function [params,result] = optimize( optimdir, params, options, algorithm ) %params = optimize( optimdir, params, options, algorithm ) % % input: % optimdir: folder where to optimize % params: array of structures with parameters to optimize % .name char string parameter name (e.g. 'length1') % .value number % .step number discretization of .value % .range row vector range of .value (e.g. [1 10]) % .active (0/1) 1=optimize this parameter % options: structure % .folder_matlabstart set the startup folder for matlab or octave % .simfun char string with the simulation function name % .octave_exe if this field is present, octave is used % .clean clean the optimization folder before optimization start % algorithm: 'asco' or 'simplex-downhill' % % output: % params: optimal values % result: optimization criterion for optimal values % % example: % see openEMS/matlab/examples/optimizer % % notes: % Create a file named 'STOP_OPTIMIZATION' in the optimdir folder to stop % the optimization process (or press Ctrl+C). % % (C) 2010 Sebastian Held error( nargchk(3,4,nargin) ); % default to simplex-downhill if nargin < 4 algorithm = 'simplex-downhill'; end if ~strcmp( algorithm, 'asco' ) algorithm = 'simplex-downhill'; end optimdir = absolutepath( optimdir ); if isfield(options,'clean') && (options.clean == 1) [a,a,a] = rmdir( optimdir, 's' ); end [a,a,a] = mkdir( optimdir ); oldfolder = cd( optimdir ); if strcmp( algorithm, 'asco' ) % --------------------------------------------------------------------- % selected algorithm: ASCO % % if ~exist( 'asco', 'file' ) && ~exist( 'asco.exe', 'file' ) % error 'asco was not found in PATH. Download from' % end % create asco config file fid = fopen( 'asco.cfg', 'wt' ); fprintf( fid, '* asco configuration file\n' ); fprintf( fid, '*\n' ); fprintf( fid, '* \n' ); fprintf( fid, '* Optimization for openEMS\n\n' ); fprintf( fid, '#Optimization Flow#\n' ); fprintf( fid, 'Alter:no $do we want to do corner analysis?\n' ); fprintf( fid, 'MonteCarlo:no $do we want to do MonteCarlo analysis?\n' ); fprintf( fid, 'AlterMC cost:0.00 $point below which ALTER and/or MONTECARLO can start\n' ); fprintf( fid, 'ExecuteRF:no $Execute or no the RF module to add RF parasitics?\n' ); fprintf( fid, '#\n\n' ); fprintf( fid, '#DE#\n' ); fprintf( fid, 'choice of method:3\n' ); fprintf( fid, 'maximum no. of iterations:50\n' ); fprintf( fid, 'Output refresh cycle:2\n' ); fprintf( fid, 'No. of parents NP:10\n' ); fprintf( fid, 'Constant F:0.85\n' ); fprintf( fid, 'Crossing Over factor CR:1\n' ); fprintf( fid, 'Seed for pseudo random number generator:3\n' ); fprintf( fid, 'Minimum Cost Variance:1e-6\n' ); fprintf( fid, 'Cost objectives:10\n' ); fprintf( fid, 'Cost constraints:100\n' ); fprintf( fid, '#\n\n' ); fprintf( fid, '# Parameters #\n' ); for n=1:numel(params) if params(n).active == 1 active = 'OPT'; else active = '---'; end value = params(n).value / params(n).step; range = params(n).range / params(n).step; fprintf( fid, 'description:#%s#:%i:%i:%i:LIN_INT:%s\n', params(n).name, value, range(1), range(2), active ); end fprintf( fid, '#\n\n' ); fprintf( fid, '# Measurements #\n' ); fprintf( fid, 'value:---:MIN:0\n' ); fprintf( fid, '#\n\n' ); fclose(fid); % create extract file [a,a,a]=mkdir( 'extract' ); fid = fopen( 'extract/value', 'wt' ); fprintf( fid, '# Info #\n' ); fprintf( fid, 'Name:value\n' ); fprintf( fid, 'Symbol:value\n' ); fprintf( fid, '#\n\n' ); fprintf( fid, '# Commands #\n' ); fprintf( fid, '#\n\n' ); fprintf( fid, '# Post Processing #\n' ); fprintf( fid, 'MEASURE_VAR: #SYMBOL#: SEARCH_FOR:''value=''\n' ); fprintf( fid, '#\n' ); fclose(fid); % create matlab parameter file fid = fopen( 'asco.txt', 'wt' ); fprintf( fid, '%% this file is processed by asco and variables enclosed in ## are substituted\n' ); fprintf( fid, 'params = [];\n' ); for n=1:numel(params) fprintf( fid, 'params.%s = #%s# * %i;\n', params(n).name, params(n).name, params(n).step ); end fclose(fid); % create shell script folder_asco_helper = fileparts( mfilename('fullpath') ); asco_sim_helper = 'optimizer_asco_sim'; fid = fopen( '', 'wt' ); fprintf( fid, '#!/bin/sh\n' ); fprintf( fid, 'rm "$2.out" 2> /dev/null\n' ); fprintf( fid, 'mv "$1.txt" "$1.m"\n' ); fprintf( fid, 'if [ -f STOP_OPTIMIZATION ]; then\n' ); fprintf( fid, ' exit\n' ); fprintf( fid, 'fi\n' ); fprintf( fid, 'oldpwd=$PWD\n' ); if isfield(options,'folder_matlabstart') % this allows to start the new matlab process in a specific folder % => startup.m is picked up here fprintf( fid, 'cd "%s"\n', functions.folder_matlabstart ); end if ~isfield(options,'octave_exe') % matlab fprintf( fid, '%s/bin/matlab -nodesktop -nosplash -r "cd ''%s''; %s(''%s'',''$1'',''$2.out'',''%s''); exit"\n', matlabroot, folder_asco_helper, asco_sim_helper, optimdir, options.simfun ); else % octave fprintf( fid, 'export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=\n' ); fprintf( fid, '%s --silent --eval "cd ''%s''; %s(''%s'',''$1'',''$2.out'',''%s'');"\n', options.octave_exe, folder_asco_helper, asco_sim_helper, optimdir, options.simfun ); end fprintf( fid, 'cd "$oldpwd"\n' ); fclose(fid); fileattrib( '', '+x' ); % make it executable % clean up old data if exist( './best_result.mat', 'file' ), delete( 'best_result.mat' ); end if exist( './STOP_OPTIMIZATION', 'file' ), delete( 'STOP_OPTIMIZATION' ); end % start asco [status,result] = unix( 'asco -general asco.txt', '-echo' ); % get best result best = load( 'best_result.mat' ); best =; result = best.result; for n=1:numel(params) name = params(n).name; if isfield(best.params,name) params(n).value = best.params.(name); end end elseif strcmp( algorithm, 'simplex-downhill' ) % --------------------------------------------------------------------- % selected algorithm: simplex-downhill % Thorsten Liebig error( 'not implemented yet' ); end cd( oldfolder ); function folder = absolutepath( folder ) %folder = absolutepath( folder ) % make the path absolute if isunix % Unix if folder(1) == '/' return end folder = fullfile( pwd, folder ); else % Windows folder = strrep( folder, '\', '/' ); if strcmp( folder(2:3), ':/' ) || strcmp( folder(1:2), '//' ) || (folder(1) == '/') return end if (folder(2) == ':') && (folder(3) ~= '/') error( 'relative paths with drive specifier are not supported' ); end folder = fullfile( pwd, folder ); end