path: root/lisp/org-list.el
diff options
authorSébastien Delafond <>2014-07-13 13:35:01 +0200
committerSébastien Delafond <>2014-07-13 13:35:01 +0200
commit7697fa4daf3ec84f85711a84035d8f0224afd4e3 (patch)
tree24d0f1d2a9751ca8c063409fd2ab71478b296efb /lisp/org-list.el
Imported Upstream version 7.9.2
Diffstat (limited to 'lisp/org-list.el')
1 files changed, 3295 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lisp/org-list.el b/lisp/org-list.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10f5e6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/org-list.el
@@ -0,0 +1,3295 @@
+;;; org-list.el --- Plain lists for Org-mode
+;; Copyright (C) 2004-2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Carsten Dominik <carsten at orgmode dot org>
+;; Bastien Guerry <bzg AT gnu DOT org>
+;; Keywords: outlines, hypermedia, calendar, wp
+;; Homepage:
+;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This file contains the code dealing with plain lists in Org-mode.
+;; The core concept behind lists is their structure. A structure is
+;; a snapshot of the list, in the shape of a data tree (see
+;; `org-list-struct').
+;; Once the list structure is stored, it is possible to make changes
+;; on it that will be mirrored to the real list or to get information
+;; about the list, using accessors and methods provided in the
+;; library. Most of them require the use of one or two helper
+;; functions, namely `org-list-parents-alist' and
+;; `org-list-prevs-alist'.
+;; Structure is eventually applied to the buffer with
+;; `org-list-write-struct'. This function repairs (bullets,
+;; indentation, checkboxes) the list in the process. It should be
+;; called near the end of any function working on structures.
+;; Thus, a function applying to lists should usually follow this
+;; template:
+;; 1. Verify point is in a list and grab item beginning (with the same
+;; function `org-in-item-p'). If the function requires the cursor
+;; to be at item's bullet, `org-at-item-p' is more selective. It
+;; is also possible to move point to the closest item with
+;; `org-list-search-backward', or `org-list-search-forward',
+;; applied to the function `org-item-beginning-re'.
+;; 2. Get list structure with `org-list-struct'.
+;; 3. Compute one, or both, helper functions,
+;; (`org-list-parents-alist', `org-list-prevs-alist') depending on
+;; needed accessors.
+;; 4. Proceed with the modifications, using methods and accessors.
+;; 5. Verify and apply structure to buffer, using
+;; `org-list-write-struct'.
+;; 6. If changes made to the list might have modified check-boxes,
+;; call `org-update-checkbox-count-maybe'.
+;; Computing a structure can be a costly operation on huge lists (a
+;; few thousand lines long). Thus, code should follow the rule:
+;; "collect once, use many". As a corollary, it is usually a bad idea
+;; to use directly an interactive function inside the code, as those,
+;; being independent entities, read the whole list structure another
+;; time.
+;;; Code:
+ (require 'cl))
+(require 'org-macs)
+(require 'org-compat)
+(defvar org-M-RET-may-split-line)
+(defvar org-auto-align-tags)
+(defvar org-blank-before-new-entry)
+(defvar org-clock-string)
+(defvar org-closed-string)
+(defvar org-deadline-string)
+(defvar org-description-max-indent)
+(defvar org-drawers)
+(defvar org-odd-levels-only)
+(defvar org-scheduled-string)
+(defvar org-ts-regexp)
+(defvar org-ts-regexp-both)
+(declare-function org-at-heading-p "org" (&optional ignored))
+(declare-function org-before-first-heading-p "org" ())
+(declare-function org-back-to-heading "org" (&optional invisible-ok))
+(declare-function org-combine-plists "org" (&rest plists))
+(declare-function org-count "org" (cl-item cl-seq))
+(declare-function org-current-level "org" ())
+(declare-function org-entry-get "org"
+ (pom property &optional inherit literal-nil))
+(declare-function org-fix-tags-on-the-fly "org" ())
+(declare-function org-get-indentation "org" (&optional line))
+(declare-function org-icompleting-read "org" (&rest args))
+(declare-function org-in-block-p "org" (names))
+(declare-function org-in-regexp "org" (re &optional nlines visually))
+(declare-function org-inlinetask-goto-beginning "org-inlinetask" ())
+(declare-function org-inlinetask-goto-end "org-inlinetask" ())
+(declare-function org-inlinetask-in-task-p "org-inlinetask" ())
+(declare-function org-inlinetask-outline-regexp "org-inlinetask" ())
+(declare-function org-level-increment "org" ())
+(declare-function org-narrow-to-subtree "org" ())
+(declare-function org-at-heading-p "org" (&optional invisible-ok))
+(declare-function org-previous-line-empty-p "org" ())
+(declare-function org-remove-if "org" (predicate seq))
+(declare-function org-reduced-level "org" (L))
+(declare-function org-show-subtree "org" ())
+(declare-function org-time-string-to-seconds "org" (s))
+(declare-function org-timer-hms-to-secs "org-timer" (hms))
+(declare-function org-timer-item "org-timer" (&optional arg))
+(declare-function org-trim "org" (s))
+(declare-function org-uniquify "org" (list))
+(declare-function outline-invisible-p "outline" (&optional pos))
+(declare-function outline-flag-region "outline" (from to flag))
+(declare-function outline-next-heading "outline" ())
+(declare-function outline-previous-heading "outline" ())
+;;; Configuration variables
+(defgroup org-plain-lists nil
+ "Options concerning plain lists in Org-mode."
+ :tag "Org Plain lists"
+ :group 'org-structure)
+(defcustom org-cycle-include-plain-lists t
+ "When t, make TAB cycle visibility on plain list items.
+Cycling plain lists works only when the cursor is on a plain list
+item. When the cursor is on an outline heading, plain lists are
+treated as text. This is the most stable way of handling this,
+which is why it is the default.
+When this is the symbol `integrate', then during cycling, plain
+list items will *temporarily* be interpreted as outline headlines
+with a level given by 1000+i where i is the indentation of the
+bullet. This setting can lead to strange effects when switching
+visibility to `children', because the first \"child\" in a
+subtree decides what children should be listed. If that first
+\"child\" is a plain list item with an implied large level
+number, all true children and grand children of the outline
+heading will be exposed in a children' view."
+ :group 'org-plain-lists
+ :type '(choice
+ (const :tag "Never" nil)
+ (const :tag "With cursor in plain list (recommended)" t)
+ (const :tag "As children of outline headings" integrate)))
+(defcustom org-list-demote-modify-bullet nil
+ "Default bullet type installed when demoting an item.
+This is an association list, for each bullet type, this alist will point
+to the bullet that should be used when this item is demoted.
+For example,
+ (setq org-list-demote-modify-bullet
+ '((\"+\" . \"-\") (\"-\" . \"+\") (\"*\" . \"+\")))
+will make
+ + Movies
+ + Silence of the Lambs
+ + My Cousin Vinny
+ + Books
+ + The Hunt for Red October
+ + The Road to Omaha
+ + Movies
+ - Silence of the Lambs
+ - My Cousin Vinny
+ + Books
+ - The Hunt for Red October
+ - The Road to Omaha"
+ :group 'org-plain-lists
+ :type '(repeat
+ (cons
+ (choice :tag "If the current bullet is "
+ (const "-")
+ (const "+")
+ (const "*")
+ (const "1.")
+ (const "1)"))
+ (choice :tag "demotion will change it to"
+ (const "-")
+ (const "+")
+ (const "*")
+ (const "1.")
+ (const "1)")))))
+(defcustom org-plain-list-ordered-item-terminator t
+ "The character that makes a line with leading number an ordered list item.
+Valid values are ?. and ?\). To get both terminators, use t."
+ :group 'org-plain-lists
+ :type '(choice (const :tag "dot like in \"2.\"" ?.)
+ (const :tag "paren like in \"2)\"" ?\))
+ (const :tag "both" t)))
+(defcustom org-alphabetical-lists nil
+ "Non-nil means single character alphabetical bullets are allowed.
+Both uppercase and lowercase are handled. Lists with more than
+26 items will fallback to standard numbering. Alphabetical
+counters like \"[@c]\" will be recognized."
+ :group 'org-plain-lists
+ :version "24.1"
+ :type 'boolean)
+(defcustom org-list-two-spaces-after-bullet-regexp nil
+ "A regular expression matching bullets that should have 2 spaces after them.
+When nil, no bullet will have two spaces after them. When
+a string, it will be used as a regular expression. When the
+bullet type of a list is changed, the new bullet type will be
+matched against this regexp. If it matches, there will be two
+spaces instead of one after the bullet in each item of the list."
+ :group 'org-plain-lists
+ :type '(choice
+ (const :tag "never" nil)
+ (regexp)))
+(defcustom org-empty-line-terminates-plain-lists nil
+ "Non-nil means an empty line ends all plain list levels.
+Otherwise, two of them will be necessary."
+ :group 'org-plain-lists
+ :type 'boolean)
+(defcustom org-list-automatic-rules '((checkbox . t)
+ (indent . t))
+ "Non-nil means apply set of rules when acting on lists.
+By default, automatic actions are taken when using
+ \\[org-meta-return], \\[org-metaright], \\[org-metaleft],
+ \\[org-shiftmetaright], \\[org-shiftmetaleft],
+ \\[org-ctrl-c-minus], \\[org-toggle-checkbox] or
+ \\[org-insert-todo-heading]. You can disable individually these
+ rules by setting them to nil. Valid rules are:
+checkbox when non-nil, checkbox statistics is updated each time
+ you either insert a new checkbox or toggle a checkbox.
+indent when non-nil, indenting or outdenting list top-item
+ with its subtree will move the whole list and
+ outdenting a list whose bullet is * to column 0 will
+ change that bullet to \"-\"."
+ :group 'org-plain-lists
+ :version "24.1"
+ :type '(alist :tag "Sets of rules"
+ :key-type
+ (choice
+ (const :tag "Checkbox" checkbox)
+ (const :tag "Indent" indent))
+ :value-type
+ (boolean :tag "Activate" :value t)))
+(defcustom org-list-use-circular-motion nil
+ "Non-nil means commands implying motion in lists should be cyclic.
+In that case, the item following the last item is the first one,
+and the item preceding the first item is the last one.
+This affects the behavior of \\[org-move-item-up],
+ \\[org-move-item-down], \\[org-next-item] and
+ \\[org-previous-item]."
+ :group 'org-plain-lists
+ :version "24.1"
+ :type 'boolean)
+(defvar org-checkbox-statistics-hook nil
+ "Hook that is run whenever Org thinks checkbox statistics should be updated.
+This hook runs even if checkbox rule in
+`org-list-automatic-rules' does not apply, so it can be used to
+implement alternative ways of collecting statistics
+(defcustom org-hierarchical-checkbox-statistics t
+ "Non-nil means checkbox statistics counts only the state of direct children.
+When nil, all boxes below the cookie are counted.
+This can be set to nil on a per-node basis using a COOKIE_DATA property
+with the word \"recursive\" in the value."
+ :group 'org-plain-lists
+ :type 'boolean)
+(defcustom org-description-max-indent 20
+ "Maximum indentation for the second line of a description list.
+When the indentation would be larger than this, it will become
+5 characters instead."
+ :group 'org-plain-lists
+ :type 'integer)
+(defcustom org-list-indent-offset 0
+ "Additional indentation for sub-items in a list.
+By setting this to a small number, usually 1 or 2, one can more
+clearly distinguish sub-items in a list."
+ :group 'org-plain-lists
+ :version "24.1"
+ :type 'integer)
+(defcustom org-list-radio-list-templates
+ '((latex-mode "% BEGIN RECEIVE ORGLST %n
+#+ORGLST: SEND %n org-list-to-latex
+ (texinfo-mode "@c BEGIN RECEIVE ORGLST %n
+#+ORGLST: SEND %n org-list-to-texinfo
+@end ignore\n")
+ (html-mode "<!-- BEGIN RECEIVE ORGLST %n -->
+#+ORGLST: SEND %n org-list-to-html
+ "Templates for radio lists in different major modes.
+All occurrences of %n in a template will be replaced with the name of the
+list, obtained by prompting the user."
+ :group 'org-plain-lists
+ :type '(repeat
+ (list (symbol :tag "Major mode")
+ (string :tag "Format"))))
+(defvar org-list-forbidden-blocks '("example" "verse" "src" "ascii" "beamer"
+ "docbook" "html" "latex" "odt")
+ "Names of blocks where lists are not allowed.
+Names must be in lower case.")
+(defvar org-list-export-context '(block inlinetask)
+ "Context types where lists will be interpreted during export.
+Valid types are `drawer', `inlinetask' and `block'. More
+specifically, type `block' is determined by the variable
+;;; Predicates and regexps
+(defconst org-list-end-re (if org-empty-line-terminates-plain-lists "^[ \t]*\n"
+ "^[ \t]*\n[ \t]*\n")
+ "Regex corresponding to the end of a list.
+It depends on `org-empty-line-terminates-plain-lists'.")
+(defconst org-list-full-item-re
+ (concat "^[ \t]*\\(\\(?:[-+*]\\|\\(?:[0-9]+\\|[A-Za-z]\\)[.)]\\)\\(?:[ \t]+\\|$\\)\\)"
+ "\\(?:\\[@\\(?:start:\\)?\\([0-9]+\\|[A-Za-z]\\)\\][ \t]*\\)?"
+ "\\(?:\\(\\[[ X-]\\]\\)\\(?:[ \t]+\\|$\\)\\)?"
+ "\\(?:\\(.*\\)[ \t]+::\\(?:[ \t]+\\|$\\)\\)?")
+ "Matches a list item and puts everything into groups:
+group 1: bullet
+group 2: counter
+group 3: checkbox
+group 4: description tag")
+(defun org-item-re ()
+ "Return the correct regular expression for plain lists."
+ (let ((term (cond
+ ((eq org-plain-list-ordered-item-terminator t) "[.)]")
+ ((= org-plain-list-ordered-item-terminator ?\)) ")")
+ ((= org-plain-list-ordered-item-terminator ?.) "\\.")
+ (t "[.)]")))
+ (alpha (if org-alphabetical-lists "\\|[A-Za-z]" "")))
+ (concat "\\([ \t]*\\([-+]\\|\\(\\([0-9]+" alpha "\\)" term
+ "\\)\\)\\|[ \t]+\\*\\)\\([ \t]+\\|$\\)")))
+(defsubst org-item-beginning-re ()
+ "Regexp matching the beginning of a plain list item."
+ (concat "^" (org-item-re)))
+(defun org-list-at-regexp-after-bullet-p (regexp)
+ "Is point at a list item with REGEXP after bullet?"
+ (and (org-at-item-p)
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char (match-end 0))
+ (let ((counter-re (concat "\\(?:\\[@\\(?:start:\\)?"
+ (if org-alphabetical-lists
+ "\\([0-9]+\\|[A-Za-z]\\)"
+ "[0-9]+")
+ "\\][ \t]*\\)")))
+ ;; Ignore counter if any
+ (when (looking-at counter-re) (goto-char (match-end 0))))
+ (looking-at regexp))))
+(defun org-list-in-valid-context-p ()
+ "Is point in a context where lists are allowed?"
+ (not (org-in-block-p org-list-forbidden-blocks)))
+(defun org-in-item-p ()
+ "Return item beginning position when in a plain list, nil otherwise."
+ (save-excursion
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (let* ((case-fold-search t)
+ (context (org-list-context))
+ (lim-up (car context))
+ (drawers-re (concat "^[ \t]*:\\("
+ (mapconcat 'regexp-quote org-drawers "\\|")
+ "\\):[ \t]*$"))
+ (inlinetask-re (and (featurep 'org-inlinetask)
+ (org-inlinetask-outline-regexp)))
+ (item-re (org-item-re))
+ ;; Indentation isn't meaningful when point starts at an empty
+ ;; line or an inline task.
+ (ind-ref (if (or (looking-at "^[ \t]*$")
+ (and inlinetask-re (looking-at inlinetask-re)))
+ 10000
+ (org-get-indentation))))
+ (cond
+ ((eq (nth 2 context) 'invalid) nil)
+ ((looking-at item-re) (point))
+ (t
+ ;; Detect if cursor in amidst `org-list-end-re'. First, count
+ ;; number HL of hard lines it takes, then call `org-in-regexp'
+ ;; to compute its boundaries END-BOUNDS. When point is
+ ;; in-between, move cursor before regexp beginning.
+ (let ((hl 0) (i -1) end-bounds)
+ (when (and (progn
+ (while (setq i (string-match
+ "[\r\n]" org-list-end-re (1+ i)))
+ (setq hl (1+ hl)))
+ (setq end-bounds (org-in-regexp org-list-end-re hl)))
+ (>= (point) (car end-bounds))
+ (< (point) (cdr end-bounds)))
+ (goto-char (car end-bounds))
+ (forward-line -1)))
+ ;; Look for an item, less indented that reference line.
+ (catch 'exit
+ (while t
+ (let ((ind (org-get-indentation)))
+ (cond
+ ;; This is exactly what we want.
+ ((and (looking-at item-re) (< ind ind-ref))
+ (throw 'exit (point)))
+ ;; At upper bound of search or looking at the end of a
+ ;; previous list: search is over.
+ ((<= (point) lim-up) (throw 'exit nil))
+ ((looking-at org-list-end-re) (throw 'exit nil))
+ ;; Skip blocks, drawers, inline-tasks, blank lines
+ ((and (looking-at "^[ \t]*#\\+end_")
+ (re-search-backward "^[ \t]*#\\+begin_" lim-up t)))
+ ((and (looking-at "^[ \t]*:END:")
+ (re-search-backward drawers-re lim-up t))
+ (beginning-of-line))
+ ((and inlinetask-re (looking-at inlinetask-re))
+ (org-inlinetask-goto-beginning)
+ (forward-line -1))
+ ((looking-at "^[ \t]*$") (forward-line -1))
+ ;; Text at column 0 cannot belong to a list: stop.
+ ((zerop ind) (throw 'exit nil))
+ ;; Normal text less indented than reference line, take
+ ;; it as new reference.
+ ((< ind ind-ref)
+ (setq ind-ref ind)
+ (forward-line -1))
+ (t (forward-line -1)))))))))))
+(defun org-at-item-p ()
+ "Is point in a line starting a hand-formatted item?"
+ (save-excursion
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (and (looking-at (org-item-re)) (org-list-in-valid-context-p))))
+(defun org-at-item-bullet-p ()
+ "Is point at the bullet of a plain list item?"
+ (and (org-at-item-p)
+ (not (member (char-after) '(?\ ?\t)))
+ (< (point) (match-end 0))))
+(defun org-at-item-timer-p ()
+ "Is point at a line starting a plain list item with a timer?"
+ (org-list-at-regexp-after-bullet-p
+ "\\([0-9]+:[0-9]+:[0-9]+\\)[ \t]+::[ \t]+"))
+(defun org-at-item-description-p ()
+ "Is point at a description list item?"
+ (org-list-at-regexp-after-bullet-p "\\(\\S-.+\\)[ \t]+::\\([ \t]+\\|$\\)"))
+(defun org-at-item-checkbox-p ()
+ "Is point at a line starting a plain-list item with a checklet?"
+ (org-list-at-regexp-after-bullet-p "\\(\\[[- X]\\]\\)[ \t]+"))
+(defun org-at-item-counter-p ()
+ "Is point at a line starting a plain-list item with a counter?"
+ (and (org-at-item-p)
+ (looking-at org-list-full-item-re)
+ (match-string 2)))
+;;; Structures and helper functions
+(defun org-list-context ()
+ "Determine context, and its boundaries, around point.
+Context will be a cell like (MIN MAX CONTEXT) where MIN and MAX
+are boundaries and CONTEXT is a symbol among `drawer', `block',
+`invalid', `inlinetask' and nil.
+Contexts `block' and `invalid' refer to `org-list-forbidden-blocks'."
+ (save-match-data
+ (save-excursion
+ (org-with-limited-levels
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (let ((case-fold-search t) (pos (point)) beg end context-type
+ ;; Get positions of surrounding headings. This is the
+ ;; default context.
+ (lim-up (or (save-excursion (and (ignore-errors (org-back-to-heading t))
+ (point)))
+ (point-min)))
+ (lim-down (or (save-excursion (outline-next-heading)) (point-max))))
+ ;; Is point inside a drawer?
+ (let ((end-re "^[ \t]*:END:")
+ ;; Can't use org-drawers-regexp as this function might
+ ;; be called in buffers not in Org mode.
+ (beg-re (concat "^[ \t]*:\\("
+ (mapconcat 'regexp-quote org-drawers "\\|")
+ "\\):[ \t]*$")))
+ (when (save-excursion
+ (and (not (looking-at beg-re))
+ (not (looking-at end-re))
+ (setq beg (and (re-search-backward beg-re lim-up t)
+ (1+ (point-at-eol))))
+ (setq end (or (and (re-search-forward end-re lim-down t)
+ (1- (match-beginning 0)))
+ lim-down))
+ (>= end pos)))
+ (setq lim-up beg lim-down end context-type 'drawer)))
+ ;; Is point strictly in a block, and of which type?
+ (let ((block-re "^[ \t]*#\\+\\(begin\\|end\\)_") type)
+ (when (save-excursion
+ (and (not (looking-at block-re))
+ (setq beg (and (re-search-backward block-re lim-up t)
+ (1+ (point-at-eol))))
+ (looking-at "^[ \t]*#\\+begin_\\(\\S-+\\)")
+ (setq type (downcase (match-string 1)))
+ (goto-char beg)
+ (setq end (or (and (re-search-forward block-re lim-down t)
+ (1- (point-at-bol)))
+ lim-down))
+ (>= end pos)
+ (equal (downcase (match-string 1)) "end")))
+ (setq lim-up beg lim-down end
+ context-type (if (member type org-list-forbidden-blocks)
+ 'invalid 'block))))
+ ;; Is point in an inlinetask?
+ (when (and (featurep 'org-inlinetask)
+ (save-excursion
+ (let* ((beg-re (org-inlinetask-outline-regexp))
+ (end-re (concat beg-re "END[ \t]*$")))
+ (and (not (looking-at "^\\*+"))
+ (setq beg (and (re-search-backward beg-re lim-up t)
+ (1+ (point-at-eol))))
+ (not (looking-at end-re))
+ (setq end (and (re-search-forward end-re lim-down t)
+ (1- (match-beginning 0))))
+ (> (point) pos)))))
+ (setq lim-up beg lim-down end context-type 'inlinetask))
+ ;; Return context boundaries and type.
+ (list lim-up lim-down context-type))))))
+(defun org-list-struct ()
+ "Return structure of list at point.
+A list structure is an alist where key is point at item, and
+values are:
+1. indentation,
+2. bullet with trailing whitespace,
+3. bullet counter, if any,
+4. checkbox, if any,
+5. description tag, if any,
+6. position at item end.
+Thus the following list, where numbers in parens are
+- [X] first item (1)
+ 1. sub-item 1 (18)
+ 5. [@5] sub-item 2 (34)
+ some other text belonging to first item (55)
+- last item (97)
+ + tag :: description (109)
+ (131)
+will get the following structure:
+\(\(1 0 \"- \" nil \"[X]\" nil 97\)
+ \(18 2 \"1. \" nil nil nil 34\)
+ \(34 2 \"5. \" \"5\" nil nil 55\)
+ \(97 0 \"- \" nil nil nil 131\)
+ \(109 2 \"+ \" nil nil \"tag\" 131\)
+Assume point is at an item."
+ (save-excursion
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (let* ((case-fold-search t)
+ (context (org-list-context))
+ (lim-up (car context))
+ (lim-down (nth 1 context))
+ (text-min-ind 10000)
+ (item-re (org-item-re))
+ (drawers-re (concat "^[ \t]*:\\("
+ (mapconcat 'regexp-quote org-drawers "\\|")
+ "\\):[ \t]*$"))
+ (inlinetask-re (and (featurep 'org-inlinetask)
+ (org-inlinetask-outline-regexp)))
+ (beg-cell (cons (point) (org-get-indentation)))
+ ind itm-lst itm-lst-2 end-lst end-lst-2 struct
+ (assoc-at-point
+ (function
+ ;; Return association at point.
+ (lambda (ind)
+ (looking-at org-list-full-item-re)
+ (let ((bullet (match-string-no-properties 1)))
+ (list (point)
+ ind
+ bullet
+ (match-string-no-properties 2) ; counter
+ (match-string-no-properties 3) ; checkbox
+ ;; Description tag.
+ (and (save-match-data (string-match "[-+*]" bullet))
+ (match-string-no-properties 4)))))))
+ (end-before-blank
+ (function
+ ;; Ensure list ends at the first blank line.
+ (lambda ()
+ (skip-chars-backward " \r\t\n")
+ (min (1+ (point-at-eol)) lim-down)))))
+ ;; 1. Read list from starting item to its beginning, and save
+ ;; top item position and indentation in BEG-CELL. Also store
+ ;; ending position of items in END-LST.
+ (save-excursion
+ (catch 'exit
+ (while t
+ (let ((ind (+ (or (get-text-property (point) 'original-indentation) 0)
+ (org-get-indentation))))
+ (cond
+ ((<= (point) lim-up)
+ ;; At upward limit: if we ended at an item, store it,
+ ;; else dismiss useless data recorded above BEG-CELL.
+ ;; Jump to part 2.
+ (throw 'exit
+ (setq itm-lst
+ (if (or (not (looking-at item-re))
+ (get-text-property (point) 'org-example))
+ (memq (assq (car beg-cell) itm-lst) itm-lst)
+ (setq beg-cell (cons (point) ind))
+ (cons (funcall assoc-at-point ind) itm-lst)))))
+ ;; At a verbatim block, go before its beginning. Move
+ ;; from eol to ensure `previous-single-property-change'
+ ;; will return a value.
+ ((get-text-property (point) 'org-example)
+ (goto-char (previous-single-property-change
+ (point-at-eol) 'org-example nil lim-up))
+ (forward-line -1))
+ ;; Looking at a list ending regexp. Dismiss useless
+ ;; data recorded above BEG-CELL. Jump to part 2.
+ ((looking-at org-list-end-re)
+ (throw 'exit
+ (setq itm-lst
+ (memq (assq (car beg-cell) itm-lst) itm-lst))))
+ ;; Point is at an item. Add data to ITM-LST. It may
+ ;; also end a previous item: save it in END-LST. If
+ ;; ind is less or equal than BEG-CELL and there is no
+ ;; end at this ind or lesser, this item becomes the new
+ ;; BEG-CELL.
+ ((looking-at item-re)
+ (push (funcall assoc-at-point ind) itm-lst)
+ (push (cons ind (point)) end-lst)
+ (when (< ind text-min-ind) (setq beg-cell (cons (point) ind)))
+ (forward-line -1))
+ ;; Skip blocks, drawers, inline tasks, blank lines.
+ ((and (looking-at "^[ \t]*#\\+end_")
+ (re-search-backward "^[ \t]*#\\+begin_" lim-up t)))
+ ((and (looking-at "^[ \t]*:END:")
+ (re-search-backward drawers-re lim-up t))
+ (beginning-of-line))
+ ((and inlinetask-re (looking-at inlinetask-re))
+ (org-inlinetask-goto-beginning)
+ (forward-line -1))
+ ((looking-at "^[ \t]*$")
+ (forward-line -1))
+ ;; From there, point is not at an item. Interpret
+ ;; line's indentation:
+ ;; - text at column 0 is necessarily out of any list.
+ ;; Dismiss data recorded above BEG-CELL. Jump to
+ ;; part 2.
+ ;; - any other case may be an ending position for an
+ ;; hypothetical item above. Store it and proceed.
+ ((zerop ind)
+ (throw 'exit
+ (setq itm-lst
+ (memq (assq (car beg-cell) itm-lst) itm-lst))))
+ (t
+ (when (< ind text-min-ind) (setq text-min-ind ind))
+ (push (cons ind (point)) end-lst)
+ (forward-line -1)))))))
+ ;; 2. Read list from starting point to its end, that is until we
+ ;; get out of context, or that a non-item line is less or
+ ;; equally indented than BEG-CELL's cdr. Also, store ending
+ ;; position of items in END-LST-2.
+ (catch 'exit
+ (while t
+ (let ((ind (+ (or (get-text-property (point) 'original-indentation) 0)
+ (org-get-indentation))))
+ (cond
+ ((>= (point) lim-down)
+ ;; At downward limit: this is de facto the end of the
+ ;; list. Save point as an ending position, and jump to
+ ;; part 3.
+ (throw 'exit
+ (push (cons 0 (funcall end-before-blank)) end-lst-2)))
+ ;; At a verbatim block, move to its end. Point is at bol
+ ;; and 'org-example property is set by whole lines:
+ ;; `next-single-property-change' always return a value.
+ ((get-text-property (point) 'org-example)
+ (goto-char
+ (next-single-property-change (point) 'org-example nil lim-down)))
+ ;; Looking at a list ending regexp. Save point as an
+ ;; ending position and jump to part 3.
+ ((looking-at org-list-end-re)
+ (throw 'exit (push (cons 0 (point)) end-lst-2)))
+ ((looking-at item-re)
+ ;; Point is at an item. Add data to ITM-LST-2. It may
+ ;; also end a previous item, so save it in END-LST-2.
+ (push (funcall assoc-at-point ind) itm-lst-2)
+ (push (cons ind (point)) end-lst-2)
+ (forward-line 1))
+ ;; Skip inline tasks and blank lines along the way
+ ((and inlinetask-re (looking-at inlinetask-re))
+ (org-inlinetask-goto-end))
+ ((looking-at "^[ \t]*$")
+ (forward-line 1))
+ ;; Ind is lesser or equal than BEG-CELL's. The list is
+ ;; over: store point as an ending position and jump to
+ ;; part 3.
+ ((<= ind (cdr beg-cell))
+ (throw 'exit
+ (push (cons 0 (funcall end-before-blank)) end-lst-2)))
+ ;; Else, if ind is lesser or equal than previous item's,
+ ;; this is an ending position: store it. In any case,
+ ;; skip block or drawer at point, and move to next line.
+ (t
+ (when (<= ind (nth 1 (car itm-lst-2)))
+ (push (cons ind (point)) end-lst-2))
+ (cond
+ ((and (looking-at "^[ \t]*#\\+begin_")
+ (re-search-forward "^[ \t]*#\\+end_" lim-down t)))
+ ((and (looking-at drawers-re)
+ (re-search-forward "^[ \t]*:END:" lim-down t))))
+ (forward-line 1))))))
+ (setq struct (append itm-lst (cdr (nreverse itm-lst-2)))
+ end-lst (append end-lst (cdr (nreverse end-lst-2))))
+ ;; 3. Associate each item to its end position.
+ (org-list-struct-assoc-end struct end-lst)
+ ;; 4. Return STRUCT
+ struct)))
+(defun org-list-struct-assoc-end (struct end-list)
+ "Associate proper ending point to items in STRUCT.
+END-LIST is a pseudo-alist where car is indentation and cdr is
+ending position.
+This function modifies STRUCT."
+ (let ((endings end-list))
+ (mapc
+ (lambda (elt)
+ (let ((pos (car elt))
+ (ind (nth 1 elt)))
+ ;; Remove end candidates behind current item.
+ (while (or (<= (cdar endings) pos))
+ (pop endings))
+ ;; Add end position to item assoc.
+ (let ((old-end (nthcdr 6 elt))
+ (new-end (assoc-default ind endings '<=)))
+ (if old-end
+ (setcar old-end new-end)
+ (setcdr elt (append (cdr elt) (list new-end)))))))
+ struct)))
+(defun org-list-prevs-alist (struct)
+ "Return alist between item and previous item in STRUCT."
+ (let ((item-end-alist (mapcar (lambda (e) (cons (car e) (nth 6 e)))
+ struct)))
+ (mapcar (lambda (e)
+ (let ((prev (car (rassq (car e) item-end-alist))))
+ (cons (car e) prev)))
+ struct)))
+(defun org-list-parents-alist (struct)
+ "Return alist between item and parent in STRUCT."
+ (let* ((ind-to-ori (list (list (nth 1 (car struct)))))
+ (top-item (org-list-get-top-point struct))
+ (prev-pos (list top-item)))
+ (cons prev-pos
+ (mapcar (lambda (item)
+ (let ((pos (car item))
+ (ind (nth 1 item))
+ (prev-ind (caar ind-to-ori)))
+ (push pos prev-pos)
+ (cond
+ ((> prev-ind ind)
+ ;; A sub-list is over. Find the associated
+ ;; origin in IND-TO-ORI. If it cannot be
+ ;; found (ill-formed list), set its parent as
+ ;; the first item less indented. If there is
+ ;; none, make it a top-level item.
+ (setq ind-to-ori
+ (or (member (assq ind ind-to-ori) ind-to-ori)
+ (catch 'exit
+ (mapc
+ (lambda (e)
+ (when (< (car e) ind)
+ (throw 'exit (member e ind-to-ori))))
+ ind-to-ori)
+ (list (list ind)))))
+ (cons pos (cdar ind-to-ori)))
+ ;; A sub-list starts. Every item at IND will
+ ;; have previous item as its parent.
+ ((< prev-ind ind)
+ (let ((origin (nth 1 prev-pos)))
+ (push (cons ind origin) ind-to-ori)
+ (cons pos origin)))
+ ;; Another item in the same sub-list: it shares
+ ;; the same parent as the previous item.
+ (t (cons pos (cdar ind-to-ori))))))
+ (cdr struct)))))
+;;; Accessors
+(defsubst org-list-get-nth (n key struct)
+ "Return the Nth value of KEY in STRUCT."
+ (nth n (assq key struct)))
+(defun org-list-set-nth (n key struct new)
+ "Set the Nth value of KEY in STRUCT to NEW.
+\nThis function modifies STRUCT."
+ (setcar (nthcdr n (assq key struct)) new))
+(defsubst org-list-get-ind (item struct)
+ "Return indentation of ITEM in STRUCT."
+ (org-list-get-nth 1 item struct))
+(defun org-list-set-ind (item struct ind)
+ "Set indentation of ITEM in STRUCT to IND.
+\nThis function modifies STRUCT."
+ (org-list-set-nth 1 item struct ind))
+(defsubst org-list-get-bullet (item struct)
+ "Return bullet of ITEM in STRUCT."
+ (org-list-get-nth 2 item struct))
+(defun org-list-set-bullet (item struct bullet)
+ "Set bullet of ITEM in STRUCT to BULLET.
+\nThis function modifies STRUCT."
+ (org-list-set-nth 2 item struct bullet))
+(defsubst org-list-get-counter (item struct)
+ "Return counter of ITEM in STRUCT."
+ (org-list-get-nth 3 item struct))
+(defsubst org-list-get-checkbox (item struct)
+ "Return checkbox of ITEM in STRUCT or nil."
+ (org-list-get-nth 4 item struct))
+(defun org-list-set-checkbox (item struct checkbox)
+ "Set checkbox of ITEM in STRUCT to CHECKBOX.
+\nThis function modifies STRUCT."
+ (org-list-set-nth 4 item struct checkbox))
+(defsubst org-list-get-tag (item struct)
+ "Return end position of ITEM in STRUCT."
+ (org-list-get-nth 5 item struct))
+(defun org-list-get-item-end (item struct)
+ "Return end position of ITEM in STRUCT."
+ (org-list-get-nth 6 item struct))
+(defun org-list-get-item-end-before-blank (item struct)
+ "Return point at end of ITEM in STRUCT, before any blank line.
+Point returned is at end of line."
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char (org-list-get-item-end item struct))
+ (skip-chars-backward " \r\t\n")
+ (point-at-eol)))
+(defun org-list-get-parent (item struct parents)
+ "Return parent of ITEM or nil.
+STRUCT is the list structure. PARENTS is the alist of parents,
+as returned by `org-list-parents-alist'."
+ (let ((parents (or parents (org-list-parents-alist struct))))
+ (cdr (assq item parents))))
+(defun org-list-has-child-p (item struct)
+ "Non-nil if ITEM has a child.
+STRUCT is the list structure.
+Value returned is the position of the first child of ITEM."
+ (let ((ind (org-list-get-ind item struct))
+ (child-maybe (car (nth 1 (member (assq item struct) struct)))))
+ (when (and child-maybe
+ (< ind (org-list-get-ind child-maybe struct)))
+ child-maybe)))
+(defun org-list-get-next-item (item struct prevs)
+ "Return next item in same sub-list as ITEM, or nil.
+STRUCT is the list structure. PREVS is the alist of previous
+items, as returned by `org-list-prevs-alist'."
+ (car (rassq item prevs)))
+(defun org-list-get-prev-item (item struct prevs)
+ "Return previous item in same sub-list as ITEM, or nil.
+STRUCT is the list structure. PREVS is the alist of previous
+items, as returned by `org-list-prevs-alist'."
+ (cdr (assq item prevs)))
+(defun org-list-get-subtree (item struct)
+ "List all items having ITEM as a common ancestor, or nil.
+STRUCT is the list structure."
+ (let* ((item-end (org-list-get-item-end item struct))
+ (sub-struct (cdr (member (assq item struct) struct)))
+ subtree)
+ (catch 'exit
+ (mapc (lambda (e)
+ (let ((pos (car e)))
+ (if (< pos item-end) (push pos subtree) (throw 'exit nil))))
+ sub-struct))
+ (nreverse subtree)))
+(defun org-list-get-all-items (item struct prevs)
+ "List all items in the same sub-list as ITEM.
+STRUCT is the list structure. PREVS is the alist of previous
+items, as returned by `org-list-prevs-alist'."
+ (let ((prev-item item)
+ (next-item item)
+ before-item after-item)
+ (while (setq prev-item (org-list-get-prev-item prev-item struct prevs))
+ (push prev-item before-item))
+ (while (setq next-item (org-list-get-next-item next-item struct prevs))
+ (push next-item after-item))
+ (append before-item (list item) (nreverse after-item))))
+(defun org-list-get-children (item struct parents)
+ "List all children of ITEM, or nil.
+STRUCT is the list structure. PARENTS is the alist of parents,
+as returned by `org-list-parents-alist'."
+ (let (all child)
+ (while (setq child (car (rassq item parents)))
+ (setq parents (cdr (member (assq child parents) parents)))
+ (push child all))
+ (nreverse all)))
+(defun org-list-get-top-point (struct)
+ "Return point at beginning of list.
+STRUCT is the list structure."
+ (caar struct))
+(defun org-list-get-bottom-point (struct)
+ "Return point at bottom of list.
+STRUCT is the list structure."
+ (apply 'max
+ (mapcar (lambda (e) (org-list-get-item-end (car e) struct)) struct)))
+(defun org-list-get-list-begin (item struct prevs)
+ "Return point at beginning of sub-list ITEM belongs.
+STRUCT is the list structure. PREVS is the alist of previous
+items, as returned by `org-list-prevs-alist'."
+ (let ((first-item item) prev-item)
+ (while (setq prev-item (org-list-get-prev-item first-item struct prevs))
+ (setq first-item prev-item))
+ first-item))
+(defalias 'org-list-get-first-item 'org-list-get-list-begin)
+(defun org-list-get-last-item (item struct prevs)
+ "Return point at last item of sub-list ITEM belongs.
+STRUCT is the list structure. PREVS is the alist of previous
+items, as returned by `org-list-prevs-alist'."
+ (let ((last-item item) next-item)
+ (while (setq next-item (org-list-get-next-item last-item struct prevs))
+ (setq last-item next-item))
+ last-item))
+(defun org-list-get-list-end (item struct prevs)
+ "Return point at end of sub-list ITEM belongs.
+STRUCT is the list structure. PREVS is the alist of previous
+items, as returned by `org-list-prevs-alist'."
+ (org-list-get-item-end (org-list-get-last-item item struct prevs) struct))
+(defun org-list-get-list-type (item struct prevs)
+ "Return the type of the list containing ITEM, as a symbol.
+STRUCT is the list structure. PREVS is the alist of previous
+items, as returned by `org-list-prevs-alist'.
+Possible types are `descriptive', `ordered' and `unordered'. The
+type is determined by the first item of the list."
+ (let ((first (org-list-get-list-begin item struct prevs)))
+ (cond
+ ((string-match "[[:alnum:]]" (org-list-get-bullet first struct)) 'ordered)
+ ((org-list-get-tag first struct) 'descriptive)
+ (t 'unordered))))
+(defun org-list-get-item-number (item struct prevs parents)
+ "Return ITEM's sequence number.
+STRUCT is the list structure. PREVS is the alist of previous
+items, as returned by `org-list-prevs-alist'. PARENTS is the
+alist of ancestors, as returned by `org-list-parents-alist'.
+Return value is a list of integers. Counters have an impact on
+that value."
+ (let ((get-relative-number
+ (function
+ (lambda (item struct prevs)
+ ;; Return relative sequence number of ITEM in the sub-list
+ ;; it belongs. STRUCT is the list structure. PREVS is
+ ;; the alist of previous items.
+ (let ((seq 0) (pos item) counter)
+ (while (and (not (setq counter (org-list-get-counter pos struct)))
+ (setq pos (org-list-get-prev-item pos struct prevs)))
+ (incf seq))
+ (if (not counter) (1+ seq)
+ (cond
+ ((string-match "[A-Za-z]" counter)
+ (+ (- (string-to-char (upcase (match-string 0 counter))) 64)
+ seq))
+ ((string-match "[0-9]+" counter)
+ (+ (string-to-number (match-string 0 counter)) seq))
+ (t (1+ seq)))))))))
+ ;; Cons each parent relative number into return value (OUT).
+ (let ((out (list (funcall get-relative-number item struct prevs)))
+ (parent item))
+ (while (setq parent (org-list-get-parent parent struct parents))
+ (push (funcall get-relative-number parent struct prevs) out))
+ ;; Return value.
+ out)))
+;;; Searching
+(defun org-list-search-generic (search re bound noerr)
+ "Search a string in valid contexts for lists.
+Arguments SEARCH, RE, BOUND and NOERR are similar to those used
+in `re-search-forward'."
+ (catch 'exit
+ (let ((origin (point)))
+ (while t
+ ;; 1. No match: return to origin or bound, depending on NOERR.
+ (unless (funcall search re bound noerr)
+ (throw 'exit (and (goto-char (if (memq noerr '(t nil)) origin bound))
+ nil)))
+ ;; 2. Match in valid context: return point. Else, continue
+ ;; searching.
+ (when (org-list-in-valid-context-p) (throw 'exit (point)))))))
+(defun org-list-search-backward (regexp &optional bound noerror)
+ "Like `re-search-backward' but stop only where lists are recognized.
+Arguments REGEXP, BOUND and NOERROR are similar to those used in
+ (org-list-search-generic #'re-search-backward
+ regexp (or bound (point-min)) noerror))
+(defun org-list-search-forward (regexp &optional bound noerror)
+ "Like `re-search-forward' but stop only where lists are recognized.
+Arguments REGEXP, BOUND and NOERROR are similar to those used in
+ (org-list-search-generic #'re-search-forward
+ regexp (or bound (point-max)) noerror))
+;;; Methods on structures
+(defsubst org-list-bullet-string (bullet)
+ "Return BULLET with the correct number of whitespaces.
+It determines the number of whitespaces to append by looking at
+ (save-match-data
+ (let ((spaces (if (and org-list-two-spaces-after-bullet-regexp
+ (string-match
+ org-list-two-spaces-after-bullet-regexp bullet))
+ " "
+ " ")))
+ (string-match "\\S-+\\([ \t]*\\)" bullet)
+ (replace-match spaces nil nil bullet 1))))
+(defun org-list-swap-items (beg-A beg-B struct)
+ "Swap item starting at BEG-A with item starting at BEG-B in STRUCT.
+Blank lines at the end of items are left in place. Item
+visibility is preserved. Return the new structure after the
+Assume BEG-A is lesser than BEG-B and that BEG-A and BEG-B belong
+to the same sub-list.
+This function modifies STRUCT."
+ (save-excursion
+ (let* ((end-A-no-blank (org-list-get-item-end-before-blank beg-A struct))
+ (end-B-no-blank (org-list-get-item-end-before-blank beg-B struct))
+ (end-A (org-list-get-item-end beg-A struct))
+ (end-B (org-list-get-item-end beg-B struct))
+ (size-A (- end-A-no-blank beg-A))
+ (size-B (- end-B-no-blank beg-B))
+ (body-A (buffer-substring beg-A end-A-no-blank))
+ (body-B (buffer-substring beg-B end-B-no-blank))
+ (between-A-no-blank-and-B (buffer-substring end-A-no-blank beg-B))
+ (sub-A (cons beg-A (org-list-get-subtree beg-A struct)))
+ (sub-B (cons beg-B (org-list-get-subtree beg-B struct)))
+ ;; Store overlays responsible for visibility status. We
+ ;; also need to store their boundaries as they will be
+ ;; removed from buffer.
+ (overlays (cons
+ (mapcar (lambda (ov)
+ (list ov (overlay-start ov) (overlay-end ov)))
+ (overlays-in beg-A end-A))
+ (mapcar (lambda (ov)
+ (list ov (overlay-start ov) (overlay-end ov)))
+ (overlays-in beg-B end-B)))))
+ ;; 1. Move effectively items in buffer.
+ (goto-char beg-A)
+ (delete-region beg-A end-B-no-blank)
+ (insert (concat body-B between-A-no-blank-and-B body-A))
+ ;; 2. Now modify struct. No need to re-read the list, the
+ ;; transformation is just a shift of positions. Some special
+ ;; attention is required for items ending at END-A and END-B
+ ;; as empty spaces are not moved there. In others words,
+ ;; item BEG-A will end with whitespaces that were at the end
+ ;; of BEG-B and the same applies to BEG-B.
+ (mapc (lambda (e)
+ (let ((pos (car e)))
+ (cond
+ ((< pos beg-A))
+ ((memq pos sub-A)
+ (let ((end-e (nth 6 e)))
+ (setcar e (+ pos (- end-B-no-blank end-A-no-blank)))
+ (setcar (nthcdr 6 e)
+ (+ end-e (- end-B-no-blank end-A-no-blank)))
+ (when (= end-e end-A) (setcar (nthcdr 6 e) end-B))))
+ ((memq pos sub-B)
+ (let ((end-e (nth 6 e)))
+ (setcar e (- (+ pos beg-A) beg-B))
+ (setcar (nthcdr 6 e) (+ end-e (- beg-A beg-B)))
+ (when (= end-e end-B)
+ (setcar (nthcdr 6 e)
+ (+ beg-A size-B (- end-A end-A-no-blank))))))
+ ((< pos beg-B)
+ (let ((end-e (nth 6 e)))
+ (setcar e (+ pos (- size-B size-A)))
+ (setcar (nthcdr 6 e) (+ end-e (- size-B size-A))))))))
+ struct)
+ (setq struct (sort struct (lambda (e1 e2) (< (car e1) (car e2)))))
+ ;; Restore visibility status, by moving overlays to their new
+ ;; position.
+ (mapc (lambda (ov)
+ (move-overlay
+ (car ov)
+ (+ (nth 1 ov) (- (+ beg-B (- size-B size-A)) beg-A))
+ (+ (nth 2 ov) (- (+ beg-B (- size-B size-A)) beg-A))))
+ (car overlays))
+ (mapc (lambda (ov)
+ (move-overlay (car ov)
+ (+ (nth 1 ov) (- beg-A beg-B))
+ (+ (nth 2 ov) (- beg-A beg-B))))
+ (cdr overlays))
+ ;; Return structure.
+ struct)))
+(defun org-list-separating-blank-lines-number (pos struct prevs)
+ "Return number of blank lines that should separate items in list.
+POS is the position of point where `org-list-insert-item' was called.
+STRUCT is the list structure. PREVS is the alist of previous
+items, as returned by `org-list-prevs-alist'.
+Assume point is at item's beginning. If the item is alone, apply
+some heuristics to guess the result."
+ (save-excursion
+ (let ((item (point))
+ (insert-blank-p
+ (cdr (assq 'plain-list-item org-blank-before-new-entry)))
+ usr-blank
+ (count-blanks
+ (function
+ (lambda ()
+ ;; Count blank lines above beginning of line.
+ (save-excursion
+ (count-lines (goto-char (point-at-bol))
+ (progn (skip-chars-backward " \r\t\n")
+ (forward-line)
+ (point))))))))
+ (cond
+ ;; Trivial cases where there should be none.
+ ((or org-empty-line-terminates-plain-lists (not insert-blank-p)) 0)
+ ;; When `org-blank-before-new-entry' says so, it is 1.
+ ((eq insert-blank-p t) 1)
+ ;; `plain-list-item' is 'auto. Count blank lines separating
+ ;; neighbours items in list.
+ (t (let ((next-p (org-list-get-next-item item struct prevs)))
+ (cond
+ ;; Is there a next item?
+ (next-p (goto-char next-p)
+ (funcall count-blanks))
+ ;; Is there a previous item?
+ ((org-list-get-prev-item item struct prevs)
+ (funcall count-blanks))
+ ;; User inserted blank lines, trust him.
+ ((and (> pos (org-list-get-item-end-before-blank item struct))
+ (> (save-excursion (goto-char pos)
+ (setq usr-blank (funcall count-blanks)))
+ 0))
+ usr-blank)
+ ;; Are there blank lines inside the list so far?
+ ((save-excursion
+ (goto-char (org-list-get-top-point struct))
+ (org-list-search-forward
+ "^[ \t]*$" (org-list-get-item-end-before-blank item struct) t))
+ 1)
+ ;; Default choice: no blank line.
+ (t 0))))))))
+(defun org-list-insert-item (pos struct prevs &optional checkbox after-bullet)
+ "Insert a new list item at POS and return the new structure.
+If POS is before first character after bullet of the item, the
+new item will be created before the current one.
+STRUCT is the list structure. PREVS is the the alist of previous
+items, as returned by `org-list-prevs-alist'.
+Insert a checkbox if CHECKBOX is non-nil, and string AFTER-BULLET
+after the bullet. Cursor will be after this text once the
+function ends.
+This function modifies STRUCT."
+ (let ((case-fold-search t))
+ ;; 1. Get information about list: position of point with regards
+ ;; to item start (BEFOREP), blank lines number separating items
+ ;; (BLANK-NB), if we're allowed to (SPLIT-LINE-P).
+ (let* ((item (progn (goto-char pos) (goto-char (org-list-get-item-begin))))
+ (item-end (org-list-get-item-end item struct))
+ (item-end-no-blank (org-list-get-item-end-before-blank item struct))
+ (beforep
+ (progn
+ (looking-at org-list-full-item-re)
+ ;; Do not count tag in a non-descriptive list.
+ (<= pos (if (and (match-beginning 4)
+ (save-match-data
+ (string-match "[.)]" (match-string 1))))
+ (match-beginning 4)
+ (match-end 0)))))
+ (split-line-p (org-get-alist-option org-M-RET-may-split-line 'item))
+ (blank-nb (org-list-separating-blank-lines-number
+ pos struct prevs))
+ ;; 2. Build the new item to be created. Concatenate same
+ ;; bullet as item, checkbox, text AFTER-BULLET if
+ ;; provided, and text cut from point to end of item
+ ;; (TEXT-CUT) to form item's BODY. TEXT-CUT depends on
+ ;; BEFOREP and SPLIT-LINE-P. The difference of size
+ ;; between what was cut and what was inserted in buffer
+ ;; is stored in SIZE-OFFSET.
+ (ind (org-list-get-ind item struct))
+ (ind-size (if indent-tabs-mode
+ (+ (/ ind tab-width) (mod ind tab-width))
+ ind))
+ (bullet (org-list-bullet-string (org-list-get-bullet item struct)))
+ (box (when checkbox "[ ]"))
+ (text-cut
+ (and (not beforep) split-line-p
+ (progn
+ (goto-char pos)
+ ;; If POS is greater than ITEM-END, then point is
+ ;; in some white lines after the end of the list.
+ ;; Those must be removed, or they will be left,
+ ;; stacking up after the list.
+ (when (< item-end pos)
+ (delete-region (1- item-end) (point-at-eol)))
+ (skip-chars-backward " \r\t\n")
+ (setq pos (point))
+ (delete-and-extract-region pos item-end-no-blank))))
+ (body (concat bullet (when box (concat box " ")) after-bullet
+ (and text-cut
+ (if (string-match "\\`[ \t]+" text-cut)
+ (replace-match "" t t text-cut)
+ text-cut))))
+ (item-sep (make-string (1+ blank-nb) ?\n))
+ (item-size (+ ind-size (length body) (length item-sep)))
+ (size-offset (- item-size (length text-cut))))
+ ;; 4. Insert effectively item into buffer.
+ (goto-char item)
+ (org-indent-to-column ind)
+ (insert body item-sep)
+ ;; 5. Add new item to STRUCT.
+ (mapc (lambda (e)
+ (let ((p (car e)) (end (nth 6 e)))
+ (cond
+ ;; Before inserted item, positions don't change but
+ ;; an item ending after insertion has its end shifted
+ ;; by SIZE-OFFSET.
+ ((< p item)
+ (when (> end item) (setcar (nthcdr 6 e) (+ end size-offset))))
+ ;; Trivial cases where current item isn't split in
+ ;; two. Just shift every item after new one by
+ ((or beforep (not split-line-p))
+ (setcar e (+ p item-size))
+ (setcar (nthcdr 6 e) (+ end item-size)))
+ ;; Item is split in two: elements before POS are just
+ ;; shifted by ITEM-SIZE. In the case item would end
+ ;; after split POS, ending is only shifted by
+ ((< p pos)
+ (setcar e (+ p item-size))
+ (if (< end pos)
+ (setcar (nthcdr 6 e) (+ end item-size))
+ (setcar (nthcdr 6 e) (+ end size-offset))))
+ ;; Elements after POS are moved into new item.
+ ;; Length of ITEM-SEP has to be removed as ITEM-SEP
+ ;; doesn't appear in buffer yet.
+ ((< p item-end)
+ (setcar e (+ p size-offset (- item pos (length item-sep))))
+ (if (= end item-end)
+ (setcar (nthcdr 6 e) (+ item item-size))
+ (setcar (nthcdr 6 e)
+ (+ end size-offset
+ (- item pos (length item-sep))))))
+ ;; Elements at ITEM-END or after are only shifted by
+ (t (setcar e (+ p size-offset))
+ (setcar (nthcdr 6 e) (+ end size-offset))))))
+ struct)
+ (push (list item ind bullet nil box nil (+ item item-size)) struct)
+ (setq struct (sort struct (lambda (e1 e2) (< (car e1) (car e2)))))
+ ;; 6. If not BEFOREP, new item must appear after ITEM, so
+ ;; exchange ITEM with the next item in list. Position cursor
+ ;; after bullet, counter, checkbox, and label.
+ (if beforep
+ (goto-char item)
+ (setq struct (org-list-swap-items item (+ item item-size) struct))
+ (goto-char (org-list-get-next-item
+ item struct (org-list-prevs-alist struct))))
+ struct)))
+(defun org-list-delete-item (item struct)
+ "Remove ITEM from the list and return the new structure.
+STRUCT is the list structure."
+ (let* ((end (org-list-get-item-end item struct))
+ (beg (if (= (org-list-get-bottom-point struct) end)
+ ;; If ITEM ends with the list, delete blank lines
+ ;; before it.
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char item)
+ (skip-chars-backward " \r\t\n")
+ (min (1+ (point-at-eol)) (point-max)))
+ item)))
+ ;; Remove item from buffer.
+ (delete-region beg end)
+ ;; Remove item from structure and shift others items accordingly.
+ ;; Don't forget to shift also ending position when appropriate.
+ (let ((size (- end beg)))
+ (delq nil (mapcar (lambda (e)
+ (let ((pos (car e)))
+ (cond
+ ((< pos item)
+ (let ((end-e (nth 6 e)))
+ (cond
+ ((< end-e item) e)
+ ((= end-e item)
+ (append (butlast e) (list beg)))
+ (t
+ (append (butlast e) (list (- end-e size)))))))
+ ((< pos end) nil)
+ (t
+ (cons (- pos size)
+ (append (butlast (cdr e))
+ (list (- (nth 6 e) size))))))))
+ struct)))))
+(defun org-list-send-item (item dest struct)
+ "Send ITEM to destination DEST.
+STRUCT is the list structure.
+DEST can have various values.
+If DEST is a buffer position, the function will assume it points
+to another item in the same list as ITEM, and will move the
+latter just before the former.
+If DEST is `begin' (respectively `end'), ITEM will be moved at
+the beginning (respectively end) of the list it belongs to.
+If DEST is a string like \"N\", where N is an integer, ITEM will
+be moved at the Nth position in the list.
+If DEST is `kill', ITEM will be deleted and its body will be
+added to the kill-ring.
+If DEST is `delete', ITEM will be deleted.
+Visibility of item is preserved.
+This function returns, destructively, the new list structure."
+ (let* ((prevs (org-list-prevs-alist struct))
+ (item-end (org-list-get-item-end item struct))
+ ;; Grab full item body minus its bullet.
+ (body (org-trim
+ (buffer-substring
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char item)
+ (looking-at
+ (concat "[ \t]*"
+ (regexp-quote (org-list-get-bullet item struct))))
+ (match-end 0))
+ item-end)))
+ ;; Change DEST into a buffer position. A trick is needed
+ ;; when ITEM is meant to be sent at the end of the list.
+ ;; Indeed, by setting locally `org-M-RET-may-split-line' to
+ ;; nil and insertion point (INS-POINT) to the first line's
+ ;; end of the last item, we ensure the new item will be
+ ;; inserted after the last item, and not after any of its
+ ;; hypothetical sub-items.
+ (ins-point (cond
+ ((or (eq dest 'kill) (eq dest 'delete)))
+ ((eq dest 'begin)
+ (setq dest (org-list-get-list-begin item struct prevs)))
+ ((eq dest 'end)
+ (setq dest (org-list-get-list-end item struct prevs))
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char (org-list-get-last-item item struct prevs))
+ (point-at-eol)))
+ ((string-match "\\`[0-9]+\\'" dest)
+ (let* ((all (org-list-get-all-items item struct prevs))
+ (len (length all))
+ (index (mod (string-to-number dest) len)))
+ (if (not (zerop index))
+ (setq dest (nth (1- index) all))
+ ;; Send ITEM at the end of the list.
+ (setq dest (org-list-get-list-end item struct prevs))
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char
+ (org-list-get-last-item item struct prevs))
+ (point-at-eol)))))
+ (t dest)))
+ (org-M-RET-may-split-line nil)
+ ;; Store visibility.
+ (visibility (overlays-in item item-end)))
+ (cond
+ ((eq dest 'delete) (org-list-delete-item item struct))
+ ((eq dest 'kill)
+ (kill-new body)
+ (org-list-delete-item item struct))
+ ((and (integerp dest) (/= item ins-point))
+ (setq item (copy-marker item))
+ (setq struct (org-list-insert-item ins-point struct prevs nil body))
+ ;; 1. Structure returned by `org-list-insert-item' may not be
+ ;; accurate, as it cannot see sub-items included in BODY.
+ ;; Thus, first compute the real structure so far.
+ (let ((moved-items
+ (cons (marker-position item)
+ (org-list-get-subtree (marker-position item) struct)))
+ (new-end (org-list-get-item-end (point) struct))
+ (old-end (org-list-get-item-end (marker-position item) struct))
+ (new-item (point))
+ (shift (- (point) item)))
+ ;; 1.1. Remove the item just created in structure.
+ (setq struct (delete (assq new-item struct) struct))
+ ;; 1.2. Copy ITEM and any of its sub-items at NEW-ITEM.
+ (setq struct (sort
+ (append
+ struct
+ (mapcar (lambda (e)
+ (let* ((cell (assq e struct))
+ (pos (car cell))
+ (end (nth 6 cell)))
+ (cons (+ pos shift)
+ (append (butlast (cdr cell))
+ (list (if (= end old-end)
+ new-end
+ (+ end shift)))))))
+ moved-items))
+ (lambda (e1 e2) (< (car e1) (car e2))))))
+ ;; 2. Restore visibility.
+ (mapc (lambda (ov)
+ (move-overlay ov
+ (+ (overlay-start ov) (- (point) item))
+ (+ (overlay-end ov) (- (point) item))))
+ visibility)
+ ;; 3. Eventually delete extra copy of the item and clean marker.
+ (prog1 (org-list-delete-item (marker-position item) struct)
+ (move-marker item nil)))
+ (t struct))))
+(defun org-list-struct-outdent (start end struct parents)
+ "Outdent items between positions START and END.
+STRUCT is the list structure. PARENTS is the alist of items'
+parents, as returned by `org-list-parents-alist'.
+START is included, END excluded."
+ (let* (acc
+ (out (lambda (cell)
+ (let* ((item (car cell))
+ (parent (cdr cell)))
+ (cond
+ ;; Item not yet in zone: keep association.
+ ((< item start) cell)
+ ;; Item out of zone: follow associations in ACC.
+ ((>= item end)
+ (let ((convert (and parent (assq parent acc))))
+ (if convert (cons item (cdr convert)) cell)))
+ ;; Item has no parent: error
+ ((not parent)
+ (error "Cannot outdent top-level items"))
+ ;; Parent is outdented: keep association.
+ ((>= parent start)
+ (push (cons parent item) acc) cell)
+ (t
+ ;; Parent isn't outdented: reparent to grand-parent.
+ (let ((grand-parent (org-list-get-parent
+ parent struct parents)))
+ (push (cons parent item) acc)
+ (cons item grand-parent))))))))
+ (mapcar out parents)))
+(defun org-list-struct-indent (start end struct parents prevs)
+ "Indent items between positions START and END.
+STRUCT is the list structure. PARENTS is the alist of parents
+and PREVS is the alist of previous items, returned by,
+respectively, `org-list-parents-alist' and
+START is included and END excluded.
+STRUCT may be modified if `org-list-demote-modify-bullet' matches
+bullets between START and END."
+ (let* (acc
+ (set-assoc (lambda (cell) (push cell acc) cell))
+ (change-bullet-maybe
+ (function
+ (lambda (item)
+ (let ((new-bul-p
+ (cdr (assoc
+ ;; Normalize ordered bullets.
+ (let ((bul (org-trim
+ (org-list-get-bullet item struct))))
+ (cond ((string-match "[A-Z]\\." bul) "A.")
+ ((string-match "[A-Z])" bul) "A)")
+ ((string-match "[a-z]\\." bul) "a.")
+ ((string-match "[a-z])" bul) "a)")
+ ((string-match "[0-9]\\." bul) "1.")
+ ((string-match "[0-9])" bul) "1)")
+ (t bul)))
+ org-list-demote-modify-bullet))))
+ (when new-bul-p (org-list-set-bullet item struct new-bul-p))))))
+ (ind
+ (lambda (cell)
+ (let* ((item (car cell))
+ (parent (cdr cell)))
+ (cond
+ ;; Item not yet in zone: keep association.
+ ((< item start) cell)
+ ((>= item end)
+ ;; Item out of zone: follow associations in ACC.
+ (let ((convert (assq parent acc)))
+ (if convert (cons item (cdr convert)) cell)))
+ (t
+ ;; Item is in zone...
+ (let ((prev (org-list-get-prev-item item struct prevs)))
+ ;; Check if bullet needs to be changed.
+ (funcall change-bullet-maybe item)
+ (cond
+ ;; First item indented but not parent: error
+ ((and (not prev) (< parent start))
+ (error "Cannot indent the first item of a list"))
+ ;; First item and parent indented: keep same
+ ;; parent.
+ ((not prev) (funcall set-assoc cell))
+ ;; Previous item not indented: reparent to it.
+ ((< prev start) (funcall set-assoc (cons item prev)))
+ ;; Previous item indented: reparent like it.
+ (t
+ (funcall set-assoc
+ (cons item (cdr (assq prev acc)))))))))))))
+ (mapcar ind parents)))
+;;; Repairing structures
+(defun org-list-use-alpha-bul-p (first struct prevs)
+ "Non-nil if list starting at FIRST can have alphabetical bullets.
+STRUCT is list structure. PREVS is the alist of previous items,
+as returned by `org-list-prevs-alist'."
+ (and org-alphabetical-lists
+ (catch 'exit
+ (let ((item first) (ascii 64) (case-fold-search nil))
+ ;; Pretend that bullets are uppercase and check if alphabet
+ ;; is sufficient, taking counters into account.
+ (while item
+ (let ((bul (org-list-get-bullet item struct))
+ (count (org-list-get-counter item struct)))
+ ;; Virtually determine current bullet
+ (if (and count (string-match "[a-zA-Z]" count))
+ ;; Counters are not case-sensitive.
+ (setq ascii (string-to-char (upcase count)))
+ (setq ascii (1+ ascii)))
+ ;; Test if bullet would be over z or Z.
+ (if (> ascii 90)
+ (throw 'exit nil)
+ (setq item (org-list-get-next-item item struct prevs)))))
+ ;; All items checked. All good.
+ t))))
+(defun org-list-inc-bullet-maybe (bullet)
+ "Increment BULLET if applicable."
+ (let ((case-fold-search nil))
+ (cond
+ ;; Num bullet: increment it.
+ ((string-match "[0-9]+" bullet)
+ (replace-match
+ (number-to-string (1+ (string-to-number (match-string 0 bullet))))
+ nil nil bullet))
+ ;; Alpha bullet: increment it.
+ ((string-match "[A-Za-z]" bullet)
+ (replace-match
+ (char-to-string (1+ (string-to-char (match-string 0 bullet))))
+ nil nil bullet))
+ ;; Unordered bullet: leave it.
+ (t bullet))))
+(defun org-list-struct-fix-bul (struct prevs)
+ "Verify and correct bullets in STRUCT.
+PREVS is the alist of previous items, as returned by
+This function modifies STRUCT."
+ (let ((case-fold-search nil)
+ (fix-bul
+ (function
+ ;; Set bullet of ITEM in STRUCT, depending on the type of
+ ;; first item of the list, the previous bullet and counter
+ ;; if any.
+ (lambda (item)
+ (let* ((prev (org-list-get-prev-item item struct prevs))
+ (prev-bul (and prev (org-list-get-bullet prev struct)))
+ (counter (org-list-get-counter item struct))
+ (bullet (org-list-get-bullet item struct))
+ (alphap (and (not prev)
+ (org-list-use-alpha-bul-p item struct prevs))))
+ (org-list-set-bullet
+ item struct
+ (org-list-bullet-string
+ (cond
+ ;; Alpha counter in alpha list: use counter.
+ ((and prev counter
+ (string-match "[a-zA-Z]" counter)
+ (string-match "[a-zA-Z]" prev-bul))
+ ;; Use cond to be sure `string-match' is used in
+ ;; both cases.
+ (let ((real-count
+ (cond
+ ((string-match "[a-z]" prev-bul) (downcase counter))
+ ((string-match "[A-Z]" prev-bul) (upcase counter)))))
+ (replace-match real-count nil nil prev-bul)))
+ ;; Num counter in a num list: use counter.
+ ((and prev counter
+ (string-match "[0-9]+" counter)
+ (string-match "[0-9]+" prev-bul))
+ (replace-match counter nil nil prev-bul))
+ ;; No counter: increase, if needed, previous bullet.
+ (prev
+ (org-list-inc-bullet-maybe (org-list-get-bullet prev struct)))
+ ;; Alpha counter at first item: use counter.
+ ((and counter (org-list-use-alpha-bul-p item struct prevs)
+ (string-match "[A-Za-z]" counter)
+ (string-match "[A-Za-z]" bullet))
+ (let ((real-count
+ (cond
+ ((string-match "[a-z]" bullet) (downcase counter))
+ ((string-match "[A-Z]" bullet) (upcase counter)))))
+ (replace-match real-count nil nil bullet)))
+ ;; Num counter at first item: use counter.
+ ((and counter
+ (string-match "[0-9]+" counter)
+ (string-match "[0-9]+" bullet))
+ (replace-match counter nil nil bullet))
+ ;; First bullet is alpha uppercase: use "A".
+ ((and alphap (string-match "[A-Z]" bullet))
+ (replace-match "A" nil nil bullet))
+ ;; First bullet is alpha lowercase: use "a".
+ ((and alphap (string-match "[a-z]" bullet))
+ (replace-match "a" nil nil bullet))
+ ;; First bullet is num: use "1".
+ ((string-match "\\([0-9]+\\|[A-Za-z]\\)" bullet)
+ (replace-match "1" nil nil bullet))
+ ;; Not an ordered list: keep bullet.
+ (t bullet)))))))))
+ (mapc fix-bul (mapcar 'car struct))))
+(defun org-list-struct-fix-ind (struct parents &optional bullet-size)
+ "Verify and correct indentation in STRUCT.
+PARENTS is the alist of parents, as returned by
+If numeric optional argument BULLET-SIZE is set, assume all
+bullets in list have this length to determine new indentation.
+This function modifies STRUCT."
+ (let* ((ancestor (org-list-get-top-point struct))
+ (top-ind (org-list-get-ind ancestor struct))
+ (new-ind
+ (lambda (item)
+ (let ((parent (org-list-get-parent item struct parents)))
+ (if parent
+ ;; Indent like parent + length of parent's bullet +
+ ;; sub-list offset.
+ (org-list-set-ind
+ item struct (+ (or bullet-size
+ (length
+ (org-list-get-bullet parent struct)))
+ (org-list-get-ind parent struct)
+ org-list-indent-offset))
+ ;; If no parent, indent like top-point.
+ (org-list-set-ind item struct top-ind))))))
+ (mapc new-ind (mapcar 'car (cdr struct)))))
+(defun org-list-struct-fix-box (struct parents prevs &optional ordered)
+ "Verify and correct checkboxes in STRUCT.
+PARENTS is the alist of parents and PREVS is the alist of
+previous items, as returned by, respectively,
+`org-list-parents-alist' and `org-list-prevs-alist'.
+If ORDERED is non-nil, a checkbox can only be checked when every
+checkbox before it is checked too. If there was an attempt to
+break this rule, the function will return the blocking item. In
+all others cases, the return value will be nil.
+This function modifies STRUCT."
+ (let ((all-items (mapcar 'car struct))
+ (set-parent-box
+ (function
+ (lambda (item)
+ (let* ((box-list
+ (mapcar (lambda (child)
+ (org-list-get-checkbox child struct))
+ (org-list-get-children item struct parents))))
+ (org-list-set-checkbox
+ item struct
+ (cond
+ ((and (member "[ ]" box-list) (member "[X]" box-list)) "[-]")
+ ((member "[-]" box-list) "[-]")
+ ((member "[X]" box-list) "[X]")
+ ((member "[ ]" box-list) "[ ]")
+ ;; Parent has no boxed child: leave box as-is.
+ (t (org-list-get-checkbox item struct))))))))
+ parent-list)
+ ;; 1. List all parents with a checkbox.
+ (mapc
+ (lambda (e)
+ (let* ((parent (org-list-get-parent e struct parents))
+ (parent-box-p (org-list-get-checkbox parent struct)))
+ (when (and parent-box-p (not (memq parent parent-list)))
+ (push parent parent-list))))
+ all-items)
+ ;; 2. Sort those parents by decreasing indentation.
+ (setq parent-list (sort parent-list
+ (lambda (e1 e2)
+ (> (org-list-get-ind e1 struct)
+ (org-list-get-ind e2 struct)))))
+ ;; 3. For each parent, get all children's checkboxes to determine
+ ;; and set its checkbox accordingly.
+ (mapc set-parent-box parent-list)
+ ;; 4. If ORDERED is set, see if we need to uncheck some boxes.
+ (when ordered
+ (let* ((box-list
+ (mapcar (lambda (e) (org-list-get-checkbox e struct)) all-items))
+ (after-unchecked (member "[ ]" box-list)))
+ ;; There are boxes checked after an unchecked one: fix that.
+ (when (member "[X]" after-unchecked)
+ (let ((index (- (length struct) (length after-unchecked))))
+ (mapc (lambda (e) (org-list-set-checkbox e struct "[ ]"))
+ (nthcdr index all-items))
+ ;; Verify once again the structure, without ORDERED.
+ (org-list-struct-fix-box struct parents prevs nil)
+ ;; Return blocking item.
+ (nth index all-items)))))))
+(defun org-list-struct-fix-item-end (struct)
+ "Verify and correct each item end position in STRUCT.
+This function modifies STRUCT."
+ (let (end-list acc-end)
+ (mapc (lambda (e)
+ (let* ((pos (car e))
+ (ind-pos (org-list-get-ind pos struct))
+ (end-pos (org-list-get-item-end pos struct)))
+ (unless (assq end-pos struct)
+ ;; To determine real ind of an ending position that is
+ ;; not at an item, we have to find the item it belongs
+ ;; to: it is the last item (ITEM-UP), whose ending is
+ ;; further than the position we're interested in.
+ (let ((item-up (assoc-default end-pos acc-end '>)))
+ (push (cons
+ ;; Else part is for the bottom point.
+ (if item-up (+ (org-list-get-ind item-up struct) 2) 0)
+ end-pos)
+ end-list)))
+ (push (cons ind-pos pos) end-list)
+ (push (cons end-pos pos) acc-end)))
+ struct)
+ (setq end-list (sort end-list (lambda (e1 e2) (< (cdr e1) (cdr e2)))))
+ (org-list-struct-assoc-end struct end-list)))
+(defun org-list-struct-apply-struct (struct old-struct)
+ "Apply set difference between STRUCT and OLD-STRUCT to the buffer.
+OLD-STRUCT is the structure before any modifications, and STRUCT
+the structure to be applied. The function will only modify parts
+of the list which have changed.
+Initial position of cursor is restored after the changes."
+ (let* ((origin (point-marker))
+ (inlinetask-re (and (featurep 'org-inlinetask)
+ (org-inlinetask-outline-regexp)))
+ (item-re (org-item-re))
+ (shift-body-ind
+ (function
+ ;; Shift the indentation between END and BEG by DELTA.
+ ;; Start from the line before END.
+ (lambda (end beg delta)
+ (goto-char end)
+ (skip-chars-backward " \r\t\n")
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (while (or (> (point) beg)
+ (and (= (point) beg)
+ (not (looking-at item-re))))
+ (cond
+ ;; Skip inline tasks.
+ ((and inlinetask-re (looking-at inlinetask-re))
+ (org-inlinetask-goto-beginning))
+ ;; Shift only non-empty lines.
+ ((org-looking-at-p "^[ \t]*\\S-")
+ (let ((i (org-get-indentation)))
+ (org-indent-line-to (+ i delta)))))
+ (forward-line -1)))))
+ (modify-item
+ (function
+ ;; Replace ITEM first line elements with new elements from
+ ;; STRUCT, if appropriate.
+ (lambda (item)
+ (goto-char item)
+ (let* ((new-ind (org-list-get-ind item struct))
+ (old-ind (org-get-indentation))
+ (new-bul (org-list-bullet-string
+ (org-list-get-bullet item struct)))
+ (old-bul (org-list-get-bullet item old-struct))
+ (new-box (org-list-get-checkbox item struct)))
+ (looking-at org-list-full-item-re)
+ ;; a. Replace bullet
+ (unless (equal old-bul new-bul)
+ (replace-match new-bul nil nil nil 1))
+ ;; b. Replace checkbox.
+ (cond
+ ((equal (match-string 3) new-box))
+ ((and (match-string 3) new-box)
+ (replace-match new-box nil nil nil 3))
+ ((match-string 3)
+ (looking-at ".*?\\([ \t]*\\[[ X-]\\]\\)")
+ (replace-match "" nil nil nil 1))
+ (t (let ((counterp (match-end 2)))
+ (goto-char (if counterp (1+ counterp) (match-end 1)))
+ (insert (concat new-box (unless counterp " "))))))
+ ;; c. Indent item to appropriate column.
+ (unless (= new-ind old-ind)
+ (delete-region (goto-char (point-at-bol))
+ (progn (skip-chars-forward " \t") (point)))
+ (indent-to new-ind)))))))
+ ;; 1. First get list of items and position endings. We maintain
+ ;; two alists: ITM-SHIFT, determining indentation shift needed
+ ;; at item, and END-POS, a pseudo-alist where key is ending
+ ;; position and value point.
+ (let (end-list acc-end itm-shift all-ends sliced-struct)
+ (mapc (lambda (e)
+ (let* ((pos (car e))
+ (ind-pos (org-list-get-ind pos struct))
+ (ind-old (org-list-get-ind pos old-struct))
+ (bul-pos (org-list-get-bullet pos struct))
+ (bul-old (org-list-get-bullet pos old-struct))
+ (ind-shift (- (+ ind-pos (length bul-pos))
+ (+ ind-old (length bul-old))))
+ (end-pos (org-list-get-item-end pos old-struct)))
+ (push (cons pos ind-shift) itm-shift)
+ (unless (assq end-pos old-struct)
+ ;; To determine real ind of an ending position that
+ ;; is not at an item, we have to find the item it
+ ;; belongs to: it is the last item (ITEM-UP), whose
+ ;; ending is further than the position we're
+ ;; interested in.
+ (let ((item-up (assoc-default end-pos acc-end '>)))
+ (push (cons end-pos item-up) end-list)))
+ (push (cons end-pos pos) acc-end)))
+ old-struct)
+ ;; 2. Slice the items into parts that should be shifted by the
+ ;; same amount of indentation. The slices are returned in
+ ;; reverse order so changes modifying buffer do not change
+ ;; positions they refer to.
+ (setq all-ends (sort (append (mapcar 'car itm-shift)
+ (org-uniquify (mapcar 'car end-list)))
+ '<))
+ (while (cdr all-ends)
+ (let* ((up (pop all-ends))
+ (down (car all-ends))
+ (ind (if (assq up struct)
+ (cdr (assq up itm-shift))
+ (cdr (assq (cdr (assq up end-list)) itm-shift)))))
+ (push (list down up ind) sliced-struct)))
+ ;; 3. Shift each slice in buffer, provided delta isn't 0, from
+ ;; end to beginning. Take a special action when beginning is
+ ;; at item bullet.
+ (mapc (lambda (e)
+ (unless (zerop (nth 2 e)) (apply shift-body-ind e))
+ (let* ((beg (nth 1 e))
+ (cell (assq beg struct)))
+ (unless (or (not cell) (equal cell (assq beg old-struct)))
+ (funcall modify-item beg))))
+ sliced-struct))
+ ;; 4. Go back to initial position and clean marker.
+ (goto-char origin)
+ (move-marker origin nil)))
+(defun org-list-write-struct (struct parents &optional old-struct)
+ "Correct bullets, checkboxes and indentation in list at point.
+STRUCT is the list structure. PARENTS is the alist of parents,
+as returned by `org-list-parents-alist'.
+When non-nil, optional argument OLD-STRUCT is the reference
+structure of the list. It should be provided whenever STRUCT
+doesn't correspond anymore to the real list in buffer."
+ ;; Order of functions matters here: checkboxes and endings need
+ ;; correct indentation to be set, and indentation needs correct
+ ;; bullets.
+ ;;
+ ;; 0. Save a copy of structure before modifications
+ (let ((old-struct (or old-struct (copy-tree struct))))
+ ;; 1. Set a temporary, but coherent with PARENTS, indentation in
+ ;; order to get items endings and bullets properly
+ (org-list-struct-fix-ind struct parents 2)
+ ;; 2. Fix each item end to get correct prevs alist.
+ (org-list-struct-fix-item-end struct)
+ ;; 3. Get bullets right.
+ (let ((prevs (org-list-prevs-alist struct)))
+ (org-list-struct-fix-bul struct prevs)
+ ;; 4. Now get real indentation.
+ (org-list-struct-fix-ind struct parents)
+ ;; 5. Eventually fix checkboxes.
+ (org-list-struct-fix-box struct parents prevs))
+ ;; 6. Apply structure modifications to buffer.
+ (org-list-struct-apply-struct struct old-struct)))
+;;; Misc Tools
+(defun org-apply-on-list (function init-value &rest args)
+ "Call FUNCTION on each item of the list at point.
+FUNCTION must be called with at least one argument: INIT-VALUE,
+that will contain the value returned by the function at the
+previous item, plus ARGS extra arguments.
+FUNCTION is applied on items in reverse order.
+As an example, \(org-apply-on-list \(lambda \(result\) \(1+ result\)\) 0\)
+will return the number of items in the current list.
+Sublists of the list are skipped. Cursor is always at the
+beginning of the item."
+ (let* ((struct (org-list-struct))
+ (prevs (org-list-prevs-alist struct))
+ (item (copy-marker (point-at-bol)))
+ (all (org-list-get-all-items (marker-position item) struct prevs))
+ (value init-value))
+ (mapc (lambda (e)
+ (goto-char e)
+ (setq value (apply function value args)))
+ (nreverse all))
+ (goto-char item)
+ (move-marker item nil)
+ value))
+(defun org-list-set-item-visibility (item struct view)
+ "Set visibility of ITEM in STRUCT to VIEW.
+Possible values are: `folded', `children' or `subtree'. See
+`org-cycle' for more information."
+ (cond
+ ((eq view 'folded)
+ (let ((item-end (org-list-get-item-end-before-blank item struct)))
+ ;; Hide from eol
+ (outline-flag-region (save-excursion (goto-char item) (point-at-eol))
+ item-end t)))
+ ((eq view 'children)
+ ;; First show everything.
+ (org-list-set-item-visibility item struct 'subtree)
+ ;; Then fold every child.
+ (let* ((parents (org-list-parents-alist struct))
+ (children (org-list-get-children item struct parents)))
+ (mapc (lambda (e)
+ (org-list-set-item-visibility e struct 'folded))
+ children)))
+ ((eq view 'subtree)
+ ;; Show everything
+ (let ((item-end (org-list-get-item-end item struct)))
+ (outline-flag-region item item-end nil)))))
+(defun org-list-item-body-column (item)
+ "Return column at which body of ITEM should start."
+ (let (bpos bcol tpos tcol)
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char item)
+ (looking-at "[ \t]*\\(\\S-+\\)\\(.*[ \t]+::\\)?\\([ \t]+\\|$\\)")
+ (setq bpos (match-beginning 1) tpos (match-end 0)
+ bcol (progn (goto-char bpos) (current-column))
+ tcol (progn (goto-char tpos) (current-column)))
+ (when (> tcol (+ bcol org-description-max-indent))
+ (setq tcol (+ bcol 5))))
+ tcol))
+;;; Interactive functions
+(defalias 'org-list-get-item-begin 'org-in-item-p)
+(defun org-beginning-of-item ()
+ "Go to the beginning of the current item.
+Throw an error when not in a list."
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((begin (org-in-item-p)))
+ (if begin (goto-char begin) (error "Not in an item"))))
+(defun org-beginning-of-item-list ()
+ "Go to the beginning item of the current list or sublist.
+Throw an error when not in a list."
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((begin (org-in-item-p)))
+ (if (not begin)
+ (error "Not in an item")
+ (goto-char begin)
+ (let* ((struct (org-list-struct))
+ (prevs (org-list-prevs-alist struct)))
+ (goto-char (org-list-get-list-begin begin struct prevs))))))
+(defun org-end-of-item-list ()
+ "Go to the end of the current list or sublist.
+Throw an error when not in a list."
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((begin (org-in-item-p)))
+ (if (not begin)
+ (error "Not in an item")
+ (goto-char begin)
+ (let* ((struct (org-list-struct))
+ (prevs (org-list-prevs-alist struct)))
+ (goto-char (org-list-get-list-end begin struct prevs))))))
+(defun org-end-of-item ()
+ "Go to the end of the current item.
+Throw an error when not in a list."
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((begin (org-in-item-p)))
+ (if (not begin)
+ (error "Not in an item")
+ (goto-char begin)
+ (let ((struct (org-list-struct)))
+ (goto-char (org-list-get-item-end begin struct))))))
+(defun org-previous-item ()
+ "Move to the beginning of the previous item.
+Throw an error when not in a list. Also throw an error when at
+first item, unless `org-list-use-circular-motion' is non-nil."
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((item (org-in-item-p)))
+ (if (not item)
+ (error "Not in an item")
+ (goto-char item)
+ (let* ((struct (org-list-struct))
+ (prevs (org-list-prevs-alist struct))
+ (prevp (org-list-get-prev-item item struct prevs)))
+ (cond
+ (prevp (goto-char prevp))
+ (org-list-use-circular-motion
+ (goto-char (org-list-get-last-item item struct prevs)))
+ (t (error "On first item")))))))
+(defun org-next-item ()
+ "Move to the beginning of the next item.
+Throw an error when not in a list. Also throw an error when at
+last item, unless `org-list-use-circular-motion' is non-nil."
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((item (org-in-item-p)))
+ (if (not item)
+ (error "Not in an item")
+ (goto-char item)
+ (let* ((struct (org-list-struct))
+ (prevs (org-list-prevs-alist struct))
+ (prevp (org-list-get-next-item item struct prevs)))
+ (cond
+ (prevp (goto-char prevp))
+ (org-list-use-circular-motion
+ (goto-char (org-list-get-first-item item struct prevs)))
+ (t (error "On last item")))))))
+(defun org-move-item-down ()
+ "Move the item at point down, i.e. swap with following item.
+Sub-items (items with larger indentation) are considered part of
+the item, so this really moves item trees."
+ (interactive)
+ (unless (org-at-item-p) (error "Not at an item"))
+ (let* ((col (current-column))
+ (item (point-at-bol))
+ (struct (org-list-struct))
+ (prevs (org-list-prevs-alist struct))
+ (next-item (org-list-get-next-item (point-at-bol) struct prevs)))
+ (unless (or next-item org-list-use-circular-motion)
+ (error "Cannot move this item further down"))
+ (if (not next-item)
+ (setq struct (org-list-send-item item 'begin struct))
+ (setq struct (org-list-swap-items item next-item struct))
+ (goto-char
+ (org-list-get-next-item item struct (org-list-prevs-alist struct))))
+ (org-list-write-struct struct (org-list-parents-alist struct))
+ (org-move-to-column col)))
+(defun org-move-item-up ()
+ "Move the item at point up, i.e. swap with previous item.
+Sub-items (items with larger indentation) are considered part of
+the item, so this really moves item trees."
+ (interactive)
+ (unless (org-at-item-p) (error "Not at an item"))
+ (let* ((col (current-column))
+ (item (point-at-bol))
+ (struct (org-list-struct))
+ (prevs (org-list-prevs-alist struct))
+ (prev-item (org-list-get-prev-item (point-at-bol) struct prevs)))
+ (unless (or prev-item org-list-use-circular-motion)
+ (error "Cannot move this item further up"))
+ (if (not prev-item)
+ (setq struct (org-list-send-item item 'end struct))
+ (setq struct (org-list-swap-items prev-item item struct)))
+ (org-list-write-struct struct (org-list-parents-alist struct))
+ (org-move-to-column col)))
+(defun org-insert-item (&optional checkbox)
+ "Insert a new item at the current level.
+If cursor is before first character after bullet of the item, the
+new item will be created before the current one.
+If CHECKBOX is non-nil, add a checkbox next to the bullet.
+Return t when things worked, nil when we are not in an item, or
+item is invisible."
+ (let ((itemp (org-in-item-p))
+ (pos (point)))
+ ;; If cursor isn't is a list or if list is invisible, return nil.
+ (unless (or (not itemp)
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char itemp)
+ (outline-invisible-p)))
+ (if (save-excursion
+ (goto-char itemp)
+ (org-at-item-timer-p))
+ ;; Timer list: delegate to `org-timer-item'.
+ (progn (org-timer-item) t)
+ (let* ((struct (save-excursion (goto-char itemp)
+ (org-list-struct)))
+ (prevs (org-list-prevs-alist struct))
+ ;; If we're in a description list, ask for the new term.
+ (desc (when (eq (org-list-get-list-type itemp struct prevs)
+ 'descriptive)
+ (concat (read-string "Term: ") " :: "))))
+ (setq struct
+ (org-list-insert-item pos struct prevs checkbox desc))
+ (org-list-write-struct struct (org-list-parents-alist struct))
+ (when checkbox (org-update-checkbox-count-maybe))
+ (looking-at org-list-full-item-re)
+ (goto-char (if (and (match-beginning 4)
+ (save-match-data
+ (string-match "[.)]" (match-string 1))))
+ (match-beginning 4)
+ (match-end 0)))
+ t)))))
+(defun org-list-repair ()
+ "Fix indentation, bullets and checkboxes is the list at point."
+ (interactive)
+ (unless (org-at-item-p) (error "This is not a list"))
+ (let* ((struct (org-list-struct))
+ (parents (org-list-parents-alist struct)))
+ (org-list-write-struct struct parents)))
+(defun org-cycle-list-bullet (&optional which)
+ "Cycle through the different itemize/enumerate bullets.
+This cycle the entire list level through the sequence:
+ `-' -> `+' -> `*' -> `1.' -> `1)'
+If WHICH is a valid string, use that as the new bullet. If WHICH
+is an integer, 0 means `-', 1 means `+' etc. If WHICH is
+`previous', cycle backwards."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (unless (org-at-item-p) (error "Not at an item"))
+ (save-excursion
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (let* ((struct (org-list-struct))
+ (parents (org-list-parents-alist struct))
+ (prevs (org-list-prevs-alist struct))
+ (list-beg (org-list-get-first-item (point) struct prevs))
+ (bullet (org-list-get-bullet list-beg struct))
+ (alpha-p (org-list-use-alpha-bul-p list-beg struct prevs))
+ (case-fold-search nil)
+ (current (cond
+ ((string-match "[a-z]\\." bullet) "a.")
+ ((string-match "[a-z])" bullet) "a)")
+ ((string-match "[A-Z]\\." bullet) "A.")
+ ((string-match "[A-Z])" bullet) "A)")
+ ((string-match "\\." bullet) "1.")
+ ((string-match ")" bullet) "1)")
+ (t (org-trim bullet))))
+ ;; Compute list of possible bullets, depending on context.
+ (bullet-list
+ (append '("-" "+" )
+ ;; *-bullets are not allowed at column 0.
+ (unless (looking-at "\\S-") '("*"))
+ ;; Description items cannot be numbered.
+ (unless (or (eq org-plain-list-ordered-item-terminator ?\))
+ (org-at-item-description-p))
+ '("1."))
+ (unless (or (eq org-plain-list-ordered-item-terminator ?.)
+ (org-at-item-description-p))
+ '("1)"))
+ (unless (or (not alpha-p)
+ (eq org-plain-list-ordered-item-terminator ?\))
+ (org-at-item-description-p))
+ '("a." "A."))
+ (unless (or (not alpha-p)
+ (eq org-plain-list-ordered-item-terminator ?.)
+ (org-at-item-description-p))
+ '("a)" "A)"))))
+ (len (length bullet-list))
+ (item-index (- len (length (member current bullet-list))))
+ (get-value (lambda (index) (nth (mod index len) bullet-list)))
+ (new (cond
+ ((member which bullet-list) which)
+ ((numberp which) (funcall get-value which))
+ ((eq 'previous which) (funcall get-value (1- item-index)))
+ (t (funcall get-value (1+ item-index))))))
+ ;; Use a short variation of `org-list-write-struct' as there's
+ ;; no need to go through all the steps.
+ (let ((old-struct (copy-tree struct)))
+ (org-list-set-bullet list-beg struct (org-list-bullet-string new))
+ (org-list-struct-fix-bul struct prevs)
+ (org-list-struct-fix-ind struct parents)
+ (org-list-struct-apply-struct struct old-struct)))))
+(defun org-toggle-checkbox (&optional toggle-presence)
+ "Toggle the checkbox in the current line.
+With prefix arg TOGGLE-PRESENCE, add or remove checkboxes. With
+double prefix, set checkbox to [-].
+When there is an active region, toggle status or presence of the
+first checkbox there, and make every item inside have the same
+status or presence, respectively.
+If the cursor is in a headline, apply this to all checkbox items
+in the text below the heading, taking as reference the first item
+in subtree, ignoring drawers."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (save-excursion
+ (let* (singlep
+ block-item
+ lim-up
+ lim-down
+ (drawer-re (concat "^[ \t]*:\\("
+ (mapconcat 'regexp-quote org-drawers "\\|")
+ "\\):[ \t]*$"))
+ (keyword-re (concat "^[ \t]*\\<\\(" org-scheduled-string
+ "\\|" org-deadline-string
+ "\\|" org-closed-string
+ "\\|" org-clock-string "\\)"
+ " *[[<]\\([^]>]+\\)[]>]"))
+ (orderedp (org-entry-get nil "ORDERED"))
+ (bounds
+ ;; In a region, start at first item in region.
+ (cond
+ ((org-region-active-p)
+ (let ((limit (region-end)))
+ (goto-char (region-beginning))
+ (if (org-list-search-forward (org-item-beginning-re) limit t)
+ (setq lim-up (point-at-bol))
+ (error "No item in region"))
+ (setq lim-down (copy-marker limit))))
+ ((org-at-heading-p)
+ ;; On an heading, start at first item after drawers and
+ ;; time-stamps (scheduled, etc.).
+ (let ((limit (save-excursion (outline-next-heading) (point))))
+ (forward-line 1)
+ (while (or (looking-at drawer-re) (looking-at keyword-re))
+ (if (looking-at keyword-re)
+ (forward-line 1)
+ (re-search-forward "^[ \t]*:END:" limit nil)))
+ (if (org-list-search-forward (org-item-beginning-re) limit t)
+ (setq lim-up (point-at-bol))
+ (error "No item in subtree"))
+ (setq lim-down (copy-marker limit))))
+ ;; Just one item: set SINGLEP flag.
+ ((org-at-item-p)
+ (setq singlep t)
+ (setq lim-up (point-at-bol)
+ lim-down (copy-marker (point-at-eol))))
+ (t (error "Not at an item or heading, and no active region"))))
+ ;; Determine the checkbox going to be applied to all items
+ ;; within bounds.
+ (ref-checkbox
+ (progn
+ (goto-char lim-up)
+ (let ((cbox (and (org-at-item-checkbox-p) (match-string 1))))
+ (cond
+ ((equal toggle-presence '(16)) "[-]")
+ ((equal toggle-presence '(4))
+ (unless cbox "[ ]"))
+ ((equal "[X]" cbox) "[ ]")
+ (t "[X]"))))))
+ ;; When an item is found within bounds, grab the full list at
+ ;; point structure, then: (1) set check-box of all its items
+ ;; within bounds to REF-CHECKBOX, (2) fix check-boxes of the
+ ;; whole list, (3) move point after the list.
+ (goto-char lim-up)
+ (while (and (< (point) lim-down)
+ (org-list-search-forward (org-item-beginning-re)
+ lim-down 'move))
+ (let* ((struct (org-list-struct))
+ (struct-copy (copy-tree struct))
+ (parents (org-list-parents-alist struct))
+ (prevs (org-list-prevs-alist struct))
+ (bottom (copy-marker (org-list-get-bottom-point struct)))
+ (items-to-toggle (org-remove-if
+ (lambda (e) (or (< e lim-up) (> e lim-down)))
+ (mapcar 'car struct))))
+ (mapc (lambda (e) (org-list-set-checkbox
+ e struct
+ ;; If there is no box at item, leave as-is
+ ;; unless function was called with C-u prefix.
+ (let ((cur-box (org-list-get-checkbox e struct)))
+ (if (or cur-box (equal toggle-presence '(4)))
+ ref-checkbox
+ cur-box))))
+ items-to-toggle)
+ (setq block-item (org-list-struct-fix-box
+ struct parents prevs orderedp))
+ ;; Report some problems due to ORDERED status of subtree.
+ ;; If only one box was being checked, throw an error, else,
+ ;; only signal problems.
+ (cond
+ ((and singlep block-item (> lim-up block-item))
+ (error
+ "Checkbox blocked because of unchecked box at line %d"
+ (org-current-line block-item)))
+ (block-item
+ (message
+ "Checkboxes were removed due to unchecked box at line %d"
+ (org-current-line block-item))))
+ (goto-char bottom)
+ (move-marker bottom nil)
+ (org-list-struct-apply-struct struct struct-copy)))
+ (move-marker lim-down nil)))
+ (org-update-checkbox-count-maybe))
+(defun org-reset-checkbox-state-subtree ()
+ "Reset all checkboxes in an entry subtree."
+ (interactive "*")
+ (if (org-before-first-heading-p)
+ (error "Not inside a tree")
+ (save-restriction
+ (save-excursion
+ (org-narrow-to-subtree)
+ (org-show-subtree)
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (let ((end (point-max)))
+ (while (< (point) end)
+ (when (org-at-item-checkbox-p)
+ (replace-match "[ ]" t t nil 1))
+ (beginning-of-line 2)))
+ (org-update-checkbox-count-maybe 'all)))))
+(defun org-update-checkbox-count (&optional all)
+ "Update the checkbox statistics in the current section.
+This will find all statistic cookies like [57%] and [6/12] and
+update them with the current numbers.
+With optional prefix argument ALL, do this for the whole buffer."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (save-excursion
+ (let ((cookie-re "\\(\\(\\[[0-9]*%\\]\\)\\|\\(\\[[0-9]*/[0-9]*\\]\\)\\)")
+ (box-re "^[ \t]*\\([-+*]\\|\\([0-9]+\\|[A-Za-z]\\)[.)]\\)[ \t]+\\(?:\\[@\\(?:start:\\)?\\([0-9]+\\|[A-Za-z]\\)\\][ \t]*\\)?\\(\\[[- X]\\]\\)")
+ (recursivep
+ (or (not org-hierarchical-checkbox-statistics)
+ (string-match "\\<recursive\\>"
+ (or (org-entry-get nil "COOKIE_DATA") ""))))
+ (bounds (if all
+ (cons (point-min) (point-max))
+ (cons (or (ignore-errors (org-back-to-heading t) (point))
+ (point-min))
+ (save-excursion (outline-next-heading) (point)))))
+ (count-boxes
+ (function
+ ;; Return number of checked boxes and boxes of all types
+ ;; in all structures in STRUCTS. If RECURSIVEP is
+ ;; non-nil, also count boxes in sub-lists. If ITEM is
+ ;; nil, count across the whole structure, else count only
+ ;; across subtree whose ancestor is ITEM.
+ (lambda (item structs recursivep)
+ (let ((c-on 0) (c-all 0))
+ (mapc
+ (lambda (s)
+ (let* ((pre (org-list-prevs-alist s))
+ (par (org-list-parents-alist s))
+ (items
+ (cond
+ ((and recursivep item) (org-list-get-subtree item s))
+ (recursivep (mapcar 'car s))
+ (item (org-list-get-children item s par))
+ (t (org-list-get-all-items
+ (org-list-get-top-point s) s pre))))
+ (cookies (delq nil (mapcar
+ (lambda (e)
+ (org-list-get-checkbox e s))
+ items))))
+ (setq c-all (+ (length cookies) c-all)
+ c-on (+ (org-count "[X]" cookies) c-on))))
+ structs)
+ (cons c-on c-all)))))
+ (backup-end 1)
+ cookies-list structs-bak box-num)
+ (goto-char (car bounds))
+ ;; 1. Build an alist for each cookie found within BOUNDS. The
+ ;; key will be position at beginning of cookie and values
+ ;; ending position, format of cookie, and a cell whose car is
+ ;; number of checked boxes to report, and cdr total number of
+ ;; boxes.
+ (while (re-search-forward cookie-re (cdr bounds) t)
+ (catch 'skip
+ (save-excursion
+ (push
+ (list
+ (match-beginning 1) ; cookie start
+ (match-end 1) ; cookie end
+ (match-string 2) ; percent?
+ (cond ; boxes count
+ ;; Cookie is at an heading, but specifically for todo,
+ ;; not for checkboxes: skip it.
+ ((and (org-at-heading-p)
+ (string-match "\\<todo\\>"
+ (downcase
+ (or (org-entry-get nil "COOKIE_DATA") ""))))
+ (throw 'skip nil))
+ ;; Cookie is at an heading, but all lists before next
+ ;; heading already have been read. Use data collected
+ ;; in STRUCTS-BAK. This should only happen when
+ ;; heading has more than one cookie on it.
+ ((and (org-at-heading-p)
+ (<= (save-excursion (outline-next-heading) (point))
+ backup-end))
+ (funcall count-boxes nil structs-bak recursivep))
+ ;; Cookie is at a fresh heading. Grab structure of
+ ;; every list containing a checkbox between point and
+ ;; next headline, and save them in STRUCTS-BAK.
+ ((org-at-heading-p)
+ (setq backup-end (save-excursion
+ (outline-next-heading) (point))
+ structs-bak nil)
+ (while (org-list-search-forward box-re backup-end 'move)
+ (let* ((struct (org-list-struct))
+ (bottom (org-list-get-bottom-point struct)))
+ (push struct structs-bak)
+ (goto-char bottom)))
+ (funcall count-boxes nil structs-bak recursivep))
+ ;; Cookie is at an item, and we already have list
+ ;; structure stored in STRUCTS-BAK.
+ ((and (org-at-item-p)
+ (< (point-at-bol) backup-end)
+ ;; Only lists in no special context are stored.
+ (not (nth 2 (org-list-context))))
+ (funcall count-boxes (point-at-bol) structs-bak recursivep))
+ ;; Cookie is at an item, but we need to compute list
+ ;; structure.
+ ((org-at-item-p)
+ (let ((struct (org-list-struct)))
+ (setq backup-end (org-list-get-bottom-point struct)
+ structs-bak (list struct)))
+ (funcall count-boxes (point-at-bol) structs-bak recursivep))
+ ;; Else, cookie found is at a wrong place. Skip it.
+ (t (throw 'skip nil))))
+ cookies-list))))
+ ;; 2. Apply alist to buffer, in reverse order so positions stay
+ ;; unchanged after cookie modifications.
+ (mapc (lambda (cookie)
+ (let* ((beg (car cookie))
+ (end (nth 1 cookie))
+ (percentp (nth 2 cookie))
+ (checked (car (nth 3 cookie)))
+ (total (cdr (nth 3 cookie)))
+ (new (if percentp
+ (format "[%d%%]" (/ (* 100 checked)
+ (max 1 total)))
+ (format "[%d/%d]" checked total))))
+ (goto-char beg)
+ (insert new)
+ (delete-region (point) (+ (point) (- end beg)))
+ (when org-auto-align-tags (org-fix-tags-on-the-fly))))
+ cookies-list))))
+(defun org-get-checkbox-statistics-face ()
+ "Select the face for checkbox statistics.
+The face will be `org-done' when all relevant boxes are checked.
+Otherwise it will be `org-todo'."
+ (if (match-end 1)
+ (if (equal (match-string 1) "100%")
+ 'org-checkbox-statistics-done
+ 'org-checkbox-statistics-todo)
+ (if (and (> (match-end 2) (match-beginning 2))
+ (equal (match-string 2) (match-string 3)))
+ 'org-checkbox-statistics-done
+ 'org-checkbox-statistics-todo)))
+(defun org-update-checkbox-count-maybe (&optional all)
+ "Update checkbox statistics unless turned off by user.
+With an optional argument ALL, update them in the whole buffer."
+ (when (cdr (assq 'checkbox org-list-automatic-rules))
+ (org-update-checkbox-count all))
+ (run-hooks 'org-checkbox-statistics-hook))
+(defvar org-last-indent-begin-marker (make-marker))
+(defvar org-last-indent-end-marker (make-marker))
+(defun org-list-indent-item-generic (arg no-subtree struct)
+ "Indent a local list item including its children.
+When number ARG is a negative, item will be outdented, otherwise
+it will be indented.
+If a region is active, all items inside will be moved.
+If NO-SUBTREE is non-nil, only indent the item itself, not its
+STRUCT is the list structure.
+Return t if successful."
+ (save-excursion
+ (let* ((regionp (org-region-active-p))
+ (rbeg (and regionp (region-beginning)))
+ (rend (and regionp (region-end)))
+ (top (org-list-get-top-point struct))
+ (parents (org-list-parents-alist struct))
+ (prevs (org-list-prevs-alist struct))
+ ;; Are we going to move the whole list?
+ (specialp
+ (and (not regionp)
+ (= top (point-at-bol))
+ (cdr (assq 'indent org-list-automatic-rules))
+ (if no-subtree
+ (error
+ "First item of list cannot move without its subtree")
+ t))))
+ ;; Determine begin and end points of zone to indent. If moving
+ ;; more than one item, save them for subsequent moves.
+ (unless (and (memq last-command '(org-shiftmetaright org-shiftmetaleft))
+ (memq this-command '(org-shiftmetaright org-shiftmetaleft)))
+ (if regionp
+ (progn
+ (set-marker org-last-indent-begin-marker rbeg)
+ (set-marker org-last-indent-end-marker rend))
+ (set-marker org-last-indent-begin-marker (point-at-bol))
+ (set-marker org-last-indent-end-marker
+ (cond
+ (specialp (org-list-get-bottom-point struct))
+ (no-subtree (1+ (point-at-bol)))
+ (t (org-list-get-item-end (point-at-bol) struct))))))
+ (let* ((beg (marker-position org-last-indent-begin-marker))
+ (end (marker-position org-last-indent-end-marker)))
+ (cond
+ ;; Special case: moving top-item with indent rule.
+ (specialp
+ (let* ((level-skip (org-level-increment))
+ (offset (if (< arg 0) (- level-skip) level-skip))
+ (top-ind (org-list-get-ind beg struct))
+ (old-struct (copy-tree struct)))
+ (if (< (+ top-ind offset) 0)
+ (error "Cannot outdent beyond margin")
+ ;; Change bullet if necessary.
+ (when (and (= (+ top-ind offset) 0)
+ (string-match "*"
+ (org-list-get-bullet beg struct)))
+ (org-list-set-bullet beg struct
+ (org-list-bullet-string "-")))
+ ;; Shift every item by OFFSET and fix bullets. Then
+ ;; apply changes to buffer.
+ (mapc (lambda (e)
+ (let ((ind (org-list-get-ind (car e) struct)))
+ (org-list-set-ind (car e) struct (+ ind offset))))
+ struct)
+ (org-list-struct-fix-bul struct prevs)
+ (org-list-struct-apply-struct struct old-struct))))
+ ;; Forbidden move:
+ ((and (< arg 0)
+ ;; If only one item is moved, it mustn't have a child.
+ (or (and no-subtree
+ (not regionp)
+ (org-list-has-child-p beg struct))
+ ;; If a subtree or region is moved, the last item
+ ;; of the subtree mustn't have a child.
+ (let ((last-item (caar
+ (reverse
+ (org-remove-if
+ (lambda (e) (>= (car e) end))
+ struct)))))
+ (org-list-has-child-p last-item struct))))
+ (error "Cannot outdent an item without its children"))
+ ;; Normal shifting
+ (t
+ (let* ((new-parents
+ (if (< arg 0)
+ (org-list-struct-outdent beg end struct parents)
+ (org-list-struct-indent beg end struct parents prevs))))
+ (org-list-write-struct struct new-parents))
+ (org-update-checkbox-count-maybe))))))
+ t)
+(defun org-outdent-item ()
+ "Outdent a local list item, but not its children.
+If a region is active, all items inside will be moved."
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((regionp (org-region-active-p)))
+ (cond
+ ((or (org-at-item-p)
+ (and regionp
+ (save-excursion (goto-char (region-beginning))
+ (org-at-item-p))))
+ (let ((struct (if (not regionp) (org-list-struct)
+ (save-excursion (goto-char (region-beginning))
+ (org-list-struct)))))
+ (org-list-indent-item-generic -1 t struct)))
+ (regionp (error "Region not starting at an item"))
+ (t (error "Not at an item")))))
+(defun org-indent-item ()
+ "Indent a local list item, but not its children.
+If a region is active, all items inside will be moved."
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((regionp (org-region-active-p)))
+ (cond
+ ((or (org-at-item-p)
+ (and regionp
+ (save-excursion (goto-char (region-beginning))
+ (org-at-item-p))))
+ (let ((struct (if (not regionp) (org-list-struct)
+ (save-excursion (goto-char (region-beginning))
+ (org-list-struct)))))
+ (org-list-indent-item-generic 1 t struct)))
+ (regionp (error "Region not starting at an item"))
+ (t (error "Not at an item")))))
+(defun org-outdent-item-tree ()
+ "Outdent a local list item including its children.
+If a region is active, all items inside will be moved."
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((regionp (org-region-active-p)))
+ (cond
+ ((or (org-at-item-p)
+ (and regionp
+ (save-excursion (goto-char (region-beginning))
+ (org-at-item-p))))
+ (let ((struct (if (not regionp) (org-list-struct)
+ (save-excursion (goto-char (region-beginning))
+ (org-list-struct)))))
+ (org-list-indent-item-generic -1 nil struct)))
+ (regionp (error "Region not starting at an item"))
+ (t (error "Not at an item")))))
+(defun org-indent-item-tree ()
+ "Indent a local list item including its children.
+If a region is active, all items inside will be moved."
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((regionp (org-region-active-p)))
+ (cond
+ ((or (org-at-item-p)
+ (and regionp
+ (save-excursion (goto-char (region-beginning))
+ (org-at-item-p))))
+ (let ((struct (if (not regionp) (org-list-struct)
+ (save-excursion (goto-char (region-beginning))
+ (org-list-struct)))))
+ (org-list-indent-item-generic 1 nil struct)))
+ (regionp (error "Region not starting at an item"))
+ (t (error "Not at an item")))))
+(defvar org-tab-ind-state)
+(defun org-cycle-item-indentation ()
+ "Cycle levels of indentation of an empty item.
+The first run indents the item, if applicable. Subsequent runs
+outdent it at meaningful levels in the list. When done, item is
+put back at its original position with its original bullet.
+Return t at each successful move."
+ (when (org-at-item-p)
+ (let* ((org-adapt-indentation nil)
+ (struct (org-list-struct))
+ (ind (org-list-get-ind (point-at-bol) struct))
+ (bullet (org-trim (buffer-substring (point-at-bol) (point-at-eol)))))
+ ;; Accept empty items or if cycle has already started.
+ (when (or (eq last-command 'org-cycle-item-indentation)
+ (and (save-excursion
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (looking-at org-list-full-item-re))
+ (>= (match-end 0) (save-excursion
+ (goto-char (org-list-get-item-end
+ (point-at-bol) struct))
+ (skip-chars-backward " \r\t\n")
+ (point)))))
+ (setq this-command 'org-cycle-item-indentation)
+ ;; When in the middle of the cycle, try to outdent first. If
+ ;; it fails, and point is still at initial position, indent.
+ ;; Else, re-create it at its original position.
+ (if (eq last-command 'org-cycle-item-indentation)
+ (cond
+ ((ignore-errors (org-list-indent-item-generic -1 t struct)))
+ ((and (= ind (car org-tab-ind-state))
+ (ignore-errors (org-list-indent-item-generic 1 t struct))))
+ (t (delete-region (point-at-bol) (point-at-eol))
+ (org-indent-to-column (car org-tab-ind-state))
+ (insert (cdr org-tab-ind-state) " ")
+ ;; Break cycle
+ (setq this-command 'identity)))
+ ;; If a cycle is starting, remember indentation and bullet,
+ ;; then try to indent. If it fails, try to outdent.
+ (setq org-tab-ind-state (cons ind bullet))
+ (cond
+ ((ignore-errors (org-list-indent-item-generic 1 t struct)))
+ ((ignore-errors (org-list-indent-item-generic -1 t struct)))
+ (t (error "Cannot move item"))))
+ t))))
+(defun org-sort-list (&optional with-case sorting-type getkey-func compare-func)
+ "Sort list items.
+The cursor may be at any item of the list that should be sorted.
+Sublists are not sorted. Checkboxes, if any, are ignored.
+Sorting can be alphabetically, numerically, by date/time as given
+by a time stamp, by a property or by priority.
+Comparing entries ignores case by default. However, with an
+optional argument WITH-CASE, the sorting considers case as well.
+The command prompts for the sorting type unless it has been given
+to the function through the SORTING-TYPE argument, which needs to
+be a character, \(?n ?N ?a ?A ?t ?T ?f ?F). Here is the precise
+meaning of each character:
+n Numerically, by converting the beginning of the item to a number.
+a Alphabetically. Only the first line of item is checked.
+t By date/time, either the first active time stamp in the entry, if
+ any, or by the first inactive one. In a timer list, sort the timers.
+Capital letters will reverse the sort order.
+If the SORTING-TYPE is ?f or ?F, then GETKEY-FUNC specifies
+a function to be called with point at the beginning of the
+record. It must return either a string or a number that should
+serve as the sorting key for that record. It will then use
+COMPARE-FUNC to compare entries."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (let* ((case-func (if with-case 'identity 'downcase))
+ (struct (org-list-struct))
+ (prevs (org-list-prevs-alist struct))
+ (start (org-list-get-list-begin (point-at-bol) struct prevs))
+ (end (org-list-get-list-end (point-at-bol) struct prevs))
+ (sorting-type
+ (progn
+ (message
+ "Sort plain list: [a]lpha [n]umeric [t]ime [f]unc A/N/T/F means reversed:")
+ (read-char-exclusive)))
+ (getkey-func (and (= (downcase sorting-type) ?f)
+ (intern (org-icompleting-read "Sort using function: "
+ obarray 'fboundp t nil nil)))))
+ (message "Sorting items...")
+ (save-restriction
+ (narrow-to-region start end)
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (let* ((dcst (downcase sorting-type))
+ (case-fold-search nil)
+ (now (current-time))
+ (sort-func (cond
+ ((= dcst ?a) 'string<)
+ ((= dcst ?f) compare-func)
+ ((= dcst ?t) '<)))
+ (next-record (lambda ()
+ (skip-chars-forward " \r\t\n")
+ (beginning-of-line)))
+ (end-record (lambda ()
+ (goto-char (org-list-get-item-end-before-blank
+ (point) struct))))
+ (value-to-sort
+ (lambda ()
+ (when (looking-at "[ \t]*[-+*0-9.)]+\\([ \t]+\\[[- X]\\]\\)?[ \t]+")
+ (cond
+ ((= dcst ?n)
+ (string-to-number (buffer-substring (match-end 0)
+ (point-at-eol))))
+ ((= dcst ?a)
+ (funcall case-func
+ (buffer-substring (match-end 0) (point-at-eol))))
+ ((= dcst ?t)
+ (cond
+ ;; If it is a timer list, convert timer to seconds
+ ((org-at-item-timer-p)
+ (org-timer-hms-to-secs (match-string 1)))
+ ((or (re-search-forward org-ts-regexp (point-at-eol) t)
+ (re-search-forward org-ts-regexp-both
+ (point-at-eol) t))
+ (org-time-string-to-seconds (match-string 0)))
+ (t (org-float-time now))))
+ ((= dcst ?f)
+ (if getkey-func
+ (let ((value (funcall getkey-func)))
+ (if (stringp value)
+ (funcall case-func value)
+ value))
+ (error "Invalid key function `%s'" getkey-func)))
+ (t (error "Invalid sorting type `%c'" sorting-type)))))))
+ (sort-subr (/= dcst sorting-type)
+ next-record
+ end-record
+ value-to-sort
+ nil
+ sort-func)
+ ;; Read and fix list again, as `sort-subr' probably destroyed
+ ;; its structure.
+ (org-list-repair)
+ (run-hooks 'org-after-sorting-entries-or-items-hook)
+ (message "Sorting items...done")))))
+;;; Send and receive lists
+(defun org-list-parse-list (&optional delete)
+ "Parse the list at point and maybe DELETE it.
+Return a list whose car is a symbol of list type, among
+`ordered', `unordered' and `descriptive'. Then, each item is
+a list whose car is counter, and cdr are strings and other
+sub-lists. Inside strings, check-boxes are replaced by
+\"[CBON]\", \"[CBOFF]\" and \"[CBTRANS]\".
+For example, the following list:
+1. first item
+ + sub-item one
+ + [X] sub-item two
+ more text in first item
+2. [@3] last item
+will be parsed as:
+ \(nil \"first item\"
+ \(unordered
+ \(nil \"sub-item one\"\)
+ \(nil \"[CBON] sub-item two\"\)\)
+ \"more text in first item\"\)
+ \(3 \"last item\"\)\)
+Point is left at list end."
+ (let* ((struct (org-list-struct))
+ (prevs (org-list-prevs-alist struct))
+ (parents (org-list-parents-alist struct))
+ (top (org-list-get-top-point struct))
+ (bottom (org-list-get-bottom-point struct))
+ out
+ parse-item ; for byte-compiler
+ (get-text
+ (function
+ ;; Return text between BEG and END, trimmed, with
+ ;; checkboxes replaced.
+ (lambda (beg end)
+ (let ((text (org-trim (buffer-substring beg end))))
+ (if (string-match "\\`\\[\\([-X ]\\)\\]" text)
+ (replace-match
+ (let ((box (match-string 1 text)))
+ (cond
+ ((equal box " ") "CBOFF")
+ ((equal box "-") "CBTRANS")
+ (t "CBON")))
+ t nil text 1)
+ text)))))
+ (parse-sublist
+ (function
+ ;; Return a list whose car is list type and cdr a list of
+ ;; items' body.
+ (lambda (e)
+ (cons (org-list-get-list-type (car e) struct prevs)
+ (mapcar parse-item e)))))
+ (parse-item
+ (function
+ ;; Return a list containing counter of item, if any, text
+ ;; and any sublist inside it.
+ (lambda (e)
+ (let ((start (save-excursion
+ (goto-char e)
+ (looking-at "[ \t]*\\S-+\\([ \t]+\\[@\\(start:\\)?\\([0-9]+\\|[a-zA-Z]\\)\\]\\)?[ \t]*")
+ (match-end 0)))
+ ;; Get counter number. For alphabetic counter, get
+ ;; its position in the alphabet.
+ (counter (let ((c (org-list-get-counter e struct)))
+ (cond
+ ((not c) nil)
+ ((string-match "[A-Za-z]" c)
+ (- (string-to-char (upcase (match-string 0 c)))
+ 64))
+ ((string-match "[0-9]+" c)
+ (string-to-number (match-string 0 c))))))
+ (childp (org-list-has-child-p e struct))
+ (end (org-list-get-item-end e struct)))
+ ;; If item has a child, store text between bullet and
+ ;; next child, then recursively parse all sublists. At
+ ;; the end of each sublist, check for the presence of
+ ;; text belonging to the original item.
+ (if childp
+ (let* ((children (org-list-get-children e struct parents))
+ (body (list (funcall get-text start childp))))
+ (while children
+ (let* ((first (car children))
+ (sub (org-list-get-all-items first struct prevs))
+ (last-c (car (last sub)))
+ (last-end (org-list-get-item-end last-c struct)))
+ (push (funcall parse-sublist sub) body)
+ ;; Remove children from the list just parsed.
+ (setq children (cdr (member last-c children)))
+ ;; There is a chunk of text belonging to the
+ ;; item if last child doesn't end where next
+ ;; child starts or where item ends.
+ (unless (= (or (car children) end) last-end)
+ (push (funcall get-text
+ last-end (or (car children) end))
+ body))))
+ (cons counter (nreverse body)))
+ (list counter (funcall get-text start end))))))))
+ ;; Store output, take care of cursor position and deletion of
+ ;; list, then return output.
+ (setq out (funcall parse-sublist (org-list-get-all-items top struct prevs)))
+ (goto-char top)
+ (when delete
+ (delete-region top bottom)
+ (when (and (not (looking-at "[ \t]*$")) (looking-at org-list-end-re))
+ (replace-match "")))
+ out))
+(defun org-list-make-subtree ()
+ "Convert the plain list at point into a subtree."
+ (interactive)
+ (if (not (ignore-errors (goto-char (org-in-item-p))))
+ (error "Not in a list")
+ (let ((list (save-excursion (org-list-parse-list t))))
+ (insert (org-list-to-subtree list)))))
+(defun org-list-insert-radio-list ()
+ "Insert a radio list template appropriate for this major mode."
+ (interactive)
+ (let* ((e (assq major-mode org-list-radio-list-templates))
+ (txt (nth 1 e))
+ name pos)
+ (unless e (error "No radio list setup defined for %s" major-mode))
+ (setq name (read-string "List name: "))
+ (while (string-match "%n" txt)
+ (setq txt (replace-match name t t txt)))
+ (or (bolp) (insert "\n"))
+ (setq pos (point))
+ (insert txt)
+ (goto-char pos)))
+(defun org-list-send-list (&optional maybe)
+ "Send a transformed version of this list to the receiver position.
+With argument MAYBE, fail quietly if no transformation is defined
+for this list."
+ (interactive)
+ (catch 'exit
+ (unless (org-at-item-p) (error "Not at a list item"))
+ (save-excursion
+ (re-search-backward "#\\+ORGLST" nil t)
+ (unless (looking-at "[ \t]*#\\+ORGLST[: \t][ \t]*SEND[ \t]+\\([^ \t\r\n]+\\)[ \t]+\\([^ \t\r\n]+\\)\\([ \t]+.*\\)?")
+ (if maybe
+ (throw 'exit nil)
+ (error "Don't know how to transform this list"))))
+ (let* ((name (match-string 1))
+ (transform (intern (match-string 2)))
+ (bottom-point
+ (save-excursion
+ (re-search-forward
+ "\\(\\\\end{comment}\\|@end ignore\\|-->\\)" nil t)
+ (match-beginning 0)))
+ (top-point
+ (progn
+ (re-search-backward "#\\+ORGLST" nil t)
+ (re-search-forward (org-item-beginning-re) bottom-point t)
+ (match-beginning 0)))
+ (list (save-restriction
+ (narrow-to-region top-point bottom-point)
+ (org-list-parse-list)))
+ beg txt)
+ (unless (fboundp transform)
+ (error "No such transformation function %s" transform))
+ (let ((txt (funcall transform list)))
+ ;; Find the insertion place
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (unless (re-search-forward
+ name
+ "\\([ \t]\\|$\\)") nil t)
+ (error "Don't know where to insert translated list"))
+ (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
+ (beginning-of-line 2)
+ (setq beg (point))
+ (unless (re-search-forward (concat "END RECEIVE ORGLST +" name) nil t)
+ (error "Cannot find end of insertion region"))
+ (delete-region beg (point-at-bol))
+ (goto-char beg)
+ (insert txt "\n")))
+ (message "List converted and installed at receiver location"))))
+(defsubst org-list-item-trim-br (item)
+ "Trim line breaks in a list ITEM."
+ (setq item (replace-regexp-in-string "\n +" " " item)))
+(defun org-list-to-generic (list params)
+ "Convert a LIST parsed through `org-list-parse-list' to other formats.
+Valid parameters PARAMS are:
+:ustart String to start an unordered list
+:uend String to end an unordered list
+:ostart String to start an ordered list
+:oend String to end an ordered list
+:dstart String to start a descriptive list
+:dend String to end a descriptive list
+:dtstart String to start a descriptive term
+:dtend String to end a descriptive term
+:ddstart String to start a description
+:ddend String to end a description
+:splice When set to t, return only list body lines, don't wrap
+ them into :[u/o]start and :[u/o]end. Default is nil.
+:istart String to start a list item.
+:icount String to start an item with a counter.
+:iend String to end a list item
+:isep String to separate items
+:lsep String to separate sublists
+:csep String to separate text from a sub-list
+:cboff String to insert for an unchecked check-box
+:cbon String to insert for a checked check-box
+:cbtrans String to insert for a check-box in transitional state
+:nobr Non-nil means remove line breaks in lists items.
+Alternatively, each parameter can also be a form returning
+a string. These sexp can use keywords `counter' and `depth',
+representing respectively counter associated to the current
+item, and depth of the current sub-list, starting at 0.
+Obviously, `counter' is only available for parameters applying to
+ (interactive)
+ (let* ((p params)
+ (splicep (plist-get p :splice))
+ (ostart (plist-get p :ostart))
+ (oend (plist-get p :oend))
+ (ustart (plist-get p :ustart))
+ (uend (plist-get p :uend))
+ (dstart (plist-get p :dstart))
+ (dend (plist-get p :dend))
+ (dtstart (plist-get p :dtstart))
+ (dtend (plist-get p :dtend))
+ (ddstart (plist-get p :ddstart))
+ (ddend (plist-get p :ddend))
+ (istart (plist-get p :istart))
+ (icount (plist-get p :icount))
+ (iend (plist-get p :iend))
+ (isep (plist-get p :isep))
+ (lsep (plist-get p :lsep))
+ (csep (plist-get p :csep))
+ (cbon (plist-get p :cbon))
+ (cboff (plist-get p :cboff))
+ (cbtrans (plist-get p :cbtrans))
+ (nobr (plist-get p :nobr))
+ export-sublist ; for byte-compiler
+ (export-item
+ (function
+ ;; Export an item ITEM of type TYPE, at DEPTH. First
+ ;; string in item is treated in a special way as it can
+ ;; bring extra information that needs to be processed.
+ (lambda (item type depth)
+ (let* ((counter (pop item))
+ (fmt (concat
+ (cond
+ ((eq type 'descriptive)
+ ;; Stick DTSTART to ISTART by
+ ;; left-trimming the latter.
+ (concat (let ((s (eval istart)))
+ (or (and (string-match "[ \t\n\r]+\\'" s)
+ (replace-match "" t t s))
+ istart))
+ "%s" (eval ddend)))
+ ((and counter (eq type 'ordered))
+ (concat (eval icount) "%s"))
+ (t (concat (eval istart) "%s")))
+ (eval iend)))
+ (first (car item)))
+ ;; Replace checkbox if any is found.
+ (cond
+ ((string-match "\\[CBON\\]" first)
+ (setq first (replace-match cbon t t first)))
+ ((string-match "\\[CBOFF\\]" first)
+ (setq first (replace-match cboff t t first)))
+ ((string-match "\\[CBTRANS\\]" first)
+ (setq first (replace-match cbtrans t t first))))
+ ;; Replace line breaks if required
+ (when nobr (setq first (org-list-item-trim-br first)))
+ ;; Insert descriptive term if TYPE is `descriptive'.
+ (when (eq type 'descriptive)
+ (let* ((complete (string-match "^\\(.*\\)[ \t]+::" first))
+ (term (if complete
+ (save-match-data
+ (org-trim (match-string 1 first)))
+ "???"))
+ (desc (if complete
+ (org-trim (substring first (match-end 0)))
+ first)))
+ (setq first (concat (eval dtstart) term (eval dtend)
+ (eval ddstart) desc))))
+ (setcar item first)
+ (format fmt
+ (mapconcat (lambda (e)
+ (if (stringp e) e
+ (funcall export-sublist e (1+ depth))))
+ item (or (eval csep) "")))))))
+ (export-sublist
+ (function
+ ;; Export sublist SUB at DEPTH.
+ (lambda (sub depth)
+ (let* ((type (car sub))
+ (items (cdr sub))
+ (fmt (concat (cond
+ (splicep "%s")
+ ((eq type 'ordered)
+ (concat (eval ostart) "%s" (eval oend)))
+ ((eq type 'descriptive)
+ (concat (eval dstart) "%s" (eval dend)))
+ (t (concat (eval ustart) "%s" (eval uend))))
+ (eval lsep))))
+ (format fmt (mapconcat (lambda (e)
+ (funcall export-item e type depth))
+ items (or (eval isep) ""))))))))
+ (concat (funcall export-sublist list 0) "\n")))
+(defun org-list-to-latex (list &optional params)
+ "Convert LIST into a LaTeX list.
+LIST is as returned by `org-list-parse-list'. PARAMS is a property list
+with overruling parameters for `org-list-to-generic'."
+ (org-list-to-generic
+ list
+ (org-combine-plists
+ '(:splice nil :ostart "\\begin{enumerate}\n" :oend "\\end{enumerate}"
+ :ustart "\\begin{itemize}\n" :uend "\\end{itemize}"
+ :dstart "\\begin{description}\n" :dend "\\end{description}"
+ :dtstart "[" :dtend "] "
+ :istart "\\item " :iend "\n"
+ :icount (let ((enum (nth depth '("i" "ii" "iii" "iv"))))
+ (if enum
+ ;; LaTeX increments counter just before
+ ;; using it, so set it to the desired
+ ;; value, minus one.
+ (format "\\setcounter{enum%s}{%s}\n\\item "
+ enum (1- counter))
+ "\\item "))
+ :csep "\n"
+ :cbon "\\texttt{[X]}" :cboff "\\texttt{[ ]}"
+ :cbtrans "\\texttt{[-]}")
+ params)))
+(defun org-list-to-html (list &optional params)
+ "Convert LIST into a HTML list.
+LIST is as returned by `org-list-parse-list'. PARAMS is a property list
+with overruling parameters for `org-list-to-generic'."
+ (org-list-to-generic
+ list
+ (org-combine-plists
+ '(:splice nil :ostart "<ol>\n" :oend "\n</ol>"
+ :ustart "<ul>\n" :uend "\n</ul>"
+ :dstart "<dl>\n" :dend "\n</dl>"
+ :dtstart "<dt>" :dtend "</dt>\n"
+ :ddstart "<dd>" :ddend "</dd>"
+ :istart "<li>" :iend "</li>"
+ :icount (format "<li value=\"%s\">" counter)
+ :isep "\n" :lsep "\n" :csep "\n"
+ :cbon "<code>[X]</code>" :cboff "<code>[ ]</code>"
+ :cbtrans "<code>[-]</code>")
+ params)))
+(defun org-list-to-texinfo (list &optional params)
+ "Convert LIST into a Texinfo list.
+LIST is as returned by `org-list-parse-list'. PARAMS is a property list
+with overruling parameters for `org-list-to-generic'."
+ (org-list-to-generic
+ list
+ (org-combine-plists
+ '(:splice nil :ostart "@itemize @minus\n" :oend "@end itemize"
+ :ustart "@enumerate\n" :uend "@end enumerate"
+ :dstart "@table @asis\n" :dend "@end table"
+ :dtstart " " :dtend "\n"
+ :istart "@item\n" :iend "\n"
+ :icount "@item\n"
+ :csep "\n"
+ :cbon "@code{[X]}" :cboff "@code{[ ]}"
+ :cbtrans "@code{[-]}")
+ params)))
+(defun org-list-to-subtree (list &optional params)
+ "Convert LIST into an Org subtree.
+LIST is as returned by `org-list-parse-list'. PARAMS is a property list
+with overruling parameters for `org-list-to-generic'."
+ (let* ((rule (cdr (assq 'heading org-blank-before-new-entry)))
+ (level (org-reduced-level (or (org-current-level) 0)))
+ (blankp (or (eq rule t)
+ (and (eq rule 'auto)
+ (save-excursion
+ (outline-previous-heading)
+ (org-previous-line-empty-p)))))
+ (get-stars
+ (function
+ ;; Return the string for the heading, depending on depth D
+ ;; of current sub-list.
+ (lambda (d)
+ (let ((oddeven-level (+ level d 1)))
+ (concat (make-string (if org-odd-levels-only
+ (1- (* 2 oddeven-level))
+ oddeven-level)
+ ?*)
+ " "))))))
+ (org-list-to-generic
+ list
+ (org-combine-plists
+ '(:splice t
+ :dtstart " " :dtend " "
+ :istart (funcall get-stars depth)
+ :icount (funcall get-stars depth)
+ :isep (if blankp "\n\n" "\n")
+ :csep (if blankp "\n\n" "\n")
+ :cbon "DONE" :cboff "TODO" :cbtrans "TODO")
+ params))))
+(provide 'org-list)
+;;; org-list.el ends here