path: root/contrib/lisp/ox-bibtex.el
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/lisp/ox-bibtex.el')
1 files changed, 248 insertions, 109 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/lisp/ox-bibtex.el b/contrib/lisp/ox-bibtex.el
index ef69395..0719866 100644
--- a/contrib/lisp/ox-bibtex.el
+++ b/contrib/lisp/ox-bibtex.el
@@ -23,21 +23,31 @@
;;; Commentary:
-;; This is an utility to handle BibTeX export to both LaTeX and html
-;; exports. It uses the bibtex2html software from:
+;; This is an utility to handle BibTeX export to LaTeX, html and ascii
+;; exports. For HTML and ascii it uses the bibtex2html software from:
+;; For ascii it uses the pandoc software from:
;; It also introduces "cite" syntax for Org links.
;; The usage is as follows:
-;; #+BIBLIOGRAPHY: bibfilebasename stylename optional-options
+;; #+BIBLIOGRAPHY: bibfilename stylename optional-options
;; e.g. given foo.bib and using style plain:
;; #+BIBLIOGRAPHY: foo plain option:-d
+;; "stylename" can also be "nil", in which case no style will be used.
+;; Full filepaths are also possible:
+;; #+BIBLIOGRAPHY: /home/user/Literature/foo.bib plain option:-d
;; Optional options are of the form:
;; option:-foobar pass '-foobar' to bibtex2html
@@ -71,14 +81,18 @@
;; 2) creates a foo.html and foo_bib.html,
;; 3) includes the contents of foo.html in the exported HTML file.
+;; For ascii export it:
+;; 1) converts all \cite{foo} and [[cite:foo]] to links to the
+;; bibliography,
+;; 2) creates a foo.txt and foo_bib.html,
+;; 3) includes the contents of foo.txt in the exported ascii file.
;; For LaTeX export it:
;; 1) converts all [[cite:foo]] to \cite{foo}.
;; Initialization
(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
-(org-add-link-type "cite" 'ebib)
;;; Internal Functions
@@ -103,9 +117,9 @@ return nil instead."
(defun org-bibtex-get-arguments (keyword)
"Return \"bibtex2html\" arguments specified by the user.
KEYWORD is a \"BIBLIOGRAPHY\" keyword. Return value is a plist
-containing `:options' and `:limit' properties. The former
-contains a list of strings to be passed as options ot
-\"bibtex2html\" process. The latter contains a boolean."
+containing `:options' and `:limit' properties. The former
+contains a list of strings to be passed as options to
+\"bibtex2html\" process. The latter contains a boolean."
(let ((value (org-element-property :value keyword)))
(and value
(string-match "\\(\\S-+\\)[ \t]+\\(\\S-+\\)\\(.*\\)" value)
@@ -137,6 +151,197 @@ to `org-bibtex-citation-p' predicate."
(and (string-match "\\`\\\\cite{" value)
(substring value (match-end 0) -1)))))
+;;; Follow cite: links
+(defun org-bibtex-file nil "Org-mode file of bibtex entries.")
+(defun org-bibtex-goto-citation (&optional citation)
+ "Visit a citation given its ID."
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((citation (or citation
+ (org-icompleting-read "Citation: "
+ (obe-citations)))))
+ (find-file (or org-bibtex-file
+ (error "`org-bibtex-file' has not been configured")))
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (when (re-search-forward (format " :CUSTOM_ID: %s" citation) nil t)
+ (outline-previous-visible-heading 1)
+ t)))
+(let ((jump-fn (car (org-remove-if-not #'fboundp '(ebib org-bibtex-goto-citation)))))
+ (org-add-link-type "cite" jump-fn))
+;;; Filters
+(defun org-bibtex-process-bib-files (tree backend info)
+ "Send each bibliography in parse tree to \"bibtex2html\" process.
+Return new parse tree."
+ (when (org-export-derived-backend-p backend 'ascii 'html)
+ ;; Initialize dynamically scoped variables. The first one
+ ;; contain an alist between keyword objects and their HTML
+ ;; translation. The second one will contain an alist between
+ ;; citation keys and names in the output (according to style).
+ (setq org-bibtex-html-entries-alist nil
+ org-bibtex-html-keywords-alist nil)
+ (org-element-map tree 'keyword
+ (lambda (keyword)
+ (when (equal (org-element-property :key keyword) "BIBLIOGRAPHY")
+ (let ((arguments (org-bibtex-get-arguments keyword))
+ (file (org-bibtex-get-file keyword))
+ temp-file
+ out-file)
+ ;; Test if filename is given with .bib-extension and strip
+ ;; it off. Filenames with another extensions will be
+ ;; untouched and will finally rise an error in bibtex2html.
+ (setq file (if (equal (file-name-extension file) "bib")
+ (file-name-sans-extension file) file))
+ ;; Outpufiles of bibtex2html will be put into current working directory
+ ;; so define a variable for this.
+ (setq out-file (file-name-sans-extension
+ (file-name-nondirectory file)))
+ ;; limit is set: collect citations throughout the document
+ ;; in TEMP-FILE and pass it to "bibtex2html" as "-citefile"
+ ;; argument.
+ (when (plist-get arguments :limit)
+ (let ((citations
+ (org-element-map tree '(latex-fragment link)
+ (lambda (object)
+ (and (org-bibtex-citation-p object)
+ (org-bibtex-get-citation-key object))))))
+ (with-temp-file (setq temp-file (make-temp-file "ox-bibtex"))
+ (insert (mapconcat 'identity citations "\n")))
+ (setq arguments
+ (plist-put arguments
+ :options
+ (append (plist-get arguments :options)
+ (list "-citefile" temp-file))))))
+ ;; Call "bibtex2html" on specified file.
+ (unless (eq 0 (apply
+ 'call-process
+ (append '("bibtex2html" nil nil nil)
+ '("-a" "-nodoc" "-noheader" "-nofooter")
+ (let ((style
+ (org-not-nil
+ (org-bibtex-get-style keyword))))
+ (and style (list "--style" style)))
+ (plist-get arguments :options)
+ (list (concat file ".bib")))))
+ (error "Executing bibtex2html failed"))
+ (and temp-file (delete-file temp-file))
+ ;; Open produced HTML file, and collect Bibtex key names
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (insert-file-contents (concat out-file ".html"))
+ ;; Update `org-bibtex-html-entries-alist'.
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (while (re-search-forward
+ "a name=\"\\([-_a-zA-Z0-9:]+\\)\">\\(\\w+\\)" nil t)
+ (push (cons (match-string 1) (match-string 2))
+ org-bibtex-html-entries-alist)))
+ ;; Open produced HTML file, wrap references within a block and
+ ;; return it.
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (cond
+ ((org-export-derived-backend-p backend 'html)
+ (insert (format "<div id=\"bibliography\">\n<h2>%s</h2>\n"
+ (org-export-translate "References" :html info)))
+ (insert-file-contents (concat out-file ".html"))
+ (insert "\n</div>"))
+ ((org-export-derived-backend-p backend 'ascii)
+ ;; convert HTML references to text w/pandoc
+ (unless (eq 0 (call-process "pandoc" nil nil nil
+ (concat out-file ".html")
+ "-o"
+ (concat out-file ".txt")))
+ (error "Executing pandoc failed"))
+ (insert
+ (format
+ "%s\n==========\n\n"
+ (org-export-translate
+ "References"
+ (intern (format ":%s" (plist-get info :ascii-charset)))
+ info)))
+ (insert-file-contents (concat out-file ".txt"))
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (while (re-search-forward
+ "\\[ \\[bib\\][^ ]+ \\(\\]\\||[\n\r]\\)" nil t)
+ (replace-match ""))
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (while (re-search-forward "\\( \\]\\| \\]\\| |\\)" nil t)
+ (replace-match ""))
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (while (re-search-forward "[\n\r]\\([\n\r][\n\r]\\)" nil t)
+ (replace-match "\\1"))))
+ ;; Update `org-bibtex-html-keywords-alist'.
+ (push (cons keyword (buffer-string))
+ org-bibtex-html-keywords-alist)))))))
+ ;; Return parse tree unchanged.
+ tree)
+(defun org-bibtex-merge-contiguous-citations (tree backend info)
+ "Merge all contiguous citation in parse tree.
+As a side effect, this filter will also turn all \"cite\" links
+into \"\\cite{...}\" LaTeX fragments and will extract options.
+Cite options are placed into square brackets at the beginning of
+the \"\\cite\" command for the LaTeX backend, and are removed for
+the HTML and ASCII backends."
+ (when (org-export-derived-backend-p backend 'html 'latex 'ascii)
+ (org-element-map tree '(link latex-fragment)
+ (lambda (object)
+ (when (org-bibtex-citation-p object)
+ (let ((new-citation (list 'latex-fragment
+ (list :value ""
+ :post-blank (org-element-property
+ :post-blank object))))
+ option)
+ ;; Insert NEW-CITATION right before OBJECT.
+ (org-element-insert-before new-citation object)
+ ;; Remove all subsequent contiguous citations from parse
+ ;; tree, keeping only their citation key.
+ (let ((keys (list (org-bibtex-get-citation-key object)))
+ next)
+ (while (and (setq next (org-export-get-next-element object info))
+ (or (and (stringp next)
+ (not (org-string-match-p "\\S-" next)))
+ (org-bibtex-citation-p next)))
+ (unless (stringp next)
+ (push (org-bibtex-get-citation-key next) keys))
+ (org-element-extract-element object)
+ (setq object next))
+ ;; Find any options in keys, e.g., "(Chapter 2)key" has
+ ;; the option "Chapter 2".
+ (setq keys
+ (mapcar
+ (lambda (k)
+ (if (string-match "^(\\([^)]\+\\))\\(.*\\)" k)
+ (progn
+ (when (org-export-derived-backend-p backend 'latex)
+ (setq option (format "[%s]" (match-string 1 k))))
+ (match-string 2 k))
+ k))
+ keys))
+ (org-element-extract-element object)
+ ;; Eventually merge all keys within NEW-CITATION. Also
+ ;; ensure NEW-CITATION has the same :post-blank property
+ ;; as the last citation removed.
+ (org-element-put-property
+ new-citation
+ :post-blank (org-element-property :post-blank object))
+ (org-element-put-property
+ new-citation
+ :value (format "\\cite%s{%s}"
+ (or option "")
+ (mapconcat 'identity (nreverse keys) ",")))))))))
+ tree)
+(eval-after-load 'ox
+ '(progn (add-to-list 'org-export-filter-parse-tree-functions
+ 'org-bibtex-process-bib-files)
+ (add-to-list 'org-export-filter-parse-tree-functions
+ 'org-bibtex-merge-contiguous-citations)))
;;; LaTeX Part
@@ -148,22 +353,13 @@ Fallback to `latex' back-end for other keywords."
(if (not (equal (org-element-property :key keyword) "BIBLIOGRAPHY"))
(let ((file (org-bibtex-get-file keyword))
- (style (org-bibtex-get-style keyword)))
+ (style (org-not-nil (org-bibtex-get-style keyword))))
(setq ad-return-value
(when file
(concat (and style (format "\\bibliographystyle{%s}\n" style))
(format "\\bibliography{%s}" file))))))))
-(defadvice org-latex-link (around bibtex-link)
- "Translate \"cite\" type links into LaTeX syntax.
-Fallback to `latex' back-end for other keywords."
- (let ((link (ad-get-arg 0)))
- (if (not (org-bibtex-citation-p link)) ad-do-it
- (setq ad-return-value
- (format "\\cite{%s}" (org-bibtex-get-citation-key link))))))
(ad-activate 'org-latex-keyword)
-(ad-activate 'org-latex-link)
@@ -190,103 +386,46 @@ Fallback to `html' back-end for other keywords."
(let ((fragment (ad-get-arg 0)))
(if (not (org-bibtex-citation-p fragment)) ad-do-it
(setq ad-return-value
- (mapconcat
- (lambda (key)
- (let ((key (org-trim key)))
- (format "[<a href=\"#%s\">%s</a>]"
- key
- (or (cdr (assoc key org-bibtex-html-entries-alist))
- key))))
- (org-split-string (org-bibtex-get-citation-key fragment) ",")
- "")))))
-(defadvice org-html-link (around bibtex-link)
- "Translate \"cite:\" type links into HTML syntax.
-Fallback to `html' back-end for other types."
- (let ((link (ad-get-arg 0)))
- (if (not (org-bibtex-citation-p link)) ad-do-it
- (setq ad-return-value
- (mapconcat
- (lambda (key)
- (format "[<a href=\"#%s\">%s</a>]"
- key
- (or (cdr (assoc key org-bibtex-html-entries-alist))
- key)))
- (org-split-string (org-bibtex-get-citation-key link)
- "[ \t]*,[ \t]*")
- "")))))
+ (format "[%s]"
+ (mapconcat
+ (lambda (key)
+ (format "<a href=\"#%s\">%s</a>"
+ key
+ (or (cdr (assoc key org-bibtex-html-entries-alist))
+ key)))
+ (org-split-string
+ (org-bibtex-get-citation-key fragment) ",") ","))))))
(ad-activate 'org-html-keyword)
(ad-activate 'org-html-latex-fragment)
-(ad-activate 'org-html-link)
-;;;; Filter
-(defun org-bibtex-process-bib-files (tree backend info)
- "Send each bibliography in parse tree to \"bibtex2html\" process.
-Return new parse tree. This function assumes current back-end is HTML."
- ;; Initialize dynamically scoped variables. The first one
- ;; contain an alist between keyword objects and their HTML
- ;; translation. The second one will contain an alist between
- ;; citation keys and names in the output (according to style).
- (setq org-bibtex-html-entries-alist nil
- org-bibtex-html-keywords-alist nil)
- (org-element-map tree 'keyword
- (lambda (keyword)
- (when (equal (org-element-property :key keyword) "BIBLIOGRAPHY")
- (let ((arguments (org-bibtex-get-arguments keyword))
- (file (org-bibtex-get-file keyword))
- temp-file)
- ;; limit is set: collect citations throughout the document
- ;; in TEMP-FILE and pass it to "bibtex2html" as "-citefile"
- ;; argument.
- (when (plist-get arguments :limit)
- (let ((citations
- (org-element-map tree '(latex-fragment link)
- (lambda (object)
- (and (org-bibtex-citation-p object)
- (org-bibtex-get-citation-key object))))))
- (with-temp-file (setq temp-file (make-temp-file "ox-bibtex"))
- (insert (mapconcat 'identity citations "\n")))
- (setq arguments
- (plist-put arguments
- :options
- (append (plist-get arguments :options)
- (list "-citefile" temp-file))))))
- ;; Call "bibtex2html" on specified file.
- (unless (eq 0 (apply 'call-process
- (append '("bibtex2html" nil nil nil)
- '("-a" "-nodoc" "-noheader" "-nofooter")
- (list "--style"
- (org-bibtex-get-style keyword))
- (plist-get arguments :options)
- (list (concat file ".bib")))))
- (error "Executing bibtex2html failed"))
- (and temp-file (delete-file temp-file))
- ;; Open produced HTML file, wrap references within a block and
- ;; return it.
- (with-temp-buffer
- (insert "<div id=\"bibliography\">\n<h2>References</h2>\n")
- (insert-file-contents (concat file ".html"))
- (insert "\n</div>")
- ;; Update `org-bibtex-html-keywords-alist'.
- (push (cons keyword (buffer-string))
- org-bibtex-html-keywords-alist)
- ;; Update `org-bibtex-html-entries-alist'.
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (while (re-search-forward
- "a name=\"\\([-_a-zA-Z0-9:]+\\)\">\\(\\w+\\)" nil t)
- (push (cons (match-string 1) (match-string 2))
- org-bibtex-html-entries-alist)))))))
- ;; Return parse tree unchanged.
- tree)
-(eval-after-load 'ox
- '(add-to-list 'org-export-filter-parse-tree-functions
- 'org-bibtex-process-bib-files))
+;;; Ascii Part
+(defadvice org-ascii-keyword (around bibtex-keyword)
+ "Translate \"BIBLIOGRAPHY\" keywords into ascii syntax.
+Fallback to `ascii' back-end for other keywords."
+ (let ((keyword (ad-get-arg 0)))
+ (if (not (equal (org-element-property :key keyword) "BIBLIOGRAPHY"))
+ ad-do-it
+ (setq ad-return-value
+ (cdr (assq keyword org-bibtex-html-keywords-alist))))))
+(defadvice org-ascii-latex-fragment (around bibtex-citation)
+ "Translate \"\\cite\" LaTeX fragments into ascii syntax.
+Fallback to `ascii' back-end for other keywords."
+ (let ((fragment (ad-get-arg 0)))
+ (if (not (org-bibtex-citation-p fragment)) ad-do-it
+ (setq ad-return-value
+ (format "[%s]"
+ (mapconcat
+ (lambda (key)
+ (or (cdr (assoc key org-bibtex-html-entries-alist))
+ key))
+ (org-split-string
+ (org-bibtex-get-citation-key fragment) ",") ","))))))
+(ad-activate 'org-ascii-keyword)
+(ad-activate 'org-ascii-latex-fragment)
(provide 'ox-bibtex)