function RunOpenEMS(Sim_Path, Sim_File, opts, Settings) % function RunOpenEMS(Sim_Path, Sim_File, ) % % Run an openEMS simulation. % % arguments: % Sim_Path: specifiy the simulation folder (folder must exist!) % Sim_File: xml-filename to simulate, created by WriteOpenEMS % % optional arguments % % opts: list of openEMS options % possible options: % --disable-dumps Disable all field dumps for faster simulation % --debug-material Dump material distribution to a vtk file for debugging % --debug-PEC Dump metal distribution to a vtk file for debugging % --debug-operator Dump operator to vtk file for debugging % --debug-boxes Dump e.g. probe boxes to vtk file for debugging % --debug-CSX Write CSX geometry file to debugCSX.xml % --engine= Choose engine type % --engine=fastest fastest available engine (default) % --engine=basic basic FDTD engine % --engine=sse engine using sse vector extensions % --engine=sse-compressed engine using compressed operator + sse vector extensions % --engine=MPI engine using compressed operator + sse vector extensions + MPI parallel processing % --engine=multithreaded engine using compressed operator + sse vector extensions + MPI + multithreading % --numThreads= Force use n threads for multithreaded engine % --no-simulation only run preprocessing; do not simulate % --dump-statistics dump simulation statistics to 'openEMS_run_stats.txt' and 'openEMS_stats.txt' % % Additional global arguments % --showProbeDiscretization Show probe discretization information % --nativeFieldDumps Dump all fields using the native field components % -v,-vv,-vvv Set debug level: 1 to 3 % % % settings: list of Matlab settings % possible settings: % Settings.LogFile = 'openEMS.log' % Settings.Silent = 0 % % additional remote simulation settings % Note: ssh only on unix with working ssh client or windows with putty client % openEMS Linux server or Windows with cygwin necessary % = '' % Settings.SSH.bin = '/' % ssh optional: % Settings.SSH.host_list = {'list','of','hosts'}; %searches for a free host % %on Windows needed additionally % Settings.SSH.Putty.Path = '\putty'; % Settings.SSH.Putty.Key = '\putty_private_key.ppk'; % % MPI settings: % --> help RunOpenEMS_MPI % % % example: % %create CSX and FDTD % WriteOpenEMS('/tmp/path_to_run_in/myfile.xml', FDTD, CSX) % RunOpenEMS('/tmp/path_to_run_in','myfile.xml','-v') % % See also WriteOpenEMS FindFreeSSH InitCSX InitFDTD RunOpenEMS_MPI % % openEMS matlab interface % ----------------------- % author: Thorsten Liebig if nargin < 2 error 'specify the Sim_Path and Sim_file to simulate' end if nargin < 3 opts = ''; end if (nargin<4) Settings = []; end if (isfield(Settings,'MPI') && isunix) if (Settings.MPI.NrProc>1) RunOpenEMS_MPI(Sim_Path, Sim_File, opts, Settings); return; end end ssh_command = 'ssh'; scp_command = 'scp'; scp_options = ''; ssh_options = ''; enable_ssh = 0; enable_ssh = isfield(Settings,'SSH') && isunix; if ~isunix enable_ssh = isfield(Settings,'SSH') && isfield(Settings.SSH,'Putty'); if (enable_ssh) ssh_command = [Settings.SSH.Putty.Path '/plink ']; ssh_options = [ssh_options ' -i ' Settings.SSH.Putty.Key]; scp_command = [Settings.SSH.Putty.Path '/pscp ']; scp_options = [scp_options ' -i ' Settings.SSH.Putty.Key]; end end savePath = pwd; cd(Sim_Path); if (enable_ssh) scp_options = [scp_options ' -C']; ssh_options = [ssh_options ' -x -C']; % ssh options: no X forwarding; no password prompt (use pub keys!); no host checking if (isunix) ssh_options = [ssh_options ' -o "PasswordAuthentication no" -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no"']; scp_options = [scp_options ' -o "PasswordAuthentication no" -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no"']; end if isfield(Settings.SSH,'host_list') host = FindFreeSSH(Settings.SSH.host_list, Settings); if ~isempty(host) = host; else error('openEMS:RunOpenEMS', 'unable to find host, abort openEMS'); end end % create a tmp working dir [status, result] = system([ssh_command ' ' ssh_options ' ' ' "mktemp -d /tmp/openEMS_XXXXXXXXXXXX"']); if (status~=0) disp(result); error('openEMS:RunOpenEMS','mktemp failed to create tmp directory!'); end ssh_work_path = strtrim(result); %remove tailing \n disp(['Running remote openEMS on ' ' at working dir: ' ssh_work_path]); %copy openEMS all simulation files to the ssh host [stat, res] = system([scp_command ' ' scp_options ' * ' ':' ssh_work_path '/']); if (stat~=0) disp(res); error('openEMS:RunOpenEMS','scp failed!'); end %run openEMS (with log file if requested) if isfield(Settings,'LogFile') && isunix append_unix = [' 2>&1 | tee ' Settings.LogFile]; else append_unix = []; end status = system([ssh_command ' ' ssh_options ' ' ' "cd ' ssh_work_path ' && ' Settings.SSH.bin ' ' Sim_File ' ' opts '"' append_unix]); if (status~=0) disp(result); error('openEMS:RunOpenEMS','ssh openEMS failed!'); end disp( 'Remote simulation done... copying back results and cleaning up...' ); %copy back all results [stat, res] = system([scp_command ' -r ' scp_options ' ' ':' ssh_work_path '/* ' pwd '/']); if (stat~=0); disp(res); error('openEMS:RunOpenEMS','scp failed!'); end %cleanup [stat, res] = system([ssh_command ' ' ssh_options ' ' ' rm -r ' ssh_work_path]); if (stat~=0); disp(res); warning('openEMS:RunOpenEMS','remote cleanup failed!'); end else args = ['"' Sim_File '" ' opts] if isfield(Settings,'LogFile') && isfield(Settings,'Silent') invoke_openEMS(args,['"' Settings.LogFile '"'],Settings.Silent); elseif isfield(Settings,'LogFile') invoke_openEMS(args,['"' Settings.LogFile '"']); elseif isfield(Settings,'Silent') invoke_openEMS(args,[],Settings.Silent); else invoke_openEMS(args); end end cd(savePath); return