path: root/lisp/org-lparse.el
diff options
authorSebastien Delafond <>2013-08-11 16:27:56 +0200
committerSébastien Delafond <>2014-07-13 13:35:27 +0200
commit53b246b7d66bfa03ab9bcf47d4647913b401e3d6 (patch)
treeb5ea4e732c2219456d13048feb05b37b22a76391 /lisp/org-lparse.el
parent8606e2621fc00fd8b334a06924aeef3aab7a2e4d (diff)
parente32a45ed36d6000db4b39171149072d11b77af72 (diff)
Imported Debian patch 8.0.7-1
Diffstat (limited to 'lisp/org-lparse.el')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 2301 deletions
diff --git a/lisp/org-lparse.el b/lisp/org-lparse.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 7024912..0000000
--- a/lisp/org-lparse.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2301 +0,0 @@
-;;; org-lparse.el --- Line-oriented parser-exporter for Org-mode
-;; Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-;; Author: Jambunathan K <kjambunathan at gmail dot com>
-;; Keywords: outlines, hypermedia, calendar, wp
-;; Homepage:
-;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
-;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-;; (at your option) any later version.
-;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <>.
-;;; Commentary:
-;; `org-lparse' is the entry point for the generic line-oriented
-;; exporter. `org-do-lparse' is the genericized version of the
-;; original `org-export-as-html' routine.
-;; `org-lparse-native-backends' is a good starting point for
-;; exploring the generic exporter.
-;; Following new interactive commands are provided by this library.
-;; `org-lparse', `org-lparse-and-open', `org-lparse-to-buffer'
-;; `org-replace-region-by', `org-lparse-region'.
-;; Note that the above routines correspond to the following routines
-;; in the html exporter `org-export-as-html',
-;; `org-export-as-html-and-open', `org-export-as-html-to-buffer',
-;; `org-replace-region-by-html' and `org-export-region-as-html'.
-;; The new interactive command `org-lparse-convert' can be used to
-;; convert documents between various formats. Use this to command,
-;; for example, to convert odt file to doc or pdf format.
-;;; Code:
- (require 'cl))
-(require 'org-exp)
-(require 'org-list)
-(require 'format-spec)
-(defun org-lparse-and-open (target-backend native-backend arg
- &optional file-or-buf)
- "Export outline to TARGET-BACKEND via NATIVE-BACKEND and open exported file.
-If there is an active region, export only the region. The prefix
-ARG specifies how many levels of the outline should become
-headlines. The default is 3. Lower levels will become bulleted
- (let (f (file-or-buf (or file-or-buf
- (org-lparse target-backend native-backend
- arg 'hidden))))
- (when file-or-buf
- (setq f (cond
- ((bufferp file-or-buf) buffer-file-name)
- ((file-exists-p file-or-buf) file-or-buf)
- (t (error "org-lparse-and-open: This shouldn't happen"))))
- (message "Opening file %s" f)
- (org-open-file f 'system)
- (when org-export-kill-product-buffer-when-displayed
- (kill-buffer (current-buffer))))))
-(defun org-lparse-batch (target-backend &optional native-backend)
- "Call the function `org-lparse'.
-This function can be used in batch processing as:
-emacs --batch
- --load=$HOME/lib/emacs/org.el
- --eval \"(setq org-export-headline-levels 2)\"
- --visit=MyFile --funcall org-lparse-batch"
- (setq native-backend (or native-backend target-backend))
- (org-lparse target-backend native-backend
- org-export-headline-levels 'hidden))
-(defun org-lparse-to-buffer (backend arg)
- "Call `org-lparse' with output to a temporary buffer.
-No file is created. The prefix ARG is passed through to
- (let ((tempbuf (format "*Org %s Export*" (upcase backend))))
- (org-lparse backend backend arg nil nil tempbuf)
- (when org-export-show-temporary-export-buffer
- (switch-to-buffer-other-window tempbuf))))
-(defun org-replace-region-by (backend beg end)
- "Assume the current region has org-mode syntax, and convert it to HTML.
-This can be used in any buffer. For example, you could write an
-itemized list in org-mode syntax in an HTML buffer and then use
-this command to convert it."
- (let (reg backend-string buf pop-up-frames)
- (save-window-excursion
- (if (derived-mode-p 'org-mode)
- (setq backend-string (org-lparse-region backend beg end t 'string))
- (setq reg (buffer-substring beg end)
- buf (get-buffer-create "*Org tmp*"))
- (with-current-buffer buf
- (erase-buffer)
- (insert reg)
- (org-mode)
- (setq backend-string (org-lparse-region backend (point-min)
- (point-max) t 'string)))
- (kill-buffer buf)))
- (delete-region beg end)
- (insert backend-string)))
-(defun org-lparse-region (backend beg end &optional body-only buffer)
- "Convert region from BEG to END in org-mode buffer to HTML.
-If prefix arg BODY-ONLY is set, omit file header, footer, and table of
-contents, and only produce the region of converted text, useful for
-cut-and-paste operations.
-If BUFFER is a buffer or a string, use/create that buffer as a target
-of the converted HTML. If BUFFER is the symbol `string', return the
-produced HTML as a string and leave not buffer behind. For example,
-a Lisp program could call this function in the following way:
- (setq html (org-lparse-region \"html\" beg end t 'string))
-When called interactively, the output buffer is selected, and shown
-in a window. A non-interactive call will only return the buffer."
- (let ((transient-mark-mode t) (zmacs-regions t)
- ext-plist rtn)
- (setq ext-plist (plist-put ext-plist :ignore-subtree-p t))
- (goto-char end)
- (set-mark (point)) ;; to activate the region
- (goto-char beg)
- (setq rtn (org-lparse backend backend nil nil ext-plist buffer body-only))
- (if (fboundp 'deactivate-mark) (deactivate-mark))
- (if (and (org-called-interactively-p 'any) (bufferp rtn))
- (switch-to-buffer-other-window rtn)
- rtn)))
-(defvar org-lparse-par-open nil)
-(defun org-lparse-should-inline-p (filename descp)
- "Return non-nil if link FILENAME should be inlined.
-The decision to inline the FILENAME link is based on the current
-settings. DESCP is the boolean of whether there was a link
-description. See variables `org-export-html-inline-images' and
- (let ((inline-images (org-lparse-get 'INLINE-IMAGES))
- (inline-image-extensions
- (org-lparse-get 'INLINE-IMAGE-EXTENSIONS)))
- (and (or (eq t inline-images) (and inline-images (not descp)))
- (org-file-image-p filename inline-image-extensions))))
-(defun org-lparse-format-org-link (line opt-plist)
- "Return LINE with markup of Org mode links.
-OPT-PLIST is the export options list."
- (let ((start 0)
- (current-dir (if buffer-file-name
- (file-name-directory buffer-file-name)
- default-directory))
- (link-validate (plist-get opt-plist :link-validation-function))
- type id-file fnc
- rpl path attr desc descp desc1 desc2 link
- org-lparse-link-description-is-image)
- (while (string-match org-bracket-link-analytic-regexp++ line start)
- (setq org-lparse-link-description-is-image nil)
- (setq start (match-beginning 0))
- (setq path (save-match-data (org-link-unescape
- (match-string 3 line))))
- (setq type (cond
- ((match-end 2) (match-string 2 line))
- ((save-match-data
- (or (file-name-absolute-p path)
- (string-match "^\\.\\.?/" path)))
- "file")
- (t "internal")))
- (setq path (org-extract-attributes path))
- (setq attr (get-text-property 0 'org-attributes path))
- (setq desc1 (if (match-end 5) (match-string 5 line))
- desc2 (if (match-end 2) (concat type ":" path) path)
- descp (and desc1 (not (equal desc1 desc2)))
- desc (or desc1 desc2))
- ;; Make an image out of the description if that is so wanted
- (when (and descp (org-file-image-p
- desc (org-lparse-get 'INLINE-IMAGE-EXTENSIONS)))
- (setq org-lparse-link-description-is-image t)
- (save-match-data
- (if (string-match "^file:" desc)
- (setq desc (substring desc (match-end 0)))))
- (save-match-data
- (setq desc (org-add-props
- (org-lparse-format 'INLINE-IMAGE desc)
- '(org-protected t)))))
- (cond
- ((equal type "internal")
- (let
- ((frag-0
- (if (= (string-to-char path) ?#)
- (substring path 1)
- path)))
- (setq rpl
- (org-lparse-format
- 'ORG-LINK opt-plist "" "" (org-solidify-link-text
- (save-match-data
- (org-link-unescape frag-0))
- nil) desc attr descp))))
- ((and (equal type "id")
- (setq id-file (org-id-find-id-file path)))
- ;; This is an id: link to another file (if it was the same file,
- ;; it would have become an internal link...)
- (save-match-data
- (setq id-file (file-relative-name
- id-file
- (file-name-directory org-current-export-file)))
- (setq rpl
- (org-lparse-format
- 'ORG-LINK opt-plist type id-file
- (concat (if (org-uuidgen-p path) "ID-") path)
- desc attr descp))))
- ((member type '("http" "https"))
- ;; standard URL, can inline as image
- (setq rpl
- (org-lparse-format
- 'ORG-LINK opt-plist type path nil desc attr descp)))
- ((member type '("ftp" "mailto" "news"))
- ;; standard URL, can't inline as image
- (setq rpl
- (org-lparse-format
- 'ORG-LINK opt-plist type path nil desc attr descp)))
- ((string= type "coderef")
- (setq rpl (org-lparse-format
- 'ORG-LINK opt-plist type "" path desc nil descp)))
- ((functionp (setq fnc (nth 2 (assoc type org-link-protocols))))
- ;; The link protocol has a function for format the link
- (setq rpl (save-match-data
- (funcall fnc (org-link-unescape path)
- desc1 (and (boundp 'org-lparse-backend)
- (case org-lparse-backend
- (xhtml 'html)
- (t org-lparse-backend)))))))
- ((string= type "file")
- ;; FILE link
- (save-match-data
- (let*
- ((components
- (if
- (string-match "::\\(.*\\)" path)
- (list
- (replace-match "" t nil path)
- (match-string 1 path))
- (list path nil)))
- ;;The proper path, without a fragment
- (path-1
- (first components))
- ;;The raw fragment
- (fragment-0
- (second components))
- ;;Check the fragment. If it can't be used as
- ;;target fragment we'll pass nil instead.
- (fragment-1
- (if
- (and fragment-0
- (not (string-match "^[0-9]*$" fragment-0))
- (not (string-match "^\\*" fragment-0))
- (not (string-match "^/.*/$" fragment-0)))
- (org-solidify-link-text
- (org-link-unescape fragment-0))
- nil))
- (desc-2
- ;;Description minus "file:" and ".org"
- (if (string-match "^file:" desc)
- (let
- ((desc-1 (replace-match "" t t desc)))
- (if (string-match "\\.org$" desc-1)
- (replace-match "" t t desc-1)
- desc-1))
- desc)))
- (setq rpl
- (if
- (and
- (functionp link-validate)
- (not (funcall link-validate path-1 current-dir)))
- desc
- (org-lparse-format
- 'ORG-LINK opt-plist "file" path-1 fragment-1
- desc-2 attr descp))))))
- (t
- ;; just publish the path, as default
- (setq rpl (concat "<i>&lt;" type ":"
- (save-match-data (org-link-unescape path))
- "&gt;</i>"))))
- (setq line (replace-match rpl t t line)
- start (+ start (length rpl))))
- line))
-(defvar org-lparse-par-open-stashed) ; bound during `org-do-lparse'
-(defun org-lparse-stash-save-paragraph-state ()
- (assert (zerop org-lparse-par-open-stashed))
- (setq org-lparse-par-open-stashed org-lparse-par-open)
- (setq org-lparse-par-open nil))
-(defun org-lparse-stash-pop-paragraph-state ()
- (setq org-lparse-par-open org-lparse-par-open-stashed)
- (setq org-lparse-par-open-stashed 0))
-(defmacro with-org-lparse-preserve-paragraph-state (&rest body)
- `(let ((org-lparse-do-open-par org-lparse-par-open))
- (org-lparse-end-paragraph)
- ,@body
- (when org-lparse-do-open-par
- (org-lparse-begin-paragraph))))
-(def-edebug-spec with-org-lparse-preserve-paragraph-state (body))
-(defvar org-lparse-native-backends nil
- "List of native backends registered with `org-lparse'.
-A backend can use `org-lparse-register-backend' to add itself to
-this list.
-All native backends must implement a get routine and a mandatory
-set of callback routines.
-The get routine must be named as org-<backend>-get where backend
-is the name of the backend. The exporter uses `org-lparse-get'
-and retrieves the backend-specific callback by querying for
-For the sake of illustration, the html backend implements
-`org-xhtml-get'. It returns
-`org-xhtml-entity-control-callbacks-alist' and
-`org-xhtml-entity-format-callbacks-alist' as the values of
-(defun org-lparse-register-backend (backend)
- "Make BACKEND known to `org-lparse' library.
-Add BACKEND to `org-lparse-native-backends'."
- (when backend
- (setq backend (cond
- ((symbolp backend) (symbol-name backend))
- ((stringp backend) backend)
- (t (error "Error while registering backend: %S" backend))))
- (add-to-list 'org-lparse-native-backends backend)))
-(defun org-lparse-unregister-backend (backend)
- (setq org-lparse-native-backends
- (remove (cond
- ((symbolp backend) (symbol-name backend))
- ((stringp backend) backend))
- org-lparse-native-backends))
- (message "Unregistered backend %S" backend))
-(defun org-lparse-do-reachable-formats (in-fmt)
- "Return verbose info about formats to which IN-FMT can be converted.
-Return a list where each element is of the
-`org-export-odt-convert-processes' for CONVERTER-PROCESS and see
-`org-export-odt-convert-capabilities' for OUTPUT-FMT-ALIST."
- (let (reachable-formats)
- (dolist (backend org-lparse-native-backends reachable-formats)
- (let* ((converter (org-lparse-backend-get
- backend 'CONVERT-METHOD))
- (capabilities (org-lparse-backend-get
- (when converter
- (dolist (c capabilities)
- (when (member in-fmt (nth 1 c))
- (push (cons converter (nth 2 c)) reachable-formats))))))))
-(defun org-lparse-reachable-formats (in-fmt)
- "Return list of formats to which IN-FMT can be converted.
-The list of the form (OUTPUT-FMT-1 OUTPUT-FMT-2 ...)."
- (let (l)
- (mapc (lambda (e) (add-to-list 'l e))
- (apply 'append (mapcar
- (lambda (e) (mapcar 'car (cdr e)))
- (org-lparse-do-reachable-formats in-fmt))))
- l))
-(defun org-lparse-reachable-p (in-fmt out-fmt)
- "Return non-nil if IN-FMT can be converted to OUT-FMT."
- (catch 'done
- (let ((reachable-formats (org-lparse-do-reachable-formats in-fmt)))
- (dolist (e reachable-formats)
- (let ((out-fmt-spec (assoc out-fmt (cdr e))))
- (when out-fmt-spec
- (throw 'done (cons (car e) out-fmt-spec))))))))
-(defun org-lparse-backend-is-native-p (backend)
- (member backend org-lparse-native-backends))
-(defun org-lparse (target-backend native-backend arg
- &optional hidden ext-plist
- to-buffer body-only pub-dir)
- "Export the outline to various formats.
-If there is an active region, export only the region. The
-outline is first exported to NATIVE-BACKEND and optionally
-converted to TARGET-BACKEND. See `org-lparse-native-backends'
-for list of known native backends. Each native backend can
-specify a converter and list of target backends it exports to
-using the CONVERT-PROCESS and OTHER-BACKENDS settings of it's get
-method. See `org-xhtml-get' for an illustrative example.
-ARG is a prefix argument that specifies how many levels of
-outline should become headlines. The default is 3. Lower levels
-will become bulleted lists.
-HIDDEN is obsolete and does nothing.
-EXT-PLIST is a property list that controls various aspects of
-export. The settings here override org-mode's default settings
-and but are inferior to file-local settings.
-TO-BUFFER dumps the exported lines to a buffer or a string
-instead of a file. If TO-BUFFER is the symbol `string' return the
-exported lines as a string. If TO-BUFFER is non-nil, create a
-buffer with that name and export to that buffer.
-BODY-ONLY controls the presence of header and footer lines in
-exported text. If BODY-ONLY is non-nil, don't produce the file
-header and footer, simply return the content of <body>...</body>,
-without even the body tags themselves.
-PUB-DIR specifies the publishing directory."
- (let* ((org-lparse-backend (intern native-backend))
- (org-lparse-other-backend (and target-backend
- (intern target-backend))))
- (add-hook 'org-export-preprocess-hook
- 'org-lparse-strip-experimental-blocks-maybe)
- (add-hook 'org-export-preprocess-after-blockquote-hook
- 'org-lparse-preprocess-after-blockquote)
- (unless (org-lparse-backend-is-native-p native-backend)
- (error "Don't know how to export natively to backend %s" native-backend))
- (unless (or (equal native-backend target-backend)
- (org-lparse-reachable-p native-backend target-backend))
- (error "Don't know how to export to backend %s %s" target-backend
- (format "via %s" native-backend)))
- (run-hooks 'org-export-first-hook)
- (org-do-lparse arg hidden ext-plist to-buffer body-only pub-dir)
- (remove-hook 'org-export-preprocess-hook
- 'org-lparse-strip-experimental-blocks-maybe)
- (remove-hook 'org-export-preprocess-after-blockquote-hook
- 'org-lparse-preprocess-after-blockquote)))
-(defcustom org-lparse-use-flashy-warning nil
- "Control flashing of messages logged with `org-lparse-warn'.
-When non-nil, messages are fontified with warning face and the
-exporter lingers for a while to catch user's attention."
- :type 'boolean
- :group 'org-lparse)
-(defun org-lparse-convert-read-params ()
- "Return IN-FILE and OUT-FMT params for `org-lparse-do-convert'.
-This is a helper routine for interactive use."
- (let* ((input (if (featurep 'ido) 'ido-completing-read 'completing-read))
- (in-file (read-file-name "File to be converted: "
- nil buffer-file-name t))
- (in-fmt (file-name-extension in-file))
- (out-fmt-choices (org-lparse-reachable-formats in-fmt))
- (out-fmt
- (or (and out-fmt-choices
- (funcall input "Output format: "
- out-fmt-choices nil nil nil))
- (error
- "No known converter or no known output formats for %s files"
- in-fmt))))
- (list in-file out-fmt)))
- (require 'browse-url))
-(defun org-lparse-do-convert (in-file out-fmt &optional prefix-arg)
- "Workhorse routine for `org-export-odt-convert'."
- (require 'browse-url)
- (let* ((in-file (expand-file-name (or in-file buffer-file-name)))
- (dummy (or (file-readable-p in-file)
- (error "Cannot read %s" in-file)))
- (in-fmt (file-name-extension in-file))
- (out-fmt (or out-fmt (error "Output format unspecified")))
- (how (or (org-lparse-reachable-p in-fmt out-fmt)
- (error "Cannot convert from %s format to %s format?"
- in-fmt out-fmt)))
- (convert-process (car how))
- (out-file (concat (file-name-sans-extension in-file) "."
- (nth 1 (or (cdr how) out-fmt))))
- (extra-options (or (nth 2 (cdr how)) ""))
- (out-dir (file-name-directory in-file))
- (cmd (format-spec convert-process
- `((?i . ,(shell-quote-argument in-file))
- (?I . ,(browse-url-file-url in-file))
- (?f . ,out-fmt)
- (?o . ,out-file)
- (?O . ,(browse-url-file-url out-file))
- (?d . , (shell-quote-argument out-dir))
- (?D . ,(browse-url-file-url out-dir))
- (?x . ,extra-options)))))
- (when (file-exists-p out-file)
- (delete-file out-file))
- (message "Executing %s" cmd)
- (let ((cmd-output (shell-command-to-string cmd)))
- (message "%s" cmd-output))
- (cond
- ((file-exists-p out-file)
- (message "Exported to %s" out-file)
- (when prefix-arg
- (message "Opening %s..." out-file)
- (org-open-file out-file 'system))
- out-file)
- (t
- (message "Export to %s failed" out-file)
- nil))))
-(defvar org-lparse-insert-tag-with-newlines 'both)
-;; Following variables are let-bound during `org-lparse'
-(defvar org-lparse-dyn-first-heading-pos)
-(defvar org-lparse-toc)
-(defvar org-lparse-entity-control-callbacks-alist)
-(defvar org-lparse-entity-format-callbacks-alist)
-(defvar org-lparse-backend nil
- "The native backend to which the document is currently exported.
-This variable is let bound during `org-lparse'. Valid values are
-one of the symbols corresponding to `org-lparse-native-backends'.
-Compare this variable with `org-export-current-backend' which is
-bound only during `org-export-preprocess-string' stage of the
-export process.
-See also `org-lparse-other-backend'.")
-(defvar org-lparse-other-backend nil
- "The target backend to which the document is currently exported.
-This variable is let bound during `org-lparse'. This variable is
-set to either `org-lparse-backend' or one of the symbols
-corresponding to OTHER-BACKENDS specification of the
-For example, if a document is exported to \"odt\" then both
-org-lparse-backend and org-lparse-other-backend are bound to
-'odt. On the other hand, if a document is exported to \"odt\"
-and then converted to \"doc\" then org-lparse-backend is set to
-'odt and org-lparse-other-backend is set to 'doc.")
-(defvar org-lparse-body-only nil
- "Bind this to BODY-ONLY arg of `org-lparse'.")
-(defvar org-lparse-to-buffer nil
- "Bind this to TO-BUFFER arg of `org-lparse'.")
-(defun org-lparse-get-block-params (params)
- (save-match-data
- (when params
- (setq params (org-trim params))
- (unless (string-match "\\`(.*)\\'" params)
- (setq params (format "(%s)" params)))
- (ignore-errors (read params)))))
-(defvar org-heading-keyword-regexp-format) ; defined in org.el
-(defvar org-lparse-special-blocks '("list-table" "annotation"))
-(defun org-do-lparse (arg &optional hidden ext-plist
- to-buffer body-only pub-dir)
- "Export the outline to various formats.
-See `org-lparse' for more information. This function is a
-html-agnostic version of the `org-export-as-html' function in 7.5
- ;; Make sure we have a file name when we need it.
- (when (and (not (or to-buffer body-only))
- (not buffer-file-name))
- (if (buffer-base-buffer)
- (org-set-local 'buffer-file-name
- (with-current-buffer (buffer-base-buffer)
- buffer-file-name))
- (error "Need a file name to be able to export")))
- (org-lparse-warn
- (format "Exporting to %s using org-lparse..."
- (upcase (symbol-name
- (or org-lparse-backend org-lparse-other-backend)))))
- (setq-default org-todo-line-regexp org-todo-line-regexp)
- (setq-default org-deadline-line-regexp org-deadline-line-regexp)
- (setq-default org-done-keywords org-done-keywords)
- (setq-default org-maybe-keyword-time-regexp org-maybe-keyword-time-regexp)
- (let* (hfy-user-sheet-assoc ; let `htmlfontify' know that
- ; we are interested in
- ; collecting styles
- org-lparse-encode-pending
- org-lparse-par-open
- (org-lparse-par-open-stashed 0)
- ;; list related vars
- (org-lparse-list-stack '())
- ;; list-table related vars
- org-lparse-list-table-p
- org-lparse-list-table:table-cell-open
- org-lparse-list-table:table-row
- org-lparse-list-table:lines
- org-lparse-outline-text-open
- (org-lparse-latex-fragment-fallback ; currently used only by
- ; odt exporter
- (or (ignore-errors (org-lparse-get 'LATEX-FRAGMENT-FALLBACK))
- (if (and (org-check-external-command "latex" "" t)
- (org-check-external-command "dvipng" "" t))
- 'dvipng
- 'verbatim)))
- (org-lparse-insert-tag-with-newlines 'both)
- (org-lparse-to-buffer to-buffer)
- (org-lparse-body-only body-only)
- (org-lparse-entity-control-callbacks-alist
- (org-lparse-get 'ENTITY-CONTROL))
- (org-lparse-entity-format-callbacks-alist
- (org-lparse-get 'ENTITY-FORMAT))
- (opt-plist
- (org-export-process-option-filters
- (org-combine-plists (org-default-export-plist)
- ext-plist
- (org-infile-export-plist))))
- (body-only (or body-only (plist-get opt-plist :body-only)))
- valid org-lparse-dyn-first-heading-pos
- (odd org-odd-levels-only)
- (region-p (org-region-active-p))
- (rbeg (and region-p (region-beginning)))
- (rend (and region-p (region-end)))
- (subtree-p
- (if (plist-get opt-plist :ignore-subtree-p)
- nil
- (when region-p
- (save-excursion
- (goto-char rbeg)
- (and (org-at-heading-p)
- (>= (org-end-of-subtree t t) rend))))))
- (level-offset (if subtree-p
- (save-excursion
- (goto-char rbeg)
- (+ (funcall outline-level)
- (if org-odd-levels-only 1 0)))
- 0))
- (opt-plist (setq org-export-opt-plist
- (if subtree-p
- (org-export-add-subtree-options opt-plist rbeg)
- opt-plist)))
- ;; The following two are dynamically scoped into other
- ;; routines below.
- (org-current-export-dir
- (or pub-dir (org-lparse-get 'EXPORT-DIR opt-plist)))
- (org-current-export-file buffer-file-name)
- (level 0) (line "") (origline "") txt todo
- (umax nil)
- (umax-toc nil)
- (filename (if to-buffer nil
- (expand-file-name
- (concat
- (file-name-sans-extension
- (or (and subtree-p
- (org-entry-get (region-beginning)
- (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name)))
- "." (org-lparse-get 'FILE-NAME-EXTENSION opt-plist))
- (file-name-as-directory
- (or pub-dir (org-lparse-get 'EXPORT-DIR opt-plist))))))
- (current-dir (if buffer-file-name
- (file-name-directory buffer-file-name)
- default-directory))
- (auto-insert nil) ; Avoid any auto-insert stuff for the new file
- (buffer (if to-buffer
- (cond
- ((eq to-buffer 'string)
- (get-buffer-create (org-lparse-get 'EXPORT-BUFFER-NAME)))
- (t (get-buffer-create to-buffer)))
- (find-file-noselect
- (or (let ((f (org-lparse-get 'INIT-METHOD)))
- (and f (functionp f) (funcall f filename)))
- filename))))
- (org-levels-open (make-vector org-level-max nil))
- (dummy (mapc
- (lambda(p)
- (let* ((val (plist-get opt-plist p))
- (val (org-xml-encode-org-text-skip-links val)))
- (setq opt-plist (plist-put opt-plist p val))))
- '(:date :author :keywords :description)))
- (date (plist-get opt-plist :date))
- (date (cond
- ((and date (string-match "%" date))
- (format-time-string date))
- (date date)
- (t (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d %T %Z"))))
- (dummy (setq opt-plist (plist-put opt-plist :effective-date date)))
- (title (org-xml-encode-org-text-skip-links
- (or (and subtree-p (org-export-get-title-from-subtree))
- (plist-get opt-plist :title)
- (and (not body-only)
- (not
- (plist-get opt-plist :skip-before-1st-heading))
- (org-export-grab-title-from-buffer))
- (and buffer-file-name
- (file-name-sans-extension
- (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name)))
- (dummy (setq opt-plist (plist-put opt-plist :title title)))
- (html-table-tag (plist-get opt-plist :html-table-tag))
- (quote-re0 (concat "^ *" org-quote-string "\\( +\\|[ \t]*$\\)"))
- (quote-re (format org-heading-keyword-regexp-format
- org-quote-string))
- (org-lparse-dyn-current-environment nil)
- ;; Get the language-dependent settings
- (lang-words (or (assoc (plist-get opt-plist :language)
- org-export-language-setup)
- (assoc "en" org-export-language-setup)))
- (dummy (setq opt-plist (plist-put opt-plist :lang-words lang-words)))
- (head-count 0) cnt
- (start 0)
- (coding-system-for-write
- (or (ignore-errors (org-lparse-get 'CODING-SYSTEM-FOR-WRITE))
- (and (boundp 'buffer-file-coding-system)
- buffer-file-coding-system)))
- (save-buffer-coding-system
- (or (ignore-errors (org-lparse-get 'CODING-SYSTEM-FOR-SAVE))
- (and (boundp 'buffer-file-coding-system)
- buffer-file-coding-system)))
- (region
- (buffer-substring
- (if region-p (region-beginning) (point-min))
- (if region-p (region-end) (point-max))))
- (org-export-have-math nil)
- (org-export-footnotes-seen nil)
- (org-export-footnotes-data (org-footnote-all-labels 'with-defs))
- (org-footnote-insert-pos-for-preprocessor 'point-min)
- (org-lparse-opt-plist opt-plist)
- (lines
- (org-split-string
- (org-export-preprocess-string
- region
- :emph-multiline t
- :for-backend (if (equal org-lparse-backend 'xhtml) ; hack
- 'html
- org-lparse-backend)
- :skip-before-1st-heading
- (plist-get opt-plist :skip-before-1st-heading)
- :drawers (plist-get opt-plist :drawers)
- :todo-keywords (plist-get opt-plist :todo-keywords)
- :tasks (plist-get opt-plist :tasks)
- :tags (plist-get opt-plist :tags)
- :priority (plist-get opt-plist :priority)
- :footnotes (plist-get opt-plist :footnotes)
- :timestamps (plist-get opt-plist :timestamps)
- :archived-trees
- (plist-get opt-plist :archived-trees)
- :select-tags (plist-get opt-plist :select-tags)
- :exclude-tags (plist-get opt-plist :exclude-tags)
- :add-text
- (plist-get opt-plist :text)
- :LaTeX-fragments
- (plist-get opt-plist :LaTeX-fragments))
- "[\r\n]"))
- table-open
- table-buffer table-orig-buffer
- ind
- rpl path attr desc descp desc1 desc2 link
- snumber fnc
- footnotes footref-seen
- org-lparse-output-buffer
- org-lparse-footnote-definitions
- org-lparse-footnote-number
- ;; collection
- org-lparse-collect-buffer
- (org-lparse-collect-count 0) ; things will get haywire if
- ; collections are chained. Use
- ; this variable to assert this
- ; pre-requisite
- org-lparse-toc
- href
- )
- (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
- (org-unmodified
- (remove-text-properties (point-min) (point-max)
- '(:org-license-to-kill t))))
- (message "Exporting...")
- (org-init-section-numbers)
- ;; Switch to the output buffer
- (setq org-lparse-output-buffer buffer)
- (set-buffer org-lparse-output-buffer)
- (let ((inhibit-read-only t)) (erase-buffer))
- (fundamental-mode)
- (org-install-letbind)
- (and (fboundp 'set-buffer-file-coding-system)
- (set-buffer-file-coding-system coding-system-for-write))
- (let ((case-fold-search nil)
- (org-odd-levels-only odd))
- ;; create local variables for all options, to make sure all called
- ;; functions get the correct information
- (mapc (lambda (x)
- (set (make-local-variable (nth 2 x))
- (plist-get opt-plist (car x))))
- org-export-plist-vars)
- (setq umax (if arg (prefix-numeric-value arg)
- org-export-headline-levels))
- (setq umax-toc (if (integerp org-export-with-toc)
- (min org-export-with-toc umax)
- umax))
- (setq org-lparse-opt-plist
- (plist-put org-lparse-opt-plist :headline-levels umax))
- (when (and org-export-with-toc (not body-only))
- (setq lines (org-lparse-prepare-toc
- lines level-offset opt-plist umax-toc)))
- (unless body-only
- (org-lparse-begin 'DOCUMENT-CONTENT opt-plist)
- (org-lparse-begin 'DOCUMENT-BODY opt-plist))
- (setq head-count 0)
- (org-init-section-numbers)
- (org-lparse-begin-paragraph)
- (while (setq line (pop lines) origline line)
- (catch 'nextline
- (when (and (org-lparse-current-environment-p 'quote)
- (string-match org-outline-regexp-bol line))
- (org-lparse-end-environment 'quote))
- (when (org-lparse-current-environment-p 'quote)
- (org-lparse-insert 'LINE line)
- (throw 'nextline nil))
- ;; Fixed-width, verbatim lines (examples)
- (when (and org-export-with-fixed-width
- (string-match "^[ \t]*:\\(\\([ \t]\\|$\\)\\(.*\\)\\)" line))
- (when (not (org-lparse-current-environment-p 'fixedwidth))
- (org-lparse-begin-environment 'fixedwidth))
- (org-lparse-insert 'LINE (match-string 3 line))
- (when (or (not lines)
- (not (string-match "^[ \t]*:\\(\\([ \t]\\|$\\)\\(.*\\)\\)"
- (car lines))))
- (org-lparse-end-environment 'fixedwidth))
- (throw 'nextline nil))
- ;; Native Text
- (when (and (get-text-property 0 'org-native-text line)
- ;; Make sure it is the entire line that is protected
- (not (< (or (next-single-property-change
- 0 'org-native-text line) 10000)
- (length line))))
- (let ((ind (get-text-property 0 'original-indentation line)))
- (org-lparse-begin-environment 'native)
- (org-lparse-insert 'LINE line)
- (while (and lines
- (or (= (length (car lines)) 0)
- (not ind)
- (equal ind (get-text-property
- 0 'original-indentation (car lines))))
- (or (= (length (car lines)) 0)
- (get-text-property 0 'org-native-text (car lines))))
- (org-lparse-insert 'LINE (pop lines)))
- (org-lparse-end-environment 'native))
- (throw 'nextline nil))
- ;; Protected HTML
- (when (and (get-text-property 0 'org-protected line)
- ;; Make sure it is the entire line that is protected
- (not (< (or (next-single-property-change
- 0 'org-protected line) 10000)
- (length line))))
- (let ((ind (get-text-property 0 'original-indentation line)))
- (org-lparse-insert 'LINE line)
- (while (and lines
- (or (= (length (car lines)) 0)
- (not ind)
- (equal ind (get-text-property
- 0 'original-indentation (car lines))))
- (or (= (length (car lines)) 0)
- (get-text-property 0 'org-protected (car lines))))
- (org-lparse-insert 'LINE (pop lines))))
- (throw 'nextline nil))
- ;; Blockquotes, verse, and center
- (when (string-match
- "^ORG-\\(.+\\)-\\(START\\|END\\)\\([ \t]+.*\\)?$" line)
- (let* ((style (intern (downcase (match-string 1 line))))
- (env-options-plist (org-lparse-get-block-params
- (match-string 3 line)))
- (f (cdr (assoc (match-string 2 line)
- '(("START" . org-lparse-begin-environment)
- ("END" . org-lparse-end-environment))))))
- (when (memq style
- (append
- '(blockquote verse center)
- (mapcar 'intern org-lparse-special-blocks)))
- (funcall f style env-options-plist)
- (throw 'nextline nil))))
- (when (org-lparse-current-environment-p 'verse)
- (let ((i (org-get-string-indentation line)))
- (if (> i 0)
- (setq line (concat
- (let ((org-lparse-encode-pending t))
- (org-lparse-format 'SPACES (* 2 i)))
- " " (org-trim line))))
- (unless (string-match "\\\\\\\\[ \t]*$" line)
- (setq line (concat line "\\\\")))))
- ;; make targets to anchors
- (setq start 0)
- (while (string-match
- "<<<?\\([^<>]*\\)>>>?\\((INVISIBLE)\\)?[ \t]*\n?" line start)
- (cond
- ((get-text-property (match-beginning 1) 'org-protected line)
- (setq start (match-end 1)))
- ((match-end 2)
- (setq line (replace-match
- (let ((org-lparse-encode-pending t))
- (org-lparse-format
- 'ANCHOR "" (org-solidify-link-text
- (match-string 1 line))))
- t t line)))
- ((and org-export-with-toc (equal (string-to-char line) ?*))
- ;; FIXME: NOT DEPENDENT on TOC?????????????????????
- (setq line (replace-match
- (let ((org-lparse-encode-pending t))
- (org-lparse-format
- 'FONTIFY (match-string 1 line) "target"))
- ;; (concat "@<i>" (match-string 1 line) "@</i> ")
- t t line)))
- (t
- (setq line (replace-match
- (concat
- (let ((org-lparse-encode-pending t))
- (org-lparse-format
- 'ANCHOR (match-string 1 line)
- (org-solidify-link-text (match-string 1 line))
- "target")) " ")
- t t line)))))
- (let ((org-lparse-encode-pending t))
- (setq line (org-lparse-handle-time-stamps line)))
- ;; replace "&" by "&amp;", "<" and ">" by "&lt;" and "&gt;"
- ;; handle @<..> HTML tags (replace "@&gt;..&lt;" by "<..>")
- ;; Also handle sub_superscripts and checkboxes
- (or (string-match org-table-hline-regexp line)
- (string-match "^[ \t]*\\([+]-\\||[ ]\\)[-+ |]*[+|][ \t]*$" line)
- (setq line (org-xml-encode-org-text-skip-links line)))
- (setq line (org-lparse-format-org-link line opt-plist))
- ;; TODO items
- (if (and org-todo-line-regexp
- (string-match org-todo-line-regexp line)
- (match-beginning 2))
- (setq line (concat
- (substring line 0 (match-beginning 2))
- (org-lparse-format 'TODO (match-string 2 line))
- (substring line (match-end 2)))))
- ;; Does this contain a reference to a footnote?
- (when org-export-with-footnotes
- (setq start 0)
- (while (string-match "\\([^* \t].*?\\)[ \t]*\\[\\([0-9]+\\)\\]" line start)
- ;; Discard protected matches not clearly identified as
- ;; footnote markers.
- (if (or (get-text-property (match-beginning 2) 'org-protected line)
- (not (get-text-property (match-beginning 2) 'org-footnote line)))
- (setq start (match-end 2))
- (let ((n (match-string 2 line)) refcnt a)
- (if (setq a (assoc n footref-seen))
- (progn
- (setcdr a (1+ (cdr a)))
- (setq refcnt (cdr a)))
- (setq refcnt 1)
- (push (cons n 1) footref-seen))
- (setq line
- (replace-match
- (concat
- (or (match-string 1 line) "")
- (org-lparse-format
- n (cdr (assoc n org-lparse-footnote-definitions))
- refcnt)
- ;; If another footnote is following the
- ;; current one, add a separator.
- (if (save-match-data
- (string-match "\\`\\[[0-9]+\\]"
- (substring line (match-end 0))))
- (ignore-errors
- (org-lparse-get 'FOOTNOTE-SEPARATOR))
- ""))
- t t line))))))
- (cond
- ((string-match "^\\(\\*+\\)\\(?: +\\(.*?\\)\\)?[ \t]*$" line)
- ;; This is a headline
- (setq level (org-tr-level (- (match-end 1) (match-beginning 1)
- level-offset))
- txt (match-string 2 line))
- (if (string-match quote-re0 txt)
- (setq txt (replace-match "" t t txt)))
- (if (<= level (max umax umax-toc))
- (setq head-count (+ head-count 1)))
- (unless org-lparse-dyn-first-heading-pos
- (setq org-lparse-dyn-first-heading-pos (point)))
- (org-lparse-begin-level level txt umax head-count)
- (when (string-match quote-re line)
- (org-lparse-begin-environment 'quote)))
- ((and org-export-with-tables
- (string-match "^\\([ \t]*\\)\\(|\\|\\+-+\\+\\)" line))
- (when (not table-open)
- ;; New table starts
- (setq table-open t table-buffer nil table-orig-buffer nil))
- ;; Accumulate lines
- (setq table-buffer (cons line table-buffer)
- table-orig-buffer (cons origline table-orig-buffer))
- (when (or (not lines)
- (not (string-match "^\\([ \t]*\\)\\(|\\|\\+-+\\+\\)"
- (car lines))))
- (setq table-open nil
- table-buffer (nreverse table-buffer)
- table-orig-buffer (nreverse table-orig-buffer))
- (org-lparse-end-paragraph)
- (when org-lparse-list-table-p
- (error "Regular tables are not allowed in a list-table block"))
- (org-lparse-insert 'TABLE table-buffer table-orig-buffer)))
- ;; Normal lines
- (t
- ;; This line either is list item or end a list.
- (when (get-text-property 0 'list-item line)
- (setq line (org-lparse-export-list-line
- line
- (get-text-property 0 'list-item line)
- (get-text-property 0 'list-struct line)
- (get-text-property 0 'list-prevs line))))
- ;; Horizontal line
- (when (string-match "^[ \t]*-\\{5,\\}[ \t]*$" line)
- (with-org-lparse-preserve-paragraph-state
- (org-lparse-insert 'HORIZONTAL-LINE))
- (throw 'nextline nil))
- ;; Empty lines start a new paragraph. If hand-formatted lists
- ;; are not fully interpreted, lines starting with "-", "+", "*"
- ;; also start a new paragraph.
- (when (string-match "^ [-+*]-\\|^[ \t]*$" line)
- (when org-lparse-footnote-number
- (org-lparse-end-footnote-definition org-lparse-footnote-number)
- (setq org-lparse-footnote-number nil))
- (org-lparse-begin-paragraph))
- ;; Is this the start of a footnote?
- (when org-export-with-footnotes
- (when (and (boundp 'footnote-section-tag-regexp)
- (string-match (concat "^" footnote-section-tag-regexp)
- line))
- ;; ignore this line
- (throw 'nextline nil))
- (when (string-match "^[ \t]*\\[\\([0-9]+\\)\\]" line)
- (org-lparse-end-paragraph)
- (setq org-lparse-footnote-number (match-string 1 line))
- (setq line (replace-match "" t t line))
- (org-lparse-begin-footnote-definition org-lparse-footnote-number)))
- ;; Check if the line break needs to be conserved
- (cond
- ((string-match "\\\\\\\\[ \t]*$" line)
- (setq line (replace-match
- (org-lparse-format 'LINE-BREAK)
- t t line)))
- (org-export-preserve-breaks
- (setq line (concat line (org-lparse-format 'LINE-BREAK)))))
- ;; Check if a paragraph should be started
- (let ((start 0))
- (while (and org-lparse-par-open
- (string-match "\\\\par\\>" line start))
- (error "FIXME")
- ;; Leave a space in the </p> so that the footnote matcher
- ;; does not see this.
- (if (not (get-text-property (match-beginning 0)
- 'org-protected line))
- (setq line (replace-match "</p ><p >" t t line)))
- (setq start (match-end 0))))
- (org-lparse-insert 'LINE line)))))
- ;; Properly close all local lists and other lists
- (when (org-lparse-current-environment-p 'quote)
- (org-lparse-end-environment 'quote))
- (org-lparse-end-level 1 umax)
- ;; the </div> to close the last text-... div.
- (when (and (> umax 0) org-lparse-dyn-first-heading-pos)
- (org-lparse-end-outline-text-or-outline))
- (org-lparse-end 'DOCUMENT-BODY opt-plist)
- (unless body-only
- (org-lparse-end 'DOCUMENT-CONTENT))
- (org-lparse-end 'EXPORT)
- ;; kill collection buffer
- (when org-lparse-collect-buffer
- (kill-buffer org-lparse-collect-buffer))
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (or (org-export-push-to-kill-ring
- (upcase (symbol-name org-lparse-backend)))
- (message "Exporting... done"))
- (cond
- ((not to-buffer)
- (let ((f (org-lparse-get 'SAVE-METHOD)))
- (or (and f (functionp f) (funcall f filename opt-plist))
- (save-buffer)))
- (or (and (boundp 'org-lparse-other-backend)
- org-lparse-other-backend
- (not (equal org-lparse-backend org-lparse-other-backend))
- (org-lparse-do-convert
- buffer-file-name (symbol-name org-lparse-other-backend)))
- (current-buffer)))
- ((eq to-buffer 'string)
- (prog1 (buffer-substring (point-min) (point-max))
- (kill-buffer (current-buffer))))
- (t (current-buffer))))))
-(defun org-lparse-format-table (lines olines)
- "Returns backend-specific code for org-type and table-type tables."
- (if (stringp lines)
- (setq lines (org-split-string lines "\n")))
- (if (string-match "^[ \t]*|" (car lines))
- ;; A normal org table
- (org-lparse-format-org-table lines nil)
- ;; Table made by table.el
- (or (org-lparse-format-table-table-using-table-generate-source
- ;; FIXME: Need to take care of this during merge
- (if (eq org-lparse-backend 'xhtml) 'html org-lparse-backend)
- olines
- (not org-export-prefer-native-exporter-for-tables))
- ;; We are here only when table.el table has NO col or row
- ;; spanning and the user prefers using org's own converter for
- ;; exporting of such simple table.el tables.
- (org-lparse-format-table-table lines))))
-(defun org-lparse-table-get-colalign-info (lines)
- (let ((col-cookies (org-find-text-property-in-string
- 'org-col-cookies (car lines))))
- (when (and col-cookies org-table-clean-did-remove-column)
- (setq col-cookies
- (mapcar (lambda (x) (cons (1- (car x)) (cdr x))) col-cookies)))
- col-cookies))
-(defvar org-lparse-table-style)
-(defvar org-lparse-table-ncols)
-(defvar org-lparse-table-rownum)
-(defvar org-lparse-table-is-styled)
-(defvar org-lparse-table-begin-marker)
-(defvar org-lparse-table-num-numeric-items-per-column)
-(defvar org-lparse-table-colalign-info)
-(defvar org-lparse-table-colalign-vector)
-;; Following variables are defined in org-table.el
-(defvar org-table-number-fraction)
-(defvar org-table-number-regexp)
-(defun org-lparse-org-table-to-list-table (lines &optional splice)
- "Convert org-table to list-table.
-LINES is a list of the form (ROW1 ROW2 ROW3 ...) where each
-element is a `string' representing a single row of org-table.
-Thus each ROW has vertical separators \"|\" separating the table
-fields. A ROW could also be a row-group separator of the form
-\"|---...|\". Return a list of the form (ROW1 ROW2 ROW3
-...). ROW could either be symbol `:hrule' or a list of the
-form (FIELD1 FIELD2 FIELD3 ...) as appropriate."
- (let (line lines-1)
- (cond
- (splice
- (while (setq line (pop lines))
- (unless (string-match "^[ \t]*|-" line)
- (push (org-split-string line "[ \t]*|[ \t]*") lines-1))))
- (t
- (while (setq line (pop lines))
- (cond
- ((string-match "^[ \t]*|-" line)
- (when lines
- (push :hrule lines-1)))
- (t
- (push (org-split-string line "[ \t]*|[ \t]*") lines-1))))))
- (nreverse lines-1)))
-(defun org-lparse-insert-org-table (lines &optional splice)
- "Format a org-type table into backend-specific code.
-LINES is a list of lines. Optional argument SPLICE means, do not
-insert header and surrounding <table> tags, just format the lines.
-Optional argument NO-CSS means use XHTML attributes instead of CSS
-for formatting. This is required for the DocBook exporter."
- (require 'org-table)
- ;; Get rid of hlines at beginning and end
- (if (string-match "^[ \t]*|-" (car lines)) (setq lines (cdr lines)))
- (setq lines (nreverse lines))
- (if (string-match "^[ \t]*|-" (car lines)) (setq lines (cdr lines)))
- (setq lines (nreverse lines))
- (when org-export-table-remove-special-lines
- ;; Check if the table has a marking column. If yes remove the
- ;; column and the special lines
- (setq lines (org-table-clean-before-export lines)))
- (let* ((caption (org-find-text-property-in-string 'org-caption (car lines)))
- (short-caption (or (org-find-text-property-in-string
- 'org-caption-shortn (car lines)) caption))
- (caption (and caption (org-xml-encode-org-text caption)))
- (short-caption (and short-caption
- (org-xml-encode-plain-text short-caption)))
- (label (org-find-text-property-in-string 'org-label (car lines)))
- (org-lparse-table-colalign-info (org-lparse-table-get-colalign-info lines))
- (attributes (org-find-text-property-in-string 'org-attributes
- (car lines)))
- (head (and org-export-highlight-first-table-line
- (delq nil (mapcar
- (lambda (x) (string-match "^[ \t]*|-" x))
- (cdr lines))))))
- (setq lines (org-lparse-org-table-to-list-table lines splice))
- (org-lparse-insert-list-table
- lines splice caption label attributes head org-lparse-table-colalign-info
- short-caption)))
-(defun org-lparse-insert-list-table (lines &optional splice
- caption label attributes head
- org-lparse-table-colalign-info
- short-caption)
- (or (featurep 'org-table) ; required for
- (require 'org-table)) ; `org-table-number-regexp'
- (let* ((org-lparse-table-rownum -1) org-lparse-table-ncols i (cnt 0)
- tbopen fields line
- org-lparse-table-cur-rowgrp-is-hdr
- org-lparse-table-rowgrp-open
- org-lparse-table-num-numeric-items-per-column
- org-lparse-table-colalign-vector n
- org-lparse-table-rowgrp-info
- org-lparse-table-begin-marker
- (org-lparse-table-style 'org-table)
- org-lparse-table-is-styled)
- (cond
- (splice
- (setq org-lparse-table-is-styled nil)
- (while (setq line (pop lines))
- (insert (org-lparse-format-table-row line) "\n")))
- (t
- (setq org-lparse-table-is-styled t)
- (org-lparse-begin 'TABLE caption label attributes short-caption)
- (setq org-lparse-table-begin-marker (point))
- (org-lparse-begin-table-rowgroup head)
- (while (setq line (pop lines))
- (cond
- ((equal line :hrule)
- (org-lparse-begin-table-rowgroup))
- (t
- (insert (org-lparse-format-table-row line) "\n"))))
- (org-lparse-end 'TABLE-ROWGROUP)
- (org-lparse-end-table)))))
-(defun org-lparse-format-org-table (lines &optional splice)
- (with-temp-buffer
- (org-lparse-insert-org-table lines splice)
- (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max))))
-(defun org-lparse-format-list-table (lines &optional splice)
- (with-temp-buffer
- (org-lparse-insert-list-table lines splice)
- (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max))))
-(defun org-lparse-insert-table-table (lines)
- "Format a table generated by table.el into backend-specific code.
-This conversion does *not* use `table-generate-source' from table.el.
-This has the advantage that Org-mode's HTML conversions can be used.
-But it has the disadvantage, that no cell- or row-spanning is allowed."
- (let (line field-buffer
- (org-lparse-table-cur-rowgrp-is-hdr
- org-export-highlight-first-table-line)
- (caption nil)
- (short-caption nil)
- (attributes nil)
- (label nil)
- (org-lparse-table-style 'table-table)
- (org-lparse-table-is-styled nil)
- fields org-lparse-table-ncols i (org-lparse-table-rownum -1)
- (empty (org-lparse-format 'SPACES 1)))
- (org-lparse-begin 'TABLE caption label attributes short-caption)
- (while (setq line (pop lines))
- (cond
- ((string-match "^[ \t]*\\+-" line)
- (when field-buffer
- (let ((org-export-table-row-tags '("<tr>" . "</tr>"))
- ;; (org-export-html-table-use-header-tags-for-first-column nil)
- )
- (insert (org-lparse-format-table-row field-buffer empty)))
- (setq org-lparse-table-cur-rowgrp-is-hdr nil)
- (setq field-buffer nil)))
- (t
- ;; Break the line into fields and store the fields
- (setq fields (org-split-string line "[ \t]*|[ \t]*"))
- (if field-buffer
- (setq field-buffer (mapcar
- (lambda (x)
- (concat x (org-lparse-format 'LINE-BREAK)
- (pop fields)))
- field-buffer))
- (setq field-buffer fields)))))
- (org-lparse-end-table)))
-(defun org-lparse-format-table-table (lines)
- (with-temp-buffer
- (org-lparse-insert-table-table lines)
- (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max))))
-(defvar table-source-languages) ; defined in table.el
-(defun org-lparse-format-table-table-using-table-generate-source (backend
- lines
- &optional
- spanned-only)
- "Format a table into BACKEND, using `table-generate-source' from table.el.
-Use SPANNED-ONLY to suppress exporting of simple table.el tables.
-When SPANNED-ONLY is nil, all table.el tables are exported. When
-SPANNED-ONLY is non-nil, only tables with either row or column
-spans are exported.
-This routine returns the generated source or nil as appropriate.
-Refer docstring of `org-export-prefer-native-exporter-for-tables'
-for further information."
- (require 'table)
- (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create " org-tmp1 ")
- (erase-buffer)
- (insert (mapconcat 'identity lines "\n"))
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (if (not (re-search-forward "|[^+]" nil t))
- (error "Error processing table"))
- (table-recognize-table)
- (when (or (not spanned-only)
- (let* ((dim (table-query-dimension))
- (c (nth 4 dim)) (r (nth 5 dim)) (cells (nth 6 dim)))
- (not (= (* c r) cells))))
- (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create " org-tmp2 ") (erase-buffer))
- (cond
- ((member backend table-source-languages)
- (table-generate-source backend " org-tmp2 ")
- (set-buffer " org-tmp2 ")
- (buffer-substring (point-min) (point-max)))
- (t
- ;; table.el doesn't support the given backend. Currently this
- ;; happens in case of odt export. Strip the table from the
- ;; generated document. A better alternative would be to embed
- ;; the table as ascii text in the output document.
- (org-lparse-warn
- (concat
- "Found table.el-type table in the source org file. "
- (format "table.el doesn't support %s backend. "
- (upcase (symbol-name backend)))
- "Skipping ahead ..."))
- "")))))
-(defun org-lparse-handle-time-stamps (s)
- "Format time stamps in string S, or remove them."
- (catch 'exit
- (let (r b)
- (when org-maybe-keyword-time-regexp
- (while (string-match org-maybe-keyword-time-regexp s)
- (or b (setq b (substring s 0 (match-beginning 0))))
- (setq r (concat
- r (substring s 0 (match-beginning 0)) " "
- (org-lparse-format
- (concat
- (if (match-end 1)
- (org-lparse-format
- (match-string 1 s) "timestamp-kwd"))
- " "
- (org-lparse-format
- (substring (org-translate-time (match-string 3 s)) 1 -1)
- "timestamp"))
- "timestamp-wrapper"))
- s (substring s (match-end 0)))))
- ;; Line break if line started and ended with time stamp stuff
- (if (not r)
- s
- (setq r (concat r s))
- (unless (string-match "\\S-" (concat b s))
- (setq r (concat r (org-lparse-format 'LINE-BREAK))))
- r))))
-(defun org-xml-encode-plain-text (s)
- "Convert plain text characters to HTML equivalent.
-Possible conversions are set in `org-export-html-protect-char-alist'."
- (let ((cl (org-lparse-get 'PLAIN-TEXT-MAP)) c)
- (while (setq c (pop cl))
- (let ((start 0))
- (while (string-match (car c) s start)
- (setq s (replace-match (cdr c) t t s)
- start (1+ (match-beginning 0))))))
- s))
-(defun org-xml-encode-org-text-skip-links (string)
- "Prepare STRING for HTML export. Apply all active conversions.
-If there are links in the string, don't modify these. If STRING
-is nil, return nil."
- (when string
- (let* ((re (concat org-bracket-link-regexp "\\|"
- (org-re "[ \t]+\\(:[[:alnum:]_@#%:]+:\\)[ \t]*$")))
- m s l res)
- (while (setq m (string-match re string))
- (setq s (substring string 0 m)
- l (match-string 0 string)
- string (substring string (match-end 0)))
- (push (org-xml-encode-org-text s) res)
- (push l res))
- (push (org-xml-encode-org-text string) res)
- (apply 'concat (nreverse res)))))
-(defun org-xml-encode-org-text (s)
- "Apply all active conversions to translate special ASCII to HTML."
- (setq s (org-xml-encode-plain-text s))
- (if org-export-html-expand
- (while (string-match "@&lt;\\([^&]*\\)&gt;" s)
- (setq s (replace-match "<\\1>" t nil s))))
- (if org-export-with-emphasize
- (setq s (org-lparse-apply-char-styles s)))
- (if org-export-with-special-strings
- (setq s (org-lparse-convert-special-strings s)))
- (if org-export-with-sub-superscripts
- (setq s (org-lparse-apply-sub-superscript-styles s)))
- (if org-export-with-TeX-macros
- (let ((start 0) wd rep)
- (while (setq start (string-match "\\\\\\([a-zA-Z]+[0-9]*\\)\\({}\\)?"
- s start))
- (if (get-text-property (match-beginning 0) 'org-protected s)
- (setq start (match-end 0))
- (setq wd (match-string 1 s))
- (if (setq rep (org-lparse-format 'ORG-ENTITY wd))
- (setq s (replace-match rep t t s))
- (setq start (+ start (length wd))))))))
- s)
-(defun org-lparse-convert-special-strings (string)
- "Convert special characters in STRING to HTML."
- (let ((all (org-lparse-get 'SPECIAL-STRING-REGEXPS))
- e a re rpl start)
- (while (setq a (pop all))
- (setq re (car a) rpl (cdr a) start 0)
- (while (string-match re string start)
- (if (get-text-property (match-beginning 0) 'org-protected string)
- (setq start (match-end 0))
- (setq string (replace-match rpl t nil string)))))
- string))
-(defun org-lparse-apply-sub-superscript-styles (string)
- "Apply subscript and superscript styles to STRING.
-Use `org-export-with-sub-superscripts' to control application of
-sub and superscript styles."
- (let (key c (s 0) (requireb (eq org-export-with-sub-superscripts '{})))
- (while (string-match org-match-substring-regexp string s)
- (cond
- ((and requireb (match-end 8)) (setq s (match-end 2)))
- ((get-text-property (match-beginning 2) 'org-protected string)
- (setq s (match-end 2)))
- (t
- (setq s (match-end 1)
- key (if (string= (match-string 2 string) "_")
- 'subscript 'superscript)
- c (or (match-string 8 string)
- (match-string 6 string)
- (match-string 5 string))
- string (replace-match
- (concat (match-string 1 string)
- (org-lparse-format 'FONTIFY c key))
- t t string)))))
- (while (string-match "\\\\\\([_^]\\)" string)
- (setq string (replace-match (match-string 1 string) t t string)))
- string))
-(defvar org-lparse-char-styles
- `(("*" bold)
- ("/" emphasis)
- ("_" underline)
- ("=" code)
- ("~" verbatim)
- ("+" strike))
- "Map Org emphasis markers to char styles.
-This is an alist where each element is of the
-(defun org-lparse-apply-char-styles (string)
- "Apply char styles to STRING.
-The variable `org-lparse-char-styles' controls how the Org
-emphasis markers are interpreted."
- (let ((s 0) rpl)
- (while (string-match org-emph-re string s)
- (if (not (equal
- (substring string (match-beginning 3) (1+ (match-beginning 3)))
- (substring string (match-beginning 4) (1+ (match-beginning 4)))))
- (setq s (match-beginning 0)
- rpl
- (concat
- (match-string 1 string)
- (org-lparse-format
- 'FONTIFY (match-string 4 string)
- (nth 1 (assoc (match-string 3 string)
- org-lparse-char-styles)))
- (match-string 5 string))
- string (replace-match rpl t t string)
- s (+ s (- (length rpl) 2)))
- (setq s (1+ s))))
- string))
-(defun org-lparse-export-list-line (line pos struct prevs)
- "Insert list syntax in export buffer. Return LINE, maybe modified.
-POS is the item position or line position the line had before
-modifications to buffer. STRUCT is the list structure. PREVS is
-the alist of previous items."
- (let* ((get-type
- (function
- ;; Translate type of list containing POS to "d", "o" or
- ;; "u".
- (lambda (pos struct prevs)
- (let ((type (org-list-get-list-type pos struct prevs)))
- (cond
- ((eq 'ordered type) "o")
- ((eq 'descriptive type) "d")
- (t "u"))))))
- (get-closings
- (function
- ;; Return list of all items and sublists ending at POS, in
- ;; reverse order.
- (lambda (pos)
- (let (out)
- (catch 'exit
- (mapc (lambda (e)
- (let ((end (nth 6 e))
- (item (car e)))
- (cond
- ((= end pos) (push item out))
- ((>= item pos) (throw 'exit nil)))))
- struct))
- out)))))
- ;; First close any previous item, or list, ending at POS.
- (mapc (lambda (e)
- (let* ((lastp (= (org-list-get-last-item e struct prevs) e))
- (first-item (org-list-get-list-begin e struct prevs))
- (type (funcall get-type first-item struct prevs)))
- (org-lparse-end-paragraph)
- ;; Ending for every item
- (org-lparse-end-list-item-1 type)
- ;; We're ending last item of the list: end list.
- (when lastp
- (org-lparse-end-list type)
- (org-lparse-begin-paragraph))))
- (funcall get-closings pos))
- (cond
- ;; At an item: insert appropriate tags in export buffer.
- ((assq pos struct)
- (string-match
- (concat "[ \t]*\\(\\S-+[ \t]*\\)"
- "\\(?:\\[@\\(?:start:\\)?\\([0-9]+\\|[A-Za-z]\\)\\][ \t]*\\)?"
- "\\(?:\\(\\[[ X-]\\]\\)[ \t]+\\)?"
- "\\(?:\\(.*\\)[ \t]+::\\(?:[ \t]+\\|$\\)\\)?"
- "\\(.*\\)") line)
- (let* ((checkbox (match-string 3 line))
- (desc-tag (or (match-string 4 line) "???"))
- (body (or (match-string 5 line) ""))
- (list-beg (org-list-get-list-begin pos struct prevs))
- (firstp (= list-beg pos))
- ;; Always refer to first item to determine list type, in
- ;; case list is ill-formed.
- (type (funcall get-type list-beg struct prevs))
- (counter (let ((count-tmp (org-list-get-counter pos struct)))
- (cond
- ((not count-tmp) nil)
- ((string-match "[A-Za-z]" count-tmp)
- (- (string-to-char (upcase count-tmp)) 64))
- ((string-match "[0-9]+" count-tmp)
- count-tmp)))))
- (when firstp
- (org-lparse-end-paragraph)
- (org-lparse-begin-list type))
- (let ((arg (cond ((equal type "d") desc-tag)
- ((equal type "o") counter))))
- (org-lparse-begin-list-item type arg))
- ;; If line had a checkbox, some additional modification is required.
- (when checkbox
- (setq body
- (concat
- (org-lparse-format
- 'FONTIFY (concat
- "["
- (cond
- ((string-match "X" checkbox) "X")
- ((string-match " " checkbox)
- (org-lparse-format 'SPACES 1))
- (t "-"))
- "]")
- 'code)
- " "
- body)))
- ;; Return modified line
- body))
- ;; At a list ender: go to next line (side-effects only).
- ((equal "ORG-LIST-END-MARKER" line) (throw 'nextline nil))
- ;; Not at an item: return line unchanged (side-effects only).
- (t line))))
-(defun org-lparse-bind-local-variables (opt-plist)
- (mapc (lambda (x)
- (set (make-local-variable (nth 2 x))
- (plist-get opt-plist (car x))))
- org-export-plist-vars))
-(defvar org-lparse-table-rowgrp-open)
-(defvar org-lparse-table-cur-rowgrp-is-hdr)
-(defvar org-lparse-footnote-number)
-(defvar org-lparse-footnote-definitions)
-(defvar org-lparse-output-buffer nil
- "Buffer to which `org-do-lparse' writes to.
-This buffer contains the contents of the to-be-created exported
-(defcustom org-lparse-debug nil
- "Enable or Disable logging of `org-lparse' callbacks.
-The parameters passed to the backend-registered ENTITY-CONTROL
-and ENTITY-FORMAT callbacks are logged as comment strings in the
-exported buffer. (org-lparse-format 'COMMENT fmt args) is used
-for logging. Customize this variable only if you are an expert
-user. Valid values of this variable are:
-nil : Disable logging
-control : Log all invocations of `org-lparse-begin' and
- `org-lparse-end' callbacks.
-format : Log invocations of `org-lparse-format' callbacks.
-t : Log all invocations of `org-lparse-begin', `org-lparse-end'
- and `org-lparse-format' callbacks,"
- :group 'org-lparse
- :type '(choice
- (const :tag "Disable" nil)
- (const :tag "Format callbacks" format)
- (const :tag "Control callbacks" control)
- (const :tag "Format and Control callbacks" t)))
-(defun org-lparse-begin (entity &rest args)
- "Begin ENTITY in current buffer. ARGS is entity specific.
-Use (org-lparse-begin 'LIST \"o\") to begin a list in current
-See `org-xhtml-entity-control-callbacks-alist' for more
- (when (and (member org-lparse-debug '(t control))
- (not (eq entity 'DOCUMENT-CONTENT)))
- (insert (org-lparse-format 'COMMENT "%s BEGIN %S" entity args)))
- (let ((f (cadr (assoc entity org-lparse-entity-control-callbacks-alist))))
- (unless f (error "Unknown entity: %s" entity))
- (apply f args)))
-(defun org-lparse-end (entity &rest args)
- "Close ENTITY in current buffer. ARGS is entity specific.
-Use (org-lparse-end 'LIST \"o\") to close a list in current
-See `org-xhtml-entity-control-callbacks-alist' for more
- (when (and (member org-lparse-debug '(t control))
- (not (eq entity 'DOCUMENT-CONTENT)))
- (insert (org-lparse-format 'COMMENT "%s END %S" entity args)))
- (let ((f (caddr (assoc entity org-lparse-entity-control-callbacks-alist))))
- (unless f (error "Unknown entity: %s" entity))
- (apply f args)))
-(defun org-lparse-begin-paragraph (&optional style)
- "Insert <p>, but first close previous paragraph if any."
- (org-lparse-end-paragraph)
- (org-lparse-begin 'PARAGRAPH style)
- (setq org-lparse-par-open t))
-(defun org-lparse-end-paragraph ()
- "Close paragraph if there is one open."
- (when org-lparse-par-open
- (org-lparse-end 'PARAGRAPH)
- (setq org-lparse-par-open nil)))
-(defun org-lparse-end-list-item-1 (&optional type)
- "Close <li> if necessary."
- (org-lparse-end-paragraph)
- (org-lparse-end-list-item (or type "u")))
- 'org-lparse-preprocess-after-blockquote-hook
- 'org-lparse-preprocess-after-blockquote
- "24.3")
-(defun org-lparse-preprocess-after-blockquote ()
- "Treat `org-lparse-special-blocks' specially."
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (while (re-search-forward
- "^[ \t]*#\\+\\(begin\\|end\\)_\\(\\S-+\\)[ \t]*\\(.*\\)$" nil t)
- (when (member (downcase (match-string 2)) org-lparse-special-blocks)
- (replace-match
- (if (equal (downcase (match-string 1)) "begin")
- (format "ORG-%s-START %s" (upcase (match-string 2))
- (match-string 3))
- (format "ORG-%s-END %s" (upcase (match-string 2))
- (match-string 3))) t t))))
- 'org-lparse-strip-experimental-blocks-maybe-hook
- 'org-lparse-strip-experimental-blocks-maybe
- "24.3")
-(defun org-lparse-strip-experimental-blocks-maybe ()
- "Strip \"list-table\" and \"annotation\" blocks.
-Stripping happens only when the exported backend is not one of
-\"odt\" or \"xhtml\"."
- (when (not org-lparse-backend)
- (message "Stripping following blocks - %S" org-lparse-special-blocks)
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (let ((case-fold-search t))
- (while
- (re-search-forward
- "^[ \t]*#\\+begin_\\(\\S-+\\)\\([ \t]+.*\\)?\n\\([^\000]*?\\)\n[ \t]*#\\+end_\\1\\>.*"
- nil t)
- (when (member (match-string 1) org-lparse-special-blocks)
- (replace-match "" t t))))))
-(defvar org-lparse-list-table-p nil
- "Non-nil if `org-do-lparse' is within a list-table.")
-(defvar org-lparse-dyn-current-environment nil)
-(defun org-lparse-begin-environment (style &optional env-options-plist)
- (case style
- (list-table
- (setq org-lparse-list-table-p t))
- (t (setq org-lparse-dyn-current-environment style)
- (org-lparse-begin 'ENVIRONMENT style env-options-plist))))
-(defun org-lparse-end-environment (style &optional env-options-plist)
- (case style
- (list-table
- (setq org-lparse-list-table-p nil))
- (t (org-lparse-end 'ENVIRONMENT style env-options-plist)
- (setq org-lparse-dyn-current-environment nil))))
-(defun org-lparse-current-environment-p (style)
- (eq org-lparse-dyn-current-environment style))
-(defun org-lparse-begin-footnote-definition (n)
- (org-lparse-begin-collect)
- (setq org-lparse-insert-tag-with-newlines nil)
- (org-lparse-begin 'FOOTNOTE-DEFINITION n))
-(defun org-lparse-end-footnote-definition (n)
- (org-lparse-end 'FOOTNOTE-DEFINITION n)
- (setq org-lparse-insert-tag-with-newlines 'both)
- (let ((footnote-def (org-lparse-end-collect)))
- ;; Cleanup newlines in footnote definition. This ensures that a
- ;; transcoded line is never (wrongly) broken in to multiple lines.
- (let ((pos 0))
- (while (string-match "[\r\n]+" footnote-def pos)
- (setq pos (1+ (match-beginning 0)))
- (setq footnote-def (replace-match " " t t footnote-def))))
- (push (cons n footnote-def) org-lparse-footnote-definitions)))
-(defvar org-lparse-collect-buffer nil
- "An auxiliary buffer named \"*Org Lparse Collect*\".
-`org-do-lparse' uses this as output buffer while collecting
-footnote definitions and table-cell contents of list-tables. See
-`org-lparse-begin-collect' and `org-lparse-end-collect'.")
-(defvar org-lparse-collect-count nil
- "Count number of calls to `org-lparse-begin-collect'.
-Use this counter to catch chained collections if they ever
-(defun org-lparse-begin-collect ()
- "Temporarily switch to `org-lparse-collect-buffer'.
-Also erase it's contents."
- (unless (zerop org-lparse-collect-count)
- (error "FIXME (org-lparse.el): Encountered chained collections"))
- (incf org-lparse-collect-count)
- (unless org-lparse-collect-buffer
- (setq org-lparse-collect-buffer
- (get-buffer-create "*Org Lparse Collect*")))
- (set-buffer org-lparse-collect-buffer)
- (erase-buffer))
-(defun org-lparse-end-collect ()
- "Switch to `org-lparse-output-buffer'.
-Return contents of `org-lparse-collect-buffer' as a `string'."
- (assert (> org-lparse-collect-count 0))
- (decf org-lparse-collect-count)
- (prog1 (buffer-string)
- (erase-buffer)
- (set-buffer org-lparse-output-buffer)))
-(defun org-lparse-format (entity &rest args)
- "Format ENTITY in backend-specific way and return it.
-ARGS is specific to entity being formatted.
-Use (org-lparse-format 'HEADING \"text\" 1) to format text as
-level 1 heading.
-See `org-xhtml-entity-format-callbacks-alist' for more information."
- (when (and (member org-lparse-debug '(t format))
- (not (equal entity 'COMMENT)))
- (insert (org-lparse-format 'COMMENT "%s: %S" entity args)))
- (cond
- ((consp entity)
- (let ((text (pop args)))
- (apply 'org-lparse-format 'TAGS entity text args)))
- (t
- (let ((f (cdr (assoc entity org-lparse-entity-format-callbacks-alist))))
- (unless f (error "Unknown entity: %s" entity))
- (apply f args)))))
-(defun org-lparse-insert (entity &rest args)
- (insert (apply 'org-lparse-format entity args)))
-(defun org-lparse-prepare-toc (lines level-offset opt-plist umax-toc)
- (let* ((quote-re0 (concat "^[ \t]*" org-quote-string "\\>"))
- (org-min-level (org-get-min-level lines level-offset))
- (org-last-level org-min-level)
- level)
- (with-temp-buffer
- (org-lparse-bind-local-variables opt-plist)
- (erase-buffer)
- (org-lparse-begin 'TOC (nth 3 (plist-get opt-plist :lang-words)) umax-toc)
- (setq
- lines
- (mapcar
- #'(lambda (line)
- (when (and (string-match org-todo-line-regexp line)
- (not (get-text-property 0 'org-protected line))
- (<= (setq level (org-tr-level
- (- (match-end 1) (match-beginning 1)
- level-offset)))
- umax-toc))
- (let ((txt (save-match-data
- (org-xml-encode-org-text-skip-links
- (org-export-cleanup-toc-line
- (match-string 3 line)))))
- (todo (and
- org-export-mark-todo-in-toc
- (or (and (match-beginning 2)
- (not (member (match-string 2 line)
- org-done-keywords)))
- (and (= level umax-toc)
- (org-search-todo-below
- line lines level)))))
- tags)
- ;; Check for targets
- (while (string-match org-any-target-regexp line)
- (setq line
- (replace-match
- (let ((org-lparse-encode-pending t))
- (org-lparse-format 'FONTIFY
- (match-string 1 line) "target"))
- t t line)))
- (when (string-match
- (org-re "[ \t]+:\\([[:alnum:]_@:]+\\):[ \t]*$") txt)
- (setq tags (match-string 1 txt)
- txt (replace-match "" t nil txt)))
- (when (string-match quote-re0 txt)
- (setq txt (replace-match "" t t txt)))
- (while (string-match "&lt;\\(&lt;\\)+\\|&gt;\\(&gt;\\)+" txt)
- (setq txt (replace-match "" t t txt)))
- (org-lparse-format
- (let* ((snumber (org-section-number level))
- (href (replace-regexp-in-string
- "\\." "-" (format "sec-%s" snumber)))
- (href
- (or
- (cdr (assoc
- href org-export-preferred-target-alist))
- href))
- (href (org-solidify-link-text href)))
- (org-lparse-format 'TOC-ENTRY snumber todo txt tags href))
- level org-last-level)
- (setq org-last-level level)))
- line)
- lines))
- (org-lparse-end 'TOC)
- (setq org-lparse-toc (buffer-string))))
- lines)
-(defun org-lparse-format-table-row (fields &optional text-for-empty-fields)
- (if org-lparse-table-ncols
- ;; second and subsequent rows of the table
- (when (and org-lparse-list-table-p
- (> (length fields) org-lparse-table-ncols))
- (error "Table row has %d columns but header row claims %d columns"
- (length fields) org-lparse-table-ncols))
- ;; first row of the table
- (setq org-lparse-table-ncols (length fields))
- (when org-lparse-table-is-styled
- (setq org-lparse-table-num-numeric-items-per-column
- (make-vector org-lparse-table-ncols 0))
- (setq org-lparse-table-colalign-vector
- (make-vector org-lparse-table-ncols nil))
- (let ((c -1))
- (while (< (incf c) org-lparse-table-ncols)
- (let* ((col-cookie (cdr (assoc (1+ c) org-lparse-table-colalign-info)))
- (align (nth 0 col-cookie)))
- (setf (aref org-lparse-table-colalign-vector c)
- (cond
- ((string= align "l") "left")
- ((string= align "r") "right")
- ((string= align "c") "center"))))))))
- (incf org-lparse-table-rownum)
- (let ((i -1))
- (org-lparse-format
- (mapconcat
- (lambda (x)
- (when (and (string= x "") text-for-empty-fields)
- (setq x text-for-empty-fields))
- (incf i)
- (let (col-cookie horiz-span)
- (when org-lparse-table-is-styled
- (when (and (< i org-lparse-table-ncols)
- (string-match org-table-number-regexp x))
- (incf (aref org-lparse-table-num-numeric-items-per-column i)))
- (setq col-cookie (cdr (assoc (1+ i) org-lparse-table-colalign-info))
- horiz-span (nth 1 col-cookie)))
- (org-lparse-format
- 'TABLE-CELL x org-lparse-table-rownum i (or horiz-span 0))))
- fields "\n"))))
-(defun org-lparse-get (what &optional opt-plist)
- "Query for value of WHAT for the current backend `org-lparse-backend'.
-See also `org-lparse-backend-get'."
- (if (boundp 'org-lparse-backend)
- (org-lparse-backend-get (symbol-name org-lparse-backend) what opt-plist)
- (error "org-lparse-backend is not bound yet")))
-(defun org-lparse-backend-get (backend what &optional opt-plist)
- "Query BACKEND for value of WHAT.
-Dispatch the call to `org-<backend>-user-get'. If that throws an
-error, dispatch the call to `org-<backend>-get'. See
-`org-xhtml-get' for all known settings queried for by
-`org-lparse' during the course of export."
- (assert (stringp backend) t)
- (unless (org-lparse-backend-is-native-p backend)
- (error "Unknown native backend %s" backend))
- (let ((backend-get-method (intern (format "org-%s-get" backend)))
- (backend-user-get-method (intern (format "org-%s-user-get" backend))))
- (cond
- ((functionp backend-get-method)
- (condition-case nil
- (funcall backend-user-get-method what opt-plist)
- (error (funcall backend-get-method what opt-plist))))
- (t
- (error "Native backend %s doesn't define %s" backend backend-get-method)))))
-(defun org-lparse-insert-tag (tag &rest args)
- (when (member org-lparse-insert-tag-with-newlines '(lead both))
- (insert "\n"))
- (insert (apply 'format tag args))
- (when (member org-lparse-insert-tag-with-newlines '(trail both))
- (insert "\n")))
-(defun org-lparse-get-targets-from-title (title)
- (let* ((target (org-get-text-property-any 0 'target title))
- (extra-targets (assoc target org-export-target-aliases))
- (target (or (cdr (assoc target org-export-preferred-target-alist))
- target)))
- (cons target (remove target extra-targets))))
-(defun org-lparse-suffix-from-snumber (snumber)
- (let* ((snu (replace-regexp-in-string "\\." "-" snumber))
- (href (cdr (assoc (concat "sec-" snu)
- org-export-preferred-target-alist))))
- (org-solidify-link-text (or href snu))))
-(defun org-lparse-begin-level (level title umax head-count)
- "Insert a new LEVEL in HTML export.
-When TITLE is nil, just close all open levels."
- (org-lparse-end-level level umax)
- (unless title (error "Why is heading nil"))
- (let* ((targets (org-lparse-get-targets-from-title title))
- (target (car targets)) (extra-targets (cdr targets))
- (target (and target (org-solidify-link-text target)))
- (extra-class (org-get-text-property-any 0 'html-container-class title))
- snumber tags level1 class)
- (when (string-match (org-re "\\(:[[:alnum:]_@#%:]+:\\)[ \t]*$") title)
- (setq tags (and org-export-with-tags (match-string 1 title)))
- (setq title (replace-match "" t t title)))
- (if (> level umax)
- (progn
- (if (aref org-levels-open (1- level))
- (org-lparse-end-list-item-1)
- (aset org-levels-open (1- level) t)
- (org-lparse-end-paragraph)
- (org-lparse-begin-list 'unordered))
- (org-lparse-begin-list-item
- 'unordered target (org-lparse-format
- 'HEADLINE title extra-targets tags)))
- (aset org-levels-open (1- level) t)
- (setq snumber (org-section-number level))
- (setq level1 (+ level (or (org-lparse-get 'TOPLEVEL-HLEVEL) 1) -1))
- (unless (= head-count 1)
- (org-lparse-end-outline-text-or-outline))
- (org-lparse-begin-outline-and-outline-text
- level1 snumber title tags target extra-targets extra-class)
- (org-lparse-begin-paragraph))))
-(defun org-lparse-end-level (level umax)
- (org-lparse-end-paragraph)
- (loop for l from org-level-max downto level
- do (when (aref org-levels-open (1- l))
- ;; Terminate one level in HTML export
- (if (<= l umax)
- (org-lparse-end-outline-text-or-outline)
- (org-lparse-end-list-item-1)
- (org-lparse-end-list 'unordered))
- (aset org-levels-open (1- l) nil))))
-(defvar org-lparse-outline-text-open)
-(defun org-lparse-begin-outline-and-outline-text (level1 snumber title tags
- target extra-targets
- extra-class)
- (org-lparse-begin
- 'OUTLINE level1 snumber title tags target extra-targets extra-class)
- (org-lparse-begin-outline-text level1 snumber extra-class))
-(defun org-lparse-end-outline-text-or-outline ()
- (cond
- (org-lparse-outline-text-open
- (org-lparse-end 'OUTLINE-TEXT)
- (setq org-lparse-outline-text-open nil))
- (t (org-lparse-end 'OUTLINE))))
-(defun org-lparse-begin-outline-text (level1 snumber extra-class)
- (assert (not org-lparse-outline-text-open) t)
- (setq org-lparse-outline-text-open t)
- (org-lparse-begin 'OUTLINE-TEXT level1 snumber extra-class))
-(defun org-lparse-html-list-type-to-canonical-list-type (ltype)
- (cdr (assoc ltype '(("o" . ordered)
- ("u" . unordered)
- ("d" . description)))))
-;; following vars are bound during `org-do-lparse'
-(defvar org-lparse-list-stack)
-(defvar org-lparse-list-table:table-row)
-(defvar org-lparse-list-table:lines)
-;; Notes on LIST-TABLES
-;; ====================
-;; Lists withing "list-table" blocks (as shown below)
-;; #+begin_list-table
-;; - Row 1
-;; - 1.1
-;; - 1.2
-;; - 1.3
-;; - Row 2
-;; - 2.1
-;; - 2.2
-;; - 2.3
-;; #+end_list-table
-;; will be exported as though it were a table as shown below.
-;; | Row 1 | 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 |
-;; | Row 2 | 2.1 | 2.2 | 2.3 |
-;; Note that org-tables are NOT multi-line and each line is mapped to
-;; a unique row in the exported document. So if an exported table
-;; needs to contain a single paragraph (with copious text) it needs to
-;; be typed up in a single line. Editing such long lines using the
-;; table editor will be a cumbersome task. Furthermore inclusion of
-;; multi-paragraph text in a table cell is well-nigh impossible.
-;; LIST-TABLEs are meant to circumvent the above problems with
-;; org-tables.
-;; Note that in the example above the list items could be paragraphs
-;; themselves and the list can be arbitrarily deep.
-;; Inspired by following thread:
-(defun org-lparse-begin-list (ltype)
- (push ltype org-lparse-list-stack)
- (let ((list-level (length org-lparse-list-stack)))
- (cond
- ((not org-lparse-list-table-p)
- (org-lparse-begin 'LIST ltype))
- ;; process LIST-TABLE
- ((= 1 list-level)
- ;; begin LIST-TABLE
- (setq org-lparse-list-table:lines nil)
- (setq org-lparse-list-table:table-row nil))
- ((= 2 list-level)
- (ignore))
- (t
- (org-lparse-begin 'LIST ltype)))))
-(defun org-lparse-end-list (ltype)
- (pop org-lparse-list-stack)
- (let ((list-level (length org-lparse-list-stack)))
- (cond
- ((not org-lparse-list-table-p)
- (org-lparse-end 'LIST ltype))
- ;; process LIST-TABLE
- ((= 0 list-level)
- ;; end LIST-TABLE
- (insert (org-lparse-format-list-table
- (nreverse org-lparse-list-table:lines))))
- ((= 1 list-level)
- (ignore))
- (t
- (org-lparse-end 'LIST ltype)))))
-(defun org-lparse-begin-list-item (ltype &optional arg headline)
- (let ((list-level (length org-lparse-list-stack)))
- (cond
- ((not org-lparse-list-table-p)
- (org-lparse-begin 'LIST-ITEM ltype arg headline))
- ;; process LIST-TABLE
- ((= 1 list-level)
- ;; begin TABLE-ROW for LIST-TABLE
- (setq org-lparse-list-table:table-row nil)
- (org-lparse-begin-list-table:table-cell))
- ((= 2 list-level)
- ;; begin TABLE-CELL for LIST-TABLE
- (org-lparse-begin-list-table:table-cell))
- (t
- (org-lparse-begin 'LIST-ITEM ltype arg headline)))))
-(defun org-lparse-end-list-item (ltype)
- (let ((list-level (length org-lparse-list-stack)))
- (cond
- ((not org-lparse-list-table-p)
- (org-lparse-end 'LIST-ITEM ltype))
- ;; process LIST-TABLE
- ((= 1 list-level)
- (org-lparse-end-list-table:table-cell)
- (push (nreverse org-lparse-list-table:table-row)
- org-lparse-list-table:lines))
- ((= 2 list-level)
- (org-lparse-end-list-table:table-cell))
- (t
- (org-lparse-end 'LIST-ITEM ltype)))))
-(defvar org-lparse-list-table:table-cell-open)
-(defun org-lparse-begin-list-table:table-cell ()
- (org-lparse-end-list-table:table-cell)
- (setq org-lparse-list-table:table-cell-open t)
- (org-lparse-begin-collect)
- (org-lparse-begin-paragraph))
-(defun org-lparse-end-list-table:table-cell ()
- (when org-lparse-list-table:table-cell-open
- (setq org-lparse-list-table:table-cell-open nil)
- (org-lparse-end-paragraph)
- (push (org-lparse-end-collect)
- org-lparse-list-table:table-row)))
-(defvar org-lparse-table-rowgrp-info)
-(defun org-lparse-begin-table-rowgroup (&optional is-header-row)
- (push (cons (1+ org-lparse-table-rownum) :start) org-lparse-table-rowgrp-info)
- (org-lparse-begin 'TABLE-ROWGROUP is-header-row))
-(defun org-lparse-end-table ()
- (when org-lparse-table-is-styled
- ;; column groups
- (unless (car org-table-colgroup-info)
- (setq org-table-colgroup-info
- (cons :start (cdr org-table-colgroup-info))))
- ;; column alignment
- (let ((c -1))
- (mapc
- (lambda (x)
- (incf c)
- (setf (aref org-lparse-table-colalign-vector c)
- (or (aref org-lparse-table-colalign-vector c)
- (if (> (/ (float x) (1+ org-lparse-table-rownum))
- org-table-number-fraction)
- "right" "left"))))
- org-lparse-table-num-numeric-items-per-column)))
- (org-lparse-end 'TABLE))
-(defvar org-lparse-encode-pending nil)
-(defun org-lparse-format-tags (tag text prefix suffix &rest args)
- (cond
- ((consp tag)
- (concat prefix (apply 'format (car tag) args) text suffix
- (format (cdr tag))))
- ((stringp tag) ; singleton tag
- (concat prefix (apply 'format tag args) text))))
-(defun org-xml-fix-class-name (kwd) ; audit callers of this function
- "Turn todo keyword into a valid class name.
-Replaces invalid characters with \"_\"."
- (save-match-data
- (while (string-match "[^a-zA-Z0-9_]" kwd)
- (setq kwd (replace-match "_" t t kwd))))
- kwd)
-(defun org-lparse-format-todo (todo)
- (org-lparse-format 'FONTIFY
- (concat
- (ignore-errors (org-lparse-get 'TODO-KWD-CLASS-PREFIX))
- (org-xml-fix-class-name todo))
- (list (if (member todo org-done-keywords) "done" "todo")
- todo)))
-(defun org-lparse-format-extra-targets (extra-targets)
- (if (not extra-targets) ""
- (mapconcat (lambda (x)
- (setq x (org-solidify-link-text
- (if (org-uuidgen-p x) (concat "ID-" x) x)))
- (org-lparse-format 'ANCHOR "" x))
- extra-targets "")))
-(defun org-lparse-format-org-tags (tags)
- (if (not tags) ""
- (org-lparse-format
- 'FONTIFY (mapconcat
- (lambda (x)
- (org-lparse-format
- (concat
- (ignore-errors (org-lparse-get 'TAG-CLASS-PREFIX))
- (org-xml-fix-class-name x))))
- (org-split-string tags ":")
- (org-lparse-format 'SPACES 1)) "tag")))
-(defun org-lparse-format-section-number (&optional snumber level)
- (and org-export-with-section-numbers
- (not org-lparse-body-only) snumber level
- (org-lparse-format 'FONTIFY snumber (format "section-number-%d" level))))
-(defun org-lparse-warn (msg)
- (if (not org-lparse-use-flashy-warning)
- (message msg)
- (put-text-property 0 (length msg) 'face 'font-lock-warning-face msg)
- (message msg)
- (sleep-for 3)))
-(defun org-xml-format-href (s)
- "Make sure the S is valid as a href reference in an XHTML document."
- (save-match-data
- (let ((start 0))
- (while (string-match "&" s start)
- (setq start (+ (match-beginning 0) 3)
- s (replace-match "&amp;" t t s)))))
- s)
-(defun org-xml-format-desc (s)
- "Make sure the S is valid as a description in a link."
- (if (and s (not (get-text-property 1 'org-protected s)))
- (save-match-data
- (org-xml-encode-org-text s))
- s))
-(provide 'org-lparse)
-;;; org-lparse.el ends here