/* * Copyright (C) 2010-2015 Thorsten Liebig (Thorsten.Liebig@gmx.de) * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "openems.h" #include #include #include #include "tools/array_ops.h" #include "tools/useful.h" #include "FDTD/operator_cylinder.h" #include "FDTD/operator_cylindermultigrid.h" #include "FDTD/engine_multithread.h" #include "FDTD/operator_multithread.h" #include "FDTD/extensions/operator_ext_excitation.h" #include "FDTD/extensions/operator_ext_tfsf.h" #include "FDTD/extensions/operator_ext_mur_abc.h" #include "FDTD/extensions/operator_ext_upml.h" #include "FDTD/extensions/operator_ext_lorentzmaterial.h" #include "FDTD/extensions/operator_ext_conductingsheet.h" #include "FDTD/extensions/operator_ext_steadystate.h" #include "FDTD/extensions/engine_ext_steadystate.h" #include "FDTD/engine_interface_fdtd.h" #include "FDTD/engine_interface_cylindrical_fdtd.h" #include "Common/processvoltage.h" #include "Common/processcurrent.h" #include "Common/processfieldprobe.h" #include "Common/processmodematch.h" #include "Common/processfields_td.h" #include "Common/processfields_fd.h" #include "Common/processfields_sar.h" #include // only for H5get_libversion() #include // only for BOOST_LIB_VERSION #include //external libs #include "tinyxml.h" #include "ContinuousStructure.h" #include "CSPropProbeBox.h" #include "CSPropDumpBox.h" using namespace std; double CalcDiffTime(timeval t1, timeval t2) { double s_diff = t1.tv_sec - t2.tv_sec; s_diff += (t1.tv_usec-t2.tv_usec)*1e-6; return s_diff; } openEMS::openEMS() { FDTD_Op=NULL; FDTD_Eng=NULL; Eng_Ext_SSD=NULL; m_CSX=NULL; PA=NULL; CylinderCoords = false; Enable_Dumps = true; DebugMat = false; DebugOp = false; m_debugCSX = false; m_debugBox = m_debugPEC = m_no_simulation = false; m_DumpStats = false; endCrit = 1e-6; m_OverSampling = 4; m_CellConstantMaterial=false; m_engine = EngineType_Multithreaded; //default engine type m_engine_numThreads = 0; m_Abort = false; m_Exc = 0; m_TS_method=3; m_TS=0; m_TS_fac=1.0; m_maxTime=0.0; for (int n=0;n<6;++n) { m_BC_type[n] = 0; m_PML_size[n] = 8; m_Mur_v_ph[n] = 0; } } openEMS::~openEMS() { Reset(); } void openEMS::Reset() { if (PA) PA->DeleteAll(); delete PA; PA=0; delete FDTD_Eng; FDTD_Eng=0; delete FDTD_Op; FDTD_Op=0; delete m_CSX; m_CSX=0; delete m_Exc; m_Exc=0; } void openEMS::showUsage() { cout << " Usage: openEMS [...]" << endl << endl; cout << " " << endl; cout << "\t--disable-dumps\t\tDisable all field dumps for faster simulation" << endl; cout << "\t--debug-material\tDump material distribution to a vtk file for debugging" << endl; cout << "\t--debug-PEC\t\tDump metal distribution to a vtk file for debugging" << endl; cout << "\t--debug-operator\tDump operator to vtk file for debugging" << endl; cout << "\t--debug-boxes\t\tDump e.g. probe boxes to vtk file for debugging" << endl; cout << "\t--debug-CSX\t\tWrite CSX geometry file to debugCSX.xml" << endl; cout << "\t--engine=\t\tChoose engine type" << endl; cout << "\t\t--engine=fastest\t\tfastest available engine (default)" << endl; cout << "\t\t--engine=basic\t\t\tbasic FDTD engine" << endl; cout << "\t\t--engine=sse\t\t\tengine using sse vector extensions" << endl; cout << "\t\t--engine=sse-compressed\t\tengine using compressed operator + sse vector extensions" << endl; #ifdef MPI_SUPPORT cout << "\t\t--engine=MPI\t\t\tengine using compressed operator + sse vector extensions + MPI parallel processing" << endl; cout << "\t\t--engine=multithreaded\t\tengine using compressed operator + sse vector extensions + MPI + multithreading" << endl; #else cout << "\t\t--engine=multithreaded\t\tengine using compressed operator + sse vector extensions + multithreading" << endl; #endif cout << "\t--numThreads=\tForce use n threads for multithreaded engine (needs: --engine=multithreaded)" << endl; cout << "\t--no-simulation\t\tonly run preprocessing; do not simulate" << endl; cout << "\t--dump-statistics\tdump simulation statistics to '" << __OPENEMS_RUN_STAT_FILE__ << "' and '" << __OPENEMS_STAT_FILE__ << "'" << endl; cout << "\n\t Additional global arguments " << endl; g_settings.ShowArguments(cout,"\t"); cout << endl; } //! \brief processes a command line argument //! \return true if argument is known //! \return false if argument is unknown bool openEMS::parseCommandLineArgument( const char *argv ) { if (!argv) return false; if (strcmp(argv,"--disable-dumps")==0) { cout << "openEMS - disabling all field dumps" << endl; SetEnableDumps(false); return true; } else if (strcmp(argv,"--debug-material")==0) { cout << "openEMS - dumping material to 'material_dump.vtk'" << endl; DebugMaterial(); return true; } else if (strcmp(argv,"--debug-operator")==0) { cout << "openEMS - dumping operator to 'operator_dump.vtk'" << endl; DebugOperator(); return true; } else if (strcmp(argv,"--debug-boxes")==0) { cout << "openEMS - dumping boxes to 'box_dump*.vtk'" << endl; DebugBox(); return true; } else if (strcmp(argv,"--debug-PEC")==0) { cout << "openEMS - dumping PEC info to 'PEC_dump.vtk'" << endl; DebugPEC(); return true; } else if (strcmp(argv,"--debug-CSX")==0) { cout << "openEMS - dumping CSX geometry to 'debugCSX.xml'" << endl; DebugCSX(); return true; } else if (strcmp(argv,"--engine=basic")==0) { cout << "openEMS - enabled basic engine" << endl; m_engine = EngineType_Basic; return true; } else if (strcmp(argv,"--engine=sse")==0) { cout << "openEMS - enabled sse engine" << endl; m_engine = EngineType_SSE; return true; } else if (strcmp(argv,"--engine=sse-compressed")==0) { cout << "openEMS - enabled compressed sse engine" << endl; m_engine = EngineType_SSE_Compressed; return true; } else if (strcmp(argv,"--engine=multithreaded")==0) { cout << "openEMS - enabled multithreading" << endl; m_engine = EngineType_Multithreaded; return true; } else if (strncmp(argv,"--numThreads=",13)==0) { this->SetNumberOfThreads(atoi(argv+13)); cout << "openEMS - fixed number of threads: " << m_engine_numThreads << endl; return true; } else if (strcmp(argv,"--engine=fastest")==0) { cout << "openEMS - enabled multithreading engine" << endl; m_engine = EngineType_Multithreaded; return true; } else if (strcmp(argv,"--no-simulation")==0) { cout << "openEMS - disabling simulation => preprocessing only" << endl; m_no_simulation = true; return true; } else if (strcmp(argv,"--dump-statistics")==0) { cout << "openEMS - dump simulation statistics to '" << __OPENEMS_RUN_STAT_FILE__ << "' and '" << __OPENEMS_STAT_FILE__ << "'" << endl; m_DumpStats = true; return true; } return false; } string openEMS::GetExtLibsInfo(string prefix) { stringstream str; str << prefix << "Used external libraries:" << endl; str << prefix << "\t" << ContinuousStructure::GetInfoLine(true) << endl; // libhdf5 unsigned int major, minor, release; if (H5get_libversion( &major, &minor, &release ) >= 0) { str << prefix << "\t" << "hdf5 -- Version: " << major << '.' << minor << '.' << release << endl; str << prefix << "\t" << " compiled against: " H5_VERS_INFO << endl; } // tinyxml str << prefix << "\t" << "tinyxml -- compiled against: " << TIXML_MAJOR_VERSION << '.' << TIXML_MINOR_VERSION << '.' << TIXML_PATCH_VERSION << endl; // fparser str << prefix << "\t" << "fparser" << endl; // boost str << prefix << "\t" << "boost -- compiled against: " << BOOST_LIB_VERSION << endl; //vtk str << prefix << "\t" << "vtk -- Version: " << vtkVersion::GetVTKMajorVersion() << "." << vtkVersion::GetVTKMinorVersion() << "." << vtkVersion::GetVTKBuildVersion() << endl; str << prefix << "\t" << " compiled against: " << VTK_VERSION << endl; return str.str(); } void openEMS::WelcomeScreen() { #if defined(_LP64) || defined(_WIN64) string bits = "64bit"; #else string bits = "32bit"; #endif cout << " ---------------------------------------------------------------------- " << endl; cout << " | openEMS " << bits << " -- version " GIT_VERSION << endl; cout << " | (C) 2010-2018 Thorsten Liebig GPL license" << endl; cout << " ---------------------------------------------------------------------- " << endl; cout << openEMS::GetExtLibsInfo("\t") << endl; } bool openEMS::SetupBoundaryConditions() { FDTD_Op->SetBoundaryCondition(m_BC_type); //operator only knows about PEC and PMC, everything else is defined by extensions (see below) /**************************** create all operator/engine extensions here !!!! **********************************/ for (int n=0; n<6; ++n) { FDTD_Op->SetBCSize(n, 0); if (m_BC_type[n]==2) //Mur-ABC { FDTD_Op->SetBCSize(n, 1); Operator_Ext_Mur_ABC* op_ext_mur = new Operator_Ext_Mur_ABC(FDTD_Op); op_ext_mur->SetDirection(n/2,n%2); if (m_Mur_v_ph[n]>0) op_ext_mur->SetPhaseVelocity(m_Mur_v_ph[n]); FDTD_Op->AddExtension(op_ext_mur); } if (m_BC_type[n]==3) FDTD_Op->SetBCSize(n, m_PML_size[n]); } //create the upml Operator_Ext_UPML::Create_UPML(FDTD_Op, m_BC_type, m_PML_size, string()); return true; } Engine_Interface_FDTD* openEMS::NewEngineInterface(int multigridlevel) { Operator_CylinderMultiGrid* op_cyl_mg = dynamic_cast(FDTD_Op); while (op_cyl_mg && multigridlevel>0) { int mgl = op_cyl_mg->GetMultiGridLevel(); if (mgl==multigridlevel) { if (g_settings.GetVerboseLevel()>0) cout << __func__ << ": Operator with requested multi-grid level found." << endl; return new Engine_Interface_Cylindrical_FDTD(op_cyl_mg); } Operator_Cylinder* op_cyl_inner = op_cyl_mg->GetInnerOperator(); op_cyl_mg = dynamic_cast(op_cyl_inner); if (op_cyl_mg==NULL) //inner most operator reached { if (g_settings.GetVerboseLevel()>0) cout << __func__ << ": Operator with highest multi-grid level chosen." << endl; return new Engine_Interface_Cylindrical_FDTD(op_cyl_inner); } // try next level } Operator_Cylinder* op_cyl = dynamic_cast(FDTD_Op); if (op_cyl) return new Engine_Interface_Cylindrical_FDTD(op_cyl); Operator_sse* op_sse = dynamic_cast(FDTD_Op); if (op_sse) return new Engine_Interface_SSE_FDTD(op_sse); return new Engine_Interface_FDTD(FDTD_Op); } void openEMS::SetVerboseLevel(int level) { g_settings.SetVerboseLevel(level); } bool openEMS::SetupProcessing() { //*************** setup processing ************// if (g_settings.GetVerboseLevel()>0) cout << "Setting up processing..." << endl; unsigned int Nyquist = FDTD_Op->GetExcitationSignal()->GetNyquistNum(); PA = new ProcessingArray(Nyquist); double start[3]; double stop[3]; bool l_MultiBox = false; vector Probes = m_CSX->GetPropertyByType(CSProperties::PROBEBOX); for (size_t i=0; iGetQtyPrimitives()>1); for (size_t nb=0; nbGetQtyPrimitives(); ++nb) { CSPrimitives* prim = Probes.at(i)->GetPrimitive(nb); if (prim!=NULL) { double bnd[6] = {0,0,0,0,0,0}; prim->GetBoundBox(bnd,true); start[0]= bnd[0]; start[1]=bnd[2]; start[2]=bnd[4]; stop[0] = bnd[1]; stop[1] =bnd[3]; stop[2] =bnd[5]; CSPropProbeBox* pb = Probes.at(i)->ToProbeBox(); ProcessIntegral* proc = NULL; if (pb) { if (pb->GetProbeType()==0) { ProcessVoltage* procVolt = new ProcessVoltage(NewEngineInterface()); proc=procVolt; } else if (pb->GetProbeType()==1) { ProcessCurrent* procCurr = new ProcessCurrent(NewEngineInterface()); proc=procCurr; } else if (pb->GetProbeType()==2) proc = new ProcessFieldProbe(NewEngineInterface(),0); else if (pb->GetProbeType()==3) proc = new ProcessFieldProbe(NewEngineInterface(),1); else if ((pb->GetProbeType()==10) || (pb->GetProbeType()==11)) { ProcessModeMatch* pmm = new ProcessModeMatch(NewEngineInterface()); pmm->SetFieldType(pb->GetProbeType()-10); pmm->SetModeFunction(0,pb->GetAttributeValue("ModeFunctionX")); pmm->SetModeFunction(1,pb->GetAttributeValue("ModeFunctionY")); pmm->SetModeFunction(2,pb->GetAttributeValue("ModeFunctionZ")); proc = pmm; } else { cerr << "openEMS::SetupFDTD: Warning: Probe type " << pb->GetProbeType() << " of property '" << pb->GetName() << "' is unknown..." << endl; continue; } if (CylinderCoords) proc->SetMeshType(Processing::CYLINDRICAL_MESH); if ((pb->GetProbeType()==1) || (pb->GetProbeType()==3)) { proc->SetDualTime(true); proc->SetDualMesh(true); } if (pb->GetProbeType()==11) proc->SetDualTime(true); proc->SetProcessInterval(Nyquist/m_OverSampling); if (pb->GetStartTime()>0 || pb->GetStopTime()>0) proc->SetProcessStartStopTime(pb->GetStartTime(), pb->GetStopTime()); proc->AddFrequency(pb->GetFDSamples()); proc->GetNormalDir(pb->GetNormalDir()); if (l_MultiBox==false) proc->SetName(pb->GetName()); else proc->SetName(pb->GetName(),nb); proc->DefineStartStopCoord(start,stop); if (g_settings.showProbeDiscretization()) proc->ShowSnappedCoords(); proc->SetWeight(pb->GetWeighting()); PA->AddProcessing(proc); prim->SetPrimitiveUsed(true); } else delete proc; } } } vector DumpProps = m_CSX->GetPropertyByType(CSProperties::DUMPBOX); for (size_t i=0; iGetQtyPrimitives()>1); for (size_t nb=0; nbGetQtyPrimitives(); ++nb) { CSPrimitives* prim = DumpProps.at(i)->GetPrimitive(nb); if (prim!=NULL) { double bnd[6] = {0,0,0,0,0,0}; prim->GetBoundBox(bnd,true); start[0]= bnd[0]; start[1]=bnd[2]; start[2]=bnd[4]; stop[0] = bnd[1]; stop[1] =bnd[3]; stop[2] =bnd[5]; CSPropDumpBox* db = DumpProps.at(i)->ToDumpBox(); if (db) { if ((db->GetDumpType()>=0) && (db->GetDumpType()<=5)) ProcField = new ProcessFieldsTD(NewEngineInterface(db->GetMultiGridLevel())); else if ((db->GetDumpType()>=10) && (db->GetDumpType()<=15)) ProcField = new ProcessFieldsFD(NewEngineInterface(db->GetMultiGridLevel())); else if ( ((db->GetDumpType()>=20) && (db->GetDumpType()<=22)) || (db->GetDumpType()==29) ) { ProcessFieldsSAR* procSAR = new ProcessFieldsSAR(NewEngineInterface(db->GetMultiGridLevel())); ProcField = procSAR; string method = db->GetAttributeValue("SAR_Method"); if (!method.empty()) procSAR->SetSARAveragingMethod(method); // use (center)-cell based conductivity only procSAR->SetUseCellConductivity(true); } else cerr << "openEMS::SetupFDTD: unknown dump box type... skipping!" << endl; if (ProcField) { ProcField->SetEnable(Enable_Dumps); ProcField->SetProcessInterval(Nyquist/m_OverSampling); if (db->GetStopTime()>0 || db->GetStartTime()>0) ProcField->SetProcessStartStopTime(db->GetStartTime(), db->GetStopTime()); if ((db->GetDumpType()==1) || (db->GetDumpType()==11)) { ProcField->SetDualTime(true); //make dualMesh the default mesh for h-field dumps, maybe overwritten by interpolation type (node-interpolation) ProcField->SetDualMesh(true); } if (db->GetDumpType()>=10) { ProcField->AddFrequency(db->GetFDSamples()); ProcField->SetDumpType((ProcessFields::DumpType)(db->GetDumpType()-10)); } else ProcField->SetDumpType((ProcessFields::DumpType)db->GetDumpType()); if (db->GetDumpType()==20) ProcField->SetDumpType(ProcessFields::SAR_LOCAL_DUMP); if (db->GetDumpType()==21) ProcField->SetDumpType(ProcessFields::SAR_1G_DUMP); if (db->GetDumpType()==22) ProcField->SetDumpType(ProcessFields::SAR_10G_DUMP); if (db->GetDumpType()==29) ProcField->SetDumpType(ProcessFields::SAR_RAW_DATA); //SetupMaterialStorages() has previewed storage needs... refresh here to prevent cleanup!!! if ( ProcField->NeedPermittivity() && Enable_Dumps) FDTD_Op->SetMaterialStoreFlags(0,true); if ( ProcField->NeedConductivity() && Enable_Dumps) FDTD_Op->SetMaterialStoreFlags(1,true); if ( ProcField->NeedPermeability() && Enable_Dumps) FDTD_Op->SetMaterialStoreFlags(2,true); ProcField->SetDumpMode((Engine_Interface_Base::InterpolationType)db->GetDumpMode()); ProcField->SetFileType((ProcessFields::FileType)db->GetFileType()); if (CylinderCoords) ProcField->SetMeshType(Processing::CYLINDRICAL_MESH); if (db->GetSubSampling()) for (int n=0; n<3; ++n) ProcField->SetSubSampling(db->GetSubSampling(n),n); if (db->GetOptResolution()) for (int n=0; n<3; ++n) ProcField->SetOptResolution(db->GetOptResolution(n),n); if (l_MultiBox==false) ProcField->SetName(db->GetName()); else ProcField->SetName(db->GetName(),nb); ProcField->SetFileName(ProcField->GetName()); ProcField->DefineStartStopCoord(start,stop); if (g_settings.showProbeDiscretization()) ProcField->ShowSnappedCoords(); PA->AddProcessing(ProcField); prim->SetPrimitiveUsed(true); } } } } } return true; } bool openEMS::SetupMaterialStorages() { vector DumpProps = m_CSX->GetPropertyByType(CSProperties::DUMPBOX); for (size_t i=0; iToDumpBox(); if (!db) continue; if (db->GetQtyPrimitives()==0) continue; //check for current density dump types if ( ((db->GetDumpType()==2) || (db->GetDumpType()==12) || // current density storage (db->GetDumpType()==20) || (db->GetDumpType()==21) || (db->GetDumpType()==22)) && // SAR dump types Enable_Dumps ) FDTD_Op->SetMaterialStoreFlags(1,true); //tell operator to store kappa material data if ( ((db->GetDumpType()==4) || (db->GetDumpType()==14)) || Enable_Dumps) // electric flux density storage FDTD_Op->SetMaterialStoreFlags(0,true); //tell operator to store epsR material data if ( ((db->GetDumpType()==5) || (db->GetDumpType()==15)) || Enable_Dumps) // magnetic flux density storage FDTD_Op->SetMaterialStoreFlags(2,true); //tell operator to store mueR material data } return true; } void openEMS::SetupCylinderMultiGrid(std::string val) { m_CC_MultiGrid.clear(); m_CC_MultiGrid = SplitString2Double(val,','); } bool openEMS::SetupOperator() { if (CylinderCoords) { if (m_CC_MultiGrid.size()>0) { FDTD_Op = Operator_CylinderMultiGrid::New(m_CC_MultiGrid, m_engine_numThreads); if (FDTD_Op==NULL) FDTD_Op = Operator_Cylinder::New(m_engine_numThreads); } else FDTD_Op = Operator_Cylinder::New(m_engine_numThreads); } else if (m_engine == EngineType_SSE) { FDTD_Op = Operator_sse::New(); } else if (m_engine == EngineType_SSE_Compressed) { FDTD_Op = Operator_SSE_Compressed::New(); } else if (m_engine == EngineType_Multithreaded) { FDTD_Op = Operator_Multithread::New(m_engine_numThreads); } else { FDTD_Op = Operator::New(); } return true; } void openEMS::Set_BC_Type(int idx, int type) { if ((idx<0) || (idx>5)) return; m_BC_type[idx] = type; } int openEMS::Get_BC_Type(int idx) { if ((idx<0) || (idx>5)) return -1; return m_BC_type[idx]; } void openEMS::Set_BC_PML(int idx, unsigned int size) { if ((idx<0) || (idx>5)) return; m_BC_type[idx] = 3; m_PML_size[idx] = size; } int openEMS::Get_PML_Size(int idx) { if ((idx<0) || (idx>5)) return -1; if (m_BC_type[idx]!=3) return -1; // return -1 if BC was *not* a PML return m_PML_size[idx]; } void openEMS::Set_Mur_PhaseVel(int idx, double val) { if ((idx<0) || (idx>5)) return; m_Mur_v_ph[idx] = val; } bool openEMS::ParseFDTDSetup(std::string file) { Reset(); if (g_settings.GetVerboseLevel()>0) cout << "Read openEMS xml file: " << file << " ..." << endl; TiXmlDocument doc(file); if (!doc.LoadFile()) { cerr << "openEMS: Error File-Loading failed!!! File: " << file << endl; exit(-1); } if (g_settings.GetVerboseLevel()>0) cout << "Read openEMS Settings..." << endl; TiXmlElement* openEMSxml = doc.FirstChildElement("openEMS"); if (openEMSxml==NULL) { cerr << "Can't read openEMS ... " << endl; exit(-1); } TiXmlElement* FDTD_Opts = openEMSxml->FirstChildElement("FDTD"); if (FDTD_Opts==NULL) { cerr << "Can't read openEMS FDTD Settings... " << endl; exit(-1); } if (g_settings.GetVerboseLevel()>0) cout << "Read Geometry..." << endl; ContinuousStructure* csx = new ContinuousStructure(); string EC(csx->ReadFromXML(openEMSxml)); if (EC.empty()==false) cerr << EC << endl; this->SetCSX(csx); return this->Parse_XML_FDTDSetup(FDTD_Opts); } bool openEMS::Parse_XML_FDTDSetup(TiXmlElement* FDTD_Opts) { double dhelp=0; FDTD_Opts->QueryDoubleAttribute("NumberOfTimesteps",&dhelp); if (dhelp<0) this->SetNumberOfTimeSteps(0); else this->SetNumberOfTimeSteps((unsigned int)dhelp); int ihelp = 0; FDTD_Opts->QueryIntAttribute("CylinderCoords",&ihelp); if (ihelp==1) { this->SetCylinderCoords(true); const char* cchelp = FDTD_Opts->Attribute("MultiGrid"); if (cchelp!=NULL) this->SetupCylinderMultiGrid(string(cchelp)); } dhelp = 0; FDTD_Opts->QueryDoubleAttribute("endCriteria",&dhelp); if (dhelp==0) this->SetEndCriteria(1e-6); else this->SetEndCriteria(dhelp); ihelp = 0; FDTD_Opts->QueryIntAttribute("OverSampling",&ihelp); if (ihelp>1) this->SetOverSampling(ihelp); // check for cell constant material averaging if (FDTD_Opts->QueryIntAttribute("CellConstantMaterial",&ihelp)==TIXML_SUCCESS) this->SetCellConstantMaterial(ihelp==1); TiXmlElement* BC = FDTD_Opts->FirstChildElement("BoundaryCond"); if (BC==NULL) { cerr << "Can't read openEMS boundary cond Settings... " << endl; exit(-3); } // const char* tmp = BC->Attribute("PML_Grading"); // string pml_gradFunc; // if (tmp) // pml_gradFunc = string(tmp); string bound_names[] = {"xmin","xmax","ymin","ymax","zmin","zmax"}; string s_bc; for (int n=0; n<6; ++n) { int EC = BC->QueryIntAttribute(bound_names[n].c_str(),&ihelp); if (EC==TIXML_SUCCESS) { this->Set_BC_Type(n, ihelp); continue; } if (EC==TIXML_WRONG_TYPE) { const char* tmp = BC->Attribute(bound_names[n].c_str()); if (tmp) s_bc = string(tmp); else cerr << "openEMS::SetupBoundaryConditions: Warning, boundary condition for \"" << bound_names[n] << "\" unknown... set to PEC " << endl; if (s_bc=="PEC") this->Set_BC_Type(n, 0); else if (s_bc=="PMC") this->Set_BC_Type(n, 1); else if (s_bc=="MUR") this->Set_BC_Type(n, 2); else if (strncmp(s_bc.c_str(),"PML_=",4)==0) this->Set_BC_PML(n, atoi(s_bc.c_str()+4)); else cerr << "openEMS::SetupBoundaryConditions: Warning, boundary condition for \"" << bound_names[n] << "\" unknown... set to PEC " << endl; } else cerr << "openEMS::SetupBoundaryConditions: Warning, boundary condition for \"" << bound_names[n] << "\" not found... set to PEC " << endl; } //read general mur phase velocity if (BC->QueryDoubleAttribute("MUR_PhaseVelocity",&dhelp) == TIXML_SUCCESS) for (int n=0;n<6;++n) this->Set_Mur_PhaseVel(n, dhelp); string mur_v_ph_names[6] = {"MUR_PhaseVelocity_xmin", "MUR_PhaseVelocity_xmax", "MUR_PhaseVelocity_ymin", "MUR_PhaseVelocity_ymax", "MUR_PhaseVelocity_zmin", "MUR_PhaseVelocity_zmax"}; for (int n=0; n<6; ++n) if (BC->QueryDoubleAttribute(mur_v_ph_names[n].c_str(),&dhelp) == TIXML_SUCCESS) this->Set_Mur_PhaseVel(n, dhelp); TiXmlElement* m_Excite_Elem = FDTD_Opts->FirstChildElement("Excitation"); if (!m_Excite_Elem) { cerr << "Excitation::setupExcitation: Error, can't read openEMS excitation settings... " << endl; return false; } Excitation* exc = this->InitExcitation(); double f0=0, fc=0, f_max=0; ihelp = -1; m_Excite_Elem->QueryIntAttribute("Type",&ihelp); switch (ihelp) { case Excitation::GaissianPulse: m_Excite_Elem->QueryDoubleAttribute("f0",&f0); m_Excite_Elem->QueryDoubleAttribute("fc",&fc); exc->SetupGaussianPulse(f0, fc); break; case Excitation::Sinusoidal: // sinusoidal excite m_Excite_Elem->QueryDoubleAttribute("f0",&f0); exc->SetupSinusoidal(f0); break; case Excitation::DiracPulse: FDTD_Opts->QueryDoubleAttribute("f_max",&f_max); exc->SetupDiracPulse(f_max); break; case Excitation::Step: FDTD_Opts->QueryDoubleAttribute("f_max",&f_max); exc->SetupStepExcite(f_max); break; case Excitation::CustomExcite: m_Excite_Elem->QueryDoubleAttribute("f0",&f0); FDTD_Opts->QueryDoubleAttribute("f_max",&f_max); exc->SetupCustomExcite(m_Excite_Elem->Attribute("Function"), f0, f_max); break; } if (FDTD_Opts->QueryIntAttribute("TimeStepMethod",&ihelp)==TIXML_SUCCESS) this->SetTimeStepMethod(ihelp); if (FDTD_Opts->QueryDoubleAttribute("TimeStep",&dhelp)==TIXML_SUCCESS) this->SetTimeStep(dhelp); if (FDTD_Opts->QueryDoubleAttribute("TimeStepFactor",&dhelp)==TIXML_SUCCESS) this->SetTimeStepFactor(dhelp); return true; } void openEMS::SetGaussExcite(double f0, double fc) { this->InitExcitation(); m_Exc->SetupGaussianPulse(f0, fc); } Excitation* openEMS::InitExcitation() { delete m_Exc; m_Exc = new Excitation(); return m_Exc; } void openEMS::SetCSX(ContinuousStructure* csx) { delete m_CSX; m_CSX = csx; } int openEMS::SetupFDTD() { timeval startTime; gettimeofday(&startTime,NULL); if (m_CSX==NULL) { cerr << "openEMS::SetupFDTD: Error: CSXCAD is not set!" << endl; return 3; } if (m_CSX==NULL) { cerr << "openEMS::SetupFDTD: Error: CSXCAD is not set!" << endl; return 3; } std::string ec = m_CSX->Update(); if (!ec.empty()) cerr << ec << endl; if (g_settings.GetVerboseLevel()>2) m_CSX->ShowPropertyStatus(cerr); if (CylinderCoords) if (m_CSX->GetCoordInputType()!=CYLINDRICAL) { cerr << "openEMS::SetupFDTD: Warning: Coordinate system found in the CSX file is not a cylindrical. Forcing to cylindrical coordinate system!" << endl; m_CSX->SetCoordInputType(CYLINDRICAL); //tell CSX to use cylinder-coords } if (m_debugCSX) m_CSX->Write2XML("debugCSX.xml"); //*************** setup operator ************// if (SetupOperator()==false) return 2; // default material averaging is quarter cell averaging FDTD_Op->SetQuarterCellMaterialAvg(); if (m_CellConstantMaterial) { FDTD_Op->SetCellConstantMaterial(); if (g_settings.GetVerboseLevel()>0) cout << "Enabling constant cell material assumption." << endl; } if (m_Exc==NULL) { cerr << "openEMS::SetupFDTD: Error, excitation is not defined! Abort!" << endl; return 3; } FDTD_Op->SetExcitationSignal(m_Exc); FDTD_Op->AddExtension(new Operator_Ext_Excitation(FDTD_Op)); if (!CylinderCoords) FDTD_Op->AddExtension(new Operator_Ext_TFSF(FDTD_Op)); if (FDTD_Op->SetGeometryCSX(m_CSX)==false) return(2); SetupBoundaryConditions(); FDTD_Op->SetTimeStepMethod(m_TS_method); if (m_TS>0) FDTD_Op->SetTimestep(m_TS); if (m_TS_fac<1) FDTD_Op->SetTimestepFactor(m_TS_fac); // Is a steady state detection requested Operator_Ext_SteadyState* Op_Ext_SSD = NULL; if (m_Exc->GetSignalPeriod()>0) { cout << "Create a steady state detection using a period of " << m_Exc->GetSignalPeriod() << " s" << endl; Op_Ext_SSD = new Operator_Ext_SteadyState(FDTD_Op, m_Exc->GetSignalPeriod()); unsigned int pos[3]; for (int p=0;p<3;++p) pos[p] = FDTD_Op->GetNumberOfLines(p)/2; Op_Ext_SSD->Add_E_Probe(pos, 0); Op_Ext_SSD->Add_E_Probe(pos, 1); Op_Ext_SSD->Add_E_Probe(pos, 2); for (int n=0;n<3;++n) { for (int p=0;p<3;++p) pos[p] = FDTD_Op->GetNumberOfLines(p)/2; pos[n] *= 1/4; Op_Ext_SSD->Add_E_Probe(pos, 0); Op_Ext_SSD->Add_E_Probe(pos, 1); Op_Ext_SSD->Add_E_Probe(pos, 2); pos[n] *= 3/4; Op_Ext_SSD->Add_E_Probe(pos, 0); Op_Ext_SSD->Add_E_Probe(pos, 1); Op_Ext_SSD->Add_E_Probe(pos, 2); } FDTD_Op->AddExtension(Op_Ext_SSD); } if ((m_CSX->GetQtyPropertyType(CSProperties::LORENTZMATERIAL)>0) || (m_CSX->GetQtyPropertyType(CSProperties::DEBYEMATERIAL)>0)) FDTD_Op->AddExtension(new Operator_Ext_LorentzMaterial(FDTD_Op)); if (m_CSX->GetQtyPropertyType(CSProperties::CONDUCTINGSHEET)>0) FDTD_Op->AddExtension(new Operator_Ext_ConductingSheet(FDTD_Op, m_Exc->GetMaxFreq())); //check all properties to request material storage during operator creation... SetupMaterialStorages(); /******************* create the EC-FDTD operator *****************************/ Operator::DebugFlags debugFlags = Operator::None; if (DebugMat) debugFlags |= Operator::debugMaterial; if (DebugOp) debugFlags |= Operator::debugOperator; if (m_debugPEC) debugFlags |= Operator::debugPEC; FDTD_Op->CalcECOperator( debugFlags ); /*******************************************************************************/ //reset flags for material storage, if no dump-box resets it to true, it will be cleaned up... FDTD_Op->SetMaterialStoreFlags(0,false); FDTD_Op->SetMaterialStoreFlags(1,false); FDTD_Op->SetMaterialStoreFlags(2,false); FDTD_Op->SetMaterialStoreFlags(3,false); unsigned int maxTime_TS = (unsigned int)(m_maxTime/FDTD_Op->GetTimestep()); if ((m_maxTime>0) && (maxTime_TSbuildExcitationSignal(NrTS)) exit(2); m_Exc->DumpVoltageExcite("et"); m_Exc->DumpCurrentExcite("ht"); timeval OpDoneTime; gettimeofday(&OpDoneTime,NULL); if (g_settings.GetVerboseLevel()>0) { FDTD_Op->ShowStat(); FDTD_Op->ShowExtStat(); cout << "Creation time for operator: " << CalcDiffTime(OpDoneTime,startTime) << " s" << endl; } cout << "FDTD simulation size: " << FDTD_Op->GetNumberOfLines(0) << "x" << FDTD_Op->GetNumberOfLines(1) << "x" << FDTD_Op->GetNumberOfLines(2) << " --> " << FDTD_Op->GetNumberCells() << " FDTD cells " << endl; cout << "FDTD timestep is: " <GetTimestep() << " s; Nyquist rate: " << m_Exc->GetNyquistNum() << " timesteps @" << CalcNyquistFrequency(m_Exc->GetNyquistNum(),FDTD_Op->GetTimestep()) << " Hz" << endl; if (m_Exc->GetNyquistNum()>1000) cerr << "openEMS::SetupFDTD: Warning, the timestep seems to be very small --> long simulation. Check your mesh!?" << endl; if (m_Exc->GetSignalPeriod()==0) { cout << "Excitation signal length is: " << m_Exc->GetLength() << " timesteps (" << m_Exc->GetLength()*FDTD_Op->GetTimestep() << "s)" << endl; cout << "Max. number of timesteps: " << NrTS << " ( --> " << (double)NrTS/(double)(m_Exc->GetLength()) << " * Excitation signal length)" << endl; if ( ((double)NrTS/(double)m_Exc->GetLength() < 3) && (m_Exc->GetExciteType()==0)) cerr << "openEMS::SetupFDTD: Warning, max. number of timesteps is smaller than three times the excitation. " << endl << \ "\tYou may want to choose a higher number of max. timesteps... " << endl; } else { int p = int(m_Exc->GetSignalPeriod()/FDTD_Op->GetTimestep()); cout << "Excitation signal period is: " << p << " timesteps (" << m_Exc->GetSignalPeriod() << "s)" << endl; cout << "Max. number of timesteps: " << NrTS << " ( --> " << (double)NrTS/(double)(m_Exc->GetLength()) << " * Excitation signal period)" << endl; if (NrTS/p < 3) cerr << "openEMS::SetupFDTD: Warning, max. number of timesteps is smaller than three times the excitation signal period. " << endl << \ "\tYou may want to choose a higher number of max. timesteps... " << endl; } if (m_no_simulation) { // simulation was disabled (to generate debug output only) return 1; } //create FDTD engine FDTD_Eng = FDTD_Op->CreateEngine(); if (Op_Ext_SSD) { Eng_Ext_SSD = dynamic_cast(Op_Ext_SSD->GetEngineExtention()); Eng_Ext_SSD->SetEngineInterface(this->NewEngineInterface()); } //setup all processing classes if (SetupProcessing()==false) return 2; // Cleanup all unused material storages... FDTD_Op->CleanupMaterialStorage(); //check and warn for unused properties and primitives m_CSX->WarnUnusedPrimitves(cerr); // dump all boxes (voltage, current, fields, ...) if (m_debugBox) { PA->DumpBoxes2File("box_dump_"); } return 0; } string FormatTime(int sec) { stringstream ss; if (sec<60) { ss << setw(9) << sec << "s"; return ss.str(); } if (sec<3600) { ss << setw(6) << sec/60 << "m" << setw(2) << setfill('0') << sec%60 << "s"; return ss.str(); } ss << setw(3) << sec/3600 << "h" << setw(2) << setfill('0') << (sec%3600)/60 << "m" << setw(2) << setfill('0') << sec%60 << "s"; return ss.str(); } bool openEMS::CheckAbortCond() { if (m_Abort) //abort was set externally return true; //check whether the file "ABORT" exist in current working directory ifstream ifile("ABORT"); if (ifile) { ifile.close(); cerr << "openEMS::CheckAbortCond(): Found file \"ABORT\", aborting simulation..." << endl; return true; } return false; } void openEMS::RunFDTD() { cout << "Running FDTD engine... this may take a while... grab a cup of coffee?!?" << endl; //special handling of a field processing, needed to realize the end criteria... ProcessFields* ProcField = new ProcessFields(NewEngineInterface()); PA->AddProcessing(ProcField); double maxE=0,currE=0; //init processings PA->InitAll(); //add all timesteps to end-crit field processing with max excite amplitude unsigned int maxExcite = FDTD_Op->GetExcitationSignal()->GetMaxExcitationTimestep(); // for (unsigned int n=0; nExc->Volt_Count; ++n) // ProcField->AddStep(FDTD_Op->Exc->Volt_delay[n]+maxExcite); ProcField->AddStep(maxExcite); double change=1; int prevTS=0,currTS=0; double numCells = FDTD_Op->GetNumberCells(); double speed = 0; double t_diff; double t_run; timeval currTime; gettimeofday(&currTime,NULL); timeval startTime = currTime; timeval prevTime= currTime; if (m_DumpStats) InitRunStatistics(__OPENEMS_RUN_STAT_FILE__); //*************** simulate ************// PA->PreProcess(); int step=PA->Process(); if ((step<0) || (step>(int)NrTS)) step=NrTS; while ((FDTD_Eng->GetNumberOfTimesteps()endCrit) && !CheckAbortCond()) { FDTD_Eng->IterateTS(step); step=PA->Process(); if ((Eng_Ext_SSD==NULL) && ProcField->CheckTimestep()) { currE = ProcField->CalcTotalEnergyEstimate(); if (currE>maxE) maxE=currE; } // cout << " do " << step << " steps; current: " << eng.GetNumberOfTimesteps() << endl; currTS = FDTD_Eng->GetNumberOfTimesteps(); if ((step<0) || (step>(int)(NrTS - currTS))) step=NrTS - currTS; gettimeofday(&currTime,NULL); t_diff = CalcDiffTime(currTime,prevTime); if (t_diff>4) { t_run = CalcDiffTime(currTime,startTime); speed = numCells*(currTS-prevTS)/t_diff; cout << "[@" << FormatTime(t_run) << "] Timestep: " << setw(12) << currTS ; cout << " || Speed: " << setw(6) << setprecision(1) << std::fixed << speed*1e-6 << " MC/s (" << setw(4) << setprecision(3) << std::scientific << t_diff/(currTS-prevTS) << " s/TS)" ; if (Eng_Ext_SSD==NULL) { currE = ProcField->CalcTotalEnergyEstimate(); if (currE>maxE) maxE=currE; if (maxE) change = currE/maxE; cout << " || Energy: ~" << setw(6) << setprecision(2) << std::scientific << currE << " (-" << setw(5) << setprecision(2) << std::fixed << fabs(10.0*log10(change)) << "dB)" << endl; } else { change = Eng_Ext_SSD->GetLastDiff(); cout << " || SteadyState: " << setw(6) << setprecision(2) << std::fixed << 10.0*log10(change) << " dB" << endl; } prevTime=currTime; prevTS=currTS; PA->FlushNext(); if (m_DumpStats) DumpRunStatistics(__OPENEMS_RUN_STAT_FILE__, t_run, currTS, speed, currE); } } if ((change>endCrit) && (FDTD_Op->GetExcitationSignal()->GetExciteType()==0)) cerr << "RunFDTD: Warning: Max. number of timesteps was reached before the end-criteria of -" << fabs(10.0*log10(endCrit)) << "dB was reached... " << endl << \ "\tYou may want to choose a higher number of max. timesteps... " << endl; gettimeofday(&currTime,NULL); t_diff = CalcDiffTime(currTime,startTime); cout << "Time for " << FDTD_Eng->GetNumberOfTimesteps() << " iterations with " << FDTD_Op->GetNumberCells() << " cells : " << t_diff << " sec" << endl; cout << "Speed: " << numCells*(double)FDTD_Eng->GetNumberOfTimesteps()/t_diff*1e-6 << " MCells/s " << endl; if (m_DumpStats) DumpStatistics(__OPENEMS_STAT_FILE__, t_diff); //*************** postproc ************// PA->PostProcess(); } bool openEMS::DumpStatistics(const string& filename, double time) { ofstream stat_file; stat_file.open(filename.c_str()); if (!stat_file.is_open()) { cerr << "openEMS::DumpStatistics: Error, opening file failed..." << endl; return false; } stat_file << std::setprecision( 16 ); stat_file << FDTD_Op->GetNumberCells() << "\t% number of cells" << endl; stat_file << FDTD_Op->GetTimestep() << "\t% timestep (s)" << endl; stat_file << FDTD_Eng->GetNumberOfTimesteps() << "\t% number of iterations" << endl; stat_file << FDTD_Eng->GetNumberOfTimesteps()*FDTD_Op->GetTimestep() << "\t% total numercial time (s)" << endl; stat_file << time << "\t% simulation time (s)" << endl; stat_file << (double)FDTD_Op->GetNumberCells()*(double)FDTD_Eng->GetNumberOfTimesteps()/time << "\t% speed (cells/s)" << endl; stat_file.close(); return true; } bool openEMS::InitRunStatistics(const string& filename) { ofstream stat_file; stat_file.open(filename.c_str(), ios_base::out); if (!stat_file.is_open()) { cerr << "openEMS::InitRunStatistics: Error, opening file failed..." << endl; return false; } stat_file << "%time\ttimestep\tspeed\tenergy" << endl; stat_file.close(); return true; } bool openEMS::DumpRunStatistics(const string& filename, double time, unsigned int ts, double speed, double energy) { ofstream stat_file; stat_file.open(filename.c_str(), ios_base::app); if (!stat_file.is_open()) { cerr << "openEMS::DumpRunStatistics: Error, opening file failed..." << endl; return false; } stat_file << time << "\t" << ts << "\t" << speed << "\t" << energy << endl; stat_file.close(); return true; }