path: root/lisp/org-table.el
diff options
authorSébastien Delafond <>2016-02-10 18:54:48 +0100
committerSébastien Delafond <>2016-02-10 18:54:48 +0100
commit5b4347604ce1b4d25a87f6a83f75a4038a180d86 (patch)
tree87438ba3d21a30105d7d98427d322deccc9eccd3 /lisp/org-table.el
parentf083b1cce35adcd4dff9db99b033056401a203ba (diff)
parent8d8ea67656b95d8528b6cd9b43b2d53b847412b0 (diff)
Merge tag 'upstream/8.3.3'
Upstream version 8.3.3
Diffstat (limited to 'lisp/org-table.el')
1 files changed, 142 insertions, 128 deletions
diff --git a/lisp/org-table.el b/lisp/org-table.el
index ba79690..e2d3198 100644
--- a/lisp/org-table.el
+++ b/lisp/org-table.el
@@ -1286,8 +1286,9 @@ is always the old value."
(dline (org-table-current-dline))
(ref (format "@%d$%d" dline col))
(ref1 (org-table-convert-refs-to-an ref))
+ ;; Prioritize field formulas over column formulas.
(fequation (or (assoc name eql) (assoc ref eql)))
- (cequation (assoc (int-to-string col) eql))
+ (cequation (assoc (format "$%d" col) eql))
(eqn (or fequation cequation)))
(let ((p (and eqn (get-text-property 0 :orig-eqn (car eqn)))))
(when p (setq eqn p)))
@@ -2191,17 +2192,19 @@ When NAMED is non-nil, look for a named equation."
- (ref (format "@%d$%d" (org-table-current-dline)
+ (ref (format "@%d$%d"
+ (org-table-current-dline)
(refass (assoc ref stored-list))
(nameass (assoc name stored-list))
- (scol (if named
- (if (and name (not (string-match "^LR[0-9]+$" name)))
- name
- ref)
- (int-to-string (org-table-current-column))))
- (dummy (and (or nameass refass) (not named)
- (not (y-or-n-p "Replace existing field formula with column formula? " ))
+ (scol (cond
+ ((not named) (format "$%d" (org-table-current-column)))
+ ((and name (not (string-match "\\`LR[0-9]+\\'" name))) name)
+ (t ref)))
+ (dummy (and (or nameass refass)
+ (not named)
+ (not (y-or-n-p "Replace existing field formula with \
+column formula? " ))
(message "Formula not replaced")))
(name (or name ref))
(org-table-may-need-update nil)
@@ -2214,9 +2217,8 @@ When NAMED is non-nil, look for a named equation."
(t (org-table-formula-from-user
- (format "%s formula %s%s="
+ (format "%s formula %s="
(if named "Field" "Column")
- (if (member (string-to-char scol) '(?$ ?@)) "" "$")
(if stored (org-table-formula-to-user stored) "")
@@ -2242,23 +2244,21 @@ When NAMED is non-nil, look for a named equation."
(defun org-table-store-formulas (alist)
"Store the list of formulas below the current table."
- (setq alist (sort alist 'org-table-formula-less-p))
- (let ((case-fold-search t))
- (save-excursion
- (goto-char (org-table-end))
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char (org-table-end))
+ (let ((case-fold-search t))
(if (looking-at "\\([ \t]*\n\\)*[ \t]*\\(#\\+tblfm:\\)\\(.*\n?\\)")
- ;; don't overwrite TBLFM, we might use text properties to store stuff
+ ;; Don't overwrite TBLFM, we might use text properties to
+ ;; store stuff.
(goto-char (match-beginning 3))
(delete-region (match-beginning 3) (match-end 0)))
(insert (or (match-string 2) "#+TBLFM:")))
(insert " "
- (mapconcat (lambda (x)
- (concat
- (if (equal (string-to-char (car x)) ?@) "" "$")
- (car x) "=" (cdr x)))
- alist "::")
+ (mapconcat (lambda (x) (concat (car x) "=" (cdr x)))
+ (sort alist #'org-table-formula-less-p)
+ "::")
(defsubst org-table-formula-make-cmp-string (a)
@@ -2289,31 +2289,40 @@ When NAMED is non-nil, look for a named equation."
(defun org-table-get-stored-formulas (&optional noerror)
"Return an alist with the stored formulas directly after current table."
- (interactive) ;; FIXME interactive?
- (let ((case-fold-search t) scol eq eq-alist strings string seen)
- (save-excursion
- (goto-char (org-table-end))
- (when (looking-at "\\([ \t]*\n\\)*[ \t]*#\\+tblfm: *\\(.*\\)")
- (setq strings (org-split-string (org-match-string-no-properties 2)
- " *:: *"))
- (while (setq string (pop strings))
- (when (string-match "\\`\\(@[-+I<>0-9.$@]+\\|@?[0-9]+\\|\\$\\([a-zA-Z0-9]+\\|[<>]+\\)\\) *= *\\(.*[^ \t]\\)" string)
- (setq scol (if (match-end 2)
- (match-string 2 string)
- (match-string 1 string))
- scol (if (member (string-to-char scol) '(?< ?>))
- (concat "$" scol) scol)
- eq (match-string 3 string)
- eq-alist (cons (cons scol eq) eq-alist))
- (if (member scol seen)
- (if noerror
- (progn
- (message "Double definition `$%s=' in TBLFM line, please fix by hand" scol)
- (ding)
- (sit-for 2))
- (user-error "Double definition `$%s=' in TBLFM line, please fix by hand" scol))
- (push scol seen))))))
- (nreverse eq-alist)))
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char (org-table-end))
+ (let ((case-fold-search t))
+ (when (looking-at "\\([ \t]*\n\\)*[ \t]*#\\+TBLFM: *\\(.*\\)")
+ (let ((strings (org-split-string (org-match-string-no-properties 2)
+ " *:: *"))
+ eq-alist seen)
+ (dolist (string strings (nreverse eq-alist))
+ (when (string-match "\\`\\(@[-+I<>0-9.$@]+\\|\\$\\([_a-zA-Z0-9]+\\|\
+[<>]+\\)\\) *= *\\(.*[^ \t]\\)"
+ string)
+ (let ((lhs
+ (let ((m (match-string 1 string)))
+ (cond
+ ((not (match-end 2)) m)
+ ;; Is it a column reference?
+ ((org-string-match-p "\\`$\\([0-9]+\\|[<>]+\\)\\'" m) m)
+ ;; Since named columns are not possible in
+ ;; LHS, assume this is a named field.
+ (t (match-string 2 string)))))
+ (rhs (match-string 3 string)))
+ (push (cons lhs rhs) eq-alist)
+ (cond
+ ((not (member lhs seen)) (push lhs seen))
+ (noerror
+ (message
+ "Double definition `%s=' in TBLFM line, please fix by hand"
+ lhs)
+ (ding)
+ (sit-for 2))
+ (t
+ (user-error
+ "Double definition `%s=' in TBLFM line, please fix by hand"
+ lhs)))))))))))
(defun org-table-fix-formulas (key replace &optional limit delta remove)
"Modify the equations after the table structure has been edited.
@@ -2534,24 +2543,27 @@ This function sets up the following dynamically scoped variables:
(push 'hline types) ; Add an imaginary extra hline to the end.
(setq org-table-current-line-types (apply #'vector (nreverse types)))
(setq org-table-dlines (apply #'vector (cons nil (nreverse dlines))))
- (setq org-table-hlines (apply #'vector (cons nil (nreverse hlines))))
- (forward-line -1)
- (let* ((last-dline (car dlines))
- (fields (org-split-string
- (buffer-substring (line-beginning-position)
- (line-end-position))
- "[ \t]*|[ \t]*"))
- (nfields (length fields))
- al al2)
- (setq org-table-current-ncol nfields)
+ (setq org-table-hlines (apply #'vector (cons nil (nreverse hlines)))))
+ ;; Get the number of columns from the first data line in table.
+ (goto-char beg)
+ (forward-line (aref org-table-dlines 1))
+ (let* ((fields
+ (org-split-string
+ (buffer-substring (line-beginning-position) (line-end-position))
+ "[ \t]*|[ \t]*"))
+ (nfields (length fields))
+ al al2)
+ (setq org-table-current-ncol nfields)
+ (let ((last-dline
+ (aref org-table-dlines (1- (length org-table-dlines)))))
(dotimes (i nfields)
(let ((column (1+ i)))
(push (list (format "LR%d" column) last-dline column) al)
- (push (cons (format "LR%d" column) (nth i fields)) al2)))
- (setq org-table-named-field-locations
- (append org-table-named-field-locations al))
- (setq org-table-local-parameters
- (append org-table-local-parameters al2)))))))
+ (push (cons (format "LR%d" column) (nth i fields)) al2))))
+ (setq org-table-named-field-locations
+ (append org-table-named-field-locations al))
+ (setq org-table-local-parameters
+ (append org-table-local-parameters al2))))))
(defun org-table-goto-field (ref &optional create-column-p)
"Move point to a specific field in the current table.
@@ -2717,7 +2729,9 @@ not overwrite the stored one."
(setq orig (or (get-text-property 1 :orig-formula formula) "?"))
(while (> ndown 0)
(setq fields (org-split-string
- (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-at-bol) (point-at-eol))
+ (org-trim
+ (buffer-substring-no-properties
+ (line-beginning-position) (line-end-position)))
" *| *"))
;; replace fields with duration values if relevant
(if duration
@@ -2904,7 +2918,9 @@ When CORNERS-ONLY is set, only return the corners of the range as
a list (line1 column1 line2 column2) where line1 and line2 are
line numbers relative to beginning of table, or TBEG, and column1
and column2 are table column numbers."
- (let* ((desc (if (eq (string-to-char desc) ?@) desc (concat "@" desc)))
+ (let* ((desc (if (org-string-match-p "\\`\\$[0-9]+\\.\\.\\$[0-9]+\\'" desc)
+ (replace-regexp-in-string "\\$" "@0$" desc)
+ desc))
(col (or col (org-table-current-column)))
(tbeg (or tbeg (org-table-begin)))
(thisline (count-lines tbeg (line-beginning-position))))
@@ -3113,47 +3129,43 @@ known that the table will be realigned a little later anyway."
(let* ((eqlist (sort (org-table-get-stored-formulas)
(lambda (a b) (string< (car a) (car b)))))
- (eqlist1 (copy-sequence eqlist))
(inhibit-redisplay (not debug-on-error))
(line-re org-table-dataline-regexp)
(log-first-time (current-time))
(log-last-time log-first-time)
(cnt 0)
- beg end eqlnum eqlname)
- ;; Insert constants in all formulas
+ beg end eqlcol eqlfield)
+ ;; Insert constants in all formulas.
(when eqlist
- (setq eqlist
- (mapcar
- (lambda (x)
- (when (string-match "\\`@-?I+" (car x))
- (user-error "Can't assign to hline relative reference"))
- (when (string-match "\\`$[<>]" (car x))
- (let ((old-lhs (car x)))
- (setq x
- (cons
- (substring
- (org-table-formula-handle-first/last-rc old-lhs)
- 1)
- (cdr x)))
- (when (assoc (car x) eqlist1)
- (user-error "\"%s=\" formula tries to overwrite \
-existing formula for column %s"
- old-lhs
- (car x)))))
- (cons (org-table-formula-handle-first/last-rc (car x))
- (org-table-formula-substitute-names
- (org-table-formula-handle-first/last-rc (cdr x)))))
- eqlist))
- ;; Split the equation list.
+ ;; Expand equations, then split the equation list between
+ ;; column formulas and field formulas.
(dolist (eq eqlist)
- (if (<= (string-to-char (car eq)) ?9)
- (push eq eqlnum)
- (push eq eqlname)))
- (setq eqlnum (nreverse eqlnum))
+ (let* ((rhs (org-table-formula-substitute-names
+ (org-table-formula-handle-first/last-rc (cdr eq))))
+ (old-lhs (car eq))
+ (lhs
+ (org-table-formula-handle-first/last-rc
+ (cond
+ ((string-match "\\`@-?I+" old-lhs)
+ (user-error "Can't assign to hline relative reference"))
+ ((string-match "\\`$[<>]" old-lhs)
+ (let ((new (org-table-formula-handle-first/last-rc
+ old-lhs)))
+ (when (assoc new eqlist)
+ (user-error "\"%s=\" formula tries to overwrite \
+existing formula for column %s"
+ old-lhs
+ new))
+ new))
+ (t old-lhs)))))
+ (if (org-string-match-p "\\`\\$[0-9]+\\'" lhs)
+ (push (cons lhs rhs) eqlcol)
+ (push (cons lhs rhs) eqlfield))))
+ (setq eqlcol (nreverse eqlcol))
;; Expand ranges in lhs of formulas
- (setq eqlname (org-table-expand-lhs-ranges (nreverse eqlname)))
- ;; Get the correct line range to process
+ (setq eqlfield (org-table-expand-lhs-ranges (nreverse eqlfield)))
+ ;; Get the correct line range to process.
(if all
(setq end (copy-marker (org-table-end)))
@@ -3169,7 +3181,7 @@ existing formula for column %s"
(re-search-forward org-table-dataline-regexp end t))
(setq beg (match-beginning 0)))
;; Just leave BEG where it is.
- (t nil)))
+ (t (setq beg (line-beginning-position)))))
(setq beg (line-beginning-position)
end (copy-marker (line-beginning-position 2))))
(goto-char beg)
@@ -3179,7 +3191,7 @@ existing formula for column %s"
(let ((current-line (count-lines org-table-current-begin-pos
- (dolist (eq eqlname)
+ (dolist (eq eqlfield)
(let* ((name (car eq))
(location (assoc name org-table-named-field-locations))
(eq-line (or (nth 1 location)
@@ -3218,14 +3230,15 @@ existing formula for column %s"
(move-marker org-last-recalc-line (line-beginning-position))
(setq org-last-recalc-line
(copy-marker (line-beginning-position))))
- (dolist (entry eqlnum)
+ (dolist (entry eqlcol)
(goto-char org-last-recalc-line)
- (org-table-goto-column (string-to-number (car entry)) nil 'force)
+ (org-table-goto-column
+ (string-to-number (substring (car entry) 1)) nil 'force)
(unless (get-text-property (point) :org-untouchable)
nil (cdr entry) 'noalign 'nocst 'nostore 'noanalysis)))))
;; Evaluate the field formulas.
- (dolist (eq eqlname)
+ (dolist (eq eqlfield)
(let ((reference (car eq))
(formula (cdr eq)))
(setq log-last-time
@@ -3350,19 +3363,25 @@ Return nil when the beginning of TBLFM line was not found."
(defun org-table-expand-lhs-ranges (equations)
"Expand list of formulas.
-If some of the RHS in the formulas are ranges or a row reference, expand
-them to individual field equations for each field."
+If some of the RHS in the formulas are ranges or a row reference,
+expand them to individual field equations for each field. This
+function assumes the table is already analyzed (i.e., using
(let (res)
(dolist (e equations (nreverse res))
(let ((lhs (car e))
(rhs (cdr e)))
- ((string-match "\\`@-?[-+0-9]+\\$-?[0-9]+\\'" lhs)
+ ((org-string-match-p "\\`@-?[-+0-9]+\\$-?[0-9]+\\'" lhs)
;; This just refers to one fixed field.
(push e res))
- ((string-match "\\`[a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*\\'" lhs)
+ ((org-string-match-p "\\`[a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*\\'" lhs)
;; This just refers to one fixed named field.
(push e res))
+ ((org-string-match-p "\\`\\$[0-9]+\\'" lhs)
+ ;; Column formulas are treated specially and are not
+ ;; expanded.
+ (push e res))
((string-match "\\`@[0-9]+\\'" lhs)
(dotimes (ic org-table-current-ncol)
(push (cons (propertize (format "%s$%d" lhs (1+ ic)) :orig-eqn e)
@@ -4782,6 +4801,8 @@ This may be either a string or a function of two arguments:
example \"%s\\\\times10^{%s}\". This may also be a property
list with column numbers and format strings or functions.
:fmt will still be applied after :efmt."
+ ;; Make sure `org-export-create-backend' is available.
+ (require 'ox)
(let* ((backend (plist-get params :backend))
;; Build a custom back-end according to PARAMS. Before
@@ -5276,7 +5297,7 @@ characters width of the plot. ASK may also be the
- (number-to-string (1+ col))
+ (concat "$" (number-to-string (1+ col)))
(format "'(%s $%s %s %s %s)"
"orgtbl-ascii-draw" col min max length))
@@ -5375,29 +5396,22 @@ For example \"remote($1, @>$2)\" => \"remote(year_2013, @>$1)\".
This indirection works only with the format @ROW$COLUMN. The
format \"B3\" is not supported because it can not be
distinguished from a plain table name or ID."
- (let ((start 0))
- (while (string-match (concat
- ;; Same as in `org-table-eval-formula'.
- "\\<remote([ \t]*\\("
- ;; Allow "$1", "@<", "$-1", "@<<$1" etc.
- "[@$][^ \t,]+"
- ;; Same as in `org-table-eval-formula'.
- "\\)[ \t]*,[ \t]*\\([^\n)]+\\))")
- form
- start)
- ;; The position of the character as far as possible to the right
- ;; that will not be replaced and particularly not be shifted by
- ;; `replace-match'.
- (setq start (match-beginning 1))
- ;; Substitute the remote reference with the value found in the
- ;; field.
- (setq form
- (replace-match
- (save-match-data
- (org-table-get-range (org-table-formula-handle-first/last-rc
- (match-string 1 form))))
- t t form 1))))
- form)
+ (let ((regexp
+ ;; Same as in `org-table-eval-formula'.
+ (concat "\\<remote([ \t]*\\("
+ ;; Allow "$1", "@<", "$-1", "@<<$1" etc.
+ "[@$][^ \t,]+"
+ "\\)[ \t]*,[ \t]*\\([^\n)]+\\))")))
+ (replace-regexp-in-string
+ regexp
+ (lambda (m)
+ (save-match-data
+ (let ((eq (org-table-formula-handle-first/last-rc (match-string 1 m))))
+ (org-table-get-range
+ (if (org-string-match-p "\\`\\$[0-9]+\\'" eq)
+ (concat "@0" eq)
+ eq)))))
+ form t t 1)))
(defmacro org-define-lookup-function (mode)
(let ((mode-str (symbol-name mode))