function FDTD = SetupMPI(FDTD, varargin) % function FDTD = SetupMPI(FDTD, varargin); % % % example, split the FDTD mesh in 2 equal parts in x-direction % % and split the FDTD mesh in 3 parts in z-direction, split at z=-500 and z=500 % % this will need a Settings.MPI.NrProc of 2*3=6 % FDTD = SetupMPI(FDTD,'SplitN_X',2 ,'SplitPos_Z', '-500,500'); % % See also RunOpenEMS_MPI % % openEMS matlab interface % ----------------------- % author: Thorsten Liebig for n=1:(nargin-1)/2 FDTD.MPI.ATTRIBUTE.(varargin{2*n-1})=varargin{2*n}; end