path: root/sshd.0
diff options
authorColin Watson <>2003-09-17 01:19:29 +0000
committerColin Watson <>2003-09-17 01:19:29 +0000
commit9221adce6959801664fd4a340c19e6b69107ad0b (patch)
treee8b7b5706043a4eb66e0e41aad2a7986cbedeb0f /sshd.0
parentade1cee573c0897cd08987dc14e23a555898cd12 (diff)
parent22f9b945efa61bba12a4778b889df07cf851838a (diff)
Import OpenSSH 3.7.1p1.
Diffstat (limited to 'sshd.0')
1 files changed, 556 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sshd.0 b/sshd.0
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..60be52888
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sshd.0
@@ -0,0 +1,556 @@
+SSHD(8) OpenBSD System Manager's Manual SSHD(8)
+ sshd - OpenSSH SSH daemon
+ sshd [-deiqtD46] [-b bits] [-f config_file] [-g login_grace_time]
+ [-h host_key_file] [-k key_gen_time] [-o option] [-p port] [-u len]
+ sshd (SSH Daemon) is the daemon program for ssh(1). Together these pro-
+ grams replace rlogin and rsh, and provide secure encrypted communications
+ between two untrusted hosts over an insecure network. The programs are
+ intended to be as easy to install and use as possible.
+ sshd is the daemon that listens for connections from clients. It is nor-
+ mally started at boot from /etc/rc. It forks a new daemon for each in-
+ coming connection. The forked daemons handle key exchange, encryption,
+ authentication, command execution, and data exchange. This implementa-
+ tion of sshd supports both SSH protocol version 1 and 2 simultaneously.
+ sshd works as follows:
+ SSH protocol version 1
+ Each host has a host-specific RSA key (normally 1024 bits) used to iden-
+ tify the host. Additionally, when the daemon starts, it generates a
+ server RSA key (normally 768 bits). This key is normally regenerated ev-
+ ery hour if it has been used, and is never stored on disk.
+ Whenever a client connects, the daemon responds with its public host and
+ server keys. The client compares the RSA host key against its own
+ database to verify that it has not changed. The client then generates a
+ 256 bit random number. It encrypts this random number using both the
+ host key and the server key, and sends the encrypted number to the serv-
+ er. Both sides then use this random number as a session key which is
+ used to encrypt all further communications in the session. The rest of
+ the session is encrypted using a conventional cipher, currently Blowfish
+ or 3DES, with 3DES being used by default. The client selects the encryp-
+ tion algorithm to use from those offered by the server.
+ Next, the server and the client enter an authentication dialog. The
+ client tries to authenticate itself using .rhosts authentication, .rhosts
+ authentication combined with RSA host authentication, RSA challenge-re-
+ sponse authentication, or password based authentication.
+ Regardless of the authentication type, the account is checked to ensure
+ that it is accessible. An account is not accessible if it is locked,
+ listed in DenyUsers or its group is listed in DenyGroups . The defini-
+ tion of a locked account is system dependant. Some platforms have their
+ own account database (eg AIX) and some modify the passwd field ( `*LK*'
+ on Solaris, `*' on HP-UX, containing `Nologin' on Tru64 and a leading
+ `!!' on Linux). If there is a requirement to disable password authenti-
+ cation for the account while allowing still public-key, then the passwd
+ field should be set to something other than these values (eg `NP' or
+ `*NP*' ).
+ Rhosts authentication is normally disabled because it is fundamentally
+ insecure, but can be enabled in the server configuration file if desired.
+ System security is not improved unless rshd, rlogind, and rexecd are dis-
+ abled (thus completely disabling rlogin and rsh into the machine).
+ SSH protocol version 2
+ Version 2 works similarly: Each host has a host-specific key (RSA or DSA)
+ used to identify the host. However, when the daemon starts, it does not
+ generate a server key. Forward security is provided through a Diffie-
+ Hellman key agreement. This key agreement results in a shared session
+ key.
+ The rest of the session is encrypted using a symmetric cipher, currently
+ 128 bit AES, Blowfish, 3DES, CAST128, Arcfour, 192 bit AES, or 256 bit
+ AES. The client selects the encryption algorithm to use from those of-
+ fered by the server. Additionally, session integrity is provided through
+ a cryptographic message authentication code (hmac-sha1 or hmac-md5).
+ Protocol version 2 provides a public key based user (PubkeyAuthentica-
+ tion) or client host (HostbasedAuthentication) authentication method,
+ conventional password authentication and challenge response based meth-
+ ods.
+ Command execution and data forwarding
+ If the client successfully authenticates itself, a dialog for preparing
+ the session is entered. At this time the client may request things like
+ allocating a pseudo-tty, forwarding X11 connections, forwarding TCP/IP
+ connections, or forwarding the authentication agent connection over the
+ secure channel.
+ Finally, the client either requests a shell or execution of a command.
+ The sides then enter session mode. In this mode, either side may send
+ data at any time, and such data is forwarded to/from the shell or command
+ on the server side, and the user terminal in the client side.
+ When the user program terminates and all forwarded X11 and other connec-
+ tions have been closed, the server sends command exit status to the
+ client, and both sides exit.
+ sshd can be configured using command-line options or a configuration
+ file. Command-line options override values specified in the configura-
+ tion file.
+ sshd rereads its configuration file when it receives a hangup signal,
+ SIGHUP, by executing itself with the name it was started as, i.e.,
+ /usr/sbin/sshd.
+ The options are as follows:
+ -b bits
+ Specifies the number of bits in the ephemeral protocol version 1
+ server key (default 768).
+ -d Debug mode. The server sends verbose debug output to the system
+ log, and does not put itself in the background. The server also
+ will not fork and will only process one connection. This option
+ is only intended for debugging for the server. Multiple -d op-
+ tions increase the debugging level. Maximum is 3.
+ -e When this option is specified, sshd will send the output to the
+ standard error instead of the system log.
+ -f configuration_file
+ Specifies the name of the configuration file. The default is
+ /etc/ssh/sshd_config. sshd refuses to start if there is no con-
+ figuration file.
+ -g login_grace_time
+ Gives the grace time for clients to authenticate themselves (de-
+ fault 120 seconds). If the client fails to authenticate the user
+ within this many seconds, the server disconnects and exits. A
+ value of zero indicates no limit.
+ -h host_key_file
+ Specifies a file from which a host key is read. This option must
+ be given if sshd is not run as root (as the normal host key files
+ are normally not readable by anyone but root). The default is
+ /etc/ssh/ssh_host_key for protocol version 1, and
+ /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key and /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key for pro-
+ tocol version 2. It is possible to have multiple host key files
+ for the different protocol versions and host key algorithms.
+ -i Specifies that sshd is being run from inetd(8). sshd is normally
+ not run from inetd because it needs to generate the server key
+ before it can respond to the client, and this may take tens of
+ seconds. Clients would have to wait too long if the key was re-
+ generated every time. However, with small key sizes (e.g., 512)
+ using sshd from inetd may be feasible.
+ -k key_gen_time
+ Specifies how often the ephemeral protocol version 1 server key
+ is regenerated (default 3600 seconds, or one hour). The motiva-
+ tion for regenerating the key fairly often is that the key is not
+ stored anywhere, and after about an hour, it becomes impossible
+ to recover the key for decrypting intercepted communications even
+ if the machine is cracked into or physically seized. A value of
+ zero indicates that the key will never be regenerated.
+ -o option
+ Can be used to give options in the format used in the configura-
+ tion file. This is useful for specifying options for which there
+ is no separate command-line flag.
+ -p port
+ Specifies the port on which the server listens for connections
+ (default 22). Multiple port options are permitted. Ports speci-
+ fied in the configuration file are ignored when a command-line
+ port is specified.
+ -q Quiet mode. Nothing is sent to the system log. Normally the be-
+ ginning, authentication, and termination of each connection is
+ logged.
+ -t Test mode. Only check the validity of the configuration file and
+ sanity of the keys. This is useful for updating sshd reliably as
+ configuration options may change.
+ -u len This option is used to specify the size of the field in the utmp
+ structure that holds the remote host name. If the resolved host
+ name is longer than len, the dotted decimal value will be used
+ instead. This allows hosts with very long host names that over-
+ flow this field to still be uniquely identified. Specifying -u0
+ indicates that only dotted decimal addresses should be put into
+ the utmp file. -u0 may also be used to prevent sshd from making
+ DNS requests unless the authentication mechanism or configuration
+ requires it. Authentication mechanisms that may require DNS in-
+ clude RhostsRSAAuthentication, HostbasedAuthentication and using
+ a from="pattern-list" option in a key file. Configuration op-
+ tions that require DNS include using a USER@HOST pattern in
+ AllowUsers or DenyUsers.
+ -D When this option is specified sshd will not detach and does not
+ become a daemon. This allows easy monitoring of sshd.
+ -4 Forces sshd to use IPv4 addresses only.
+ -6 Forces sshd to use IPv6 addresses only.
+ sshd reads configuration data from /etc/ssh/sshd_config (or the file
+ specified with -f on the command line). The file format and configura-
+ tion options are described in sshd_config(5).
+ When a user successfully logs in, sshd does the following:
+ 1. If the login is on a tty, and no command has been specified,
+ prints last login time and /etc/motd (unless prevented in the
+ configuration file or by $HOME/.hushlogin; see the FILES sec-
+ tion).
+ 2. If the login is on a tty, records login time.
+ 3. Checks /etc/nologin; if it exists, prints contents and quits
+ (unless root).
+ 4. Changes to run with normal user privileges.
+ 5. Sets up basic environment.
+ 6. Reads $HOME/.ssh/environment if it exists and users are al-
+ lowed to change their environment. See the
+ PermitUserEnvironment option in sshd_config(5).
+ 7. Changes to user's home directory.
+ 8. If $HOME/.ssh/rc exists, runs it; else if /etc/ssh/sshrc ex-
+ ists, runs it; otherwise runs xauth. The ``rc'' files are
+ given the X11 authentication protocol and cookie in standard
+ input.
+ 9. Runs user's shell or command.
+ $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys is the default file that lists the public keys
+ that are permitted for RSA authentication in protocol version 1 and for
+ public key authentication (PubkeyAuthentication) in protocol version 2.
+ AuthorizedKeysFile may be used to specify an alternative file.
+ Each line of the file contains one key (empty lines and lines starting
+ with a `#' are ignored as comments). Each RSA public key consists of the
+ following fields, separated by spaces: options, bits, exponent, modulus,
+ comment. Each protocol version 2 public key consists of: options, key-
+ type, base64 encoded key, comment. The options field is optional; its
+ presence is determined by whether the line starts with a number or not
+ (the options field never starts with a number). The bits, exponent, mod-
+ ulus and comment fields give the RSA key for protocol version 1; the com-
+ ment field is not used for anything (but may be convenient for the user
+ to identify the key). For protocol version 2 the keytype is ``ssh-dss''
+ or ``ssh-rsa''.
+ Note that lines in this file are usually several hundred bytes long (be-
+ cause of the size of the public key encoding). You don't want to type
+ them in; instead, copy the, or the
+ file and edit it.
+ sshd enforces a minimum RSA key modulus size for protocol 1 and protocol
+ 2 keys of 768 bits.
+ The options (if present) consist of comma-separated option specifica-
+ tions. No spaces are permitted, except within double quotes. The fol-
+ lowing option specifications are supported (note that option keywords are
+ case-insensitive):
+ from="pattern-list"
+ Specifies that in addition to public key authentication, the
+ canonical name of the remote host must be present in the comma-
+ separated list of patterns (`*' and `?' serve as wildcards). The
+ list may also contain patterns negated by prefixing them with
+ `!'; if the canonical host name matches a negated pattern, the
+ key is not accepted. The purpose of this option is to optionally
+ increase security: public key authentication by itself does not
+ trust the network or name servers or anything (but the key); how-
+ ever, if somebody somehow steals the key, the key permits an in-
+ truder to log in from anywhere in the world. This additional op-
+ tion makes using a stolen key more difficult (name servers and/or
+ routers would have to be compromised in addition to just the
+ key).
+ command="command"
+ Specifies that the command is executed whenever this key is used
+ for authentication. The command supplied by the user (if any) is
+ ignored. The command is run on a pty if the client requests a
+ pty; otherwise it is run without a tty. If an 8-bit clean chan-
+ nel is required, one must not request a pty or should specify no-
+ pty. A quote may be included in the command by quoting it with a
+ backslash. This option might be useful to restrict certain pub-
+ lic keys to perform just a specific operation. An example might
+ be a key that permits remote backups but nothing else. Note that
+ the client may specify TCP/IP and/or X11 forwarding unless they
+ are explicitly prohibited. Note that this option applies to
+ shell, command or subsystem execution.
+ environment="NAME=value"
+ Specifies that the string is to be added to the environment when
+ logging in using this key. Environment variables set this way
+ override other default environment values. Multiple options of
+ this type are permitted. Environment processing is disabled by
+ default and is controlled via the PermitUserEnvironment option.
+ This option is automatically disabled if UseLogin is enabled.
+ no-port-forwarding
+ Forbids TCP/IP forwarding when this key is used for authentica-
+ tion. Any port forward requests by the client will return an er-
+ ror. This might be used, e.g., in connection with the command
+ option.
+ no-X11-forwarding
+ Forbids X11 forwarding when this key is used for authentication.
+ Any X11 forward requests by the client will return an error.
+ no-agent-forwarding
+ Forbids authentication agent forwarding when this key is used for
+ authentication.
+ no-pty Prevents tty allocation (a request to allocate a pty will fail).
+ permitopen="host:port"
+ Limit local ``ssh -L'' port forwarding such that it may only con-
+ nect to the specified host and port. IPv6 addresses can be spec-
+ ified with an alternative syntax: host/port. Multiple permitopen
+ options may be applied separated by commas. No pattern matching
+ is performed on the specified hostnames, they must be literal do-
+ mains or addresses.
+ Examples
+ 1024 33 12121...312314325
+ from="*,!" 1024 35 23...2334 ylo@niksula
+ command="dump /home",no-pty,no-port-forwarding 1024 33 23...2323 back-
+ permitopen="",permitopen="" 1024 33 23...2323
+ The /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts and $HOME/.ssh/known_hosts files contain
+ host public keys for all known hosts. The global file should be prepared
+ by the administrator (optional), and the per-user file is maintained au-
+ tomatically: whenever the user connects from an unknown host its key is
+ added to the per-user file.
+ Each line in these files contains the following fields: hostnames, bits,
+ exponent, modulus, comment. The fields are separated by spaces.
+ Hostnames is a comma-separated list of patterns (`*' and `?' act as wild-
+ cards); each pattern in turn is matched against the canonical host name
+ (when authenticating a client) or against the user-supplied name (when
+ authenticating a server). A pattern may also be preceded by `!' to indi-
+ cate negation: if the host name matches a negated pattern, it is not ac-
+ cepted (by that line) even if it matched another pattern on the line.
+ Bits, exponent, and modulus are taken directly from the RSA host key;
+ they can be obtained, e.g., from /etc/ssh/ The optional
+ comment field continues to the end of the line, and is not used.
+ Lines starting with `#' and empty lines are ignored as comments.
+ When performing host authentication, authentication is accepted if any
+ matching line has the proper key. It is thus permissible (but not recom-
+ mended) to have several lines or different host keys for the same names.
+ This will inevitably happen when short forms of host names from different
+ domains are put in the file. It is possible that the files contain con-
+ flicting information; authentication is accepted if valid information can
+ be found from either file.
+ Note that the lines in these files are typically hundreds of characters
+ long, and you definitely don't want to type in the host keys by hand.
+ Rather, generate them by a script or by taking /etc/ssh/
+ and adding the host names at the front.
+ Examples
+ closenet,..., 1024 37 159...93
+, ssh-rsa AAAA1234.....=
+ /etc/ssh/sshd_config
+ Contains configuration data for sshd. The file format and con-
+ figuration options are described in sshd_config(5).
+ /etc/ssh/ssh_host_key, /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key,
+ /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key
+ These three files contain the private parts of the host keys.
+ These files should only be owned by root, readable only by root,
+ and not accessible to others. Note that sshd does not start if
+ this file is group/world-accessible.
+ /etc/ssh/, /etc/ssh/,
+ /etc/ssh/
+ These three files contain the public parts of the host keys.
+ These files should be world-readable but writable only by root.
+ Their contents should match the respective private parts. These
+ files are not really used for anything; they are provided for the
+ convenience of the user so their contents can be copied to known
+ hosts files. These files are created using ssh-keygen(1).
+ /etc/moduli
+ Contains Diffie-Hellman groups used for the "Diffie-Hellman Group
+ Exchange". The file format is described in moduli(5).
+ /var/empty
+ chroot(2) directory used by sshd during privilege separation in
+ the pre-authentication phase. The directory should not contain
+ any files and must be owned by root and not group or world-
+ writable.
+ /var/run/
+ Contains the process ID of the sshd listening for connections (if
+ there are several daemons running concurrently for different
+ ports, this contains the process ID of the one started last).
+ The content of this file is not sensitive; it can be world-read-
+ able.
+ $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys
+ Lists the public keys (RSA or DSA) that can be used to log into
+ the user's account. This file must be readable by root (which
+ may on some machines imply it being world-readable if the user's
+ home directory resides on an NFS volume). It is recommended that
+ it not be accessible by others. The format of this file is de-
+ scribed above. Users will place the contents of their
+, and/or files into this file,
+ as described in ssh-keygen(1).
+ /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts and $HOME/.ssh/known_hosts
+ These files are consulted when using rhosts with RSA host authen-
+ tication or protocol version 2 hostbased authentication to check
+ the public key of the host. The key must be listed in one of
+ these files to be accepted. The client uses the same files to
+ verify that it is connecting to the correct remote host. These
+ files should be writable only by root/the owner.
+ /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts should be world-readable, and
+ $HOME/.ssh/known_hosts can, but need not be, world-readable.
+ /etc/nologin
+ If this file exists, sshd refuses to let anyone except root log
+ in. The contents of the file are displayed to anyone trying to
+ log in, and non-root connections are refused. The file should be
+ world-readable.
+ /etc/hosts.allow, /etc/hosts.deny
+ Access controls that should be enforced by tcp-wrappers are de-
+ fined here. Further details are described in hosts_access(5).
+ $HOME/.rhosts
+ This file contains host-username pairs, separated by a space, one
+ per line. The given user on the corresponding host is permitted
+ to log in without a password. The same file is used by rlogind
+ and rshd. The file must be writable only by the user; it is rec-
+ ommended that it not be accessible by others.
+ If is also possible to use netgroups in the file. Either host or
+ user name may be of the form +@groupname to specify all hosts or
+ all users in the group.
+ $HOME/.shosts
+ For ssh, this file is exactly the same as for .rhosts. However,
+ this file is not used by rlogin and rshd, so using this permits
+ access using SSH only.
+ /etc/hosts.equiv
+ This file is used during .rhosts authentication. In the simplest
+ form, this file contains host names, one per line. Users on
+ those hosts are permitted to log in without a password, provided
+ they have the same user name on both machines. The host name may
+ also be followed by a user name; such users are permitted to log
+ in as any user on this machine (except root). Additionally, the
+ syntax ``+@group'' can be used to specify netgroups. Negated en-
+ tries start with `-'.
+ If the client host/user is successfully matched in this file, lo-
+ gin is automatically permitted provided the client and server us-
+ er names are the same. Additionally, successful RSA host authen-
+ tication is normally required. This file must be writable only
+ by root; it is recommended that it be world-readable.
+ Warning: It is almost never a good idea to use user names in
+ hosts.equiv. Beware that it really means that the named user(s)
+ can log in as anybody, which includes bin, daemon, adm, and other
+ accounts that own critical binaries and directories. Using a us-
+ er name practically grants the user root access. The only valid
+ use for user names that I can think of is in negative entries.
+ Note that this warning also applies to rsh/rlogin.
+ /etc/shosts.equiv
+ This is processed exactly as /etc/hosts.equiv. However, this
+ file may be useful in environments that want to run both
+ rsh/rlogin and ssh.
+ $HOME/.ssh/environment
+ This file is read into the environment at login (if it exists).
+ It can only contain empty lines, comment lines (that start with
+ `#'), and assignment lines of the form name=value. The file
+ should be writable only by the user; it need not be readable by
+ anyone else. Environment processing is disabled by default and
+ is controlled via the PermitUserEnvironment option.
+ $HOME/.ssh/rc
+ If this file exists, it is run with /bin/sh after reading the en-
+ vironment files but before starting the user's shell or command.
+ It must not produce any output on stdout; stderr must be used in-
+ stead. If X11 forwarding is in use, it will receive the "proto
+ cookie" pair in its standard input (and DISPLAY in its environ-
+ ment). The script must call xauth(1) because sshd will not run
+ xauth automatically to add X11 cookies.
+ The primary purpose of this file is to run any initialization
+ routines which may be needed before the user's home directory be-
+ comes accessible; AFS is a particular example of such an environ-
+ ment.
+ This file will probably contain some initialization code followed
+ by something similar to:
+ if read proto cookie && [ -n "$DISPLAY" ]; then
+ if [ `echo $DISPLAY | cut -c1-10` = 'localhost:' ]; then
+ # X11UseLocalhost=yes
+ echo add unix:`echo $DISPLAY |
+ cut -c11-` $proto $cookie
+ else
+ # X11UseLocalhost=no
+ echo add $DISPLAY $proto $cookie
+ fi | xauth -q -
+ fi
+ If this file does not exist, /etc/ssh/sshrc is run, and if that
+ does not exist either, xauth is used to add the cookie.
+ This file should be writable only by the user, and need not be
+ readable by anyone else.
+ /etc/ssh/sshrc
+ Like $HOME/.ssh/rc. This can be used to specify machine-specific
+ login-time initializations globally. This file should be
+ writable only by root, and should be world-readable.
+ scp(1), sftp(1), ssh(1), ssh-add(1), ssh-agent(1), ssh-keygen(1),
+ login.conf(5), moduli(5), sshd_config(5), sftp-server(8)
+ T. Ylonen, T. Kivinen, M. Saarinen, T. Rinne, and S. Lehtinen, SSH
+ Protocol Architecture, draft-ietf-secsh-architecture-12.txt, January
+ 2002, work in progress material.
+ M. Friedl, N. Provos, and W. A. Simpson, Diffie-Hellman Group Exchange
+ for the SSH Transport Layer Protocol, draft-ietf-secsh-dh-group-
+ exchange-02.txt, January 2002, work in progress material.
+ OpenSSH is a derivative of the original and free ssh 1.2.12 release by
+ Tatu Ylonen. Aaron Campbell, Bob Beck, Markus Friedl, Niels Provos, Theo
+ de Raadt and Dug Song removed many bugs, re-added newer features and
+ created OpenSSH. Markus Friedl contributed the support for SSH protocol
+ versions 1.5 and 2.0. Niels Provos and Markus Friedl contributed support
+ for privilege separation.
+OpenBSD 3.4 September 25, 1999 9