/* * Copyright (C) 2012 Thorsten Liebig (Thorsten.Liebig@gmx.de) * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifndef SAR_CALCULATION_H #define SAR_CALCULATION_H #include class SAR_Calculation { public: SAR_Calculation(); enum SARAveragingMethod { IEEE_C95_3, IEEE_62704, SIMPLE}; //! Reset and initialize all values (will keep all SAR settings) void Reset(); //! Set the debug level void SetDebugLevel(int level) {m_DebugLevel=level;} //! Set the used averaging method void SetAveragingMethod(SARAveragingMethod method, bool silent=false); //! Set the used averaging method void SetAveragingMethod(std::string method, bool silent=false); //! Set number of lines in all direcitions. (mandatory information) void SetNumLines(unsigned int numLines[3]); //! Set cell width in all direcitions. (mandatory information for averaging) void SetCellWidth(float* cellWidth[3]); //! Set the averaging mash. (mandatory information for averaging) void SetAveragingMass(float mass) {m_avg_mass=mass;} //! Set the cell volumes (optional for speedup) void SetCellVolumes(float*** cell_volume) {m_cell_volume=cell_volume;} //! Set the cell densities (mandatory information) void SetCellDensities(float*** cell_density) {m_cell_density=cell_density;} //! Set the cell conductivities (mandatory if no current density field is given) void SetCellCondictivity(float*** cell_conductivity) {m_cell_conductivity=cell_conductivity;} //! Set the electric field (mandatory information) void SetEField(std::complex**** field) {m_E_field=field;} //! Set the current density field (mandatory if no conductivity distribution is given) void SetJField(std::complex**** field) {m_J_field=field;} //! Calculate the SAR, requires a preallocated 3D array float*** CalcSAR(float*** SAR); //! Calculate the total power dumped double CalcSARPower(); protected: unsigned int m_numLines[3]; float* m_cellWidth[3]; float m_avg_mass; float*** m_cell_volume; float*** m_cell_density; float*** m_cell_conductivity; std::complex**** m_E_field; std::complex**** m_J_field; bool*** m_Vx_Used; bool*** m_Vx_Valid; unsigned int m_Valid; unsigned int m_Used; unsigned int m_Unused; unsigned int m_AirVoxel; int m_DebugLevel; /*********** SAR calculation parameter and settings ***********/ float m_massTolerance; unsigned int m_maxMassIterations; float m_maxBGRatio; bool m_markPartialAsUsed; float m_UnusedRelativeVolLimit; bool m_IgnoreFaceValid; /*********** SAR calculations methods ********/ double CalcLocalPowerDensity(unsigned int pos[3]); //! Calculate the local SAR float*** CalcLocalSAR(float*** SAR); /****** start SAR averaging and all necessary methods ********/ //! Calculate the averaged SAR float*** CalcAveragedSAR(float*** SAR); int FindFittingCubicalMass(unsigned int pos[3], float box_size, unsigned int start[3], unsigned int stop[3], float partial_start[3], float partial_stop[3], double &mass, double &volume, double &bg_ratio, int disabledFace=-1, bool ignoreFaceValid=false); bool GetCubicalMass(unsigned int pos[3], double box_size, unsigned int start[3], unsigned int stop[3], float partial_start[3], float partial_stop[3], double &mass, double &volume, double &bg_ratio, int disabledFace=-1); float CalcCubicalSAR(float*** SAR, unsigned int pos[3], unsigned int start[3], unsigned int stop[3], float partial_start[3], float partial_stop[3], bool assignUsed=false); /****** end SAR averaging and all necessary methods ********/ bool CheckValid(); double CellVolume(unsigned int pos[3]); double CellMass(unsigned int pos[3]); }; #endif // SAR_CALCULATION_H