path: root/contrib/lisp/ox-taskjuggler.el
diff options
authorSébastien Delafond <>2014-07-13 13:35:27 +0200
committerSébastien Delafond <>2014-07-13 13:35:27 +0200
commite32a45ed36d6000db4b39171149072d11b77af72 (patch)
treeb5f4a7d43022c08c3298e82b3e9fc50f68be660f /contrib/lisp/ox-taskjuggler.el
parent7697fa4daf3ec84f85711a84035d8f0224afd4e3 (diff)
Imported Upstream version 8.0.7
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/lisp/ox-taskjuggler.el')
1 files changed, 904 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/lisp/ox-taskjuggler.el b/contrib/lisp/ox-taskjuggler.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4724ec3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/lisp/ox-taskjuggler.el
@@ -0,0 +1,904 @@
+;;; ox-taskjuggler.el --- TaskJuggler Back-End for Org Export Engine
+;; Copyright (C) 2007-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Emacs Lisp Archive Entry
+;; Filename: ox-taskjuggler.el
+;; Author: Christian Egli
+;; Nicolas Goaziou <n dot goaziou at gmail dot com>
+;; Maintainer: Christian Egli
+;; Keywords: org, taskjuggler, project planning
+;; Description: Converts an Org mode buffer into a TaskJuggler project plan
+;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
+;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This library implements a TaskJuggler exporter for Org mode.
+;; TaskJuggler is a project planing tool that uses a text format to
+;; define projects, tasks and resources, so it is a natural fit for
+;; Org mode. It can produce all sorts of reports for tasks or
+;; resources in either HTML, CSV or PDF. TaskJuggler is implemented
+;; in Ruby and should therefore run on any platform.
+;; The exporter does not export all the nodes of a document or
+;; strictly follow the order of the nodes in the document.
+;; Instead the TaskJuggler exporter looks for a tree that defines the
+;; tasks and a optionally tree that defines the resources for this
+;; project. It then creates a TaskJuggler file based on these trees
+;; and the attributes defined in all the nodes.
+;; * Installation
+;; Put this file into your load-path and the following line into your
+;; ~/.emacs:
+;; (add-to-list 'org-export-backends 'taskjuggler)
+;; or customize `org-export-backends' variable.
+;; The interactive functions are the following:
+;; M-x `org-taskjuggler-export'
+;; M-x `org-taskjuggler-export-and-open'
+;; * Tasks
+;; Let's illustrate the usage with a small example. Create your tasks
+;; as you usually do with org-mode. Assign efforts to each task using
+;; properties (it's easiest to do this in the column view). You
+;; should end up with something similar to the example by Peter Jones
+;; in:
+;; Now mark the top node of your tasks with a tag named
+;; "taskjuggler_project" (or whatever you customized
+;; `org-taskjuggler-project-tag' to). You are now ready to export the
+;; project plan with `org-taskjuggler-export-and-open' which will
+;; export the project plan and open a Gantt chart in TaskJugglerUI.
+;; * Resources
+;; Next you can define resources and assign those to work on specific
+;; tasks. You can group your resources hierarchically. Tag the top
+;; node of the resources with "taskjuggler_resource" (or whatever you
+;; customized `org-taskjuggler-resource-tag' to). You can optionally
+;; assign an identifier (named "resource_id") to the resources (using
+;; the standard org properties commands) or you can let the exporter
+;; generate identifiers automatically (the exporter picks the first
+;; word of the headline as the identifier as long as it is unique, see
+;; the documentation of `org-taskjuggler--build-unique-id'). Using that
+;; identifier you can then allocate resources to tasks. This is again
+;; done with the "allocate" property on the tasks. Do this in column
+;; view or when on the task type
+;; C-c C-x p allocate RET <resource_id> RET
+;; Once the allocations are done you can again export to TaskJuggler
+;; and check in the Resource Allocation Graph which person is working
+;; on what task at what time.
+;; * Export of properties
+;; The exporter also takes TODO state information into consideration,
+;; i.e. if a task is marked as done it will have the corresponding
+;; attribute in TaskJuggler ("complete 100"). Also it will export any
+;; property on a task resource or resource node which is known to
+;; TaskJuggler, such as limits, vacation, shift, booking, efficiency,
+;; journalentry, rate for resources or account, start, note, duration,
+;; end, journalentry, milestone, reference, responsible, scheduling,
+;; etc for tasks.
+;; * Dependencies
+;; The exporter will handle dependencies that are defined in the tasks
+;; either with the ORDERED attribute (see TODO dependencies in the Org
+;; mode manual) or with the BLOCKER attribute (see org-depend.el) or
+;; alternatively with a depends attribute. Both the BLOCKER and the
+;; depends attribute can be either "previous-sibling" or a reference
+;; to an identifier (named "task_id") which is defined for another
+;; task in the project. BLOCKER and the depends attribute can define
+;; multiple dependencies separated by either space or comma. You can
+;; also specify optional attributes on the dependency by simply
+;; appending it. The following examples should illustrate this:
+;; * Training material
+;; :task_id: training_material
+;; :ORDERED: t
+;; :END:
+;; ** Markup Guidelines
+;; :Effort: 2d
+;; :END:
+;; ** Workflow Guidelines
+;; :Effort: 2d
+;; :END:
+;; * Presentation
+;; :Effort: 2d
+;; :BLOCKER: training_material { gapduration 1d } some_other_task
+;; :END:
+;;;; * TODO
+;; - Look at org-file-properties, org-global-properties and
+;; org-global-properties-fixed
+;; - What about property inheritance and org-property-inherit-p?
+;; - Use TYPE_TODO as an way to assign resources
+;;; Code:
+(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
+(require 'ox)
+;;; User Variables
+(defgroup org-export-taskjuggler nil
+ "Options specific for TaskJuggler export back-end."
+ :tag "Org Export TaskJuggler"
+ :group 'org-export)
+(defcustom org-taskjuggler-extension ".tjp"
+ "Extension of TaskJuggler files."
+ :group 'org-export-taskjuggler
+ :type 'string)
+(defcustom org-taskjuggler-project-tag "taskjuggler_project"
+ "Tag marking project's tasks.
+This tag is used to find the tree containing all the tasks for
+the project."
+ :group 'org-export-taskjuggler
+ :type 'string)
+(defcustom org-taskjuggler-resource-tag "taskjuggler_resource"
+ "Tag marking project's resources.
+This tag is used to find the tree containing all the resources
+for the project."
+ :group 'org-export-taskjuggler
+ :type 'string)
+(defcustom org-taskjuggler-report-tag "taskjuggler_report"
+ "Tag marking project's reports.
+This tag is used to find the tree containing all the reports for
+the project."
+ :group 'org-export-taskjuggler
+ :type 'string)
+(defcustom org-taskjuggler-target-version 3.0
+ "Which version of TaskJuggler the exporter is targeting.
+By default a project plan is exported which conforms to version
+3.x of TaskJuggler. For a project plan that is compatible with
+versions of TaskJuggler older than 3.0 set this to 2.4.
+If you change this variable be sure to also change
+`org-taskjuggler-default-reports' as the format of reports has
+changed considerably between version 2.x and 3.x of TaskJuggler"
+ :group 'org-export-taskjuggler
+ :type 'number)
+(defcustom org-taskjuggler-default-project-version "1.0"
+ "Default version string for the project.
+This value can also be set with the \":VERSION:\" property
+associated to the headline defining the project."
+ :group 'org-export-taskjuggler
+ :type 'string)
+(defcustom org-taskjuggler-default-project-duration 280
+ "Default project duration.
+The value will be used if no start and end date have been defined
+in the root node of the task tree, i.e. the tree that has been
+marked with `org-taskjuggler-project-tag'"
+ :group 'org-export-taskjuggler
+ :type 'integer)
+(defcustom org-taskjuggler-default-reports
+ '("textreport report \"Plan\" {
+ formats html
+ header '== <-query attribute=\"name\"-> =='
+ center -8<-
+ [#Plan Plan] | [#Resource_Allocation Resource Allocation]
+ ----
+ === Plan ===
+ <[report id=\"plan\"]>
+ ----
+ === Resource Allocation ===
+ <[report id=\"resourceGraph\"]>
+ ->8-
+# A traditional Gantt chart with a project overview.
+taskreport plan \"\" {
+ headline \"Project Plan\"
+ columns bsi, name, start, end, effort, chart
+ loadunit shortauto
+ hideresource 1
+# A graph showing resource allocation. It identifies whether each
+# resource is under- or over-allocated for.
+resourcereport resourceGraph \"\" {
+ headline \"Resource Allocation Graph\"
+ columns no, name, effort, weekly
+ loadunit shortauto
+ hidetask ~(isleaf() & isleaf_())
+ sorttasks plan.start.up
+ "Default reports for the project.
+These are sensible default reports to give a good out-of-the-box
+result when exporting without defining any reports. If you want
+to define your own reports you can change them here or simply
+define the default reports so that they include an external
+report definition as follows:
+include reports.tji
+These default are made to work with tj3. If you are targeting
+TaskJuggler 2.4 (see `org-taskjuggler-target-version') please
+change these defaults to something like the following:
+taskreport \"Gantt Chart\" {
+ headline \"Project Gantt Chart\"
+ columns hierarchindex, name, start, end, effort, duration, completed, chart
+ timeformat \"%Y-%m-%d\"
+ hideresource 1
+ loadunit shortauto
+resourcereport \"Resource Graph\" {
+ headline \"Resource Allocation Graph\"
+ columns no, name, utilization, freeload, chart
+ loadunit shortauto
+ sorttasks startup
+ hidetask ~isleaf()
+ :group 'org-export-taskjuggler
+ :type '(repeat (string :tag "Report")))
+(defcustom org-taskjuggler-default-global-header ""
+ "Default global header for the project.
+This goes before project declaration, and might be useful for
+early macros."
+ :group 'org-export-taskjuggler
+ :type '(string :tag "Preamble"))
+(defcustom org-taskjuggler-default-global-properties
+ "shift s40 \"Part time shift\" {
+ workinghours wed, thu, fri off
+ "Default global properties for the project.
+Here you typically define global properties such as shifts,
+accounts, rates, vacation, macros and flags. Any property that
+is allowed within the TaskJuggler file can be inserted. You
+could for example include another TaskJuggler file.
+The global properties are inserted after the project declaration
+but before any resource and task declarations."
+ :group 'org-export-taskjuggler
+ :type '(string :tag "Preamble"))
+(defcustom org-taskjuggler-valid-task-attributes
+ '(account start note duration endbuffer endcredit end
+ flags journalentry length limits maxend maxstart minend
+ minstart period reference responsible scheduling
+ startbuffer startcredit statusnote chargeset charge)
+ "Valid attributes for Taskjuggler tasks.
+If one of these appears as a property for a headline, it will be
+exported with the corresponding task."
+ :group 'org-export-taskjuggler)
+(defcustom org-taskjuggler-valid-resource-attributes
+ '(limits vacation shift booking efficiency journalentry rate
+ workinghours flags)
+ "Valid attributes for Taskjuggler resources.
+If one of these appears as a property for a headline, it will be
+exported with the corresponding resource."
+ :group 'org-export-taskjuggler)
+(defcustom org-taskjuggler-valid-report-attributes
+ '(headline columns definitions timeformat hideresource hidetask
+ loadunit sorttasks formats period)
+ "Valid attributes for Taskjuggler reports.
+If one of these appears as a property for a headline, it will be
+exported with the corresponding report."
+ :group 'org-export-taskjuggler)
+(defcustom org-taskjuggler-keep-project-as-task t
+ "Non-nil keeps the project headline as an umbrella task for all tasks.
+Setting this to nil will allow maintaining completely separated
+task buckets, while still sharing the same resources pool."
+ :group 'org-export-taskjuggler
+ :type 'boolean)
+;;; Hooks
+(defvar org-taskjuggler-final-hook nil
+ "Hook run after a TaskJuggler files has been saved.
+This hook is run with the name of the file as argument.")
+;;; Back-End Definition
+(org-export-define-backend 'taskjuggler
+ '((template . org-taskjuggler-project-plan))
+ :menu-entry
+ '(?J "Export to TaskJuggler"
+ ((?j "As TJP file" (lambda (a s v b) (org-taskjuggler-export a s v)))
+ (?o "As TJP file and open"
+ (lambda (a s v b)
+ (if a (org-taskjuggler-export a s v)
+ (org-taskjuggler-export-and-open s v))))))
+ ;; This property will be used to store unique ids in communication
+ ;; channel. Ids will be retrieved with `org-taskjuggler-get-id'.
+ :options-alist '((:taskjuggler-unique-ids nil nil nil)))
+;;; Unique IDs
+(defun org-taskjuggler-assign-task-ids (tasks info)
+ "Assign a unique ID to each task in TASKS.
+TASKS is a list of headlines. INFO is a plist used as a
+communication channel. Return value is an alist between
+headlines and their associated ID. IDs are hierarchical, which
+means they only need to be unique among the task siblings."
+ (let* (alist
+ (build-id
+ (lambda (tasks local-ids)
+ (org-element-map tasks 'headline
+ (lambda (task)
+ (let ((id (org-taskjuggler--build-unique-id task local-ids)))
+ (push id local-ids)
+ (push (cons task id) alist)
+ (funcall build-id (org-element-contents task) nil)))
+ info nil 'headline))))
+ (funcall build-id tasks nil)
+ alist))
+(defun org-taskjuggler-assign-resource-ids (resources info)
+ "Assign a unique ID to each resource within RESOURCES.
+RESOURCES is a list of headlines. INFO is a plist used as a
+communication channel. Return value is an alist between
+headlines and their associated ID."
+ (let (ids)
+ (org-element-map resources 'headline
+ (lambda (resource)
+ (let ((id (org-taskjuggler--build-unique-id resource ids)))
+ (push id ids)
+ (cons resource id)))
+ info)))
+;;; Accessors
+(defun org-taskjuggler-get-project (info)
+ "Return project in parse tree.
+INFO is a plist used as a communication channel. First headline
+in buffer with `org-taskjuggler-project-tag' defines the project.
+If no such task is defined, pick the first headline in buffer.
+If there is no headline at all, return nil."
+ (or (org-element-map (plist-get info :parse-tree) 'headline
+ (lambda (hl)
+ (and (member org-taskjuggler-project-tag
+ (org-export-get-tags hl info))
+ hl))
+ info t)
+ (org-element-map tree 'headline 'identity info t)))
+(defun org-taskjuggler-get-id (item info)
+ "Return id for task or resource ITEM.
+ITEM is a headline. INFO is a plist used as a communication
+channel. Return value is a string."
+ (cdr (assq item (plist-get info :taskjuggler-unique-ids))))
+(defun org-taskjuggler-get-name (item)
+ "Return name for task or resource ITEM.
+ITEM is a headline. Return value is a string."
+ ;; Quote double quotes in name.
+ (replace-regexp-in-string
+ "\"" "\\\"" (org-element-property :raw-value item) t t))
+(defun org-taskjuggler-get-start (item)
+ "Return start date for task or resource ITEM.
+ITEM is a headline. Return value is a string or nil if ITEM
+doesn't have any start date defined.."
+ (let ((scheduled (org-element-property :scheduled item)))
+ (and scheduled (org-timestamp-format scheduled "%Y-%02m-%02d"))))
+(defun org-taskjuggler-get-end (item)
+ "Return end date for task or resource ITEM.
+ITEM is a headline. Return value is a string or nil if ITEM
+doesn't have any end date defined.."
+ (let ((deadline (org-element-property :deadline item)))
+ (and deadline (org-timestamp-format deadline "%Y-%02m-%02d"))))
+;;; Internal Functions
+(defun org-taskjuggler--indent-string (s)
+ "Indent string S by 2 spaces.
+Return new string. If S is the empty string, return it."
+ (if (equal "" s) s (replace-regexp-in-string "^ *\\S-" " \\&" s)))
+(defun org-taskjuggler--build-attributes (item attributes)
+ "Return attributes string for task, resource or report ITEM.
+ITEM is a headline. ATTRIBUTES is a list of symbols
+representing valid attributes for ITEM."
+ (mapconcat
+ (lambda (attribute)
+ (let ((value (org-element-property
+ (intern (upcase (format ":%s" attribute)))
+ item)))
+ (and value (format "%s %s\n" attribute value))))
+ (remq nil attributes) ""))
+(defun org-taskjuggler--build-unique-id (item unique-ids)
+ "Return a unique id for a given task or a resource.
+ITEM is an `headline' type element representing the task or
+resource. Its id is derived from its name and made unique
+against UNIQUE-IDS. If the (downcased) first token of the
+headline is not unique try to add more (downcased) tokens of the
+headline or finally add more underscore characters (\"_\")."
+ (let ((id (org-string-nw-p (org-element-property :TASK_ID item))))
+ ;; If an id is specified, use it, as long as it's unique.
+ (if (and id (not (member id unique-ids))) id
+ (let* ((parts (org-split-string (org-element-property :raw-value item)))
+ (id (org-taskjuggler--clean-id (downcase (pop parts)))))
+ ;; Try to add more parts of the headline to make it unique.
+ (while (and (car parts) (member id unique-ids))
+ (setq id (concat id "_"
+ (org-taskjuggler--clean-id (downcase (pop parts))))))
+ ;; If it's still not unique, add "_".
+ (while (member id unique-ids)
+ (setq id (concat id "_")))
+ id))))
+(defun org-taskjuggler--clean-id (id)
+ "Clean and return ID to make it acceptable for TaskJuggler.
+ID is a string."
+ ;; Replace non-ascii by "_".
+ (replace-regexp-in-string
+ "[^a-zA-Z0-9_]" "_"
+ ;; Make sure id doesn't start with a number.
+ (replace-regexp-in-string "^\\([0-9]\\)" "_\\1" id)))
+;;; Dependencies
+(defun org-taskjuggler-resolve-dependencies (task info)
+ "Return a list of all tasks TASK depends on.
+TASK is a headline. INFO is a plist used as a communication
+ (let ((deps-ids
+ ;; Get all dependencies specified in BLOCKER and DEPENDS task
+ ;; properties. Clean options from them.
+ (let ((deps (concat (org-element-property :BLOCKER task)
+ (org-element-property :DEPENDS task))))
+ (and deps
+ (org-split-string (replace-regexp-in-string "{.*?}" "" deps)
+ "[ ,]* +"))))
+ depends)
+ (when deps-ids
+ ;; Find tasks with :task_id: property matching id in DEPS-IDS.
+ ;; Add them to DEPENDS.
+ (let* ((project (org-taskjuggler-get-project info))
+ (tasks (if org-taskjuggler-keep-project-as-task project
+ (org-element-contents project))))
+ (setq depends
+ (org-element-map tasks 'headline
+ (lambda (task)
+ (let ((task-id (org-element-property :TASK_ID task)))
+ (and task-id (member task-id deps-ids) task)))
+ info)))
+ ;; Check BLOCKER and DEPENDS properties. If "previous-sibling"
+ ;; belongs to DEPS-ID, add it to DEPENDS.
+ (when (and (member-ignore-case "previous-sibling" deps-ids)
+ (not (org-export-first-sibling-p task info)))
+ (let ((prev (org-export-get-previous-element task info)))
+ (and (not (memq prev depends)) (push prev depends)))))
+ ;; Check ORDERED status of parent.
+ (let ((parent (org-export-get-parent task)))
+ (when (and parent
+ (org-element-property :ORDERED parent)
+ (not (org-export-first-sibling-p task info)))
+ (push (org-export-get-previous-element task info) depends)))
+ ;; Return dependencies.
+ depends))
+(defun org-taskjuggler-format-dependencies (dependencies task info)
+ "Format DEPENDENCIES to match TaskJuggler syntax.
+DEPENDENCIES is list of dependencies for TASK, as returned by
+`org-taskjuggler-resolve-depedencies'. TASK is a headline.
+INFO is a plist used as a communication channel. Return value
+doesn't include leading \"depends\"."
+ (let ((dep-str (concat (org-element-property :BLOCKER task)
+ " "
+ (org-element-property :DEPENDS task)))
+ (get-path
+ (lambda (dep)
+ ;; Return path to DEP relatively to TASK.
+ (let ((parent (org-export-get-parent task))
+ (exclamations 1)
+ (option
+ (let ((id (org-element-property :TASK_ID dep)))
+ (and id
+ (string-match (concat id " +\\({.*?}\\)") dep-str)
+ (org-match-string-no-properties 1))))
+ path)
+ ;; Compute number of exclamation marks by looking for the
+ ;; common ancestor between TASK and DEP.
+ (while (not (org-element-map parent 'headline
+ (lambda (hl) (eq hl dep))))
+ (incf exclamations)
+ (setq parent (org-export-get-parent parent)))
+ ;; Build path from DEP to PARENT.
+ (while (not (eq parent dep))
+ (push (org-taskjuggler-get-id dep info) path)
+ (setq dep (org-export-get-parent dep)))
+ ;; Return full path. Add dependency options, if any.
+ (concat (make-string exclamations ?!)
+ (mapconcat 'identity path ".")
+ (and option (concat " " option)))))))
+ ;; Return dependencies string, without the leading "depends".
+ (mapconcat (lambda (dep) (funcall get-path dep)) dependencies ", ")))
+;;; Translator Functions
+(defun org-taskjuggler-project-plan (contents info)
+ "Build TaskJuggler project plan.
+CONTENTS is ignored. INFO is a plist holding export options.
+Return complete project plan as a string in TaskJuggler syntax."
+ (let* ((tree (plist-get info :parse-tree))
+ (project (or (org-taskjuggler-get-project info)
+ (error "No project specified"))))
+ (concat
+ ;; 1. Insert header.
+ (org-element-normalize-string org-taskjuggler-default-global-header)
+ ;; 2. Insert project.
+ (org-taskjuggler--build-project project info)
+ ;; 3. Insert global properties.
+ (org-element-normalize-string org-taskjuggler-default-global-properties)
+ ;; 4. Insert resources. Provide a default one if none is
+ ;; specified.
+ (let ((main-resources
+ ;; Collect contents from various trees marked with
+ ;; `org-taskjuggler-resource-tag'. Only gather top level
+ ;; resources.
+ (apply 'append
+ (org-element-map tree 'headline
+ (lambda (hl)
+ (and (member org-taskjuggler-resource-tag
+ (org-export-get-tags hl info))
+ (org-element-map (org-element-contents hl) 'headline
+ 'identity info nil 'headline)))
+ info nil 'headline))))
+ ;; Assign a unique ID to each resource. Store it under
+ ;; `:taskjuggler-unique-ids' property in INFO.
+ (setq info
+ (plist-put info :taskjuggler-unique-ids
+ (org-taskjuggler-assign-resource-ids
+ main-resources info)))
+ (concat
+ (if main-resources
+ (mapconcat
+ (lambda (resource) (org-taskjuggler--build-resource resource info))
+ main-resources "")
+ (format "resource %s \"%s\" {\n}\n" (user-login-name) user-full-name))
+ ;; 5. Insert tasks.
+ (let ((main-tasks
+ ;; If `org-taskjuggler-keep-project-as-task' is
+ ;; non-nil, there is only one task. Otherwise, every
+ ;; direct children of PROJECT is a top level task.
+ (if org-taskjuggler-keep-project-as-task (list project)
+ (or (org-element-map (org-element-contents project) 'headline
+ 'identity info nil 'headline)
+ (error "No task specified")))))
+ ;; Assign a unique ID to each task. Add it to
+ ;; `:taskjuggler-unique-ids' property in INFO.
+ (setq info
+ (plist-put info :taskjuggler-unique-ids
+ (append
+ (org-taskjuggler-assign-task-ids main-tasks info)
+ (plist-get info :taskjuggler-unique-ids))))
+ ;; If no resource is allocated among tasks, allocate one to
+ ;; the first task.
+ (unless (org-element-map main-tasks 'headline
+ (lambda (task) (org-element-property :ALLOCATE task))
+ info t)
+ (org-element-put-property
+ (car main-tasks) :ALLOCATE
+ (or (org-taskjuggler-get-id (car main-resources) info)
+ (user-login-name))))
+ (mapconcat
+ (lambda (task) (org-taskjuggler--build-task task info))
+ main-tasks ""))
+ ;; 6. Insert reports. If no report is defined, insert default
+ ;; reports.
+ (let ((main-reports
+ ;; Collect contents from various trees marked with
+ ;; `org-taskjuggler-report-tag'. Only gather top level
+ ;; reports.
+ (apply 'append
+ (org-element-map tree 'headline
+ (lambda (hl)
+ (and (member org-taskjuggler-report-tag
+ (org-export-get-tags hl info))
+ (org-element-map (org-element-contents hl)
+ 'headline 'identity info nil 'headline)))
+ info nil 'headline))))
+ (if main-reports
+ (mapconcat
+ (lambda (report) (org-taskjuggler--build-report report info))
+ main-reports "")
+ (mapconcat 'org-element-normalize-string
+ org-taskjuggler-default-reports ""))))))))
+(defun org-taskjuggler--build-project (project info)
+ "Return a project declaration.
+PROJECT is a headline. INFO is a plist used as a communication
+channel. If no start date is specified, start today. If no end
+date is specified, end `org-taskjuggler-default-project-duration'
+days from now."
+ (format "project %s \"%s\" \"%s\" %s %s {\n}\n"
+ (org-taskjuggler-get-id project info)
+ (org-taskjuggler-get-name project)
+ ;; Version is obtained through :TASKJUGGLER_VERSION:
+ ;; property or `org-taskjuggler-default-project-version'.
+ (or (org-element-property :VERSION project)
+ org-taskjuggler-default-project-version)
+ (or (org-taskjuggler-get-start project)
+ (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d"))
+ (let ((end (org-taskjuggler-get-end project)))
+ (or (and end (format "- %s" end))
+ (format "+%sd" org-taskjuggler-default-project-duration)))))
+(defun org-taskjuggler--build-resource (resource info)
+ "Return a resource declaration.
+RESOURCE is a headline. INFO is a plist used as a communication
+All valid attributes from RESOURCE are inserted. If RESOURCE
+defines a property \"resource_id\" it will be used as the id for
+this resource. Otherwise it will use the ID property. If
+neither is defined a unique id will be associated to it."
+ (concat
+ ;; Opening resource.
+ (format "resource %s \"%s\" {\n"
+ (org-taskjuggler--clean-id
+ (or (org-element-property :RESOURCE_ID resource)
+ (org-element-property :ID resource)
+ (org-taskjuggler-get-id resource info)))
+ (org-taskjuggler-get-name resource))
+ ;; Add attributes.
+ (org-taskjuggler--indent-string
+ (org-taskjuggler--build-attributes
+ resource org-taskjuggler-valid-resource-attributes))
+ ;; Add inner resources.
+ (org-taskjuggler--indent-string
+ (mapconcat
+ 'identity
+ (org-element-map (org-element-contents resource) 'headline
+ (lambda (hl) (org-taskjuggler--build-resource hl info))
+ info nil 'headline)
+ ""))
+ ;; Closing resource.
+ "}\n"))
+(defun org-taskjuggler--build-report (report info)
+ "Return a report declaration.
+REPORT is a headline. INFO is a plist used as a communication
+ (concat
+ ;; Opening report.
+ (format "%s \"%s\" {\n"
+ (or (org-element-property :REPORT_KIND report) "taskreport")
+ (org-taskjuggler-get-name report))
+ ;; Add attributes.
+ (org-taskjuggler--indent-string
+ (org-taskjuggler--build-attributes
+ report org-taskjuggler-valid-report-attributes))
+ ;; Add inner reports.
+ (org-taskjuggler--indent-string
+ (mapconcat
+ 'identity
+ (org-element-map (org-element-contents report) 'headline
+ (lambda (hl) (org-taskjuggler--build-report hl info))
+ info nil 'headline)
+ ""))
+ ;; Closing report.
+ "}\n"))
+(defun org-taskjuggler--build-task (task info)
+ "Return a task declaration.
+TASK is a headline. INFO is a plist used as a communication
+All valid attributes from TASK are inserted. If TASK defines
+a property \"task_id\" it will be used as the id for this task.
+Otherwise it will use the ID property. If neither is defined
+a unique id will be associated to it."
+ (let* ((allocate (org-element-property :ALLOCATE task))
+ (complete
+ (if (eq (org-element-property :todo-type task) 'done) "100"
+ (org-element-property :COMPLETE task)))
+ (depends (org-taskjuggler-resolve-dependencies task info))
+ (effort (org-element-property :EFFORT task))
+ (milestone
+ (or (org-element-property :MILESTONE task)
+ (not (or (org-element-map (org-element-contents task) 'headline
+ 'identity info t) ; Has task any child?
+ effort
+ (org-element-property :LENGTH task)
+ (org-element-property :DURATION task)
+ (and (org-taskjuggler-get-start task)
+ (org-taskjuggler-get-end task))
+ (org-element-property :PERIOD task)))))
+ (priority
+ (let ((pri (org-element-property :priority task)))
+ (and pri
+ (max 1 (/ (* 1000 (- org-lowest-priority pri))
+ (- org-lowest-priority org-highest-priority)))))))
+ (concat
+ ;; Opening task.
+ (format "task %s \"%s\" {\n"
+ (org-taskjuggler-get-id task info)
+ (org-taskjuggler-get-name task))
+ ;; Add default attributes.
+ (and depends
+ (format " depends %s\n"
+ (org-taskjuggler-format-dependencies depends task info)))
+ (and allocate
+ (format " purge %s\n allocate %s\n"
+ ;; Compatibility for previous TaskJuggler versions.
+ (if (>= org-taskjuggler-target-version 3.0) "allocate"
+ "allocations")
+ allocate))
+ (and complete (format " complete %s\n" complete))
+ (and effort
+ (format " effort %s\n"
+ (let* ((minutes (org-duration-string-to-minutes effort))
+ (hours (/ minutes 60.0)))
+ (format "%.1fh" hours))))
+ (and priority (format " priority %s\n" priority))
+ (and milestone " milestone\n")
+ ;; Add other valid attributes.
+ (org-taskjuggler--indent-string
+ (org-taskjuggler--build-attributes
+ task org-taskjuggler-valid-task-attributes))
+ ;; Add inner tasks.
+ (org-taskjuggler--indent-string
+ (mapconcat 'identity
+ (org-element-map (org-element-contents task) 'headline
+ (lambda (hl) (org-taskjuggler--build-task hl info))
+ info nil 'headline)
+ ""))
+ ;; Closing task.
+ "}\n")))
+;;; Interactive Functions
+(defun org-taskjuggler-export (&optional async subtreep visible-only)
+ "Export current buffer to a TaskJuggler file.
+The exporter looks for a tree with tag that matches
+`org-taskjuggler-project-tag' and takes this as the tasks for
+this project. The first node of this tree defines the project
+properties such as project name and project period.
+If there is a tree with tag that matches
+`org-taskjuggler-resource-tag' this tree is taken as resources
+for the project. If no resources are specified, a default
+resource is created and allocated to the project.
+Also the TaskJuggler project will be created with default reports
+as defined in `org-taskjuggler-default-reports'.
+If narrowing is active in the current buffer, only export its
+narrowed part.
+If a region is active, export that region.
+A non-nil optional argument ASYNC means the process should happen
+asynchronously. The resulting file should be accessible through
+the `org-export-stack' interface.
+When optional argument SUBTREEP is non-nil, export the sub-tree
+at point, extracting information from the headline properties
+When optional argument VISIBLE-ONLY is non-nil, don't export
+contents of hidden elements.
+Return output file's name."
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((outfile
+ (org-export-output-file-name org-taskjuggler-extension subtreep)))
+ (if async
+ (org-export-async-start
+ (lambda (f)
+ (org-export-add-to-stack f 'taskjuggler)
+ (run-hook-with-args 'org-taskjuggler-final-hook f))
+ `(expand-file-name
+ (org-export-to-file 'taskjuggler ,outfile ,subtreep ,visible-only)))
+ (org-export-to-file 'taskjuggler outfile subtreep visible-only)
+ (run-hook-with-args 'org-taskjuggler-final-hook outfile)
+ outfile)))
+(defun org-taskjuggler-export-and-open (&optional subtreep visible-only)
+ "Export current buffer to a TaskJuggler file and open it.
+The exporter looks for a tree with tag that matches
+`org-taskjuggler-project-tag' and takes this as the tasks for
+this project. The first node of this tree defines the project
+properties such as project name and project period.
+If there is a tree with tag that matches
+`org-taskjuggler-resource-tag' this tree is taken as resources
+for the project. If no resources are specified, a default
+resource is created and allocated to the project.
+Also the TaskJuggler project will be created with default reports
+as defined in `org-taskjuggler-default-reports'.
+If narrowing is active in the current buffer, only export its
+narrowed part.
+If a region is active, export that region.
+When optional argument SUBTREEP is non-nil, export the sub-tree
+at point, extracting information from the headline properties
+When optional argument VISIBLE-ONLY is non-nil, don't export
+contents of hidden elements.
+Open file with the TaskJuggler GUI."
+ (interactive)
+ (let* ((file (org-taskjuggler-export nil subtreep visible-only))
+ (process-name "TaskJugglerUI")
+ (command (concat process-name " " file)))
+ (start-process-shell-command process-name nil command)))
+(provide 'ox-taskjuggler)
+;; Local variables:
+;; sentence-end-double-space: t
+;; End:
+;;; ox-taskjuggler.el ends here