path: root/etc
diff options
authorSébastien Delafond <>2016-11-07 10:41:54 +0100
committerSébastien Delafond <>2016-11-07 10:41:54 +0100
commitec84430cf4e09ba25ec675debdf802bc28111e06 (patch)
tree9c64bc8a0cd5e8cac82aa5fdf369d40529f140f8 /etc
parent84539dca3aa301ecfe48858eceef1ced0505388b (diff)
Imported Upstream version 9.0
Diffstat (limited to 'etc')
1 files changed, 763 insertions, 58 deletions
diff --git a/etc/ORG-NEWS b/etc/ORG-NEWS
index 37911c6..dd332a4 100644
--- a/etc/ORG-NEWS
+++ b/etc/ORG-NEWS
@@ -6,7 +6,688 @@ ORG NEWS -- history of user-visible changes. -*- org -*-
Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
See the end of the file for license conditions.
-Please send Org bug reports to
+Please send Org bug reports to
+* Version 9.0
+** Incompatible changes
+*** Emacs 23 support has been dropped
+From now on, Org expects at least Emacs 24.3, although Emacs 24.4 or
+above is suggested.
+*** XEmacs support has been dropped
+Incomplete compatibility layer with XEmacs has been removed. If you
+want to take over maintainance of this compatibility, please contact
+our mailing list.
+*** New syntax for export blocks
+Export blocks are explicitly marked as such at the syntax level to
+disambiguate their parsing from special blocks. The new syntax is
+#+BEGIN_SRC org
+,#+BEGIN_EXPORT backend
+instead of
+#+BEGIN_SRC org
+As a consequence, =INCLUDE= keywords syntax is modified, e.g.,
+#+BEGIN_SRC org
+#+BEGIN_SRC org
+,#+INCLUDE: "" export html
+The following function repairs export blocks and =INCLUDE= keywords
+using previous syntax:
+#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
+(defun org-repair-export-blocks ()
+ "Repair export blocks and INCLUDE keywords in current buffer."
+ (interactive)
+ (when (eq major-mode 'org-mode)
+ (let ((case-fold-search t)
+ (back-end-re (regexp-opt
+ t)))
+ (org-with-wide-buffer
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (let ((block-re (concat "^[ \t]*#\\+BEGIN_" back-end-re)))
+ (save-excursion
+ (while (re-search-forward block-re nil t)
+ (let ((element (save-match-data (org-element-at-point))))
+ (when (eq (org-element-type element) 'special-block)
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char (org-element-property :end element))
+ (save-match-data (search-backward "_"))
+ (forward-char)
+ (insert "EXPORT")
+ (delete-region (point) (line-end-position)))
+ (replace-match "EXPORT \\1" nil nil nil 1))))))
+ (let ((include-re
+ (format "^[ \t]*#\\+INCLUDE: .*?%s[ \t]*$" back-end-re)))
+ (while (re-search-forward include-re nil t)
+ (let ((element (save-match-data (org-element-at-point))))
+ (when (and (eq (org-element-type element) 'keyword)
+ (string= (org-element-property :key element) "INCLUDE"))
+ (replace-match "EXPORT \\1" nil nil nil 1)))))))))
+Moreover, ~:export-block~ keyword used in ~org-export-define-backend~ and
+~org-export-define-derived-backend~ is no longer used and needs to be
+*** Footnotes
+**** [1]-like constructs are not valid footnotes
+Using =[1]= as a footnote was already discouraged in the manual, since
+it introduced too many false-positives in many Org documents. These
+constructs are now unsupported.
+If you used =[N]= in some of your documents, consider turning them into
+**** /Org Footnote/ library doesn't handle non-Org buffers
+Commands for footnotes in an Org document no longer try to do
+something in non-Org ones. If you need to have footnotes there,
+consider using the =footnote.el= library, shipped with Emacs.
+In particular, ~org-footnote-tag-for-non-org-mode-files~ no longer
+*** ~org-file-apps~ no longer accepts S-expressions as commands
+The variable now accepts functions of two arguments instead of plain
+S-expressions. Replacing a S-expresion with an appropriate function
+is straightforward. For example
+: ("pdf" . (foo))
+: ("pdf" . (lambda (file link) (foo)))
+*** The ~{{{modification-time}}}~ macro can get time via =vc=
+The modification time will be determined via =vc.el= if the second
+argument is non-nil. See the manual for details.
+*** Preparation and completion functions in publishing projects change signature
+Preparation and completion functions are now called with an argument,
+which is the project property list. It used to be dynamically scoped
+through the ~project-plist~ variable.
+*** Old Babel header properties are no longer supported
+Using header arguments as property names is no longer possible. As
+such, the following
+,* Headline
+:exports: code
+:var: a=1 b=2
+:var+: c=3
+should be written instead
+,* Headline
+:header-args: :exports code
+:header-args: :var a=1 b=2
+:header-args+: :var c=3
+Please note that, however, old properties were defined at the source
+block definition. Current ones are defined where the block is called.
+** New features
+*** ~org-eww~ has been moved into core
+*** New org-protocol key=value syntax
+Org-protocol can now handle query-style parameters such as:
+Old-style links such as
+: org-protocol://store-link:/http:%2F%2Flocalhost%2Findex.html/The%20title
+continue to be supported.
+If you have defined your own handler functions for
+~org-protocol-protocol-alist~, change them to accept either a property
+list (for new-style links) or a string (for old-style links). Use
+~org-protocol-parse-parameters~ to convert old-style links into property
+*** New Org linter library
+~org-lint~ can check syntax and report common issues in Org documents.
+*** New option ~date-tree-last~ for ~org-agenda-insert-diary-strategy~
+When ~org-agenda-insert-diary-strategy~ is set to ~date-tree-last~, diary
+entries are added to last in the date tree.
+*** New ~vbar~ entity
+~\vbar~ or ~\vbar{}~ will be exported unconditionnally as a =|=,
+unlike to existing ~\vert~, which is expanded as ~&vert;~ when using
+a HTML derived export back-end.
+*** Export
+**** New =#+latex_compiler= keyword to set LaTeX compiler.
+PDFLaTeX, XeLaTeX, and LuaLaTeX are supported. See the manual for
+**** New option ~org-export-with-broken-links~
+This option tells the export process how to behave when encountering
+a broken internal link. See its docstring for more information.
+**** Attributes support in custom language environments for LaTeX export
+Custom language environments for LaTeX export can now define the
+string to be inserted during export, using attributes to indicate the
+position of the elements. See variable ~org-latex-custom-lang-environments~
+for more details.
+**** New Texinfo ~options~ attribute on special blocks
+Using ~:options~ as a Texinfo attribute, it is possible to add
+information to custom environments. See manual for details.
+**** New HTML ~id~ attributes on special, example and quote blocks
+If the block has a =#+NAME:= attribute assigned, then the HTML element
+will have an ~id~ attribute with that name in the HTML export. This
+enables one to create links to these elements in other places, e.g.,
+~<a href="#name">text</a>~.
+**** Listings with captions are now numbered in HTML export
+The class associated to the numbering is "listing-number". If you
+don't want these blocks to be numbered, as it was the case until now,
+You may want to add ~.listing-number { display: none; }~ to the CSS
+**** Line Numbering in SRC/EXAMPLE blocks support arbitrary start number
+The ~-n~ option to ~SRC~ and ~EXAMPLE~ blocks can now take a numeric
+argument to specify the staring line number for the source or example
+block. The ~+n~ option can now take a numeric argument that will be
+added to the last line number from the previous block as the starting
+point for the SRC/EXAMPLE block.
+#+BEGIN_SRC org
+,#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp -n 20
+;; this will export with line number 20
+(message "This is line 21")
+,#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp +n 10
+;; This will be listed as line 31
+(message "This is line 32")
+**** Allow toggling center for images in LaTeX export
+With the global variable ~org-latex-images-centered~ or the local
+attribute ~:center~ it is now possible to center an image in LaTeX
+**** Default CSS class ~org-svg~ for SVG images in HTML export
+SVG images exported in HTML are now by default assigned a CSS class
+~org-svg~ if no CSS class is specified with the ~:class~ attribute. By
+default, the CSS styling of class ~org-svg~ specifies an image width of
+90\thinsp{}% of the container the image.
+**** Markdown footnote export customization
+Variables ~org-md-footnotes-section~ and ~org-md-footnote-format~
+introduced for =ox-md.el=. Both new variables define template strings
+which can be used to customize the format of the exported footnotes
+section and individual footnotes, respectively.
+*** Babel
+**** Blocks with coderefs labels can now be evaluated
+The labels are removed prior to evaluating the block.
+**** Support for Lua language
+**** Support for SLY in Lisp blocks
+See ~org-babel-lisp-eval-fn~ to activate it.
+**** Support for Stan language
+New ob-stan.el library.
+Evaluating a Stan block can produce two different results.
+1. Dump the source code contents to a file.
+ This file can then be used as a variable in other blocks, which
+ allows interfaces like RStan to use the model.
+2. Compile the contents to a model file.
+ This provides access to the CmdStan interface. To use this, set
+ ~org-babel-stan-cmdstan-directory~ and provide a ~:file~ argument
+ that does not end in ".stan".
+For more information and usage examples, visit
+**** Support for Oracle databases via ~sqlplus~
+=ob-sql= library supports running SQL blocks against an Oracle
+database using ~sqlplus~. Use with properties like this (all
+:engine oracle
+:dbhost <>
+:dbport <1521>
+:dbuser <username>
+:database <database>
+:dbpassword <secret>
+**** Improved support to Microsoft SQL Server via ~sqlcmd~
+=ob-sql= library removes support to the ~msosql~ engine which uses the
+deprecated ~osql~ command line tool, and replaces it with ~mssql~
+engine which uses the ~sqlcmd~ command line tool. Use with properties
+like this:
+:engine mssql
+:dbhost <>
+:dbuser <username>
+:dbpassword <secret>
+:database <database>
+If you want to use the *trusted connection* feature, omit *both* the
+=dbuser= and =dbpassword= properties and add =cmdline -E= to the properties.
+If your Emacs is running in a Cygwin environment, the =ob-sql= library
+can pass the converted path to the =sqlcmd= tool.
+**** Improved support of header arguments for postgresql
+The postgresql engine in a sql code block supports now ~:dbport~ nd
+~:dbpassword~ as header arguments.
+**** Support for additional plantuml output formats
+The support for output formats of [[][plantuml]] has been extended to now
+All Diagrams:
+- png ::
+- svg ::
+- eps ::
+- pdf ::
+- vdx ::
+- txt :: ASCII art
+- utxt :: ASCII art using unicode characters
+Class Diagrams:
+- xmi ::
+- html ::
+State Diagrams:
+- scxml ::
+The output formats are determined by the file extension specified
+using the :file property, e.g.:
+#+begin_src plantuml :file diagram.png
+Alice -> Bob: Authentication Request
+Bob --> Alice: Authentication Response
+Alice -> Bob: Another authentication Request
+Alice <-- Bob: another authentication Response
+Please note that *pdf* *does not work out of the box* and needs additional
+setup in addition to plantuml. See [[]] for
+details and setup information.
+*** Rewrite of radio lists
+Radio lists, i.e, Org plain lists in foreign buffers, have been
+rewritten to be on par with Radio tables. You can use a large set of
+parameters to control how a given list should be rendered. See manual
+for details.
+*** org-bbdb-anniversaries-future
+Used like ~org-bbdb-anniversaries~, it provides a few days warning for
+upcoming anniversaries (default: 7 days).
+*** Clear non-repeated SCHEDULED upon repeating a task
+If the task is repeated, and therefore done at least one, scheduling
+information is no longer relevant. It is therefore removed.
+See [[git:481719fbd5751aaa9c672b762cb43aea8ee986b0][commit message]] for more information.
+*** Support for ISO week trees
+ISO week trees are an alternative date tree format that orders entries
+by ISO week and not by month.
+For example:
+: * 2015
+: ** 2015-W35
+: ** 2015-W36
+: *** 2015-08-31 Monday
+They are supported in org-capture via ~file+weektree~ and
+~file+weektree+prompt~ target specifications.
+*** Accept ~:indent~ parameter when capturing column view
+When defining a "columnview" dynamic block, it is now possible to add
+an :indent parameter, much like the one in the clock table.
+On the other hand, stars no longer appear in an ITEM field.
+*** Columns view
+**** ~org-columns~ accepts a prefix argument
+When called with a prefix argument, ~org-columns~ apply to the whole
+buffer unconditionally.
+**** New variable : ~org-agenda-view-columns-initially~
+The variable used to be a ~defvar~, it is now a ~defcustom~.
+**** Allow custom summaries
+It is now possible to add new summary types, or override those
+provided by Org by customizing ~org-columns-summary-types~, which see.
+**** Allow multiple summaries for any property
+Columns can now summarize the same property using different summary
+*** Preview LaTeX snippets in buffers not visiting files
+*** New option ~org-attach-commit~
+When non-nil, commit attachments with git, assuming the document is in
+a git repository.
+*** Allow conditional case-fold searches in ~org-occur~
+When set to ~smart~, the new variable ~org-occur-case-fold-search~ allows
+to mimic =isearch.el=: if the regexp searched contains any upper case
+character (or character class), the search is case sensitive.
+Otherwise, it is case insensitive.
+*** More robust repeated =ox-latex= footnote handling
+Repeated footnotes are now numbered by referring to a label in the
+first footnote.
+*** The ~org-block~ face is inherited by ~src-blocks~
+This works also when =org-src-fontify-natively= is non-nil. It is also
+possible to specify per-languages faces. See =org-src-block-faces= and
+the manual for details.
+*** Links are now customizable
+Links can now have custom colors, tooltips, keymaps, display behavior,
+etc. Links are now centralized in ~org-link-parameters~.
+** New functions
+*** ~org-next-line-empty-p~
+It replaces the deprecated ~next~ argument to ~org-previous-line-empty-p~.
+*** ~org-show-children~
+It is a faster implementation of ~outline-show-children~.
+** Removed functions
+*** ~org-agenda-filter-by-tag-refine~ has been removed.
+Use ~org-agenda-filter-by-tag~ instead.
+*** ~org-agenda-todayp~ is deprecated.
+Use ~org-agenda-today-p~ instead.
+*** ~org-babel-get-header~ is removed.
+Use ~org-babel--get-vars~ or ~assq~ instead, as applicable.
+*** ~org-babel-trim~ is deprecated.
+Use ~org-trim~ instead.
+*** ~org-element-remove-indentation~ is deprecated.
+Use ~org-remove-indentation~ instead.
+*** ~org-image-file-name-regexp~ is deprecated
+Use ~image-file-name-regexp~ instead.
+The never-used-in-core ~extensions~ argument has been dropped.
+*** ~org-list-parse-list~ is deprecated
+Use ~org-list-to-lisp~ instead.
+*** ~org-on-heading-p~ is deprecated
+A comment to this effect was in the source code since 7.8.03, but
+now a byte-compiler warning will be generated as well.
+*** ~org-table-p~ is deprecated
+Use ~org-at-table-p~ instead.
+*** ~org-table-recognize-table.el~ is deprecated
+It was not called by any org code since 2010.
+*** Various reimplementations of cl-lib functions are deprecated
+The affected functions are:
+- ~org-count~
+- ~org-remove-if~
+- ~org-remove-if-not~
+- ~org-reduce~
+- ~org-every~
+- ~org-some~
+Additionally, ~org-sublist~ is deprecated in favor of ~cl-subseq~. Note
+the differences in indexing conventions: ~org-sublist~ is 1-based and
+end-inclusive; ~cl-subseq~ is 0-based and end-exclusive.
+** Removed options
+*** Remove all options related to ~ido~ or ~iswitchb~
+This includes ~org-completion-use-iswitchb~ and ~org-completion-use-ido~.
+Instead Org uses regular functions, e.g., ~completion-read~ so as to
+let those libraries operate.
+*** Remove ~org-list-empty-line-terminates-plain-lists~
+Two consecutive blank lines always terminate all levels of current
+plain list.
+*** ~fixltx2e~ is removed from ~org-latex-default-packages-alist~
+fixltx2e is obsolete, see LaTeX News 22.
+** Miscellaneous
+*** Add Icelandic smart quotes
+*** Allow multiple receiver locations in radio tables and lists
+*** Allow angular links within link descriptions
+It is now allowed to write, e.g.,
+~[[][<file:unicorn.png>]]~ as an equivalent to
+~[[][file:unicorn.png]]~. The advantage of the former
+is that spaces are allowed within the path.
+*** Beamer export back-ends uses ~org-latex-prefer-user-labels~
+*** ~:preparation-function~ called earlier during publishing
+Functions in this list are called before any file is associated to the
+current projet. Thus, they can be used to generate to be published
+Org files.
+*** Function ~org-remove-indentation~ changes.
+The new algorithm doesn't remove TAB characters not used for
+*** Secure placeholders in capture templates
+Placeholders in capture templates are no longer expanded recursively.
+However, ~%(...)~ constructs are expanded very late, so you can fill
+the contents of the S-exp with the replacement text of non-interactive
+placeholders. As before, interactive ones are still expanded as the
+very last step, so the previous statement doesn't apply to them.
+Note that only ~%(...)~ placeholders initially present in the
+template, or introduced using a file placeholder, i.e., ~%[...]~ are
+expanded. This prevents evaluating potentially malicious code when
+another placeholder, e.g., ~%i~ expands to a S-exp.
+*** Links stored by ~org-gnus-store-link~ in nnir groups
+Since gnus nnir groups are temporary, ~org-gnus-store-link~ now refers
+to the article's original group.
+*** ~org-babel-check-confirm-evaluate~ is now a function instead of a macro
+The calling convention has changed.
+*** HTML export table row customization changes
+Variable ~org-html-table-row-tags~ has been split into
+~org-html-table-row-open-tag~ and ~org-html-table-row-close-tag~.
+Both new variables can be either a string or a function which will be
+called with 6 parameters.
+*** =ITEM= special property returns headline without stars
+*** Rename ~org-insert-columns-dblock~ into ~org-columns-insert-dblock~
+The previous name is, for the time being, kept as an obsolete alias.
+*** ~org-trim~ can preserve leading indentation.
+When setting a new optional argument to a non-nil value, ~org-trim~
+preserves leading indentation while removing blank lines at the
+beginning of the string. The behavior is identical for white space at
+the end of the string.
+*** Function ~org-info-export~ changes.
+HTML links created from certain info links now point to URL's rather
+than just to local files. For example info links such as =info:emacs#List
+Buffers= used to be converted to HTML links like this:
+: <a href="emacs.html#List-Buffers">emacs#List Buffers</a>
+where local file =emacs.html= is referenced.
+For most folks this file does not exist.
+Thus the new behavior is to generate this HTML link instead:
+: <a href="">emacs#List Buffers</a>
+All emacs related info links are similarly translated plus few other manuals.
+*** Repeaters with a ~++~ interval and a time can be shifted to later today
+Previously, if a recurring task had a timestamp of
+~<2016-01-01 Fri 20:00 ++1d>~ and was completed on =2016-01-02= at
+=08:00=, the task would skip =2016-01-02= and would be rescheduled for
+=2016-01-03=. Timestamps with ~++~ cookies and a specific time will
+now shift to the first possible future occurrence, even if the
+occurrence is later the same day the task is completed. (Timestamps
+already in the future are still shifted one time further into the
+*** ~org-mobile-action-alist~ is now a defconst
+It used to be a defcustom, with a warning that it shouldn't be
+modified anyway.
+*** ~file+emacs~ and ~file+sys~ link types are deprecated
+They are still supported in Org 9.0 but will eventually be removed in
+a later release. Use ~file~ link type along with universal arguments
+to force opening it in either Emacs or with system application.
+*** New defcustom ~org-babel-J-command~ stores the j command
+*** New defalias ~org-babel-execute:j~
+Allows J source blocks be indicated by letter j. Previously the
+indication letter was solely J.
+*** ~org-open-line~ ignores tables at the very beginning of the buffer
+When ~org-special-ctrl-o~ is non-nil, it is impractical to create
+a blank line above a table at the beginning of the document. Now, as
+a special case, ~org-open-line~ behaves normally in this situation.
+*** ~org-babel-hash-show-time~ is now customizable
+The experimental variable used to be more or less confidential, as
+a ~defvar~.
+*** New ~:format~ property to parsed links
+It defines the format of the original link. Possible values are:
+~plain~, ~bracket~ and ~angle~.
* Version 8.3
@@ -102,10 +783,10 @@ buffer name, as the title. Instead, simply ignore the title.
*** Default bindings of =C-c C-n= and =C-c C-p= changed
The key sequences =C-c C-n= and =C-c C-p= are now bound to
-~org-next-visible-heading~ and ~org-next-visible-heading~ respectively,
-rather than the =outline-mode= versions of these functions. The Org
-version of these functions skips over inline tasks (and even-level
-headlines when ~org-odd-levels-only~ is set).
+~org-next-visible-heading~ and ~org-previous-visible-heading~
+respectively, rather than the =outline-mode= versions of these
+functions. The Org version of these functions skips over inline tasks
+(and even-level headlines when ~org-odd-levels-only~ is set).
*** ~org-element-context~ no longer return objects in keywords
@@ -129,19 +810,36 @@ docstring for more information.
- ~org-latex-format-headline-function~
- ~org-latex-format-inlinetask-function~
- ~org-link-search~
** New features
+*** Default lexical evaluation of emacs-lisp src blocks
+Emacs-lisp src blocks in babel are now evaluated using lexical
+scoping. There is a new header to control this behavior.
+The default results in an eval with lexical scoping.
+:lexical yes
+This turns lexical scoping off in the eval (the former behavior).
+:lexical no
+This uses the lexical environment with x=42 in the eval.
+:lexical '((x . 42))
*** Behavior of ~org-return~ changed
If point is before or after the headline title, insert a new line
without changing the headline.
*** Hierarchies of tags
The functionality of nesting tags in hierarchies is added to org-mode.
This is the generalization of what was previously called "Tag groups"
in the manual. That term is now changed to "Tag hierarchy".
The following in-buffer definition:
,#+TAGS: [ Group : SubOne SubTwo ]
,#+TAGS: [ SubOne : SubOne1 SubOne2 ]
@@ -149,6 +847,7 @@ The following in-buffer definition:
Should be seen as the following tree of tags:
- Group
- SubOne
- SubOne1
@@ -163,25 +862,27 @@ on SubOne filters also it's sub-tags. Etc.
There is no limit on the depth for the tag hierarchy.
*** Additional syntax for non-unique grouptags
Additional syntax is defined for grouptags if the tags in the group
don't have to be distinct on a heading.
Grouptags had to previously be defined with { }. This syntax is
already used for exclusive tags and Grouptags need their own,
-non-exclusive syntax. This behaviour is achieved with [ ]. Note: {
-} can still be used also for Grouptags but then only one of the
-given tags can be used on the headline at the same time. Example:
+non-exclusive syntax. This behaviour is achieved with [ ]. Note: { }
+can still be used also for Grouptags but then only one of the given
+tags can be used on the headline at the same time. Example:
[ group : sub1 sub2 ]
- ,* Test :sub1:sub2:
+,* Test :sub1:sub2:
This is a more general case than the already existing syntax for
grouptags; { }.
*** Define regular expression patterns as tags
Tags can be defined as grouptags with regular expressions as
@@ -191,13 +892,13 @@ Example use:
: #+TAGS: [ Project : {P@.+} ]
Searching for the tag Project will now list all tags also including
-regular expression matches for P@.+. Good for example if tags for a
-certain project is tagged with a common project-identifier,
-i.e. P@2014_OrgTags.
+regular expression matches for P@.+. This is good for example for
+projects tagged with a common identifier, i.e. P@2014_OrgTags.
*** Filtering in the agenda on grouptags (Tag hierarchies)
-Filtering in the agenda on grouptags filter all of the related tags.
-Exception if filter is applied with a (double) prefix-argument.
+Filtering in the agenda on grouptags filters all of the related tags.
+Except if a filter is applied with a (double) prefix-argument.
Filtering in the agenda on subcategories does not filter the "above"
levels anymore.
@@ -206,9 +907,10 @@ If a grouptag contains a regular expression the regular expression
is also used as a filter.
*** Minor refactoring of ~org-agenda-filter-by-tag~
-Now uses the argument arg and optional argument exclude instead of
+Now uses the argument ARG and optional argument exclude instead of
strip and narrow. ARG because the argument has multiple purposes and
-makes more sense than strip now. The term narrowing is changed to
+makes more sense than strip now. The term "narrowing" is changed to
The main purpose is for the function to make more logical sense when
@@ -226,16 +928,17 @@ This library implements necessary functions for implementing editing
of Processing code blocks, viewing the resulting sketches in an
external viewer, and HTML export of the sketches.
-Check the documentation for more.
+Check the documentation for more details.
Thanks to Jarmo Hurri for this feature.
-*** New behaviour for `org-toggle-latex-fragment'
+*** New behaviour for ~org-toggle-latex-fragment~
The new behaviour is the following:
-- With a double prefix argument or with a single prefix argument
- when point is before the first headline, toggle overlays in the
- whole buffer;
+- With a double prefix argument or with a single prefix argument when
+ point is before the first headline, toggle overlays in the whole
+ buffer;
- With a single prefix argument, toggle overlays in the current
@@ -277,18 +980,18 @@ default is =hline=.
*** Markdown export supports switches in source blocks
-For example, it is now possible to number lines using the =-n= switch
-in a source block.
+For example, it is now possible to number lines using the =-n= switch in
+a source block.
*** New option in ASCII export
-Plain lists can have an extra margin by setting
-~org-ascii-list-margin~ variable to an appopriate integer.
+Plain lists can have an extra margin by setting ~org-ascii-list-margin~
+variable to an appopriate integer.
*** New blocks in ASCII export
-ASCII export now supports =#+BEGIN_JUSTIFYRIGHT= and
-=#+BEGIN_JUSTIFYLEFT= blocks. See documentation for details.
+blocks. See documentation for details.
*** More back-end specific publishing options
@@ -334,23 +1037,23 @@ will be exported using =@samp(myverbatim)= instead of =@samp(verbatim)=.
Radio tables feature now relies on Org's export framework ("ox.el").
~:no-escape~ parameter no longer exists, but additional global
-parameters are now supported: ~:raw~, ~:backend~. Moreover, there are
-new parameters specific to some pre-defined translators, e.g.,
+parameters are now supported: ~:raw~, ~:backend~. Moreover, there are new
+parameters specific to some pre-defined translators, e.g.,
~:environment~ and ~:booktabs~ for ~orgtbl-to-latex~. See translators
docstrings (including ~orgtbl-to-generic~) for details.
*** Non-floating minted listings in Latex export
-It is not possible to specify =#+attr_latex: :float nil= in conjunction with
-source blocks exported by the minted package.
+It is not possible to specify =#+attr_latex: :float nil= in conjunction
+with source blocks exported by the minted package.
*** Field formulas can now create columns as needed
Previously, evaluating formulas that referenced out-of-bounds columns
-would throw an error. A new variable
-~org-table-formula-create-columns~ was added to adjust this
-behavior. It is now possible to silently add new columns, to do so
-with a warning or to explicitly ask the user each time.
+would throw an error. A new variable ~org-table-formula-create-columns~
+was added to adjust this behavior. It is now possible to silently add
+new columns, to do so with a warning or to explicitly ask the user
+each time.
*** ASCII plot
@@ -368,13 +1071,13 @@ When non-nil, attachments from archived subtrees are removed.
*** New option: ~org-latex-caption-above~
-This variable generalizes ~org-latex-table-caption-above~, which is
-now deprecated. In addition to tables, it applies to source blocks,
+This variable generalizes ~org-latex-table-caption-above~, which is now
+deprecated. In addition to tables, it applies to source blocks,
special blocks and images. See docstring for more information.
*** New option: ~org-latex-prefer-user-labels~
-See docstring for more information.
+See the docstring for more information.
*** Export unnumbered headlines
@@ -385,13 +1088,13 @@ property is inherited by children.
*** Tables can be sorted with an arbitrary function
It is now possible to specify a function, both programatically,
-through a new optional argument, and interactively with ~f~ or ~F~
-keys, to sort a table.
+through a new optional argument, and interactively with ~f~ or ~F~ keys,
+to sort a table.
*** Table of contents can be local to a section
-The ~TOC~ keywords now accepts an optional ~local~ parameter. See
-manual for details.
+The ~TOC~ keywords now accepts an optional ~local~ parameter. See manual
+for details.
*** Countdown timers can now be paused
@@ -454,8 +1157,8 @@ for details.
*** Remotely edit a footnote definition
Calling ~org-edit-footnote-reference~ (C-c ') on a footnote reference
-allows to edit its definition, as long as it is not anonymous, in
-a dedicated buffer. It works even if buffer is currently narrowed.
+allows to edit its definition, as long as it is not anonymous, in a
+dedicated buffer. It works even if buffer is currently narrowed.
*** New function ~org-delete-indentation~ bound to ~M-^~
@@ -464,7 +1167,7 @@ added to headline text.
*** Support for images in Texinfo export
-~Texinfo~ back-end now handles images. See manual for details.
+~Texinfo~ back-end now handles images. See the manual for details.
*** Support for captions in Texinfo export
@@ -479,9 +1182,9 @@ set using the hh:mm:ss format.
*** Extend ~org-clone-subtree-with-time-shift~
-~org-clone-subtree-with-time-shift~ now accepts 0 as an argument for
-the number of clones, which removes the repeater from the original
-subtree and creates one shifted, repeating clone.
+~org-clone-subtree-with-time-shift~ now accepts 0 as an argument for the
+number of clones, which removes the repeater from the original subtree
+and creates one shifted, repeating clone.
*** New time block for clock tables: ~untilnow~
@@ -527,6 +1230,7 @@ optional argument.
These functions were left-over from pre 8.0 era. They are not correct
anymore. Since they are not needed, they have no replacement.
** Removed options
*** ~org-list-empty-line-terminates-plain-lists~ is deprecated
@@ -550,11 +1254,11 @@ everywhere in the buffer, possibly corrupting URLs.
*** Removed option =org-babel-sh-command=
-This undocumented option defaulted to the value of =shell-file-name=
-at the time of loading =ob-shell=. The new behaviour is to use the
-value of =shell-file-name= directly when the shell langage is =shell=.
-To chose a different shell, either customize =shell-file-name= or bind
-this variable locally.
+This undocumented option defaulted to the value of =shell-file-name= at
+the time of loading =ob-shell=. The new behaviour is to use the value
+of =shell-file-name= directly when the shell langage is =shell=. To chose
+a different shell, either customize =shell-file-name= or bind this
+variable locally.
*** Removed option =org-babel-sh-var-quote-fmt=
@@ -594,6 +1298,7 @@ end-users browser. You may force initial usage of MathML via
~org-export-filter-comment-functions~ and
~org-export-filter-comment-block-functions~ variables do not exist
** Miscellaneous
*** Strip all meta data from ITEM special property
@@ -630,9 +1335,9 @@ particular test failure was introduced.
*** Exact heading search for external links ignore spaces and cookies
Exact heading search for links now ignore spaces and cookies. This is
-the case for links of the form*task title~, as
-well as links of the form words~
-when ~org-link-search-must-match-exact-headline~ is not nil.
+the case for links of the form*task title~, as well
+as links of the form words~ when
+~org-link-search-must-match-exact-headline~ is not nil.
*** ~org-latex-hyperref-template~, ~org-latex-title-command~ formatting
@@ -642,12 +1347,12 @@ Note, ~org-latex-hyperref-template~ has a new default value.
*** ~float, wasysym, marvosym~ are removed from ~org-latex-default-packages-alist~
If you require any of these package add them to your preamble via
-~org-latex-packages-alist~. Org also uses default LaTeX ~\tolerance~
+~org-latex-packages-alist~. Org also uses default LaTeX ~\tolerance~ now.
*** When exporting, throw an error on unresolved id/fuzzy links and code refs
This helps spotting wrong links.
* Version 8.2
** Incompatible changes