDiscLine(1,0); l_stop[1] = FitToAlphaRange(l_stop[1]); path2 = Operator::FindPath(intersect, l_stop); if (g_settings.GetVerboseLevel()>2) cerr << __func__ << ": Intersection bottom: " << intersect[0] << "," << intersect[1] << "," << intersect[2] << endl; } //combine path for (size_t t=0; tGetLines(1,alphaLines,alphaNum,true); double minmaxA = fabs(alphaLines[alphaNum-1]-alphaLines[0]); if (fabs(minmaxA-2*PI) < OPERATOR_CYLINDER_CLOSED_ALPHA_THRESHOLD) { if (g_settings.GetVerboseLevel()>0) cout << "Operator_Cylinder::SetupCSXGrid: Alpha is a full 2*PI => closed Cylinder..." << endl; CC_closedAlpha = true; grid->SetLine(1,alphaNum-1,2*PI+alphaLines[0]); grid->AddDiscLine(1,2*PI+alphaLines[1]); } else if (minmaxA>2*PI) { cerr << "Operator_Cylinder::SetupCSXGrid: Alpha Max-Min must not be larger than 2*PI!!!" << endl; Reset(); return false; } else { CC_closedAlpha=false; } CC_R0_included = false; if (grid->GetLine(0,0)<0) { cerr << "Operator_Cylinder::SetupCSXGrid: r<0 not allowed in Cylinder Coordinates!!!" << endl; Reset(); return false; } else if (grid->GetLine(0,0)==0.0) { if (g_settings.GetVerboseLevel()>0) cout << "Operator_Cylinder::SetupCSXGrid: r=0 included..." << endl; CC_R0_included = CC_closedAlpha; //needed for correct ec-calculation, deactivate if closed cylinder is false... --> E_r = 0 anyways } #ifdef MPI_SUPPORT // Setup an MPI split in alpha direction for a closed cylinder CC_MPI_Alpha = false; if ((m_NeighborUp[1]>=0) || (m_NeighborDown[1]>=0)) //check for MPI split in alpha direction { double minmaxA = 2*PI;// fabs(m_OrigDiscLines[1][m_OrigNumLines[1]-1]-m_OrigDiscLines[1][0]); if (fabs(minmaxA-2*PI) < OPERATOR_CYLINDER_CLOSED_ALPHA_THRESHOLD) //check for closed alpha MPI split { CC_MPI_Alpha = true; if (m_OrigDiscLines[0][0]==0) { cerr << "Operator_Cylinder::SetupCSXGrid: Error: MPI split in alpha direction for closed cylinder including r==0 is currently not supported! Exit!" << endl; exit(-2); } if (m_NeighborUp[1]<0) //check if this process is at the alpha-end { grid->SetLine(1,alphaNum-1,2*PI+m_OrigDiscLines[1][0]); grid->AddDiscLine(1,2*PI+m_OrigDiscLines[1][1]); SetNeighborUp(1,m_ProcTable[m_ProcTablePos[0]][0][m_ProcTablePos[2]]); } if (m_NeighborDown[1]<0) //check if this process is at the alpha-start { SetNeighborDown(1,m_ProcTable[m_ProcTablePos[0]][m_SplitNumber[1]-1][m_ProcTablePos[2]]); } //Note: the process table will not reflect this up/down neighbors necessary for a closed cylinder } } #endif if (Operator_Multithread::SetupCSXGrid(grid)==false) return false; if (CC_closedAlpha || CC_R0_included) { m_Cyl_Ext = new Operator_Ext_Cylinder(this); this->AddExtension(m_Cyl_Ext); } return true; } void Operator_Cylinder::ApplyMagneticBC(bool* dirs) { if (dirs==NULL) return; if (CC_closedAlpha) { dirs[2]=0; dirs[3]=0; //no PMC in alpha directions... } if (CC_R0_included) { dirs[0]=0; //no PMC in r_min directions... } Operator_Multithread::ApplyMagneticBC(dirs); } void Operator_Cylinder::AddExtension(Operator_Extension* op_ext) { if (op_ext->IsCylinderCoordsSave(CC_closedAlpha, CC_R0_included)) Operator_Multithread::AddExtension(op_ext); else { cerr << "Operator_Cylinder::AddExtension: Warning: Operator extension \"" << op_ext->GetExtensionName() << "\" is not compatible with cylinder-coords!! skipping...!" << endl; delete op_ext; } }