path: root/contrib/lisp/org-contacts.el
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/lisp/org-contacts.el')
1 files changed, 429 insertions, 133 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/lisp/org-contacts.el b/contrib/lisp/org-contacts.el
index bc52648..a3c4aed 100644
--- a/contrib/lisp/org-contacts.el
+++ b/contrib/lisp/org-contacts.el
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
;;; org-contacts.el --- Contacts management
-;; Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Julien Danjou <>
+;; Copyright (C) 2010-2013 Julien Danjou <>
;; Author: Julien Danjou <>
;; Keywords: outlines, hypermedia, calendar
;; This file is NOT part of GNU Emacs.
-;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
-;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
@@ -39,17 +39,20 @@
(require 'cl))
- (require 'org))
+(require 'org)
(require 'gnus-util)
+(require 'gnus-art)
+(require 'mail-utils)
+(require 'org-agenda)
+(require 'org-capture)
(defgroup org-contacts nil
- "Options concerning contacts management."
+ "Options about contacts management."
:group 'org)
(defcustom org-contacts-files nil
"List of Org files to use as contacts source.
-If set to nil, all your Org files will be used."
+When set to nil, all your Org files will be used."
:type '(repeat file)
:group 'org-contacts)
@@ -58,6 +61,11 @@ If set to nil, all your Org files will be used."
:type 'string
:group 'org-contacts)
+(defcustom org-contacts-tel-property "PHONE"
+ "Name of the property for contact phone number."
+ :type 'string
+ :group 'org-contacts)
(defcustom org-contacts-address-property "ADDRESS"
"Name of the property for contact address."
:type 'string
@@ -68,8 +76,20 @@ If set to nil, all your Org files will be used."
:type 'string
:group 'org-contacts)
+(defcustom org-contacts-note-property "NOTE"
+ "Name of the property for contact note."
+ :type 'string
+ :group 'org-contacts)
+(defcustom org-contacts-alias-property "ALIAS"
+ "Name of the property for contact name alias."
+ :type 'string
+ :group 'org-contacts)
(defcustom org-contacts-birthday-format "Birthday: %l (%Y)"
- "Format of the anniversary agenda entry. The following replacements are available:
+ "Format of the anniversary agenda entry.
+The following replacements are available:
%h - Heading name
%l - Link to the heading
@@ -113,7 +133,13 @@ If set to nil, all your Org files will be used."
:type 'string
:group 'org-contacts)
-(defcustom org-contacts-matcher (concat org-contacts-email-property "<>\"\"")
+(defcustom org-contacts-matcher
+ (mapconcat 'identity (list org-contacts-email-property
+ org-contacts-alias-property
+ org-contacts-tel-property
+ org-contacts-address-property
+ org-contacts-birthday-property)
+ "<>\"\"|")
"Matching rule for finding heading that are contacts.
This can be a tag name, or a property check."
:type 'string
@@ -130,6 +156,24 @@ This overrides `org-email-link-description-format' if set."
:group 'org-contacts
:type 'file)
+(defcustom org-contacts-enable-completion t
+ "Enable or not the completion in `message-mode' with `org-contacts'."
+ :group 'org-contacts
+ :type 'boolean)
+;; Decalre external functions and variables
+(declare-function org-reverse-string "org")
+(declare-function diary-ordinal-suffix "ext:diary-lib")
+(declare-function wl-summary-message-number "ext:wl-summary")
+(declare-function wl-address-header-extract-address "ext:wl-address")
+(declare-function wl-address-header-extract-realname "ext:wl-address")
+(declare-function erc-buffer-list "ext:erc")
+(declare-function erc-get-channel-user-list "ext:erc")
+(declare-function google-maps-static-show "ext:google-maps-static")
+(declare-function elmo-message-field "ext:elmo-pipe")
+(declare-function std11-narrow-to-header "ext:std11")
+(declare-function std11-fetch-field "ext:std11")
(defvar org-contacts-keymap
(let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
(define-key map "M" 'org-contacts-view-send-email)
@@ -137,38 +181,66 @@ This overrides `org-email-link-description-format' if set."
"The keymap used in `org-contacts' result list.")
+(defvar org-contacts-db nil
+ "Org Contacts database.")
+(defvar org-contacts-last-update nil
+ "Last time the Org Contacts database has been updated.")
(defun org-contacts-files ()
"Return list of Org files to use for contact management."
(or org-contacts-files (org-agenda-files t 'ifmode)))
+(defun org-contacts-db-need-update-p ()
+ "Determine whether `org-contacts-db' needs to be refreshed."
+ (or (null org-contacts-last-update)
+ (org-find-if (lambda (file)
+ (or (time-less-p org-contacts-last-update
+ (elt (file-attributes file) 5))))
+ (org-contacts-files))))
+(defun org-contacts-db ()
+ "Return the latest Org Contacts Database."
+ (let* (todo-only
+ (contacts-matcher
+ (cdr (org-make-tags-matcher org-contacts-matcher)))
+ markers result)
+ (when (org-contacts-db-need-update-p)
+ (message "Update Org Contacts Database")
+ (dolist (file (org-contacts-files))
+ (org-check-agenda-file file)
+ (with-current-buffer (org-get-agenda-file-buffer file)
+ (unless (eq major-mode 'org-mode)
+ (error "File %s is no in `org-mode'" file))
+ (org-scan-tags
+ '(add-to-list 'markers (set-marker (make-marker) (point)))
+ contacts-matcher
+ todo-only)))
+ (dolist (marker markers result)
+ (org-with-point-at marker
+ (add-to-list 'result
+ (list (org-get-heading t) marker (org-entry-properties marker 'all)))))
+ (setf org-contacts-db result
+ org-contacts-last-update (current-time)))
+ org-contacts-db))
(defun org-contacts-filter (&optional name-match tags-match)
"Search for a contact maching NAME-MATCH and TAGS-MATCH.
If both match values are nil, return all contacts."
- (let* (todo-only
- (tags-matcher
- (if tags-match
- (cdr (org-make-tags-matcher tags-match))
- t))
- (name-matcher
- (if name-match
- '(org-string-match-p name-match (org-get-heading t))
- t))
- (contacts-matcher
- (cdr (org-make-tags-matcher org-contacts-matcher)))
- markers result)
- (dolist (file (org-contacts-files))
- (org-check-agenda-file file)
- (with-current-buffer (org-get-agenda-file-buffer file)
- (unless (eq major-mode 'org-mode)
- (error "File %s is no in `org-mode'" file))
- (org-scan-tags
- '(add-to-list 'markers (set-marker (make-marker) (point)))
- `(and ,contacts-matcher ,tags-matcher ,name-matcher)
- todo-only)))
- (dolist (marker markers result)
- (org-with-point-at marker
- (add-to-list 'result
- (list (org-get-heading t) marker (org-entry-properties marker 'all)))))))
+ (if (and (null name-match)
+ (null tags-match))
+ (org-contacts-db)
+ (loop for contact in (org-contacts-db)
+ if (or
+ (and name-match
+ (org-string-match-p name-match
+ (first contact)))
+ (and tags-match
+ (org-find-if (lambda (tag)
+ (org-string-match-p tags-match tag))
+ (org-split-string
+ (or (cdr (assoc-string "ALLTAGS" (caddr contact))) "") ":"))))
+ collect contact)))
(when (not (fboundp 'completion-table-case-fold))
;; That function is new in Emacs 24...
@@ -177,67 +249,256 @@ If both match values are nil, return all contacts."
(let ((completion-ignore-case (not dont-fold)))
(complete-with-action action table string pred)))))
-(defun org-contacts-complete-name (&optional start)
+(defun org-contacts-try-completion-prefix (to-match collection &optional predicate)
+ "Custom implementation of `try-completion'.
+This version works only with list and alist and it looks at all
+prefixes rather than just the beginning of the string."
+ (loop with regexp = (concat "\\b" (regexp-quote to-match))
+ with ret = nil
+ with ret-start = nil
+ with ret-end = nil
+ for el in collection
+ for string = (if (listp el) (car el) el)
+ for start = (when (or (null predicate) (funcall predicate string))
+ (string-match regexp string))
+ if start
+ do (let ((end (match-end 0))
+ (len (length string)))
+ (if (= end len)
+ (return t)
+ (destructuring-bind (string start end)
+ (if (null ret)
+ (values string start end)
+ (org-contacts-common-substring
+ ret ret-start ret-end
+ string start end))
+ (setf ret string
+ ret-start start
+ ret-end end))))
+ finally (return
+ (replace-regexp-in-string "\\`[ \t\n]*" "" ret))))
+(defun org-contacts-compare-strings (s1 start1 end1 s2 start2 end2 &optional ignore-case)
+ "Compare the contents of two strings, using `compare-strings'.
+This function works like `compare-strings' excepted that it
+returns a cons.
+- The CAR is the number of characters that match at the beginning.
+- The CDR is T is the two strings are the same and NIL otherwise."
+ (let ((ret (compare-strings s1 start1 end1 s2 start2 end2 ignore-case)))
+ (if (eq ret t)
+ (cons (or end1 (length s1)) t)
+ (cons (1- (abs ret)) nil))))
+(defun org-contacts-common-substring (s1 start1 end1 s2 start2 end2)
+ "Extract the common substring between S1 and S2.
+This function extracts the common substring between S1 and S2 and
+adjust the part that remains common.
+START1 and END1 delimit the part in S1 that we know is common
+between the two strings. This applies to START2 and END2 for S2.
+This function returns a list whose contains:
+- The common substring found.
+- The new value of the start of the known inner substring.
+- The new value of the end of the known inner substring."
+ ;; Given two strings:
+ ;; s1: "foo bar baz"
+ ;; s2: "fooo bar baz"
+ ;; and the inner substring is "bar"
+ ;; then: start1 = 4, end1 = 6, start2 = 5, end2 = 7
+ ;;
+ ;; To find the common substring we will compare two substrings:
+ ;; " oof" and " ooof" to find the beginning of the common substring.
+ ;; " baz" and " baz" to find the end of the common substring.
+ (let* ((len1 (length s1))
+ (start1 (or start1 0))
+ (end1 (or end1 len1))
+ (len2 (length s2))
+ (start2 (or start2 0))
+ (end2 (or end2 len2))
+ (new-start (car (org-contacts-compare-strings
+ (substring (org-reverse-string s1) (- len1 start1)) nil nil
+ (substring (org-reverse-string s2) (- len2 start2)) nil nil)))
+ (new-end (+ end1 (car (org-contacts-compare-strings
+ (substring s1 end1) nil nil
+ (substring s2 end2) nil nil)))))
+ (list (substring s1 (- start1 new-start) new-end)
+ new-start
+ (+ new-start (- end1 start1)))))
+(defun org-contacts-all-completions-prefix (to-match collection &optional predicate)
+ "Custom version of `all-completions'.
+This version works only with list and alist and it looks at all
+prefixes rather than just the beginning of the string."
+ (loop with regexp = (concat "\\b" (regexp-quote to-match))
+ for el in collection
+ for string = (if (listp el) (car el) el)
+ for match? = (when (and (or (null predicate) (funcall predicate string)))
+ (string-match regexp string))
+ if match?
+ collect (progn
+ (let ((end (match-end 0)))
+ (org-no-properties string)
+ (when (< end (length string))
+ ;; Here we add a text property that will be used
+ ;; later to highlight the character right after
+ ;; the common part between each addresses.
+ ;; See `org-contacts-display-sort-function'.
+ (put-text-property end (1+ end) 'org-contacts-prefix 't string)))
+ string)))
+(defun org-contacts-make-collection-prefix (collection)
+ "Make a collection function from COLLECTION which will match on prefixes."
+ (lexical-let ((collection collection))
+ (lambda (string predicate flag)
+ (cond ((eq flag nil)
+ (org-contacts-try-completion-prefix string collection predicate))
+ ((eq flag t)
+ ;; `org-contacts-all-completions-prefix' has already been
+ ;; used to compute `all-completions'.
+ collection)
+ ((eq flag 'lambda)
+ (org-contacts-test-completion-prefix string collection predicate))
+ ((and (listp flag) (eq (car flag) 'boundaries))
+ (destructuring-bind (to-ignore &rest suffix)
+ flag
+ (org-contacts-boundaries-prefix string collection predicate suffix)))
+ ((eq flag 'metadata)
+ (org-contacts-metadata-prefix string collection predicate))
+ (t nil ; operation unsupported
+ )))))
+(defun org-contacts-display-sort-function (completions)
+ "Sort function for contacts display."
+ (mapcar (lambda (string)
+ (loop with len = (1- (length string))
+ for i upfrom 0 to len
+ if (memq 'org-contacts-prefix
+ (text-properties-at i string))
+ do (set-text-properties
+ i (1+ i)
+ (list 'font-lock-face
+ (if (char-equal (aref string i)
+ (string-to-char " "))
+ ;; Spaces can't be bold.
+ 'underline
+ 'bold)) string)
+ else
+ do (set-text-properties i (1+ i) nil string)
+ finally (return string)))
+ completions))
+(defun org-contacts-test-completion-prefix (string collection predicate)
+ ;; Prevents `org-find-if' from redefining `predicate' and going into
+ ;; an infinite loop.
+ (lexical-let ((predicate predicate))
+ (org-find-if (lambda (el)
+ (and (or (null predicate) (funcall predicate el))
+ (string= string el)))
+ collection)))
+(defun org-contacts-boundaries-prefix (string collection predicate suffix)
+ (list* 'boundaries (completion-boundaries string collection predicate suffix)))
+(defun org-contacts-metadata-prefix (string collection predicate)
+ '(metadata .
+ ((display-sort-function . org-contacts-display-sort-function))))
+(defun org-contacts-complete-group (start end string)
+ "Complete text at START from a group.
+A group FOO is composed of contacts with the tag FOO."
+ (let* ((completion-ignore-case org-contacts-completion-ignore-case)
+ (group-completion-p (org-string-match-p
+ (concat "^" org-contacts-group-prefix) string)))
+ (when group-completion-p
+ (let ((completion-list
+ (all-completions
+ string
+ (mapcar (lambda (group)
+ (propertize (concat org-contacts-group-prefix group)
+ 'org-contacts-group group))
+ (org-uniquify
+ (loop for contact in (org-contacts-filter)
+ nconc (org-split-string
+ (or (cdr (assoc-string "ALLTAGS" (caddr contact))) "") ":")))))))
+ (list start end
+ (if (= (length completion-list) 1)
+ ;; We've foudn the correct group, returns the address
+ (lexical-let ((tag (get-text-property 0 'org-contacts-group
+ (car completion-list))))
+ (lambda (string pred &optional to-ignore)
+ (mapconcat 'identity
+ (loop for contact in (org-contacts-filter
+ nil
+ tag)
+ ;; The contact name is always the car of the assoc-list
+ ;; returned by `org-contacts-filter'.
+ for contact-name = (car contact)
+ ;; Grab the first email of the contact
+ for email = (car (split-string
+ (or
+ (cdr (assoc-string org-contacts-email-property
+ (caddr contact)))
+ "")))
+ ;; If the user has an email address, append USER <EMAIL>.
+ if email collect (org-contacts-format-email contact-name email))
+ ", ")))
+ ;; We haven't found the correct group
+ (completion-table-case-fold completion-list
+ (not org-contacts-completion-ignore-case))))))))
+(defun org-contacts-complete-name (start end string)
"Complete text at START with a user name and email."
- (let* ((end (point))
- (start (or start
- (save-excursion
- (re-search-backward "\\(\\`\\|[\n:,]\\)[ \t]*")
- (goto-char (match-end 0))
- (point))))
- (orig (buffer-substring start end))
- (completion-ignore-case org-contacts-completion-ignore-case)
- (group-completion-p (org-string-match-p (concat "^" org-contacts-group-prefix) orig))
+ (let* ((completion-ignore-case org-contacts-completion-ignore-case)
- (if group-completion-p
- (mapcar (lambda (group) (propertize (concat org-contacts-group-prefix group) 'org-contacts-group group))
- (org-uniquify
- (loop for contact in (org-contacts-filter)
- with group-list
- nconc (org-split-string
- (or (cdr (assoc-string "ALLTAGS" (caddr contact))) "") ":"))))
- (loop for contact in (org-contacts-filter)
- ;; The contact name is always the car of the assoc-list
- ;; returned by `org-contacts-filter'.
- for contact-name = (car contact)
- ;; Build the list of the user email addresses.
- for email-list = (split-string (or
- (cdr (assoc-string org-contacts-email-property (caddr contact)))
- ""))
- ;; If the user has email addresses…
- if email-list
- ;; … append a list of USER <EMAIL>.
- nconc (loop for email in email-list
- collect (org-contacts-format-email contact-name email)))))
- (completion-list (all-completions orig completion-list)))
- ;; If we are completing a group, and that's the only group, just return
- ;; the real result.
- (when (and group-completion-p
- (= (length completion-list) 1))
- (setq completion-list
- (list (concat (car completion-list) ";: "
- (mapconcat 'identity
- (loop for contact in (org-contacts-filter
- nil
- (get-text-property 0 'org-contacts-group (car completion-list)))
- ;; The contact name is always the car of the assoc-list
- ;; returned by `org-contacts-filter'.
- for contact-name = (car contact)
- ;; Grab the first email of the contact
- for email = (car (split-string (or
- (cdr (assoc-string org-contacts-email-property (caddr contact)))
- "")))
- ;; If the user has an email address, append USER <EMAIL>.
- if email collect (org-contacts-format-email contact-name email))
- ", ")))))
- (list start end (completion-table-case-fold completion-list (not org-contacts-completion-ignore-case)))))
-(defun org-contacts-message-complete-function ()
+ (loop for contact in (org-contacts-filter)
+ ;; The contact name is always the car of the assoc-list
+ ;; returned by `org-contacts-filter'.
+ for contact-name = (car contact)
+ ;; Build the list of the user email addresses.
+ for email-list = (split-string (or
+ (cdr (assoc-string org-contacts-email-property
+ (caddr contact))) ""))
+ ;; If the user has email addresses…
+ if email-list
+ ;; … append a list of USER <EMAIL>.
+ nconc (loop for email in email-list
+ collect (org-contacts-format-email contact-name email))))
+ (completion-list (org-contacts-all-completions-prefix
+ string
+ (org-uniquify completion-list))))
+ (when completion-list
+ (list start end
+ (org-contacts-make-collection-prefix completion-list)))))
+(defun org-contacts-message-complete-function (&optional start)
"Function used in `completion-at-point-functions' in `message-mode'."
+ ;; Avoid to complete in `post-command-hook'.
+ (when completion-in-region-mode
+ (remove-hook 'post-command-hook #'completion-in-region--postch))
(let ((mail-abbrev-mode-regexp
- (when (mail-abbrev-in-expansion-header-p)
- (org-contacts-complete-name))))
+ (when (mail-abbrev-in-expansion-header-p)
+ (lexical-let*
+ ((end (point))
+ (start (or start
+ (save-excursion
+ (re-search-backward "\\(\\`\\|[\n:,]\\)[ \t]*")
+ (goto-char (match-end 0))
+ (point))))
+ (string (buffer-substring start end)))
+ (or (org-contacts-complete-group start end string)
+ (org-contacts-complete-name start end string))))))
(defun org-contacts-gnus-get-name-email ()
"Get name and email address from Gnus message."
@@ -272,6 +533,7 @@ If both match values are nil, return all contacts."
;; show the next heading
(org-flag-heading nil)))))))
+(org-no-warnings (defvar date)) ;; unprefixed, from calendar.el
(defun org-contacts-anniversaries (&optional field format)
"Compute FIELD anniversary for each contact, returning FORMAT.
Default FIELD value is \"BIRTHDAY\".
@@ -342,6 +604,7 @@ This function should be called from `gnus-article-prepare-hook'."
(org-set-property org-contacts-last-read-mail-property link)))))))
(defun org-contacts-icon-as-string ()
+ "Return the contact icon as a string."
(let ((image (org-contacts-get-icon)))
(propertize "-" 'display
@@ -359,9 +622,9 @@ This function should be called from `gnus-article-prepare-hook'."
(let ((org-agenda-files (org-contacts-files))
(lambda () (org-agenda-skip-if nil `(notregexp ,name))))
- (org-agenda-format (propertize
- "%(org-contacts-icon-as-string)% p% s%(org-contacts-irc-number-of-unread-messages)%+T"
- 'keymap org-contacts-keymap))
+ (org-agenda-prefix-format (propertize
+ "%(org-contacts-icon-as-string)% s%(org-contacts-irc-number-of-unread-messages) "
+ 'keymap org-contacts-keymap))
(or org-agenda-overriding-header
(concat "List of contacts matching `" name "':"))))
@@ -378,12 +641,17 @@ This function should be called from `gnus-article-prepare-hook'."
prompt (org-contacts-filter) predicate t initial-input hist def inherit-input-method))
+(defun org-contacts-format-name (name)
+ "Trim any local formatting to get a bare NAME."
+ ;; Remove radio targets characters
+ (replace-regexp-in-string org-radio-target-regexp "\\1" name))
(defun org-contacts-format-email (name email)
- "Format a mail address."
+ "Format an EMAIL address corresponding to NAME."
(unless email
(error "`email' cannot be nul"))
(if name
- (concat name " <" email ">")
+ (concat (org-contacts-format-name name) " <" email ">")
(defun org-contacts-check-mail-address (mail)
@@ -406,7 +674,7 @@ This function should be called from `gnus-article-prepare-hook'."
"Add some hooks for Gnus user.
This adds `org-contacts-gnus-check-mail-address' and
`org-contacts-gnus-store-last-mail' to
-`gnus-article-prepare-hook'. It also adds a binding on `;' in
+`gnus-article-prepare-hook'. It also adds a binding on `;' in
`gnus-summary-mode-map' to `org-contacts-gnus-article-from-goto'"
(require 'gnus)
(require 'gnus-art)
@@ -414,7 +682,8 @@ This adds `org-contacts-gnus-check-mail-address' and
(add-hook 'gnus-article-prepare-hook 'org-contacts-gnus-check-mail-address)
(add-hook 'gnus-article-prepare-hook 'org-contacts-gnus-store-last-mail))
-(when (boundp 'completion-at-point-functions)
+(when (and org-contacts-enable-completion
+ (boundp 'completion-at-point-functions))
(add-hook 'message-mode-hook
(lambda ()
(add-to-list 'completion-at-point-functions
@@ -426,18 +695,19 @@ Works from wl-summary-mode and mime-view-mode - that is while viewing email.
Depends on Wanderlust been loaded."
(with-current-buffer (org-capture-get :original-buffer)
- ((eq major-mode 'wl-summary-mode) (when wl-summary-buffer-elmo-folder
+ ((eq major-mode 'wl-summary-mode) (when (and (boundp 'wl-summary-buffer-elmo-folder)
+ wl-summary-buffer-elmo-folder)
((eq major-mode 'mime-view-mode) (std11-narrow-to-header)
- (prog1
- (std11-fetch-field "From")
- (widen))))))
+ (prog1
+ (std11-fetch-field "From")
+ (widen))))))
(defun org-contacts-wl-get-name-email ()
- "Get name and email address from wanderlust email.
+ "Get name and email address from Wanderlust email.
See `org-contacts-wl-get-from-header-content' for limitations."
(let ((from (org-contacts-wl-get-from-header-content)))
(when from
@@ -446,13 +716,14 @@ See `org-contacts-wl-get-from-header-content' for limitations."
(defun org-contacts-template-wl-name (&optional return-value)
"Try to return the contact name for a template from wl.
-If not found return RETURN-VALUE or something that would ask the user."
+If not found, return RETURN-VALUE or something that would ask the
(or (car (org-contacts-wl-get-name-email))
(defun org-contacts-template-wl-email (&optional return-value)
- "Try to return the contact email for a template from wl.
+ "Try to return the contact email for a template from Wanderlust.
If not found return RETURN-VALUE or something that would ask the user."
(or (cadr (org-contacts-wl-get-name-email))
@@ -460,7 +731,8 @@ If not found return RETURN-VALUE or something that would ask the user."
(defun org-contacts-view-send-email (&optional ask)
"Send email to the contact at point.
-If ASK is set, ask for the email address even if there's only one address."
+If ASK is set, ask for the email address even if there's only one
(interactive "P")
(let ((marker (org-get-at-bol 'org-hd-marker)))
(org-with-point-at marker
@@ -536,24 +808,31 @@ If ASK is set, ask for the email address even if there's only one address."
(defun erc-nicknames-list ()
"Return all nicknames of all ERC buffers."
- (if (fboundp 'erc-buffer-list)
- (loop for buffer in (erc-buffer-list)
- nconc (with-current-buffer buffer
- (loop for user-entry in (mapcar 'car (erc-get-channel-user-list))
- collect (elt user-entry 1))))))
+ (loop for buffer in (erc-buffer-list)
+ nconc (with-current-buffer buffer
+ (loop for user-entry in (mapcar 'car (erc-get-channel-user-list))
+ collect (elt user-entry 1)))))
(add-to-list 'org-property-set-functions-alist
`(,org-contacts-nickname-property . org-contacts-completing-read-nickname))
(defun org-contacts-vcard-escape (str)
- "Escape ; , and \n in STR for use in the VCard format.
-Thanks to for the regexp."
+ "Escape ; , and \n in STR for the VCard format."
+ ;; Thanks to this library for the regexp:
+ ;;
(when str
- (replace-regexp-in-string "\n" "\\\\n" (replace-regexp-in-string "\\(;\\|,\\|\\\\\\)" "\\\\\\1" str))))
+ (replace-regexp-in-string
+ "\n" "\\\\n"
+ (replace-regexp-in-string "\\(;\\|,\\|\\\\\\)" "\\\\\\1" str))))
(defun org-contacts-vcard-encode-name (name)
- "Try to encode NAME as VCard's N property. The N property expects FamilyName;GivenName;AdditionalNames;Prefix;Postfix.
-Org-contacts does not specify how to encode the name. So we try to do our best."
+ "Try to encode NAME as VCard's N property.
+The N property expects
+ FamilyName;GivenName;AdditionalNames;Prefix;Postfix.
+Org-contacts does not specify how to encode the name. So we try
+to do our best."
(concat (replace-regexp-in-string "\\(\\w+\\) \\(.*\\)" "\\2;\\1" name) ";;;"))
(defun org-contacts-vcard-format (contact)
@@ -561,16 +840,30 @@ Org-contacts does not specify how to encode the name. So we try to do our best."
(let* ((properties (caddr contact))
(name (org-contacts-vcard-escape (car contact)))
(n (org-contacts-vcard-encode-name name))
- (email (org-contacts-vcard-escape (cdr (assoc-string org-contacts-email-property properties))))
+ (email (cdr (assoc-string org-contacts-email-property properties)))
+ (tel (cdr (assoc-string org-contacts-tel-property properties)))
+ (note (cdr (assoc-string org-contacts-note-property properties)))
(bday (org-contacts-vcard-escape (cdr (assoc-string org-contacts-birthday-property properties))))
(addr (cdr (assoc-string org-contacts-address-property properties)))
(nick (org-contacts-vcard-escape (cdr (assoc-string org-contacts-nickname-property properties))))
(head (format "BEGIN:VCARD\nVERSION:3.0\nN:%s\nFN:%s\n" n name)))
(concat head
- (when email (format "EMAIL:%s\n" email))
+ (when email (progn
+ (setq emails-list (split-string email "[,;: ]+"))
+ (setq result "")
+ (while emails-list
+ (setq result (concat result "EMAIL:" (car emails-list) "\n"))
+ (setq emails-list (cdr emails-list)))
+ result))
(when addr
(format "ADR:;;%s\n" (replace-regexp-in-string "\\, ?" ";" addr)))
+ (when tel (progn
+ (setq phones-list (split-string tel "[,;: ]+"))
+ (setq result "")
+ (while phones-list
+ (setq result (concat result "TEL:" (car phones-list) "\n"))
+ (setq phones-list (cdr phones-list)))
+ result))
(when bday
(let ((cal-bday (calendar-gregorian-from-absolute (org-time-string-to-absolute bday))))
(format "BDAY:%04d-%02d-%02d\n"
@@ -578,44 +871,47 @@ Org-contacts does not specify how to encode the name. So we try to do our best."
(calendar-extract-month cal-bday)
(calendar-extract-day cal-bday))))
(when nick (format "NICKNAME:%s\n" nick))
+ (when note (format "NOTE:%s\n" note))
(defun org-contacts-export-as-vcard (&optional name file to-buffer)
- "Export all contacts matching NAME as VCard 3.0. It TO-BUFFER is nil, the content is written to FILE or `org-contacts-vcard-file'. If TO-BUFFER is non-nil, the buffer is created and the VCard is written into that buffer."
+ "Export all contacts matching NAME as VCard 3.0.
+If TO-BUFFER is nil, the content is written to FILE or
+`org-contacts-vcard-file'. If TO-BUFFER is non-nil, the buffer
+is created and the VCard is written into that buffer."
(interactive) ; TODO ask for name?
(let* ((filename (or file org-contacts-vcard-file))
(buffer (if to-buffer
(get-buffer-create to-buffer)
- (find-file-noselect filename))))
+ (find-file-noselect filename))))
(message "Exporting...")
(set-buffer buffer)
(let ((inhibit-read-only t)) (erase-buffer))
- (org-install-letbind)
(when (fboundp 'set-buffer-file-coding-system)
(set-buffer-file-coding-system coding-system-for-write))
(loop for contact in (org-contacts-filter name)
- do (insert (org-contacts-vcard-format contact)))
+ do (insert (org-contacts-vcard-format contact)))
(if to-buffer
- (progn (save-buffer) (kill-buffer)))))
+ (progn (save-buffer) (kill-buffer)))))
(defun org-contacts-show-map (&optional name)
- "Show contacts on a map. Requires google-maps-el."
+ "Show contacts on a map.
+Requires google-maps-el."
(unless (fboundp 'google-maps-static-show)
(error "`org-contacts-show-map' requires `google-maps-el'"))
- for contact in (org-contacts-filter name)
- for addr = (cdr (assoc-string org-contacts-address-property (caddr contact)))
- if addr
- collect (cons (list addr) (list :label (string-to-char (car contact)))))))
+ for contact in (org-contacts-filter name)
+ for addr = (cdr (assoc-string org-contacts-address-property (caddr contact)))
+ if addr
+ collect (cons (list addr) (list :label (string-to-char (car contact)))))))
+(provide 'org-contacts)
(provide 'org-contacts)
+;;; org-contacts.el ends here