/* * Copyright (C) 2010 Thorsten Liebig (Thorsten.Liebig@gmx.de) * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "useful.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include unsigned int CalcNyquistNum(double fmax, double dT) { if (fmax==0) return UINT_MAX; if (dT==0) return 1; double T0 = 1/fmax; return floor(T0/2/dT); } double CalcNyquistFrequency(unsigned int nyquist, double dT) { if (nyquist==0) return 0; if (dT==0) return 0; return floor(1/(double)nyquist/2/dT); } std::vector AssignJobs2Threads(unsigned int jobs, unsigned int nrThreads, bool RemoveEmpty) { std::vector jpt; //jobs per thread unsigned int ui_jpt = jobs/nrThreads; for (unsigned int n=0; n0) { ++jpt.at(n); --jobs; } } if (jobs>0) std::cerr << "AssignJobs2Threads: Error, " << jobs << " remain to be assigned, this should not have happend..." << std::endl; if (RemoveEmpty) { while (jpt.back()==0) jpt.pop_back(); } return jpt; } std::vector SplitString2Float(std::string str, std::string delimiter) { std::vector v_f; std::vector results; boost::split(results, str, boost::is_any_of(delimiter)); for (size_t n=0;n> num) v_f.push_back(num); } return v_f; } std::vector SplitString2Double(std::string str, std::string delimiter) { std::vector v_f; std::vector results; boost::split(results, str, boost::is_any_of(delimiter)); for (size_t n=0;n> num) v_f.push_back(num); } return v_f; } bool CrossProd(const double *v1, const double *v2, double* out) { int nP,nPP; for (int n=0;n<3;++n) { nP = (n+1)%3; nPP = (n+2)%3; out[n] = v1[nP]*v2[nPP] - v1[nPP]*v2[nP]; } return ((out[0]+out[1]+out[2])>0); } double ScalarProd(const double *v1, const double *v2) { double out=0; for (int n=0;n<3;++n) out+=v1[n]*v2[n]; return out; } double Determinant(const double *mat) { return mat[0]*mat[4]*mat[8]+mat[1]*mat[5]*mat[6]+mat[2]*mat[3]*mat[7]-mat[2]*mat[4]*mat[6]-mat[1]*mat[3]*mat[8]-mat[0]*mat[5]*mat[7]; } double* Invert(const double* in, double* out) { double det = Determinant(in); out[0] = (in[4]*in[8]-in[5]*in[7])/det; out[1] = (in[2]*in[7]-in[1]*in[8])/det; out[2] = (in[1]*in[5]-in[2]*in[4])/det; out[3] = (in[5]*in[6]-in[3]*in[8])/det; out[4] = (in[0]*in[8]-in[2]*in[6])/det; out[5] = (in[2]*in[3]-in[0]*in[5])/det; out[6] = (in[3]*in[7]-in[4]*in[6])/det; out[7] = (in[1]*in[6]-in[0]*in[7])/det; out[8] = (in[0]*in[4]-in[1]*in[3])/det; return out; } int LinePlaneIntersection(const double *p0, const double *p1, const double *p2, const double *l_start, const double *l_stop, double* is_point, double &dist) { dist = 0; double mat[9]; for (int n=0;n<3;++n) { is_point[n] = 0; mat[3*n] = l_start[n]-l_stop[n]; mat[3*n+1] = p1[n]-p0[n]; mat[3*n+2] = p2[n]-p0[n]; } double det = Determinant(mat); if (fabs(det)<1e-50) return -1; double inv_mat[9]; Invert(mat, inv_mat); double t=0,u=0,v=0; for (int n=0;n<3;++n) { t+=inv_mat[n]*(l_start[n]-p0[n]); u+=inv_mat[3+n]*(l_start[n]-p0[n]); v+=inv_mat[6+n]*(l_start[n]-p0[n]); } dist = t; for (int n=0;n<3;++n) is_point[n] = l_start[n]*(1-dist) + l_stop[n]*dist; if ((u<0) || (u>1) || (v<0) || (v>1)) return 1; if ((t<0) || (t>1)) return 2; return 0; }