#! /usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 top = '..' out = '../build' from waflib import Logs as logs from waflib import Utils as utils def options(opts): pass def configure(conf): pass def build(bld): if bld.cmd == 'install': #intl does not like the keys in (not an xml and no translation strings) #add to potfiles in for another try bld.install_as ('${DATADIR}/mime-info/oregano.keys', 'mime/oregano.keys.in') bld.install_files ('${DATADIR}/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/', 'mime/oregano.png') bld.install_files ('${DATADIR}/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/', 'mime/oregano.svg') bld.install_files ('${DATADIR}/oregano/ui/', 'xml/splash.xpm') #things we need to be known by the app are already defined and stored in the main wscript bld.install_files (bld.env.path_lang, 'netlist.lang') bld.install_files (bld.env.path_model, bld.path.ant_glob('models/*.model')) bld.install_files (bld.env.path_datadir, bld.path.ant_glob('help/**/*'), cwd=bld.path, relative_trick=True) bld.install_files (bld.env.path_examples, bld.path.ant_glob('examples/*.oregano')) bld.install_files (bld.env.path_partslib, bld.path.ant_glob('libraries/*.oreglib')) bld.install_files (bld.env.path_ui, bld.path.ant_glob('xml/*.ui')) if not bld.options.no_xdg: try: bld.exec_command(['update-desktop-database', utils.subst_vars('${DATADIR}/applications', bld.env)]) except: logs.warn('Failed to execute xdg desktop database update.') try: bld.exec_command(['update-mime-database', utils.subst_vars('${DATADIR}/mime', bld.env)]) except: logs.warn('Failed to execute xdg mime database update.') bld( features = 'intltool_in', podir = "../po", style = "desktop", source = 'oregano.desktop.in', target = 'oregano.desktop', install_path = '${DATADIR}/applications', ) bld( features = 'intltool_in', podir = "../po", style = "schemas", source = 'settings/io.ahoi.oregano.gschema.xml', ) bld( features = 'intltool_in', podir = "../po", style = "xml", source = 'mime/oregano-mimetypes.xml.in', target = 'mime/oregano.xml', install_path = '${DATADIR}/mime/packages/', ) bld(rule = "nroff -man -c ${SRC} > ${TGT}", source="oregano.MAN.in", target="oregano.1") bld.install_files ('${MANDIR}/man1', 'oregano.1')