path: root/contrib/lisp/org-e-ascii.el
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Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/lisp/org-e-ascii.el')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1807 deletions
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index ad0f1b3..0000000
--- a/contrib/lisp/org-e-ascii.el
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-;;; org-e-ascii.el --- ASCII Back-End For Org Export Engine
-;; Copyright (C) 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-;; Author: Nicolas Goaziou <n.goaziou at gmail dot com>
-;; Keywords: outlines, hypermedia, calendar, wp
-;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-;; (at your option) any later version.
-;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
-;;; Commentary:
-;; This library implements an ASCII back-end for Org generic exporter.
-;; It provides two commands for export, depending on the desired
-;; output: `org-e-ascii-export-as-ascii' (temporary buffer) and
-;; `org-e-ascii-export-to-ascii' ("txt" file).
-;; Output encoding is specified through `org-e-ascii-charset'
-;; variable, among `ascii', `latin1' and `utf-8' symbols.
-;; By default, horizontal rules span over the full text with, but with
-;; a given width attribute (set though #+ATTR_ASCII: :width <num>)
-;; they can be shortened and centered.
-;;; Code:
-(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
-(require 'org-export)
-(declare-function aa2u "ext:ascii-art-to-unicode" ())
-;;; Define Back-End
-;; The following setting won't allow to modify preferred charset
-;; through a buffer keyword or an option item, but, since the property
-;; will appear in communication channel nonetheless, it allows to
-;; override `org-e-ascii-charset' variable on the fly by the ext-plist
-;; mechanism.
-;; We also install a filter for headlines and sections, in order to
-;; control blank lines separating them in output string.
-(org-export-define-backend e-ascii
- ((bold . org-e-ascii-bold)
- (center-block . org-e-ascii-center-block)
- (clock . org-e-ascii-clock)
- (code . org-e-ascii-code)
- (drawer . org-e-ascii-drawer)
- (dynamic-block . org-e-ascii-dynamic-block)
- (entity . org-e-ascii-entity)
- (example-block . org-e-ascii-example-block)
- (export-block . org-e-ascii-export-block)
- (export-snippet . org-e-ascii-export-snippet)
- (fixed-width . org-e-ascii-fixed-width)
- (footnote-definition . org-e-ascii-footnote-definition)
- (footnote-reference . org-e-ascii-footnote-reference)
- (headline . org-e-ascii-headline)
- (horizontal-rule . org-e-ascii-horizontal-rule)
- (inline-src-block . org-e-ascii-inline-src-block)
- (inlinetask . org-e-ascii-inlinetask)
- (italic . org-e-ascii-italic)
- (item . org-e-ascii-item)
- (keyword . org-e-ascii-keyword)
- (latex-environment . org-e-ascii-latex-environment)
- (latex-fragment . org-e-ascii-latex-fragment)
- (line-break . org-e-ascii-line-break)
- (link . org-e-ascii-link)
- (macro . org-e-ascii-macro)
- (paragraph . org-e-ascii-paragraph)
- (plain-list . org-e-ascii-plain-list)
- (plain-text . org-e-ascii-plain-text)
- (planning . org-e-ascii-planning)
- (quote-block . org-e-ascii-quote-block)
- (quote-section . org-e-ascii-quote-section)
- (radio-target . org-e-ascii-radio-target)
- (section . org-e-ascii-section)
- (special-block . org-e-ascii-special-block)
- (src-block . org-e-ascii-src-block)
- (statistics-cookie . org-e-ascii-statistics-cookie)
- (strike-through . org-e-ascii-strike-through)
- (subscript . org-e-ascii-subscript)
- (superscript . org-e-ascii-superscript)
- (table . org-e-ascii-table)
- (table-cell . org-e-ascii-table-cell)
- (table-row . org-e-ascii-table-row)
- (target . org-e-ascii-target)
- (template . org-e-ascii-template)
- (timestamp . org-e-ascii-timestamp)
- (underline . org-e-ascii-underline)
- (verbatim . org-e-ascii-verbatim)
- (verse-block . org-e-ascii-verse-block))
- :export-block "ASCII"
- :filters-alist ((:filter-headline . org-e-ascii-filter-headline-blank-lines)
- (:filter-section . org-e-ascii-filter-headline-blank-lines))
- :options-alist ((:ascii-charset nil nil org-e-ascii-charset)))
-;;; User Configurable Variables
-(defgroup org-export-e-ascii nil
- "Options for exporting Org mode files to ASCII."
- :tag "Org Export ASCII"
- :group 'org-export)
-(defcustom org-e-ascii-text-width 72
- "Maximum width of exported text.
-This number includes margin size, as set in
- :group 'org-export-e-ascii
- :type 'integer)
-(defcustom org-e-ascii-global-margin 0
- "Width of the left margin, in number of characters."
- :group 'org-export-e-ascii
- :type 'integer)
-(defcustom org-e-ascii-inner-margin 2
- "Width of the inner margin, in number of characters.
-Inner margin is applied between each headline."
- :group 'org-export-e-ascii
- :type 'integer)
-(defcustom org-e-ascii-quote-margin 6
- "Width of margin used for quoting text, in characters.
-This margin is applied on both sides of the text."
- :group 'org-export-e-ascii
- :type 'integer)
-(defcustom org-e-ascii-inlinetask-width 30
- "Width of inline tasks, in number of characters.
-This number ignores any margin."
- :group 'org-export-e-ascii
- :type 'integer)
-(defcustom org-e-ascii-headline-spacing '(1 . 2)
- "Number of blank lines inserted around headlines.
-This variable can be set to a cons cell. In that case, its car
-represents the number of blank lines present before headline
-contents whereas its cdr reflects the number of blank lines after
-A nil value replicates the number of blank lines found in the
-original Org buffer at the same place."
- :group 'org-export-e-ascii
- :type '(choice
- (const :tag "Replicate original spacing" nil)
- (cons :tag "Set an uniform spacing"
- (integer :tag "Number of blank lines before contents")
- (integer :tag "Number of blank lines after contents"))))
-(defcustom org-e-ascii-charset 'ascii
- "The charset allowed to represent various elements and objects.
-Possible values are:
-`ascii' Only use plain ASCII characters
-`latin1' Include Latin-1 characters
-`utf-8' Use all UTF-8 characters"
- :group 'org-export-e-ascii
- :type '(choice
- (const :tag "ASCII" ascii)
- (const :tag "Latin-1" latin1)
- (const :tag "UTF-8" utf-8)))
-(defcustom org-e-ascii-underline '((ascii ?= ?~ ?-)
- (latin1 ?= ?~ ?-)
- (utf-8 ?═ ?─ ?╌ ?┄ ?┈))
- "Characters for underlining headings in ASCII export.
-Alist whose key is a symbol among `ascii', `latin1' and `utf-8'
-and whose value is a list of characters.
-For each supported charset, this variable associates a sequence
-of underline characters. In a sequence, the characters will be
-used in order for headlines level 1, 2, ... If no character is
-available for a given level, the headline won't be underlined."
- :group 'org-export-e-ascii
- :type '(list
- (cons :tag "Underline characters sequence"
- (const :tag "ASCII charset" ascii)
- (repeat character))
- (cons :tag "Underline characters sequence"
- (const :tag "Latin-1 charset" latin1)
- (repeat character))
- (cons :tag "Underline characters sequence"
- (const :tag "UTF-8 charset" utf-8)
- (repeat character))))
-(defcustom org-e-ascii-bullets '((ascii ?* ?+ ?-)
- (latin1 ?§ ?¶)
- (utf-8 ?◊))
- "Bullet characters for headlines converted to lists in ASCII export.
-Alist whose key is a symbol among `ascii', `latin1' and `utf-8'
-and whose value is a list of characters.
-The first character is used for the first level considered as low
-level, and so on. If there are more levels than characters given
-here, the list will be repeated.
-Note that this variable doesn't affect plain lists
- :group 'org-export-e-ascii
- :type '(list
- (cons :tag "Bullet characters for low level headlines"
- (const :tag "ASCII charset" ascii)
- (repeat character))
- (cons :tag "Bullet characters for low level headlines"
- (const :tag "Latin-1 charset" latin1)
- (repeat character))
- (cons :tag "Bullet characters for low level headlines"
- (const :tag "UTF-8 charset" utf-8)
- (repeat character))))
-(defcustom org-e-ascii-links-to-notes t
- "Non-nil means convert links to notes before the next headline.
-When nil, the link will be exported in place. If the line
-becomes long in this way, it will be wrapped."
- :group 'org-export-e-ascii
- :type 'boolean)
-(defcustom org-e-ascii-table-keep-all-vertical-lines nil
- "Non-nil means keep all vertical lines in ASCII tables.
-When nil, vertical lines will be removed except for those needed
-for column grouping."
- :group 'org-export-e-ascii
- :type 'boolean)
-(defcustom org-e-ascii-table-widen-columns t
- "Non-nil means widen narrowed columns for export.
-When nil, narrowed columns will look in ASCII export just like in
-Org mode, i.e. with \"=>\" as ellipsis."
- :group 'org-export-e-ascii
- :type 'boolean)
-(defcustom org-e-ascii-table-use-ascii-art nil
- "Non-nil means table.el tables are turned into ascii-art.
-It only makes sense when export charset is `utf-8'. It is nil by
-default since it requires ascii-art-to-unicode.el package. You
-can download it here:
-(defcustom org-e-ascii-caption-above nil
- "When non-nil, place caption string before the element.
-Otherwise, place it right after it."
- :group 'org-export-e-ascii
- :type 'boolean)
-(defcustom org-e-ascii-verbatim-format "`%s'"
- "Format string used for verbatim text and inline code."
- :group 'org-export-e-ascii
- :type 'string)
-(defcustom org-e-ascii-format-drawer-function nil
- "Function called to format a drawer in ASCII.
-The function must accept two parameters:
- NAME the drawer name, like \"LOGBOOK\"
- CONTENTS the contents of the drawer.
- WIDTH the text width within the drawer.
-The function should return either the string to be exported or
-nil to ignore the drawer.
-For example, the variable could be set to the following function
-in order to mimic default behaviour:
-\(defun org-e-ascii-format-drawer-default \(name contents width\)
- \"Format a drawer element for ASCII export.\"
- contents\)"
- :group 'org-export-e-ascii
- :type 'function)
-(defcustom org-e-ascii-format-inlinetask-function nil
- "Function called to format an inlinetask in ASCII.
-The function must accept six parameters:
- TODO the todo keyword, as a string
- TODO-TYPE the todo type, a symbol among `todo', `done' and nil.
- PRIORITY the inlinetask priority, as a string
- NAME the inlinetask name, as a string.
- TAGS the inlinetask tags, as a list of strings.
- CONTENTS the contents of the inlinetask, as a string.
-The function should return either the string to be exported or
-nil to ignore the inline task.
-For example, the variable could be set to the following function
-in order to mimic default behaviour:
-\(defun org-e-ascii-format-inlinetask-default
- \(todo type priority name tags contents\)
- \"Format an inline task element for ASCII export.\"
- \(let* \(\(utf8p \(eq \(plist-get info :ascii-charset\) 'utf-8\)\)
- \(width org-e-ascii-inlinetask-width\)
- \(org-e-ascii--indent-string
- \(concat
- ;; Top line, with an additional blank line if not in UTF-8.
- \(make-string width \(if utf8p ?━ ?_\)\) \"\\n\"
- \(unless utf8p \(concat \(make-string width ? \) \"\\n\"\)\)
- ;; Add title. Fill it if wider than inlinetask.
- \(let \(\(title \(org-e-ascii--build-title inlinetask info width\)\)\)
- \(if \(<= \(length title\) width\) title
- \(org-e-ascii--fill-string title width info\)\)\)
- \"\\n\"
- ;; If CONTENTS is not empty, insert it along with
- ;; a separator.
- \(when \(org-string-nw-p contents\)
- \(concat \(make-string width \(if utf8p ?─ ?-\)\) \"\\n\" contents\)\)
- ;; Bottom line.
- \(make-string width \(if utf8p ?━ ?_\)\)\)
- ;; Flush the inlinetask to the right.
- \(- \(plist-get info :ascii-width\)
- \(plist-get info :ascii-margin\)
- \(plist-get info :ascii-inner-margin\)
- \(org-e-ascii--current-text-width inlinetask info\)\)"
- :group 'org-export-e-ascii
- :type 'function)
-;;; Internal Functions
-;; Internal functions fall into three categories.
-;; The first one is about text formatting. The core function is
-;; `org-e-ascii--current-text-width', which determines the current
-;; text width allowed to a given element. In other words, it helps
-;; keeping each line width within maximum text width defined in
-;; `org-e-ascii-text-width'. Once this information is known,
-;; `org-e-ascii--fill-string', `org-e-ascii--justify-string',
-;; `org-e-ascii--box-string' and `org-e-ascii--indent-string' can
-;; operate on a given output string.
-;; The second category contains functions handling elements listings,
-;; triggered by "#+TOC:" keyword. As such, `org-e-ascii--build-toc'
-;; returns a complete table of contents, `org-e-ascii--list-listings'
-;; returns a list of referenceable src-block elements, and
-;; `org-e-ascii--list-tables' does the same for table elements.
-;; The third category includes general helper functions.
-;; `org-e-ascii--build-title' creates the title for a given headline
-;; or inlinetask element. `org-e-ascii--build-caption' returns the
-;; caption string associated to a table or a src-block.
-;; `org-e-ascii--describe-links' creates notes about links for
-;; insertion at the end of a section. It uses
-;; `org-e-ascii--unique-links' to get the list of links to describe.
-;; Eventually, `org-e-ascii--translate' translates a string according
-;; to language and charset specification.
-(defun org-e-ascii--fill-string (s text-width info &optional justify)
- "Fill a string with specified text-width and return it.
-S is the string being filled. TEXT-WIDTH is an integer
-specifying maximum length of a line. INFO is the plist used as
-a communication channel.
-Optional argument JUSTIFY can specify any type of justification
-among `left', `center', `right' or `full'. A nil value is
-equivalent to `left'. For a justification that doesn't also fill
-string, see `org-e-ascii--justify-string'.
-Return nil if S isn't a string."
- ;; Don't fill paragraph when break should be preserved.
- (cond ((not (stringp s)) nil)
- ((plist-get info :preserve-breaks) s)
- (t (with-temp-buffer
- (let ((fill-column text-width)
- (use-hard-newlines t))
- (insert s)
- (fill-region (point-min) (point-max) justify))
- (buffer-string)))))
-(defun org-e-ascii--justify-string (s text-width how)
- "Justify string S.
-TEXT-WIDTH is an integer specifying maximum length of a line.
-HOW determines the type of justification: it can be `left',
-`right', `full' or `center'."
- (with-temp-buffer
- (insert s)
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (let ((fill-column text-width))
- (while (< (point) (point-max))
- (justify-current-line how)
- (forward-line)))
- (buffer-string)))
-(defun org-e-ascii--indent-string (s width)
- "Indent string S by WIDTH white spaces.
-Empty lines are not indented."
- (when (stringp s)
- (replace-regexp-in-string
- "\\(^\\)\\(?:.*\\S-\\)" (make-string width ? ) s nil nil 1)))
-(defun org-e-ascii--box-string (s info)
- "Return string S with a partial box to its left.
-INFO is a plist used as a communicaton channel."
- (let ((utf8p (eq (plist-get info :ascii-charset) 'utf-8)))
- (format (if utf8p "╭────\n%s\n╰────" ",----\n%s\n`----")
- (replace-regexp-in-string
- "^" (if utf8p "│ " "| ")
- ;; Remove last newline character.
- (replace-regexp-in-string "\n[ \t]*\\'" "" s)))))
-(defun org-e-ascii--current-text-width (element info)
- "Return maximum text width for ELEMENT's contents.
-INFO is a plist used as a communication channel."
- (case (org-element-type element)
- ;; Elements with an absolute width: `headline' and `inlinetask'.
- (inlinetask org-e-ascii-inlinetask-width)
- ('headline
- (- org-e-ascii-text-width
- (let ((low-level-rank (org-export-low-level-p element info)))
- (if low-level-rank (* low-level-rank 2) org-e-ascii-global-margin))))
- ;; Elements with a relative width: store maximum text width in
- (otherwise
- (let* ((genealogy (cons element (org-export-get-genealogy element)))
- ;; Total width is determined by the presence, or not, of an
- ;; inline task among ELEMENT parents.
- (total-width
- (if (loop for parent in genealogy
- thereis (eq (org-element-type parent) 'inlinetask))
- org-e-ascii-inlinetask-width
- ;; No inlinetask: Remove global margin from text width.
- (- org-e-ascii-text-width
- org-e-ascii-global-margin
- (let ((parent (org-export-get-parent-headline element)))
- ;; Inner margin doesn't apply to text before first
- ;; headline.
- (if (not parent) 0
- (let ((low-level-rank
- (org-export-low-level-p parent info)))
- ;; Inner margin doesn't apply to contents of
- ;; low level headlines, since they've got their
- ;; own indentation mechanism.
- (if low-level-rank (* low-level-rank 2)
- org-e-ascii-inner-margin))))))))
- (- total-width
- ;; Each `quote-block', `quote-section' and `verse-block' above
- ;; narrows text width by twice the standard margin size.
- (+ (* (loop for parent in genealogy
- when (memq (org-element-type parent)
- '(quote-block quote-section verse-block))
- count parent)
- 2 org-e-ascii-quote-margin)
- ;; Text width within a plain-list is restricted by
- ;; indentation of current item. If that's the case,
- ;; compute it with the help of `:structure' property from
- ;; parent item, if any.
- (let ((parent-item
- (if (eq (org-element-type element) 'item) element
- (loop for parent in genealogy
- when (eq (org-element-type parent) 'item)
- return parent))))
- (if (not parent-item) 0
- ;; Compute indentation offset of the current item,
- ;; that is the sum of the difference between its
- ;; indentation and the indentation of the top item in
- ;; the list and current item bullet's length. Also
- ;; remove checkbox length, and tag length (for
- ;; description lists) or bullet length.
- (let ((struct (org-element-property :structure parent-item))
- (beg-item (org-element-property :begin parent-item)))
- (+ (- (org-list-get-ind beg-item struct)
- (org-list-get-ind
- (org-list-get-top-point struct) struct))
- (length (org-e-ascii--checkbox parent-item info))
- (length
- (or (org-list-get-tag beg-item struct)
- (org-list-get-bullet beg-item struct)))))))))))))
-(defun org-e-ascii--build-title
- (element info text-width &optional underline notags)
- "Format ELEMENT title and return it.
-ELEMENT is either an `headline' or `inlinetask' element. INFO is
-a plist used as a communication channel. TEXT-WIDTH is an
-integer representing the maximum length of a line.
-When optional argument UNDERLINE is non-nil, underline title,
-without the tags, according to `org-e-ascii-underline'
-if optional argument NOTAGS is nil, no tags will be added to the
- (let* ((headlinep (eq (org-element-type element) 'headline))
- (numbers
- ;; Numbering is specific to headlines.
- (and headlinep (org-export-numbered-headline-p element info)
- ;; All tests passed: build numbering string.
- (concat
- (mapconcat
- 'number-to-string
- (org-export-get-headline-number element info) ".")
- " ")))
- (text (org-export-data (org-element-property :title element) info))
- (todo
- (and (plist-get info :with-todo-keywords)
- (let ((todo (org-element-property :todo-keyword element)))
- (and todo (concat (org-export-data todo info) " ")))))
- (tags (and (not notags)
- (plist-get info :with-tags)
- (let ((tag-list (org-export-get-tags element info)))
- (and tag-list
- (format ":%s:"
- (mapconcat 'identity tag-list ":"))))))
- (priority
- (and (plist-get info :with-priority)
- (let ((char (org-element-property :priority element)))
- (and char (format "(#%c) " char)))))
- (first-part (concat numbers todo priority text)))
- (concat
- first-part
- ;; Align tags, if any.
- (when tags
- (format
- (format " %%%ds"
- (max (- text-width (1+ (length first-part))) (length tags)))
- tags))
- ;; Maybe underline text, if ELEMENT type is `headline' and an
- ;; underline character has been defined.
- (when (and underline headlinep)
- (let ((under-char
- (nth (1- (org-export-get-relative-level element info))
- (cdr (assq (plist-get info :ascii-charset)
- org-e-ascii-underline)))))
- (and under-char
- (concat "\n"
- (make-string (length first-part) under-char))))))))
-(defun org-e-ascii--has-caption-p (element info)
- "Non-nil when ELEMENT has a caption affiliated keyword.
-INFO is a plist used as a communication channel. This function
-is meant to be used as a predicate for `org-export-get-ordinal'."
- (org-element-property :caption element))
-(defun org-e-ascii--build-caption (element info)
- "Return caption string for ELEMENT, if applicable.
-INFO is a plist used as a communication channel.
-The caption string contains the sequence number of ELEMENT along
-with its real caption. Return nil when ELEMENT has no affiliated
-caption keyword."
- (let ((caption (org-element-property :caption element)))
- (when caption
- ;; Get sequence number of current src-block among every
- ;; src-block with a caption.
- (let ((reference
- (org-export-get-ordinal
- element info nil 'org-e-ascii--has-caption-p))
- (title-fmt (org-e-ascii--translate
- (case (org-element-type element)
- (table "Table %d: %s")
- (src-block "Listing %d: %s"))
- info)))
- (org-e-ascii--fill-string
- (format title-fmt reference (org-export-data (car caption) info))
- (org-e-ascii--current-text-width element info) info)))))
-(defun org-e-ascii--build-toc (info &optional n keyword)
- "Return a table of contents.
-INFO is a plist used as a communication channel.
-Optional argument N, when non-nil, is an integer specifying the
-depth of the table.
-Optional argument KEYWORD specifies the TOC keyword, if any, from
-which the table of contents generation has been initiated."
- (let ((title (org-e-ascii--translate "Table of Contents" info)))
- (concat
- title "\n"
- (make-string (length title)
- (if (eq (plist-get info :ascii-charset) 'utf-8) ?─ ?_))
- "\n\n"
- (let ((text-width
- (if keyword (org-e-ascii--current-text-width keyword info)
- (- org-e-ascii-text-width org-e-ascii-global-margin))))
- (mapconcat
- (lambda (headline)
- (let* ((level (org-export-get-relative-level headline info))
- (indent (* (1- level) 3)))
- (concat
- (unless (zerop indent) (concat (make-string (1- indent) ?.) " "))
- (org-e-ascii--build-title
- headline info (- text-width indent) nil
- (eq (plist-get info :with-tags) 'not-in-toc)))))
- (org-export-collect-headlines info n) "\n")))))
-(defun org-e-ascii--list-listings (keyword info)
- "Return a list of listings.
-KEYWORD is the keyword that initiated the list of listings
-generation. INFO is a plist used as a communication channel."
- (let ((title (org-e-ascii--translate "List of Listings" info)))
- (concat
- title "\n"
- (make-string (length title)
- (if (eq (plist-get info :ascii-charset) 'utf-8) ?─ ?_))
- "\n\n"
- (let ((text-width
- (if keyword (org-e-ascii--current-text-width keyword info)
- (- org-e-ascii-text-width org-e-ascii-global-margin)))
- ;; Use a counter instead of retreiving ordinal of each
- ;; src-block.
- (count 0))
- (mapconcat
- (lambda (src-block)
- ;; Store initial text so its length can be computed. This is
- ;; used to properly align caption right to it in case of
- ;; filling (like contents of a description list item).
- (let ((initial-text
- (format (org-e-ascii--translate "Listing %d:" info)
- (incf count))))
- (concat
- initial-text " "
- (org-trim
- (org-e-ascii--indent-string
- (org-e-ascii--fill-string
- (let ((caption (org-element-property :caption src-block)))
- ;; Use short name in priority, if available.
- (org-export-data (or (cdr caption) (car caption)) info))
- (- text-width (length initial-text)) info)
- (length initial-text))))))
- (org-export-collect-listings info) "\n")))))
-(defun org-e-ascii--list-tables (keyword info)
- "Return a list of listings.
-KEYWORD is the keyword that initiated the list of listings
-generation. INFO is a plist used as a communication channel."
- (let ((title (org-e-ascii--translate "List of Tables" info)))
- (concat
- title "\n"
- (make-string (length title)
- (if (eq (plist-get info :ascii-charset) 'utf-8) ?─ ?_))
- "\n\n"
- (let ((text-width
- (if keyword (org-e-ascii--current-text-width keyword info)
- (- org-e-ascii-text-width org-e-ascii-global-margin)))
- ;; Use a counter instead of retreiving ordinal of each
- ;; src-block.
- (count 0))
- (mapconcat
- (lambda (table)
- ;; Store initial text so its length can be computed. This is
- ;; used to properly align caption right to it in case of
- ;; filling (like contents of a description list item).
- (let ((initial-text
- (format (org-e-ascii--translate "Table %d:" info)
- (incf count))))
- (concat
- initial-text " "
- (org-trim
- (org-e-ascii--indent-string
- (org-e-ascii--fill-string
- (let ((caption (org-element-property :caption table)))
- ;; Use short name in priority, if available.
- (org-export-data (or (cdr caption) (car caption)) info))
- (- text-width (length initial-text)) info)
- (length initial-text))))))
- (org-export-collect-tables info) "\n")))))
-(defun org-e-ascii--unique-links (element info)
- "Return a list of unique link references in ELEMENT.
-ELEMENT is either an headline element or a section element. INFO
-is a plist used as a communication channel."
- (let* (seen
- (unique-link-p
- (function
- ;; Return LINK if it wasn't referenced so far, or nil.
- ;; Update SEEN links along the way.
- (lambda (link)
- (let ((footprint
- (cons (org-element-property :raw-link link)
- (org-element-contents link))))
- (unless (member footprint seen)
- (push footprint seen) link)))))
- ;; If at a section, find parent headline, if any, in order to
- ;; count links that might be in the title.
- (headline
- (if (eq (org-element-type element) 'headline) element
- (or (org-export-get-parent-headline element) element))))
- ;; Get all links in HEADLINE.
- (org-element-map
- headline 'link (lambda (link) (funcall unique-link-p link)) info)))
-(defun org-e-ascii--describe-links (links width info)
- "Return a string describing a list of links.
-LINKS is a list of link type objects, as returned by
-`org-e-ascii--unique-links'. WIDTH is the text width allowed for
-the output string. INFO is a plist used as a communication
- (mapconcat
- (lambda (link)
- (let ((type (org-element-property :type link))
- (anchor (let ((desc (org-element-contents link)))
- (if (not desc) (org-element-property :raw-link link)
- (org-export-data desc info)))))
- (cond
- ;; Coderefs, radio links and fuzzy links are ignored.
- ((member type '("coderef" "radio" "fuzzy")) nil)
- ;; Id and custom-id links: Headlines refer to their numbering.
- ((member type '("custom-id" "id"))
- (let ((dest (org-export-resolve-id-link link info)))
- (concat
- (org-e-ascii--fill-string
- (format
- "[%s] %s"
- anchor
- (if (not dest) (org-e-ascii--translate "Unknown reference" info)
- (format
- (org-e-ascii--translate "See section %s" info)
- (mapconcat 'number-to-string
- (org-export-get-headline-number dest info) "."))))
- width info) "\n\n")))
- ;; Do not add a link that cannot be resolved and doesn't have
- ;; any description: destination is already visible in the
- ;; paragraph.
- ((not (org-element-contents link)) nil)
- (t
- (concat
- (org-e-ascii--fill-string
- (format "[%s] %s" anchor (org-element-property :raw-link link))
- width info)
- "\n\n")))))
- links ""))
-(defun org-e-ascii--checkbox (item info)
- "Return checkbox string for ITEM or nil.
-INFO is a plist used as a communication channel."
- (let ((utf8p (eq (plist-get info :ascii-charset) 'utf-8)))
- (case (org-element-property :checkbox item)
- (on (if utf8p "☑ " "[X] "))
- (off (if utf8p "☐ " "[ ] "))
- (trans (if utf8p "☒ " "[-] ")))))
-;;; Template
-(defun org-e-ascii-template--document-title (info)
- "Return document title, as a string.
-INFO is a plist used as a communication channel."
- (let ((text-width org-e-ascii-text-width)
- (title (org-export-data (plist-get info :title) info))
- (author (and (plist-get info :with-author)
- (let ((auth (plist-get info :author)))
- (and auth (org-export-data auth info)))))
- (email (and (plist-get info :with-email)
- (org-export-data (plist-get info :email) info)))
- (date (org-export-data (plist-get info :date) info)))
- ;; There are two types of title blocks depending on the presence
- ;; of a title to display.
- (if (string= title "")
- ;; Title block without a title. DATE is positioned at the top
- ;; right of the document, AUTHOR to the top left and EMAIL
- ;; just below.
- (cond
- ((and (org-string-nw-p date) (org-string-nw-p author))
- (concat
- author
- (make-string (- text-width (length date) (length author)) ? )
- date
- (when (org-string-nw-p email) (concat "\n" email))
- "\n\n\n"))
- ((and (org-string-nw-p date) (org-string-nw-p email))
- (concat
- email
- (make-string (- text-width (length date) (length email)) ? )
- date "\n\n\n"))
- ((org-string-nw-p date)
- (concat
- (org-e-ascii--justify-string date text-width 'right)
- "\n\n\n"))
- ((and (org-string-nw-p author) (org-string-nw-p email))
- (concat author "\n" email "\n\n\n"))
- ((org-string-nw-p author) (concat author "\n\n\n"))
- ((org-string-nw-p email) (concat email "\n\n\n")))
- ;; Title block with a title. Document's TITLE, along with the
- ;; AUTHOR and its EMAIL are both overlined and an underlined,
- ;; centered. Date is just below, also centered.
- (let* ((utf8p (eq (plist-get info :ascii-charset) 'utf-8))
- ;; Format TITLE. It may be filled if it is too wide,
- ;; that is wider than the two thirds of the total width.
- (title-len (min (length title) (/ (* 2 text-width) 3)))
- (formatted-title (org-e-ascii--fill-string title title-len info))
- (line
- (make-string
- (min (+ (max title-len (length author) (length email)) 2)
- text-width) (if utf8p ?━ ?_))))
- (org-e-ascii--justify-string
- (concat line "\n"
- (unless utf8p "\n")
- (upcase formatted-title)
- (cond
- ((and (org-string-nw-p author) (org-string-nw-p email))
- (concat (if utf8p "\n\n\n" "\n\n") author "\n" email))
- ((org-string-nw-p author)
- (concat (if utf8p "\n\n\n" "\n\n") author))
- ((org-string-nw-p email)
- (concat (if utf8p "\n\n\n" "\n\n") email)))
- "\n" line
- (when (org-string-nw-p date) (concat "\n\n\n" date))
- "\n\n\n") text-width 'center)))))
-(defun org-e-ascii-template (contents info)
- "Return complete document string after ASCII conversion.
-CONTENTS is the transcoded contents string. INFO is a plist
-holding export options."
- (org-element-normalize-string
- (org-e-ascii--indent-string
- (let ((text-width (- org-e-ascii-text-width org-e-ascii-global-margin)))
- ;; 1. Build title block.
- (concat
- (org-e-ascii-template--document-title info)
- ;; 2. Table of contents.
- (let ((depth (plist-get info :with-toc)))
- (when depth
- (concat
- (org-e-ascii--build-toc info (and (wholenump depth) depth))
- "\n\n\n")))
- ;; 3. Document's body.
- contents
- ;; 4. Footnote definitions.
- (let ((definitions (org-export-collect-footnote-definitions
- (plist-get info :parse-tree) info))
- ;; Insert full links right inside the footnote definition
- ;; as they have no chance to be inserted later.
- (org-e-ascii-links-to-notes nil))
- (when definitions
- (concat
- "\n\n\n"
- (let ((title (org-e-ascii--translate "Footnotes" info)))
- (concat
- title "\n"
- (make-string
- (length title)
- (if (eq (plist-get info :ascii-charset) 'utf-8) ?─ ?_))))
- "\n\n"
- (mapconcat
- (lambda (ref)
- (let ((id (format "[%s] " (car ref))))
- ;; Distinguish between inline definitions and
- ;; full-fledged definitions.
- (org-trim
- (let ((def (nth 2 ref)))
- (if (eq (org-element-type def) 'org-data)
- ;; Full-fledged definition: footnote ID is
- ;; inserted inside the first parsed paragraph
- ;; (FIRST), if any, to be sure filling will
- ;; take it into consideration.
- (let ((first (car (org-element-contents def))))
- (if (not (eq (org-element-type first) 'paragraph))
- (concat id "\n" (org-export-data def info))
- (push id (nthcdr 2 first))
- (org-export-data def info)))
- ;; Fill paragraph once footnote ID is inserted in
- ;; order to have a correct length for first line.
- (org-e-ascii--fill-string
- (concat id (org-export-data def info))
- text-width info))))))
- definitions "\n\n"))))
- ;; 5. Creator. Ignore `comment' value as there are no comments in
- ;; ASCII. Justify it to the bottom right.
- (let ((creator-info (plist-get info :with-creator)))
- (unless (or (not creator-info) (eq creator-info 'comment))
- (concat
- "\n\n\n"
- (org-e-ascii--fill-string
- (plist-get info :creator) text-width info 'right))))))
- org-e-ascii-global-margin)))
-(defun org-e-ascii--translate (s info)
- "Translate string S according to specified language and charset.
-INFO is a plist used as a communication channel."
- (let ((charset (intern (format ":%s" (plist-get info :ascii-charset)))))
- (org-export-translate s charset info)))
-;;; Transcode Functions
-;;;; Babel Call
-;; Babel Calls are ignored.
-;;;; Bold
-(defun org-e-ascii-bold (bold contents info)
- "Transcode BOLD from Org to ASCII.
-CONTENTS is the text with bold markup. INFO is a plist holding
-contextual information."
- (format "*%s*" contents))
-;;;; Center Block
-(defun org-e-ascii-center-block (center-block contents info)
- "Transcode a CENTER-BLOCK element from Org to ASCII.
-CONTENTS holds the contents of the block. INFO is a plist
-holding contextual information."
- (org-e-ascii--justify-string
- contents (org-e-ascii--current-text-width center-block info) 'center))
-;;;; Clock
-(defun org-e-ascii-clock (clock contents info)
- "Transcode a CLOCK object from Org to ASCII.
-CONTENTS is nil. INFO is a plist holding contextual
- (concat org-clock-string " "
- (org-translate-time (org-element-property :value clock))
- (let ((time (org-element-property :time clock)))
- (and time
- (concat " => "
- (apply 'format
- "%2s:%02s"
- (org-split-string time ":")))))))
-;;;; Code
-(defun org-e-ascii-code (code contents info)
- "Return a CODE object from Org to ASCII.
-CONTENTS is nil. INFO is a plist holding contextual
- (format org-e-ascii-verbatim-format (org-element-property :value code)))
-;;;; Comment
-;; Comments are ignored.
-;;;; Comment Block
-;; Comment Blocks are ignored.
-;;;; Drawer
-(defun org-e-ascii-drawer (drawer contents info)
- "Transcode a DRAWER element from Org to ASCII.
-CONTENTS holds the contents of the block. INFO is a plist
-holding contextual information."
- (let ((name (org-element-property :drawer-name drawer))
- (width (org-e-ascii--current-text-width drawer info)))
- (if (functionp org-e-ascii-format-drawer-function)
- (funcall org-e-ascii-format-drawer-function name contents width)
- ;; If there's no user defined function: simply
- ;; display contents of the drawer.
- contents)))
-;;;; Dynamic Block
-(defun org-e-ascii-dynamic-block (dynamic-block contents info)
- "Transcode a DYNAMIC-BLOCK element from Org to ASCII.
-CONTENTS holds the contents of the block. INFO is a plist
-holding contextual information."
- contents)
-;;;; Entity
-(defun org-e-ascii-entity (entity contents info)
- "Transcode an ENTITY object from Org to ASCII.
-CONTENTS are the definition itself. INFO is a plist holding
-contextual information."
- (org-element-property
- (intern (concat ":" (symbol-name (plist-get info :ascii-charset))))
- entity))
-;;;; Example Block
-(defun org-e-ascii-example-block (example-block contents info)
- "Transcode a EXAMPLE-BLOCK element from Org to ASCII.
-CONTENTS is nil. INFO is a plist holding contextual information."
- (org-e-ascii--box-string
- (org-export-format-code-default example-block info) info))
-;;;; Export Snippet
-(defun org-e-ascii-export-snippet (export-snippet contents info)
- "Transcode a EXPORT-SNIPPET object from Org to ASCII.
-CONTENTS is nil. INFO is a plist holding contextual information."
- (when (eq (org-export-snippet-backend export-snippet) 'e-ascii)
- (org-element-property :value export-snippet)))
-;;;; Export Block
-(defun org-e-ascii-export-block (export-block contents info)
- "Transcode a EXPORT-BLOCK element from Org to ASCII.
-CONTENTS is nil. INFO is a plist holding contextual information."
- (when (string= (org-element-property :type export-block) "ASCII")
- (org-remove-indentation (org-element-property :value export-block))))
-;;;; Fixed Width
-(defun org-e-ascii-fixed-width (fixed-width contents info)
- "Transcode a FIXED-WIDTH element from Org to ASCII.
-CONTENTS is nil. INFO is a plist holding contextual information."
- (org-e-ascii--box-string
- (org-remove-indentation
- (org-element-property :value fixed-width)) info))
-;;;; Footnote Definition
-;; Footnote Definitions are ignored. They are compiled at the end of
-;; the document, by `org-e-ascii-template'.
-;;;; Footnote Reference
-(defun org-e-ascii-footnote-reference (footnote-reference contents info)
- "Transcode a FOOTNOTE-REFERENCE element from Org to ASCII.
-CONTENTS is nil. INFO is a plist holding contextual information."
- (format "[%s]" (org-export-get-footnote-number footnote-reference info)))
-;;;; Headline
-(defun org-e-ascii-headline (headline contents info)
- "Transcode an HEADLINE element from Org to ASCII.
-CONTENTS holds the contents of the headline. INFO is a plist
-holding contextual information."
- ;; Don't export footnote section, which will be handled at the end
- ;; of the template.
- (unless (org-element-property :footnote-section-p headline)
- (let* ((low-level-rank (org-export-low-level-p headline info))
- (width (org-e-ascii--current-text-width headline info))
- ;; Blank lines between headline and its contents.
- ;; `org-e-ascii-headline-spacing', when set, overwrites
- ;; original buffer's spacing.
- (pre-blanks
- (make-string
- (if org-e-ascii-headline-spacing (car org-e-ascii-headline-spacing)
- (org-element-property :pre-blank headline)) ?\n))
- ;; Even if HEADLINE has no section, there might be some
- ;; links in its title that we shouldn't forget to describe.
- (links
- (unless (or (eq (caar (org-element-contents headline)) 'section))
- (let ((title (org-element-property :title headline)))
- (when (consp title)
- (org-e-ascii--describe-links
- (org-e-ascii--unique-links title info) width info))))))
- ;; Deep subtree: export it as a list item.
- (if low-level-rank
- (concat
- ;; Bullet.
- (let ((bullets (cdr (assq (plist-get info :ascii-charset)
- org-e-ascii-bullets))))
- (char-to-string
- (nth (mod (1- low-level-rank) (length bullets)) bullets)))
- " "
- ;; Title.
- (org-e-ascii--build-title headline info width) "\n"
- ;; Contents, indented by length of bullet.
- pre-blanks
- (org-e-ascii--indent-string
- (concat contents
- (when (org-string-nw-p links) (concat "\n\n" links)))
- 2))
- ;; Else: Standard headline.
- (concat
- (org-e-ascii--build-title headline info width 'underline)
- "\n" pre-blanks
- (concat (when (org-string-nw-p links) links) contents))))))
-;;;; Horizontal Rule
-(defun org-e-ascii-horizontal-rule (horizontal-rule contents info)
- "Transcode an HORIZONTAL-RULE object from Org to ASCII.
-CONTENTS is nil. INFO is a plist holding contextual
- (let ((text-width (org-e-ascii--current-text-width horizontal-rule info))
- (spec-width
- (org-export-read-attribute :attr_ascii horizontal-rule :width)))
- (org-e-ascii--justify-string
- (make-string (if (wholenump spec-width) spec-width text-width)
- (if (eq (plist-get info :ascii-charset) 'utf-8) ?― ?-))
- text-width 'center)))
-;;;; Inline Babel Call
-;; Inline Babel Calls are ignored.
-;;;; Inline Src Block
-(defun org-e-ascii-inline-src-block (inline-src-block contents info)
- "Transcode an INLINE-SRC-BLOCK element from Org to ASCII.
-CONTENTS holds the contents of the item. INFO is a plist holding
-contextual information."
- (format org-e-ascii-verbatim-format
- (org-element-property :value inline-src-block)))
-;;;; Inlinetask
-(defun org-e-ascii-inlinetask (inlinetask contents info)
- "Transcode an INLINETASK element from Org to ASCII.
-CONTENTS holds the contents of the block. INFO is a plist
-holding contextual information."
- (let ((width (org-e-ascii--current-text-width inlinetask info)))
- ;; If `org-e-ascii-format-inlinetask-function' is provided, call it
- ;; with appropriate arguments.
- (if (functionp org-e-ascii-format-inlinetask-function)
- (funcall org-e-ascii-format-inlinetask-function
- ;; todo.
- (and (plist-get info :with-todo-keywords)
- (let ((todo (org-element-property
- :todo-keyword inlinetask)))
- (and todo (org-export-data todo info))))
- ;; todo-type
- (org-element-property :todo-type inlinetask)
- ;; priority
- (and (plist-get info :with-priority)
- (org-element-property :priority inlinetask))
- ;; title
- (org-export-data (org-element-property :title inlinetask) info)
- ;; tags
- (and (plist-get info :with-tags)
- (org-element-property :tags inlinetask))
- ;; contents and width
- contents width)
- ;; Otherwise, use a default template.
- (let* ((utf8p (eq (plist-get info :ascii-charset) 'utf-8)))
- (org-e-ascii--indent-string
- (concat
- ;; Top line, with an additional blank line if not in UTF-8.
- (make-string width (if utf8p ?━ ?_)) "\n"
- (unless utf8p (concat (make-string width ? ) "\n"))
- ;; Add title. Fill it if wider than inlinetask.
- (let ((title (org-e-ascii--build-title inlinetask info width)))
- (if (<= (length title) width) title
- (org-e-ascii--fill-string title width info)))
- "\n"
- ;; If CONTENTS is not empty, insert it along with
- ;; a separator.
- (when (org-string-nw-p contents)
- (concat (make-string width (if utf8p ?─ ?-)) "\n" contents))
- ;; Bottom line.
- (make-string width (if utf8p ?━ ?_)))
- ;; Flush the inlinetask to the right.
- (- org-e-ascii-text-width org-e-ascii-global-margin
- (if (not (org-export-get-parent-headline inlinetask)) 0
- org-e-ascii-inner-margin)
- (org-e-ascii--current-text-width inlinetask info)))))))
-;;;; Italic
-(defun org-e-ascii-italic (italic contents info)
- "Transcode italic from Org to ASCII.
-CONTENTS is the text with italic markup. INFO is a plist holding
-contextual information."
- (format "/%s/" contents))
-;;;; Item
-(defun org-e-ascii-item (item contents info)
- "Transcode an ITEM element from Org to ASCII.
-CONTENTS holds the contents of the item. INFO is a plist holding
-contextual information."
- (let* ((utf8p (eq (plist-get info :ascii-charset) 'utf-8))
- (checkbox (org-e-ascii--checkbox item info))
- (list-type (org-element-property :type (org-export-get-parent item)))
- (bullet
- ;; First parent of ITEM is always the plain-list. Get
- ;; `:type' property from it.
- (org-list-bullet-string
- (case list-type
- (descriptive
- (concat checkbox
- (org-export-data (org-element-property :tag item) info)
- ": "))
- (ordered
- ;; Return correct number for ITEM, paying attention to
- ;; counters.
- (let* ((struct (org-element-property :structure item))
- (bul (org-element-property :bullet item))
- (num (number-to-string
- (car (last (org-list-get-item-number
- (org-element-property :begin item)
- struct
- (org-list-prevs-alist struct)
- (org-list-parents-alist struct)))))))
- (replace-regexp-in-string "[0-9]+" num bul)))
- (t (let ((bul (org-element-property :bullet item)))
- ;; Change bullets into more visible form if UTF-8 is active.
- (if (not utf8p) bul
- (replace-regexp-in-string
- "-" "•"
- (replace-regexp-in-string
- "+" "⁃"
- (replace-regexp-in-string "*" "‣" bul))))))))))
- (concat
- bullet
- (unless (eq list-type 'descriptive) checkbox)
- ;; Contents: Pay attention to indentation. Note: check-boxes are
- ;; already taken care of at the paragraph level so they don't
- ;; interfere with indentation.
- (let ((contents (org-e-ascii--indent-string contents (length bullet))))
- (if (eq (org-element-type (car (org-element-contents item))) 'paragraph)
- (org-trim contents)
- (concat "\n" contents))))))
-;;;; Keyword
-(defun org-e-ascii-keyword (keyword contents info)
- "Transcode a KEYWORD element from Org to ASCII.
-CONTENTS is nil. INFO is a plist holding contextual
- (let ((key (org-element-property :key keyword))
- (value (org-element-property :value keyword)))
- (cond
- ((string= key "ASCII") value)
- ((string= key "TOC")
- (let ((value (downcase value)))
- (cond
- ((string-match "\\<headlines\\>" value)
- (let ((depth (or (and (string-match "[0-9]+" value)
- (string-to-number (match-string 0 value)))
- (plist-get info :with-toc))))
- (org-e-ascii--build-toc
- info (and (wholenump depth) depth) keyword)))
- ((string= "tables" value)
- (org-e-ascii--list-tables keyword info))
- ((string= "listings" value)
- (org-e-ascii--list-listings keyword info))))))))
-;;;; Latex Environment
-(defun org-e-ascii-latex-environment (latex-environment contents info)
- "Transcode a LATEX-ENVIRONMENT element from Org to ASCII.
-CONTENTS is nil. INFO is a plist holding contextual
- (org-remove-indentation (org-element-property :value latex-environment)))
-;;;; Latex Fragment
-(defun org-e-ascii-latex-fragment (latex-fragment contents info)
- "Transcode a LATEX-FRAGMENT object from Org to ASCII.
-CONTENTS is nil. INFO is a plist holding contextual
- (org-element-property :value latex-fragment))
-;;;; Line Break
-(defun org-e-ascii-line-break (line-break contents info)
- "Transcode a LINE-BREAK object from Org to ASCII.
-CONTENTS is nil. INFO is a plist holding contextual
- information." hard-newline)
-;;;; Link
-(defun org-e-ascii-link (link desc info)
- "Transcode a LINK object from Org to ASCII.
-DESC is the description part of the link, or the empty string.
-INFO is a plist holding contextual information."
- (let ((raw-link (org-element-property :raw-link link))
- (type (org-element-property :type link)))
- (cond
- ((string= type "coderef")
- (let ((ref (org-element-property :path link)))
- (format (org-export-get-coderef-format ref desc)
- (org-export-resolve-coderef ref info))))
- ;; Do not apply a special syntax on radio links. Though, use
- ;; transcoded target's contents as output.
- ((string= type "radio")
- (let ((destination (org-export-resolve-radio-link link info)))
- (when destination
- (org-export-data (org-element-contents destination) info))))
- ;; Do not apply a special syntax on fuzzy links pointing to
- ;; targets.
- ((string= type "fuzzy")
- (let ((destination (org-export-resolve-fuzzy-link link info)))
- ;; Ignore invisible "#+TARGET: path".
- (unless (eq (org-element-type destination) 'keyword)
- (if (org-string-nw-p desc) desc
- (when destination
- (let ((number
- (org-export-get-ordinal
- destination info nil 'org-e-ascii--has-caption-p)))
- (when number
- (if (atom number) (number-to-string number)
- (mapconcat 'number-to-string number ".")))))))))
- (t
- (if (not (org-string-nw-p desc)) (format "[%s]" raw-link)
- (concat
- (format "[%s]" desc)
- (unless org-e-ascii-links-to-notes (format " (%s)" raw-link))))))))
-;;;; Macro
-(defun org-e-ascii-macro (macro contents info)
- "Transcode a MACRO element from Org to ASCII.
-CONTENTS is nil. INFO is a plist holding contextual
- (org-export-expand-macro macro info))
-;;;; Paragraph
-(defun org-e-ascii-paragraph (paragraph contents info)
- "Transcode a PARAGRAPH element from Org to ASCII.
-CONTENTS is the contents of the paragraph, as a string. INFO is
-the plist used as a communication channel."
- (org-e-ascii--fill-string
- contents
- (org-e-ascii--current-text-width paragraph info) info))
-;;;; Plain List
-(defun org-e-ascii-plain-list (plain-list contents info)
- "Transcode a PLAIN-LIST element from Org to ASCII.
-CONTENTS is the contents of the list. INFO is a plist holding
-contextual information."
- contents)
-;;;; Plain Text
-(defun org-e-ascii-plain-text (text info)
- "Transcode a TEXT string from Org to ASCII.
-INFO is a plist used as a communication channel."
- (if (not (and (eq (plist-get info :ascii-charset) 'utf-8)
- (plist-get info :with-special-strings)))
- text
- ;; Usual replacements in utf-8 with proper option set.
- (replace-regexp-in-string
- "\\.\\.\\." "…"
- (replace-regexp-in-string
- "--" "–"
- (replace-regexp-in-string "---" "—" text)))))
-;;;; Planning
-(defun org-e-ascii-planning (planning contents info)
- "Transcode a PLANNING element from Org to ASCII.
-CONTENTS is nil. INFO is a plist used as a communication
- (mapconcat
- 'identity
- (delq nil
- (list (let ((closed (org-element-property :closed planning)))
- (when closed (concat org-closed-string " "
- (org-translate-time closed))))
- (let ((deadline (org-element-property :deadline planning)))
- (when deadline (concat org-deadline-string " "
- (org-translate-time deadline))))
- (let ((scheduled (org-element-property :scheduled planning)))
- (when scheduled (concat org-scheduled-string " "
- (org-translate-time scheduled))))))
- " "))
-;;;; Property Drawer
-;; Property drawers are ignored.
-;;;; Quote Block
-(defun org-e-ascii-quote-block (quote-block contents info)
- "Transcode a QUOTE-BLOCK element from Org to ASCII.
-CONTENTS holds the contents of the block. INFO is a plist
-holding contextual information."
- (let ((width (org-e-ascii--current-text-width quote-block info)))
- (org-e-ascii--indent-string
- (org-remove-indentation
- (org-e-ascii--fill-string contents width info))
- org-e-ascii-quote-margin)))
-;;;; Quote Section
-(defun org-e-ascii-quote-section (quote-section contents info)
- "Transcode a QUOTE-SECTION element from Org to ASCII.
-CONTENTS is nil. INFO is a plist holding contextual information."
- (let ((width (org-e-ascii--current-text-width quote-section info))
- (value
- (org-export-data
- (org-remove-indentation (org-element-property :value quote-section))
- info)))
- (org-e-ascii--indent-string
- value
- (+ org-e-ascii-quote-margin
- ;; Don't apply inner margin if parent headline is low level.
- (let ((headline (org-export-get-parent-headline quote-section)))
- (if (org-export-low-level-p headline info) 0
- org-e-ascii-inner-margin))))))
-;;;; Radio Target
-(defun org-e-ascii-radio-target (radio-target contents info)
- "Transcode a RADIO-TARGET object from Org to ASCII.
-CONTENTS is the contents of the target. INFO is a plist holding
-contextual information."
- contents)
-;;;; Section
-(defun org-e-ascii-section (section contents info)
- "Transcode a SECTION element from Org to ASCII.
-CONTENTS is the contents of the section. INFO is a plist holding
-contextual information."
- (org-e-ascii--indent-string
- (concat
- contents
- (when org-e-ascii-links-to-notes
- ;; Add list of links at the end of SECTION.
- (let ((links (org-e-ascii--describe-links
- (org-e-ascii--unique-links section info)
- (org-e-ascii--current-text-width section info) info)))
- ;; Separate list of links and section contents.
- (when (org-string-nw-p links) (concat "\n\n" links)))))
- ;; Do not apply inner margin if parent headline is low level.
- (let ((headline (org-export-get-parent-headline section)))
- (if (or (not headline) (org-export-low-level-p headline info)) 0
- org-e-ascii-inner-margin))))
-;;;; Special Block
-(defun org-e-ascii-special-block (special-block contents info)
- "Transcode a SPECIAL-BLOCK element from Org to ASCII.
-CONTENTS holds the contents of the block. INFO is a plist
-holding contextual information."
- contents)
-;;;; Src Block
-(defun org-e-ascii-src-block (src-block contents info)
- "Transcode a SRC-BLOCK element from Org to ASCII.
-CONTENTS holds the contents of the item. INFO is a plist holding
-contextual information."
- (let ((caption (org-e-ascii--build-caption src-block info)))
- (concat
- (when (and caption org-e-ascii-caption-above) (concat caption "\n"))
- (org-e-ascii--box-string
- (org-export-format-code-default src-block info) info)
- (when (and caption (not org-e-ascii-caption-above))
- (concat "\n" caption)))))
-;;;; Statistics Cookie
-(defun org-e-ascii-statistics-cookie (statistics-cookie contents info)
- "Transcode a STATISTICS-COOKIE object from Org to ASCII.
-CONTENTS is nil. INFO is a plist holding contextual information."
- (org-element-property :value statistics-cookie))
-;;;; Subscript
-(defun org-e-ascii-subscript (subscript contents info)
- "Transcode a SUBSCRIPT object from Org to ASCII.
-CONTENTS is the contents of the object. INFO is a plist holding
-contextual information."
- (if (org-element-property :use-brackets-p subscript)
- (format "_{%s}" contents)
- (format "_%s" contents)))
-;;;; Superscript
-(defun org-e-ascii-superscript (superscript contents info)
- "Transcode a SUPERSCRIPT object from Org to ASCII.
-CONTENTS is the contents of the object. INFO is a plist holding
-contextual information."
- (if (org-element-property :use-brackets-p superscript)
- (format "_{%s}" contents)
- (format "_%s" contents)))
-;;;; Strike-through
-(defun org-e-ascii-strike-through (strike-through contents info)
- "Transcode STRIKE-THROUGH from Org to ASCII.
-CONTENTS is text with strike-through markup. INFO is a plist
-holding contextual information."
- (format "+%s+" contents))
-;;;; Table
-(defun org-e-ascii-table (table contents info)
- "Transcode a TABLE element from Org to ASCII.
-CONTENTS is the contents of the table. INFO is a plist holding
-contextual information."
- (let ((caption (org-e-ascii--build-caption table info)))
- (concat
- ;; Possibly add a caption string above.
- (when (and caption org-e-ascii-caption-above) (concat caption "\n"))
- ;; Insert table. Note: "table.el" tables are left unmodified.
- (cond ((eq (org-element-property :type table) 'org) contents)
- ((and org-e-ascii-table-use-ascii-art
- (eq (plist-get info :ascii-charset) 'utf-8)
- (require 'ascii-art-to-unicode nil t))
- (with-temp-buffer
- (insert (org-remove-indentation
- (org-element-property :value table)))
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (aa2u)
- (goto-char (point-max))
- (skip-chars-backward " \r\t\n")
- (buffer-substring (point-min) (point))))
- (t (org-remove-indentation (org-element-property :value table))))
- ;; Possible add a caption string below.
- (when (and caption (not org-e-ascii-caption-above))
- (concat "\n" caption)))))
-;;;; Table Cell
-(defun org-e-ascii--table-cell-width (table-cell info)
- "Return width of TABLE-CELL.
-INFO is a plist used as a communication channel.
-Width of a cell is determined either by a width cookie in the
-same column as the cell, or by the maximum cell's length in that
-When `org-e-ascii-table-widen-columns' is non-nil, width cookies
-are ignored."
- (or (and (not org-e-ascii-table-widen-columns)
- (org-export-table-cell-width table-cell info))
- (let* ((max-width 0)
- (table (org-export-get-parent-table table-cell))
- (specialp (org-export-table-has-special-column-p table))
- (col (cdr (org-export-table-cell-address table-cell info))))
- (org-element-map
- table 'table-row
- (lambda (row)
- (setq max-width
- (max (length
- (org-export-data
- (org-element-contents
- (elt (if specialp (cdr (org-element-contents row))
- (org-element-contents row))
- col))
- info))
- max-width)))
- info)
- max-width)))
-(defun org-e-ascii-table-cell (table-cell contents info)
- "Transcode a TABLE-CELL object from Org to ASCII.
-CONTENTS is the cell contents. INFO is a plist used as
-a communication channel."
- ;; Determine column width. When `org-e-ascii-table-widen-columns'
- ;; is nil and some width cookie has set it, use that value.
- ;; Otherwise, compute the maximum width among transcoded data of
- ;; each cell in the column.
- (let ((width (org-e-ascii--table-cell-width table-cell info)))
- ;; When contents are too large, truncate them.
- (unless (or org-e-ascii-table-widen-columns (<= (length contents) width))
- (setq contents (concat (substring contents 0 (- width 2)) "=>")))
- ;; Align contents correctly within the cell.
- (let* ((indent-tabs-mode nil)
- (data
- (when contents
- (org-e-ascii--justify-string
- contents width
- (org-export-table-cell-alignment table-cell info)))))
- (setq contents (concat data (make-string (- width (length data)) ? ))))
- ;; Return cell.
- (concat (format " %s " contents)
- (when (memq 'right (org-export-table-cell-borders table-cell info))
- (if (eq (plist-get info :ascii-charset) 'utf-8) "│" "|")))))
-;;;; Table Row
-(defun org-e-ascii-table-row (table-row contents info)
- "Transcode a TABLE-ROW element from Org to ASCII.
-CONTENTS is the row contents. INFO is a plist used as
-a communication channel."
- (when (eq (org-element-property :type table-row) 'standard)
- (let ((build-hline
- (function
- (lambda (lcorner horiz vert rcorner)
- (concat
- (apply
- 'concat
- (org-element-map
- table-row 'table-cell
- (lambda (cell)
- (let ((width (org-e-ascii--table-cell-width cell info))
- (borders (org-export-table-cell-borders cell info)))
- (concat
- ;; In order to know if CELL starts the row, do
- ;; not compare it with the first cell in the row
- ;; as there might be a special column. Instead,
- ;; compare it with the first exportable cell,
- ;; obtained with `org-element-map'.
- (when (and (memq 'left borders)
- (eq (org-element-map
- table-row 'table-cell 'identity info t)
- cell))
- lcorner)
- (make-string (+ 2 width) (string-to-char horiz))
- (cond
- ((not (memq 'right borders)) nil)
- ((eq (car (last (org-element-contents table-row))) cell)
- rcorner)
- (t vert)))))
- info)) "\n"))))
- (utf8p (eq (plist-get info :ascii-charset) 'utf-8))
- (borders (org-export-table-cell-borders
- (org-element-map table-row 'table-cell 'identity info t)
- info)))
- (concat (cond
- ((and (memq 'top borders) (or utf8p (memq 'above borders)))
- (if utf8p (funcall build-hline "┍" "━" "┯" "┑")
- (funcall build-hline "+" "-" "+" "+")))
- ((memq 'above borders)
- (if utf8p (funcall build-hline "├" "─" "┼" "┤")
- (funcall build-hline "+" "-" "+" "+"))))
- (when (memq 'left borders) (if utf8p "│" "|"))
- contents "\n"
- (when (and (memq 'bottom borders) (or utf8p (memq 'below borders)))
- (if utf8p (funcall build-hline "┕" "━" "┷" "┙")
- (funcall build-hline "+" "-" "+" "+")))))))
-;;;; Target
-;; Targets are invisible.
-;;;; Timestamp
-(defun org-e-ascii-timestamp (timestamp contents info)
- "Transcode a TIMESTAMP object from Org to ASCII.
-CONTENTS is nil. INFO is a plist holding contextual information."
- (let ((value (org-translate-time (org-element-property :value timestamp)))
- (range-end
- (org-translate-time (org-element-property :range-end timestamp)))
- (utf8p (eq (plist-get info :ascii-charset) 'utf-8)))
- (concat value
- (when range-end (concat (if utf8p "–" "--") range-end)))))
-;;;; Underline
-(defun org-e-ascii-underline (underline contents info)
- "Transcode UNDERLINE from Org to ASCII.
-CONTENTS is the text with underline markup. INFO is a plist
-holding contextual information."
- (format "_%s_" contents))
-;;;; Verbatim
-(defun org-e-ascii-verbatim (verbatim contents info)
- "Return a VERBATIM object from Org to ASCII.
-CONTENTS is nil. INFO is a plist holding contextual information."
- (format org-e-ascii-verbatim-format
- (org-element-property :value verbatim)))
-;;;; Verse Block
-(defun org-e-ascii-verse-block (verse-block contents info)
- "Transcode a VERSE-BLOCK element from Org to ASCII.
-CONTENTS is verse block contents. INFO is a plist holding
-contextual information."
- (let ((verse-width (org-e-ascii--current-text-width verse-block info)))
- (org-e-ascii--indent-string
- (org-e-ascii--justify-string contents verse-width 'left)
- org-e-ascii-quote-margin)))
-;;; Filter
-(defun org-e-ascii-filter-headline-blank-lines (headline back-end info)
- "Filter controlling number of blank lines after an headline.
-HEADLINE is a string representing a transcoded headline.
-BACK-END is symbol specifying back-end used for export. INFO is
-plist containing the communication channel.
-This function only applies to `e-ascii' back-end. See
-`org-e-ascii-headline-spacing' for information.
-For any other back-end, HEADLINE is returned as-is."
- (if (not org-e-ascii-headline-spacing) headline
- (let ((blanks (make-string (1+ (cdr org-e-ascii-headline-spacing)) ?\n)))
- (replace-regexp-in-string "\n\\(?:\n[ \t]*\\)*\\'" blanks headline))))
-;;; Interactive function
-(defun org-e-ascii-export-as-ascii
- (&optional subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist)
- "Export current buffer to a text buffer.
-If narrowing is active in the current buffer, only export its
-narrowed part.
-If a region is active, export that region.
-When optional argument SUBTREEP is non-nil, export the sub-tree
-at point, extracting information from the headline properties
-When optional argument VISIBLE-ONLY is non-nil, don't export
-contents of hidden elements.
-When optional argument BODY-ONLY is non-nil, strip title, table
-of contents and footnote definitions from output.
-EXT-PLIST, when provided, is a property list with external
-parameters overriding Org default settings, but still inferior to
-file-local settings.
-Export is done in a buffer named \"*Org E-ASCII Export*\", which
-will be displayed when `org-export-show-temporary-export-buffer'
-is non-nil."
- (interactive)
- (let ((outbuf (org-export-to-buffer
- 'e-ascii "*Org E-ASCII Export*"
- subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist)))
- (with-current-buffer outbuf (text-mode))
- (when org-export-show-temporary-export-buffer
- (switch-to-buffer-other-window outbuf))))
-(defun org-e-ascii-export-to-ascii
- (&optional subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist pub-dir)
- "Export current buffer to a text file.
-If narrowing is active in the current buffer, only export its
-narrowed part.
-If a region is active, export that region.
-When optional argument SUBTREEP is non-nil, export the sub-tree
-at point, extracting information from the headline properties
-When optional argument VISIBLE-ONLY is non-nil, don't export
-contents of hidden elements.
-When optional argument BODY-ONLY is non-nil, strip title, table
-of contents and footnote definitions from output.
-EXT-PLIST, when provided, is a property list with external
-parameters overriding Org default settings, but still inferior to
-file-local settings.
-When optional argument PUB-DIR is set, use it as the publishing
-Return output file's name."
- (interactive)
- (let ((outfile (org-export-output-file-name ".txt" subtreep pub-dir)))
- (org-export-to-file
- 'e-ascii outfile subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist)))
-(provide 'org-e-ascii)
-;;; org-e-ascii.el ends here