path: root/lisp/org-install.el
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lisp/org-install.el')
1 files changed, 7 insertions, 2180 deletions
diff --git a/lisp/org-install.el b/lisp/org-install.el
index f61878a..5835959 100644
--- a/lisp/org-install.el
+++ b/lisp/org-install.el
@@ -1,2190 +1,17 @@
-;;; org-install.el --- autogenerated file, do not edit
+;;; org-install.el --- backward compatibility file for obsolete configuration
;;; Code:
-;;;### (autoloads (org-babel-describe-bindings) "ob-keys" "ob-keys.el"
-;;;;;; (20323 36516))
-;;; Generated autoloads from ob-keys.el
-(autoload 'org-babel-describe-bindings "ob-keys" "\
-Describe all keybindings behind `org-babel-key-prefix'.
-\(fn)" t nil)
-;;;### (autoloads (org-babel-lob-get-info org-babel-lob-execute-maybe
-;;;;;; org-babel-lob-ingest) "ob-lob" "ob-lob.el" (20535 39646))
-;;; Generated autoloads from ob-lob.el
-(autoload 'org-babel-lob-ingest "ob-lob" "\
-Add all named source-blocks defined in FILE to
-\(fn &optional FILE)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-babel-lob-execute-maybe "ob-lob" "\
-Execute a Library of Babel source block, if appropriate.
-Detect if this is context for a Library Of Babel source block and
-if so then run the appropriate source block from the Library.
-\(fn)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-babel-lob-get-info "ob-lob" "\
-Return a Library of Babel function call as a string.
-\(fn)" nil nil)
-;;;### (autoloads (org-babel-tangle org-babel-tangle-file org-babel-load-file
-;;;;;; org-babel-tangle-lang-exts) "ob-tangle" "ob-tangle.el" (20547
-;;;;;; 19019))
-;;; Generated autoloads from ob-tangle.el
-(defvar org-babel-tangle-lang-exts '(("emacs-lisp" . "el")) "\
-Alist mapping languages to their file extensions.
-The key is the language name, the value is the string that should
-be inserted as the extension commonly used to identify files
-written in this language. If no entry is found in this list,
-then the name of the language is used.")
-(custom-autoload 'org-babel-tangle-lang-exts "ob-tangle" t)
-(autoload 'org-babel-load-file "ob-tangle" "\
-Load Emacs Lisp source code blocks in the Org-mode FILE.
-This function exports the source code using
-`org-babel-tangle' and then loads the resulting file using
-\(fn FILE)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-babel-tangle-file "ob-tangle" "\
-Extract the bodies of source code blocks in FILE.
-Source code blocks are extracted with `org-babel-tangle'.
-Optional argument TARGET-FILE can be used to specify a default
-export file for all source blocks. Optional argument LANG can be
-used to limit the exported source code blocks by language.
-\(fn FILE &optional TARGET-FILE LANG)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-babel-tangle "ob-tangle" "\
-Write code blocks to source-specific files.
-Extract the bodies of all source code blocks from the current
-file into their own source-specific files. Optional argument
-TARGET-FILE can be used to specify a default export file for all
-source blocks. Optional argument LANG can be used to limit the
-exported source code blocks by language.
-\(fn &optional ONLY-THIS-BLOCK TARGET-FILE LANG)" t nil)
-;;;### (autoloads (org-babel-mark-block org-babel-previous-src-block
-;;;;;; org-babel-next-src-block org-babel-goto-named-result org-babel-goto-named-src-block
-;;;;;; org-babel-goto-src-block-head org-babel-hide-result-toggle-maybe
-;;;;;; org-babel-sha1-hash org-babel-execute-subtree org-babel-execute-buffer
-;;;;;; org-babel-map-executables org-babel-map-call-lines org-babel-map-inline-src-blocks
-;;;;;; org-babel-map-src-blocks org-babel-open-src-block-result
-;;;;;; org-babel-switch-to-session-with-code org-babel-switch-to-session
-;;;;;; org-babel-initiate-session org-babel-load-in-session org-babel-insert-header-arg
-;;;;;; org-babel-check-src-block org-babel-expand-src-block org-babel-execute-src-block
-;;;;;; org-babel-pop-to-session-maybe org-babel-load-in-session-maybe
-;;;;;; org-babel-expand-src-block-maybe org-babel-view-src-block-info
-;;;;;; org-babel-execute-maybe org-babel-execute-safely-maybe) "ob"
-;;;;;; "ob.el" (20582 38860))
-;;; Generated autoloads from ob.el
-(autoload 'org-babel-execute-safely-maybe "ob" "\
-Not documented
-\(fn)" nil nil)
-(autoload 'org-babel-execute-maybe "ob" "\
-Not documented
-\(fn)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-babel-view-src-block-info "ob" "\
-Display information on the current source block.
-This includes header arguments, language and name, and is largely
-a window into the `org-babel-get-src-block-info' function.
-\(fn)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-babel-expand-src-block-maybe "ob" "\
-Conditionally expand a source block.
-Detect if this is context for a org-babel src-block and if so
-then run `org-babel-expand-src-block'.
-\(fn)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-babel-load-in-session-maybe "ob" "\
-Conditionally load a source block in a session.
-Detect if this is context for a org-babel src-block and if so
-then run `org-babel-load-in-session'.
-\(fn)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-babel-pop-to-session-maybe "ob" "\
-Conditionally pop to a session.
-Detect if this is context for a org-babel src-block and if so
-then run `org-babel-pop-to-session'.
-\(fn)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-babel-execute-src-block "ob" "\
-Execute the current source code block.
-Insert the results of execution into the buffer. Source code
-execution and the collection and formatting of results can be
-controlled through a variety of header arguments.
-With prefix argument ARG, force re-execution even if an existing
-result cached in the buffer would otherwise have been returned.
-Optionally supply a value for INFO in the form returned by
-Optionally supply a value for PARAMS which will be merged with
-the header arguments specified at the front of the source code
-\(fn &optional ARG INFO PARAMS)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-babel-expand-src-block "ob" "\
-Expand the current source code block.
-Expand according to the source code block's header
-arguments and pop open the results in a preview buffer.
-\(fn &optional ARG INFO PARAMS)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-babel-check-src-block "ob" "\
-Check for misspelled header arguments in the current code block.
-\(fn)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-babel-insert-header-arg "ob" "\
-Insert a header argument selecting from lists of common args and values.
-\(fn)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-babel-load-in-session "ob" "\
-Load the body of the current source-code block.
-Evaluate the header arguments for the source block before
-entering the session. After loading the body this pops open the
-\(fn &optional ARG INFO)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-babel-initiate-session "ob" "\
-Initiate session for current code block.
-If called with a prefix argument then resolve any variable
-references in the header arguments and assign these variables in
-the session. Copy the body of the code block to the kill ring.
-\(fn &optional ARG INFO)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-babel-switch-to-session "ob" "\
-Switch to the session of the current code block.
-Uses `org-babel-initiate-session' to start the session. If called
-with a prefix argument then this is passed on to
-\(fn &optional ARG INFO)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-babel-switch-to-session-with-code "ob" "\
-Switch to code buffer and display session.
-\(fn &optional ARG INFO)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-babel-open-src-block-result "ob" "\
-If `point' is on a src block then open the results of the
-source code block, otherwise return nil. With optional prefix
-argument RE-RUN the source-code block is evaluated even if
-results already exist.
-\(fn &optional RE-RUN)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-babel-map-src-blocks "ob" "\
-Evaluate BODY forms on each source-block in FILE.
-If FILE is nil evaluate BODY forms on source blocks in current
-buffer. During evaluation of BODY the following local variables
-are set relative to the currently matched code block.
-full-block ------- string holding the entirety of the code block
-beg-block -------- point at the beginning of the code block
-end-block -------- point at the end of the matched code block
-lang ------------- string holding the language of the code block
-beg-lang --------- point at the beginning of the lang
-end-lang --------- point at the end of the lang
-switches --------- string holding the switches
-beg-switches ----- point at the beginning of the switches
-end-switches ----- point at the end of the switches
-header-args ------ string holding the header-args
-beg-header-args -- point at the beginning of the header-args
-end-header-args -- point at the end of the header-args
-body ------------- string holding the body of the code block
-beg-body --------- point at the beginning of the body
-end-body --------- point at the end of the body
-\(fn FILE &rest BODY)" nil (quote macro))
-(autoload 'org-babel-map-inline-src-blocks "ob" "\
-Evaluate BODY forms on each inline source-block in FILE.
-If FILE is nil evaluate BODY forms on source blocks in current
-\(fn FILE &rest BODY)" nil (quote macro))
-(autoload 'org-babel-map-call-lines "ob" "\
-Evaluate BODY forms on each call line in FILE.
-If FILE is nil evaluate BODY forms on source blocks in current
-\(fn FILE &rest BODY)" nil (quote macro))
-(autoload 'org-babel-map-executables "ob" "\
-Not documented
-\(fn FILE &rest BODY)" nil (quote macro))
-(autoload 'org-babel-execute-buffer "ob" "\
-Execute source code blocks in a buffer.
-Call `org-babel-execute-src-block' on every source block in
-the current buffer.
-\(fn &optional ARG)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-babel-execute-subtree "ob" "\
-Execute source code blocks in a subtree.
-Call `org-babel-execute-src-block' on every source block in
-the current subtree.
-\(fn &optional ARG)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-babel-sha1-hash "ob" "\
-Generate an sha1 hash based on the value of info.
-\(fn &optional INFO)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-babel-hide-result-toggle-maybe "ob" "\
-Toggle visibility of result at point.
-\(fn)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-babel-goto-src-block-head "ob" "\
-Go to the beginning of the current code block.
-\(fn)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-babel-goto-named-src-block "ob" "\
-Go to a named source-code block.
-\(fn NAME)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-babel-goto-named-result "ob" "\
-Go to a named result.
-\(fn NAME)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-babel-next-src-block "ob" "\
-Jump to the next source block.
-With optional prefix argument ARG, jump forward ARG many source blocks.
-\(fn &optional ARG)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-babel-previous-src-block "ob" "\
-Jump to the previous source block.
-With optional prefix argument ARG, jump backward ARG many source blocks.
-\(fn &optional ARG)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-babel-mark-block "ob" "\
-Mark current src block.
-\(fn)" t nil)
-;;;### (autoloads (org-agenda-to-appt org-calendar-goto-agenda org-agenda-check-for-timestamp-as-reason-to-ignore-todo-item
-;;;;;; org-diary org-agenda-list-stuck-projects org-tags-view org-todo-list
-;;;;;; org-search-view org-agenda-list org-batch-store-agenda-views
-;;;;;; org-store-agenda-views org-batch-agenda-csv org-batch-agenda
-;;;;;; org-agenda org-toggle-sticky-agenda) "org-agenda" "org-agenda.el"
-;;;;;; (20583 28515))
-;;; Generated autoloads from org-agenda.el
-(autoload 'org-toggle-sticky-agenda "org-agenda" "\
-Toggle `org-agenda-sticky'.
-\(fn &optional ARG)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-agenda "org-agenda" "\
-Dispatch agenda commands to collect entries to the agenda buffer.
-Prompts for a command to execute. Any prefix arg will be passed
-on to the selected command. The default selections are:
-a Call `org-agenda-list' to display the agenda for current day or week.
-t Call `org-todo-list' to display the global todo list.
-T Call `org-todo-list' to display the global todo list, select only
- entries with a specific TODO keyword (the user gets a prompt).
-m Call `org-tags-view' to display headlines with tags matching
- a condition (the user is prompted for the condition).
-M Like `m', but select only TODO entries, no ordinary headlines.
-L Create a timeline for the current buffer.
-e Export views to associated files.
-s Search entries for keywords.
-S Search entries for keywords, only with TODO keywords.
-/ Multi occur across all agenda files and also files listed
- in `org-agenda-text-search-extra-files'.
-< Restrict agenda commands to buffer, subtree, or region.
- Press several times to get the desired effect.
-> Remove a previous restriction.
-# List \"stuck\" projects.
-! Configure what \"stuck\" means.
-C Configure custom agenda commands.
-More commands can be added by configuring the variable
-`org-agenda-custom-commands'. In particular, specific tags and TODO keyword
-searches can be pre-defined in this way.
-If the current buffer is in Org-mode and visiting a file, you can also
-first press `<' once to indicate that the agenda should be temporarily
-\(until the next use of \\[org-agenda]) restricted to the current file.
-Pressing `<' twice means to restrict to the current subtree or region
-\(if active).
-\(fn &optional ARG ORG-KEYS RESTRICTION)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-batch-agenda "org-agenda" "\
-Run an agenda command in batch mode and send the result to STDOUT.
-If CMD-KEY is a string of length 1, it is used as a key in
-`org-agenda-custom-commands' and triggers this command. If it is a
-longer string it is used as a tags/todo match string.
-Parameters are alternating variable names and values that will be bound
-before running the agenda command.
-\(fn CMD-KEY &rest PARAMETERS)" nil (quote macro))
-(autoload 'org-batch-agenda-csv "org-agenda" "\
-Run an agenda command in batch mode and send the result to STDOUT.
-If CMD-KEY is a string of length 1, it is used as a key in
-`org-agenda-custom-commands' and triggers this command. If it is a
-longer string it is used as a tags/todo match string.
-Parameters are alternating variable names and values that will be bound
-before running the agenda command.
-The output gives a line for each selected agenda item. Each
-item is a list of comma-separated values, like this:
-category The category of the item
-head The headline, without TODO kwd, TAGS and PRIORITY
-type The type of the agenda entry, can be
- todo selected in TODO match
- tagsmatch selected in tags match
- diary imported from diary
- deadline a deadline on given date
- scheduled scheduled on given date
- timestamp entry has timestamp on given date
- closed entry was closed on given date
- upcoming-deadline warning about deadline
- past-scheduled forwarded scheduled item
- block entry has date block including g. date
-todo The todo keyword, if any
-tags All tags including inherited ones, separated by colons
-date The relevant date, like 2007-2-14
-time The time, like 15:00-16:50
-extra Sting with extra planning info
-priority-l The priority letter if any was given
-priority-n The computed numerical priority
-agenda-day The day in the agenda where this is listed
-\(fn CMD-KEY &rest PARAMETERS)" nil (quote macro))
-(autoload 'org-store-agenda-views "org-agenda" "\
-Not documented
-\(fn &rest PARAMETERS)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-batch-store-agenda-views "org-agenda" "\
-Run all custom agenda commands that have a file argument.
-\(fn &rest PARAMETERS)" nil (quote macro))
-(autoload 'org-agenda-list "org-agenda" "\
-Produce a daily/weekly view from all files in variable `org-agenda-files'.
-The view will be for the current day or week, but from the overview buffer
-you will be able to go to other days/weeks.
-With a numeric prefix argument in an interactive call, the agenda will
-span ARG days. Lisp programs should instead specify SPAN to change
-the number of days. SPAN defaults to `org-agenda-span'.
-START-DAY defaults to TODAY, or to the most recent match for the weekday
-given in `org-agenda-start-on-weekday'.
-\(fn &optional ARG START-DAY SPAN)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-search-view "org-agenda" "\
-Show all entries that contain a phrase or words or regular expressions.
-With optional prefix argument TODO-ONLY, only consider entries that are
-TODO entries. The argument STRING can be used to pass a default search
-string into this function. If EDIT-AT is non-nil, it means that the
-user should get a chance to edit this string, with cursor at position
-The search string can be viewed either as a phrase that should be found as
-is, or it can be broken into a number of snippets, each of which must match
-in a Boolean way to select an entry. The default depends on the variable
-Even if this is turned off (the default) you can always switch to
-Boolean search dynamically by preceding the first word with \"+\" or \"-\".
-The default is a direct search of the whole phrase, where each space in
-the search string can expand to an arbitrary amount of whitespace,
-including newlines.
-If using a Boolean search, the search string is split on whitespace and
-each snippet is searched separately, with logical AND to select an entry.
-Words prefixed with a minus must *not* occur in the entry. Words without
-a prefix or prefixed with a plus must occur in the entry. Matching is
-case-insensitive. Words are enclosed by word delimiters (i.e. they must
-match whole words, not parts of a word) if
-`org-agenda-search-view-force-full-words' is set (default is nil).
-Boolean search snippets enclosed by curly braces are interpreted as
-regular expressions that must or (when preceded with \"-\") must not
-match in the entry. Snippets enclosed into double quotes will be taken
-as a whole, to include whitespace.
-- If the search string starts with an asterisk, search only in headlines.
-- If (possibly after the leading star) the search string starts with an
- exclamation mark, this also means to look at TODO entries only, an effect
- that can also be achieved with a prefix argument.
-- If (possibly after star and exclamation mark) the search string starts
- with a colon, this will mean that the (non-regexp) snippets of the
- Boolean search must match as full words.
-This command searches the agenda files, and in addition the files listed
-in `org-agenda-text-search-extra-files'.
-\(fn &optional TODO-ONLY STRING EDIT-AT)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-todo-list "org-agenda" "\
-Show all (not done) TODO entries from all agenda file in a single list.
-The prefix arg can be used to select a specific TODO keyword and limit
-the list to these. When using \\[universal-argument], you will be prompted
-for a keyword. A numeric prefix directly selects the Nth keyword in
-\(fn &optional ARG)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-tags-view "org-agenda" "\
-Show all headlines for all `org-agenda-files' matching a TAGS criterion.
-The prefix arg TODO-ONLY limits the search to TODO entries.
-\(fn &optional TODO-ONLY MATCH)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-agenda-list-stuck-projects "org-agenda" "\
-Create agenda view for projects that are stuck.
-Stuck projects are project that have no next actions. For the definitions
-of what a project is and how to check if it stuck, customize the variable
-\(fn &rest IGNORE)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-diary "org-agenda" "\
-Return diary information from org files.
-This function can be used in a \"sexp\" diary entry in the Emacs calendar.
-It accesses org files and extracts information from those files to be
-listed in the diary. The function accepts arguments specifying what
-items should be listed. For a list of arguments allowed here, see the
-variable `org-agenda-entry-types'.
-The call in the diary file should look like this:
- &%%(org-diary) ~/path/to/some/
-Use a separate line for each org file to check. Or, if you omit the file name,
-all files listed in `org-agenda-files' will be checked automatically:
- &%%(org-diary)
-If you don't give any arguments (as in the example above), the default
-arguments (:deadline :scheduled :timestamp :sexp) are used.
-So the example above may also be written as
- &%%(org-diary :deadline :timestamp :sexp :scheduled)
-The function expects the lisp variables `entry' and `date' to be provided
-by the caller, because this is how the calendar works. Don't use this
-function from a program - use `org-agenda-get-day-entries' instead.
-\(fn &rest ARGS)" nil nil)
-(autoload 'org-agenda-check-for-timestamp-as-reason-to-ignore-todo-item "org-agenda" "\
-Do we have a reason to ignore this TODO entry because it has a time stamp?
-\(fn &optional END)" nil nil)
-(autoload 'org-calendar-goto-agenda "org-agenda" "\
-Compute the Org-mode agenda for the calendar date displayed at the cursor.
-This is a command that has to be installed in `calendar-mode-map'.
-\(fn)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-agenda-to-appt "org-agenda" "\
-Activate appointments found in `org-agenda-files'.
-With a \\[universal-argument] prefix, refresh the list of
-If FILTER is t, interactively prompt the user for a regular
-expression, and filter out entries that don't match it.
-If FILTER is a string, use this string as a regular expression
-for filtering entries out.
-If FILTER is a function, filter out entries against which
-calling the function returns nil. This function takes one
-argument: an entry from `org-agenda-get-day-entries'.
-FILTER can also be an alist with the car of each cell being
-either 'headline or 'category. For example:
- '((headline \"IMPORTANT\")
- (category \"Work\"))
-will only add headlines containing IMPORTANT or headlines
-belonging to the \"Work\" category.
-ARGS are symbols indicating what kind of entries to consider.
-By default `org-agenda-to-appt' will use :deadline, :scheduled
-and :timestamp entries. See the docstring of `org-diary' for
-details and examples.
-If an entry as a APPT_WARNTIME property, its value will be used
-to override `appt-message-warning-time'.
-\(fn &optional REFRESH FILTER &rest ARGS)" t nil)
-;;;### (autoloads (org-archive-subtree-default-with-confirmation
-;;;;;; org-archive-subtree-default) "org-archive" "org-archive.el"
-;;;;;; (20535 39591))
-;;; Generated autoloads from org-archive.el
-(autoload 'org-archive-subtree-default "org-archive" "\
-Archive the current subtree with the default command.
-This command is set with the variable `org-archive-default-command'.
-\(fn)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-archive-subtree-default-with-confirmation "org-archive" "\
-Archive the current subtree with the default command.
-This command is set with the variable `org-archive-default-command'.
-\(fn)" t nil)
-;;;### (autoloads (org-export-as-ascii org-export-region-as-ascii
-;;;;;; org-replace-region-by-ascii org-export-as-ascii-to-buffer
-;;;;;; org-export-as-utf8-to-buffer org-export-as-utf8 org-export-as-latin1-to-buffer
-;;;;;; org-export-as-latin1) "org-ascii" "org-ascii.el" (20535 39591))
-;;; Generated autoloads from org-ascii.el
-(autoload 'org-export-as-latin1 "org-ascii" "\
-Like `org-export-as-ascii', use latin1 encoding for special symbols.
-\(fn &rest ARGS)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-export-as-latin1-to-buffer "org-ascii" "\
-Like `org-export-as-ascii-to-buffer', use latin1 encoding for symbols.
-\(fn &rest ARGS)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-export-as-utf8 "org-ascii" "\
-Like `org-export-as-ascii', use encoding for special symbols.
-\(fn &rest ARGS)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-export-as-utf8-to-buffer "org-ascii" "\
-Like `org-export-as-ascii-to-buffer', use utf8 encoding for symbols.
-\(fn &rest ARGS)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-export-as-ascii-to-buffer "org-ascii" "\
-Call `org-export-as-ascii` with output to a temporary buffer.
-No file is created. The prefix ARG is passed through to `org-export-as-ascii'.
-\(fn ARG)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-replace-region-by-ascii "org-ascii" "\
-Assume the current region has org-mode syntax, and convert it to plain ASCII.
-This can be used in any buffer. For example, you could write an
-itemized list in org-mode syntax in a Mail buffer and then use this
-command to convert it.
-\(fn BEG END)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-export-region-as-ascii "org-ascii" "\
-Convert region from BEG to END in org-mode buffer to plain ASCII.
-If prefix arg BODY-ONLY is set, omit file header, footer, and table of
-contents, and only produce the region of converted text, useful for
-cut-and-paste operations.
-If BUFFER is a buffer or a string, use/create that buffer as a target
-of the converted ASCII. If BUFFER is the symbol `string', return the
-produced ASCII as a string and leave not buffer behind. For example,
-a Lisp program could call this function in the following way:
- (setq ascii (org-export-region-as-ascii beg end t 'string))
-When called interactively, the output buffer is selected, and shown
-in a window. A non-interactive call will only return the buffer.
-\(fn BEG END &optional BODY-ONLY BUFFER)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-export-as-ascii "org-ascii" "\
-Export the outline as a pretty ASCII file.
-If there is an active region, export only the region.
-The prefix ARG specifies how many levels of the outline should become
-underlined headlines, default is 3. Lower levels will become bulleted
-lists. When HIDDEN is non-nil, don't display the ASCII buffer.
-EXT-PLIST is a property list with external parameters overriding
-org-mode's default settings, but still inferior to file-local
-settings. When TO-BUFFER is non-nil, create a buffer with that
-name and export to that buffer. If TO-BUFFER is the symbol
-`string', don't leave any buffer behind but just return the
-resulting ASCII as a string. When BODY-ONLY is set, don't produce
-the file header and footer. When PUB-DIR is set, use this as the
-publishing directory.
-;;;### (autoloads (org-attach) "org-attach" "org-attach.el" (20535
-;;;;;; 39591))
-;;; Generated autoloads from org-attach.el
-(autoload 'org-attach "org-attach" "\
-The dispatcher for attachment commands.
-Shows a list of commands and prompts for another key to execute a command.
-\(fn)" t nil)
-;;;### (autoloads (org-bbdb-anniversaries) "org-bbdb" "org-bbdb.el"
-;;;;;; (20535 39591))
-;;; Generated autoloads from org-bbdb.el
-(autoload 'org-bbdb-anniversaries "org-bbdb" "\
-Extract anniversaries from BBDB for display in the agenda.
-\(fn)" nil nil)
-;;;### (autoloads (org-capture-import-remember-templates org-capture-insert-template-here
-;;;;;; org-capture) "org-capture" "org-capture.el" (20583 28515))
-;;; Generated autoloads from org-capture.el
-(defvar org-capture-initial nil)
-(autoload 'org-capture "org-capture" "\
-Capture something.
-This will let you select a template from `org-capture-templates', and then
-file the newly captured information. The text is immediately inserted
-at the target location, and an indirect buffer is shown where you can
-edit it. Pressing \\[org-capture-finalize] brings you back to the previous state
-of Emacs, so that you can continue your work.
-When called interactively with a \\[universal-argument] prefix argument GOTO, don't capture
-anything, just go to the file/headline where the selected template
-stores its notes. With a double prefix argument \\[universal-argument] \\[universal-argument], go to the last note
-When called with a `C-0' (zero) prefix, insert a template at point.
-Lisp programs can set KEYS to a string associated with a template
-in `org-capture-templates'. In this case, interactive selection
-will be bypassed.
-If `org-capture-use-agenda-date' is non-nil, capturing from the
-agenda will use the date at point as the default date.
-\(fn &optional GOTO KEYS)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-capture-insert-template-here "org-capture" "\
-Not documented
-\(fn)" nil nil)
-(autoload 'org-capture-import-remember-templates "org-capture" "\
-Set org-capture-templates to be similar to `org-remember-templates'.
-\(fn)" t nil)
-;;;### (autoloads (org-clock-persistence-insinuate org-get-clocktable
-;;;;;; org-clock-in-last) "org-clock" "org-clock.el" (20581 51586))
-;;; Generated autoloads from org-clock.el
-(autoload 'org-clock-in-last "org-clock" "\
-Clock in the last closed clocked item.
-When already clocking in, send an warning.
-With a universal prefix argument, select the task you want to
-clock in from the last clocked in tasks.
-With two universal prefix arguments, start clocking using the
-last clock-out time, if any.
-With three universal prefix arguments, interactively prompt
-for a todo state to switch to, overriding the existing value
-\(fn &optional ARG)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-get-clocktable "org-clock" "\
-Get a formatted clocktable with parameters according to PROPS.
-The table is created in a temporary buffer, fully formatted and
-fontified, and then returned.
-\(fn &rest PROPS)" nil nil)
-(autoload 'org-clock-persistence-insinuate "org-clock" "\
-Set up hooks for clock persistence.
-\(fn)" nil nil)
-;;;### (autoloads (org-check-version) "org-compat" "org-compat.el"
-;;;;;; (20559 38989))
-;;; Generated autoloads from org-compat.el
-(autoload 'org-check-version "org-compat" "\
-Try very hard to provide sensible version strings.
-\(fn)" nil (quote macro))
-;;;### (autoloads (org-datetree-find-date-create) "org-datetree"
-;;;;;; "org-datetree.el" (20583 28515))
-;;; Generated autoloads from org-datetree.el
-(autoload 'org-datetree-find-date-create "org-datetree" "\
-Find or create an entry for DATE.
-If KEEP-RESTRICTION is non-nil, do not widen the buffer.
-When it is nil, the buffer will be widened to make sure an existing date
-tree can be found.
-\(fn DATE &optional KEEP-RESTRICTION)" nil nil)
-;;;### (autoloads (org-export-as-docbook org-export-as-docbook-pdf-and-open
-;;;;;; org-export-as-docbook-pdf org-export-region-as-docbook org-replace-region-by-docbook
-;;;;;; org-export-as-docbook-to-buffer org-export-as-docbook-batch)
-;;;;;; "org-docbook" "org-docbook.el" (20535 39591))
-;;; Generated autoloads from org-docbook.el
-(autoload 'org-export-as-docbook-batch "org-docbook" "\
-Call `org-export-as-docbook' in batch style.
-This function can be used in batch processing.
-For example:
-$ emacs --batch
- --load=$HOME/lib/emacs/org.el
- --funcall org-export-as-docbook-batch
-\(fn)" nil nil)
-(autoload 'org-export-as-docbook-to-buffer "org-docbook" "\
-Call `org-export-as-docbook' with output to a temporary buffer.
-No file is created.
-\(fn)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-replace-region-by-docbook "org-docbook" "\
-Replace the region from BEG to END with its DocBook export.
-It assumes the region has `org-mode' syntax, and then convert it to
-DocBook. This can be used in any buffer. For example, you could
-write an itemized list in `org-mode' syntax in an DocBook buffer and
-then use this command to convert it.
-\(fn BEG END)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-export-region-as-docbook "org-docbook" "\
-Convert region from BEG to END in `org-mode' buffer to DocBook.
-If prefix arg BODY-ONLY is set, omit file header and footer and
-only produce the region of converted text, useful for
-cut-and-paste operations. If BUFFER is a buffer or a string,
-use/create that buffer as a target of the converted DocBook. If
-BUFFER is the symbol `string', return the produced DocBook as a
-string and leave not buffer behind. For example, a Lisp program
-could call this function in the following way:
- (setq docbook (org-export-region-as-docbook beg end t 'string))
-When called interactively, the output buffer is selected, and shown
-in a window. A non-interactive call will only return the buffer.
-\(fn BEG END &optional BODY-ONLY BUFFER)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-export-as-docbook-pdf "org-docbook" "\
-Export as DocBook XML file, and generate PDF file.
-(autoload 'org-export-as-docbook-pdf-and-open "org-docbook" "\
-Export as DocBook XML file, generate PDF file, and open it.
-\(fn)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-export-as-docbook "org-docbook" "\
-Export the current buffer as a DocBook file.
-If there is an active region, export only the region. When
-HIDDEN is obsolete and does nothing. EXT-PLIST is a
-property list with external parameters overriding org-mode's
-default settings, but still inferior to file-local settings.
-When TO-BUFFER is non-nil, create a buffer with that name and
-export to that buffer. If TO-BUFFER is the symbol `string',
-don't leave any buffer behind but just return the resulting HTML
-as a string. When BODY-ONLY is set, don't produce the file
-header and footer, simply return the content of the document (all
-top-level sections). When PUB-DIR is set, use this as the
-publishing directory.
-;;;### (autoloads (org-element-context org-element-at-point org-element-interpret-data)
-;;;;;; "org-element" "org-element.el" (20582 46050))
-;;; Generated autoloads from org-element.el
-(autoload 'org-element-interpret-data "org-element" "\
-Interpret DATA as Org syntax.
-DATA is a parse tree, an element, an object or a secondary string
-to interpret.
-Optional argument PARENT is used for recursive calls. It contains
-the element or object containing data, or nil.
-Return Org syntax as a string.
-\(fn DATA &optional PARENT)" nil nil)
-(autoload 'org-element-at-point "org-element" "\
-Determine closest element around point.
-Return value is a list like (TYPE PROPS) where TYPE is the type
-of the element and PROPS a plist of properties associated to the
-Possible types are defined in `org-element-all-elements'.
-Properties depend on element or object type, but always
-include :begin, :end, :parent and :post-blank properties.
-As a special case, if point is at the very beginning of a list or
-sub-list, returned element will be that list instead of the first
-item. In the same way, if point is at the beginning of the first
-row of a table, returned element will be the table instead of the
-first row.
-If optional argument KEEP-TRAIL is non-nil, the function returns
-a list of of elements leading to element at point. The list's
-CAR is always the element at point. Following positions contain
-element's siblings, then parents, siblings of parents, until the
-first element of current section.
-\(fn &optional KEEP-TRAIL)" nil nil)
-(autoload 'org-element-context "org-element" "\
-Return closest element or object around point.
-Return value is a list like (TYPE PROPS) where TYPE is the type
-of the element or object and PROPS a plist of properties
-associated to it.
-Possible types are defined in `org-element-all-elements' and
-`org-element-all-objects'. Properties depend on element or
-object type, but always include :begin, :end, :parent
-and :post-blank properties.
-\(fn)" nil nil)
-;;;### (autoloads (org-insert-export-options-template org-export-as-org
-;;;;;; org-export-visible org-export) "org-exp" "org-exp.el" (20568
-;;;;;; 20361))
-;;; Generated autoloads from org-exp.el
-(autoload 'org-export "org-exp" "\
-Export dispatcher for Org-mode.
-When `org-export-run-in-background' is non-nil, try to run the command
-in the background. This will be done only for commands that write
-to a file. For details see the docstring of `org-export-run-in-background'.
-The prefix argument ARG will be passed to the exporter. However, if
-ARG is a double universal prefix \\[universal-argument] \\[universal-argument], that means to inverse the
-value of `org-export-run-in-background'.
-If `org-export-initial-scope' is set to 'subtree, try to export
-the current subtree, otherwise try to export the whole buffer.
-Pressing `1' will switch between these two options.
-\(fn &optional ARG)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-export-visible "org-exp" "\
-Create a copy of the visible part of the current buffer, and export it.
-The copy is created in a temporary buffer and removed after use.
-TYPE is the final key (as a string) that also selects the export command in
-the \\<org-mode-map>\\[org-export] export dispatcher.
-As a special case, if the you type SPC at the prompt, the temporary
-org-mode file will not be removed but presented to you so that you can
-continue to use it. The prefix arg ARG is passed through to the exporting
-\(fn TYPE ARG)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-export-as-org "org-exp" "\
-Make a copy with not-exporting stuff removed.
-The purpose of this function is to provide a way to export the source
-Org file of a webpage in Org format, but with sensitive and/or irrelevant
-stuff removed. This command will remove the following:
-- archived trees (if the variable `org-export-with-archived-trees' is nil)
-- comment blocks and trees starting with the COMMENT keyword
-- only trees that are consistent with `org-export-select-tags'
- and `org-export-exclude-tags'.
-The only arguments that will be used are EXT-PLIST and PUB-DIR,
-all the others will be ignored (but are present so that the general
-mechanism to call publishing functions will work).
-EXT-PLIST is a property list with external parameters overriding
-org-mode's default settings, but still inferior to file-local
-settings. When PUB-DIR is set, use this as the publishing
-(autoload 'org-insert-export-options-template "org-exp" "\
-Insert into the buffer a template with information for exporting.
-\(fn)" t nil)
-;;;### (autoloads (org-feed-show-raw-feed org-feed-goto-inbox org-feed-update
-;;;;;; org-feed-update-all) "org-feed" "org-feed.el" (20535 39591))
-;;; Generated autoloads from org-feed.el
-(autoload 'org-feed-update-all "org-feed" "\
-Get inbox items from all feeds in `org-feed-alist'.
-\(fn)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-feed-update "org-feed" "\
-Get inbox items from FEED.
-FEED can be a string with an association in `org-feed-alist', or
-it can be a list structured like an entry in `org-feed-alist'.
-\(fn FEED &optional RETRIEVE-ONLY)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-feed-goto-inbox "org-feed" "\
-Go to the inbox that captures the feed named FEED.
-\(fn FEED)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-feed-show-raw-feed "org-feed" "\
-Show the raw feed buffer of a feed.
-\(fn FEED)" t nil)
-;;;### (autoloads (org-footnote-normalize org-footnote-action) "org-footnote"
-;;;;;; "org-footnote.el" (20535 39591))
-;;; Generated autoloads from org-footnote.el
-(autoload 'org-footnote-action "org-footnote" "\
-Do the right thing for footnotes.
-When at a footnote reference, jump to the definition.
-When at a definition, jump to the references if they exist, offer
-to create them otherwise.
-When neither at definition or reference, create a new footnote,
-With prefix arg SPECIAL, offer additional commands in a menu.
-\(fn &optional SPECIAL)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-footnote-normalize "org-footnote" "\
-Collect the footnotes in various formats and normalize them.
-This finds the different sorts of footnotes allowed in Org, and
-normalizes them to the usual [N] format that is understood by the
-Org-mode exporters.
-When SORT-ONLY is set, only sort the footnote definitions into the
-referenced sequence.
-If Org is amidst an export process, EXPORT-PROPS will hold the
-export properties of the buffer.
-When EXPORT-PROPS is non-nil, the default action is to insert
-normalized footnotes towards the end of the pre-processing
-buffer. Some exporters (docbook, odt...) expect footnote
-definitions to be available before any references to them. Such
-exporters can let bind `org-footnote-insert-pos-for-preprocessor'
-to symbol `point-min' to achieve the desired behaviour.
-Additional note on `org-footnote-insert-pos-for-preprocessor':
-1. This variable has not effect when FOR-PREPROCESSOR is nil.
-2. This variable (potentially) obviates the need for extra scan
- of pre-processor buffer as witnessed in
- `org-export-docbook-get-footnotes'.
-\(fn &optional SORT-ONLY EXPORT-PROPS)" nil nil)
-;;;### (autoloads (org-freemind-to-org-mode org-freemind-from-org-sparse-tree
-;;;;;; org-freemind-from-org-mode org-freemind-from-org-mode-node
-;;;;;; org-freemind-show org-export-as-freemind) "org-freemind"
-;;;;;; "org-freemind.el" (20569 35225))
-;;; Generated autoloads from org-freemind.el
-(autoload 'org-export-as-freemind "org-freemind" "\
-Export the current buffer as a Freemind file.
-If there is an active region, export only the region. HIDDEN is
-obsolete and does nothing. EXT-PLIST is a property list with
-external parameters overriding org-mode's default settings, but
-still inferior to file-local settings. When TO-BUFFER is
-non-nil, create a buffer with that name and export to that
-buffer. If TO-BUFFER is the symbol `string', don't leave any
-buffer behind but just return the resulting HTML as a string.
-When BODY-ONLY is set, don't produce the file header and footer,
-simply return the content of the document (all top level
-sections). When PUB-DIR is set, use this as the publishing
-See `org-freemind-from-org-mode' for more information.
-(autoload 'org-freemind-show "org-freemind" "\
-Show file MM-FILE in Freemind.
-\(fn MM-FILE)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-freemind-from-org-mode-node "org-freemind" "\
-Convert node at line NODE-LINE to the FreeMind file MM-FILE.
-See `org-freemind-from-org-mode' for more information.
-\(fn NODE-LINE MM-FILE)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-freemind-from-org-mode "org-freemind" "\
-Convert the `org-mode' file ORG-FILE to the FreeMind file MM-FILE.
-All the nodes will be opened or closed in Freemind just as you
-have them in `org-mode'.
-Note that exporting to Freemind also gives you an alternative way
-to export from `org-mode' to html. You can create a dynamic html
-version of the your org file, by first exporting to Freemind and
-then exporting from Freemind to html. The 'As
-XHTML (JavaScript)' version in Freemind works very well (and you
-can use a CSS stylesheet to style it).
-\(fn ORG-FILE MM-FILE)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-freemind-from-org-sparse-tree "org-freemind" "\
-Convert visible part of buffer ORG-BUFFER to FreeMind file MM-FILE.
-\(fn ORG-BUFFER MM-FILE)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-freemind-to-org-mode "org-freemind" "\
-Convert FreeMind file MM-FILE to `org-mode' file ORG-FILE.
-\(fn MM-FILE ORG-FILE)" t nil)
-;;;### (autoloads (org-export-htmlize-generate-css org-export-as-html
-;;;;;; org-export-region-as-html org-replace-region-by-html org-export-as-html-to-buffer
-;;;;;; org-export-as-html-batch org-export-as-html-and-open) "org-html"
-;;;;;; "org-html.el" (20562 57177))
-;;; Generated autoloads from org-html.el
-(put 'org-export-html-style-include-default 'safe-local-variable 'booleanp)
-(put 'org-export-html-style 'safe-local-variable 'stringp)
-(put 'org-export-html-style-extra 'safe-local-variable 'stringp)
-(autoload 'org-export-as-html-and-open "org-html" "\
-Export the outline as HTML and immediately open it with a browser.
-If there is an active region, export only the region.
-The prefix ARG specifies how many levels of the outline should become
-headlines. The default is 3. Lower levels will become bulleted lists.
-\(fn ARG)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-export-as-html-batch "org-html" "\
-Call the function `org-export-as-html'.
-This function can be used in batch processing as:
-emacs --batch
- --load=$HOME/lib/emacs/org.el
- --eval \"(setq org-export-headline-levels 2)\"
- --visit=MyFile --funcall org-export-as-html-batch
-\(fn)" nil nil)
-(autoload 'org-export-as-html-to-buffer "org-html" "\
-Call `org-export-as-html` with output to a temporary buffer.
-No file is created. The prefix ARG is passed through to `org-export-as-html'.
-\(fn ARG)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-replace-region-by-html "org-html" "\
-Assume the current region has org-mode syntax, and convert it to HTML.
-This can be used in any buffer. For example, you could write an
-itemized list in org-mode syntax in an HTML buffer and then use this
-command to convert it.
-\(fn BEG END)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-export-region-as-html "org-html" "\
-Convert region from BEG to END in org-mode buffer to HTML.
-If prefix arg BODY-ONLY is set, omit file header, footer, and table of
-contents, and only produce the region of converted text, useful for
-cut-and-paste operations.
-If BUFFER is a buffer or a string, use/create that buffer as a target
-of the converted HTML. If BUFFER is the symbol `string', return the
-produced HTML as a string and leave not buffer behind. For example,
-a Lisp program could call this function in the following way:
- (setq html (org-export-region-as-html beg end t 'string))
-When called interactively, the output buffer is selected, and shown
-in a window. A non-interactive call will only return the buffer.
-\(fn BEG END &optional BODY-ONLY BUFFER)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-export-as-html "org-html" "\
-Export the outline as a pretty HTML file.
-If there is an active region, export only the region. The prefix
-ARG specifies how many levels of the outline should become
-headlines. The default is 3. Lower levels will become bulleted
-lists. HIDDEN is obsolete and does nothing.
-EXT-PLIST is a property list with external parameters overriding
-org-mode's default settings, but still inferior to file-local
-settings. When TO-BUFFER is non-nil, create a buffer with that
-name and export to that buffer. If TO-BUFFER is the symbol
-`string', don't leave any buffer behind but just return the
-resulting HTML as a string. When BODY-ONLY is set, don't produce
-the file header and footer, simply return the content of
-<body>...</body>, without even the body tags themselves. When
-PUB-DIR is set, use this as the publishing directory.
-(autoload 'org-export-htmlize-generate-css "org-html" "\
-Create the CSS for all font definitions in the current Emacs session.
-Use this to create face definitions in your CSS style file that can then
-be used by code snippets transformed by htmlize.
-This command just produces a buffer that contains class definitions for all
-faces used in the current Emacs session. You can copy and paste the ones you
-need into your CSS file.
-If you then set `org-export-htmlize-output-type' to `css', calls to
-the function `org-export-htmlize-region-for-paste' will produce code
-that uses these same face definitions.
-\(fn)" t nil)
-;;;### (autoloads (org-export-icalendar-combine-agenda-files org-export-icalendar-all-agenda-files
-;;;;;; org-export-icalendar-this-file) "org-icalendar" "org-icalendar.el"
-;;;;;; (20540 44570))
-;;; Generated autoloads from org-icalendar.el
-(autoload 'org-export-icalendar-this-file "org-icalendar" "\
-Export current file as an iCalendar file.
-The iCalendar file will be located in the same directory as the Org-mode
-file, but with extension `.ics'.
-\(fn)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-export-icalendar-all-agenda-files "org-icalendar" "\
-Export all files in the variable `org-agenda-files' to iCalendar .ics files.
-Each iCalendar file will be located in the same directory as the Org-mode
-file, but with extension `.ics'.
-\(fn)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-export-icalendar-combine-agenda-files "org-icalendar" "\
-Export all files in `org-agenda-files' to a single combined iCalendar file.
-The file is stored under the name `org-combined-agenda-icalendar-file'.
-\(fn)" t nil)
-;;;### (autoloads (org-id-store-link org-id-find-id-file org-id-find
-;;;;;; org-id-goto org-id-get-with-outline-drilling org-id-get-with-outline-path-completion
-;;;;;; org-id-get org-id-copy org-id-get-create) "org-id" "org-id.el"
-;;;;;; (20583 28515))
-;;; Generated autoloads from org-id.el
-(autoload 'org-id-get-create "org-id" "\
-Create an ID for the current entry and return it.
-If the entry already has an ID, just return it.
-With optional argument FORCE, force the creation of a new ID.
-\(fn &optional FORCE)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-id-copy "org-id" "\
-Copy the ID of the entry at point to the kill ring.
-Create an ID if necessary.
-\(fn)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-id-get "org-id" "\
-Get the ID property of the entry at point-or-marker POM.
-If POM is nil, refer to the entry at point.
-If the entry does not have an ID, the function returns nil.
-However, when CREATE is non nil, create an ID if none is present already.
-PREFIX will be passed through to `org-id-new'.
-In any case, the ID of the entry is returned.
-\(fn &optional POM CREATE PREFIX)" nil nil)
-(autoload 'org-id-get-with-outline-path-completion "org-id" "\
-Use outline-path-completion to retrieve the ID of an entry.
-TARGETS may be a setting for `org-refile-targets' to define the eligible
-headlines. When omitted, all headlines in all agenda files are
-It returns the ID of the entry. If necessary, the ID is created.
-\(fn &optional TARGETS)" nil nil)
-(autoload 'org-id-get-with-outline-drilling "org-id" "\
-Use an outline-cycling interface to retrieve the ID of an entry.
-This only finds entries in the current buffer, using `org-get-location'.
-It returns the ID of the entry. If necessary, the ID is created.
-\(fn &optional TARGETS)" nil nil)
-(autoload 'org-id-goto "org-id" "\
-Switch to the buffer containing the entry with id ID.
-Move the cursor to that entry in that buffer.
-\(fn ID)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-id-find "org-id" "\
-Return the location of the entry with the id ID.
-The return value is a cons cell (file-name . position), or nil
-if there is no entry with that ID.
-With optional argument MARKERP, return the position as a new marker.
-\(fn ID &optional MARKERP)" nil nil)
-(autoload 'org-id-find-id-file "org-id" "\
-Query the id database for the file in which this ID is located.
-\(fn ID)" nil nil)
-(autoload 'org-id-store-link "org-id" "\
-Store a link to the current entry, using its ID.
-\(fn)" t nil)
-;;;### (autoloads (org-indent-mode) "org-indent" "org-indent.el"
-;;;;;; (20535 39591))
-;;; Generated autoloads from org-indent.el
-(autoload 'org-indent-mode "org-indent" "\
-When active, indent text according to outline structure.
-Internally this works by adding `line-prefix' and `wrap-prefix'
-properties, after each buffer modification, on the modified zone.
-The process is synchronous. Though, initial indentation of
-buffer, which can take a few seconds on large buffers, is done
-during idle time.
-\(fn &optional ARG)" t nil)
-;;;### (autoloads (org-irc-store-link) "org-irc" "org-irc.el" (20535
-;;;;;; 39646))
-;;; Generated autoloads from org-irc.el
-(autoload 'org-irc-store-link "org-irc" "\
-Dispatch to the appropriate function to store a link to an IRC session.
-\(fn)" nil nil)
-;;;### (autoloads (org-export-as-pdf-and-open org-export-as-pdf org-export-as-latex
-;;;;;; org-export-region-as-latex org-replace-region-by-latex org-export-as-latex-to-buffer
-;;;;;; org-export-as-latex-batch) "org-latex" "org-latex.el" (20583
-;;;;;; 28515))
-;;; Generated autoloads from org-latex.el
-(autoload 'org-export-as-latex-batch "org-latex" "\
-Call `org-export-as-latex', may be used in batch processing.
-For example:
-emacs --batch
- --load=$HOME/lib/emacs/org.el
- --eval \"(setq org-export-headline-levels 2)\"
- --visit=MyFile --funcall org-export-as-latex-batch
-\(fn)" nil nil)
-(autoload 'org-export-as-latex-to-buffer "org-latex" "\
-Call `org-export-as-latex` with output to a temporary buffer.
-No file is created. The prefix ARG is passed through to `org-export-as-latex'.
-\(fn ARG)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-replace-region-by-latex "org-latex" "\
-Replace the region from BEG to END with its LaTeX export.
-It assumes the region has `org-mode' syntax, and then convert it to
-LaTeX. This can be used in any buffer. For example, you could
-write an itemized list in `org-mode' syntax in an LaTeX buffer and
-then use this command to convert it.
-\(fn BEG END)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-export-region-as-latex "org-latex" "\
-Convert region from BEG to END in `org-mode' buffer to LaTeX.
-If prefix arg BODY-ONLY is set, omit file header, footer, and table of
-contents, and only produce the region of converted text, useful for
-cut-and-paste operations.
-If BUFFER is a buffer or a string, use/create that buffer as a target
-of the converted LaTeX. If BUFFER is the symbol `string', return the
-produced LaTeX as a string and leave no buffer behind. For example,
-a Lisp program could call this function in the following way:
- (setq latex (org-export-region-as-latex beg end t 'string))
-When called interactively, the output buffer is selected, and shown
-in a window. A non-interactive call will only return the buffer.
-\(fn BEG END &optional BODY-ONLY BUFFER)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-export-as-latex "org-latex" "\
-Export current buffer to a LaTeX file.
-If there is an active region, export only the region. The prefix
-ARG specifies how many levels of the outline should become
-headlines. The default is 3. Lower levels will be exported
-depending on `org-export-latex-low-levels'. The default is to
-convert them as description lists.
-HIDDEN is obsolete and does nothing.
-EXT-PLIST is a property list with
-external parameters overriding org-mode's default settings, but
-still inferior to file-local settings. When TO-BUFFER is
-non-nil, create a buffer with that name and export to that
-buffer. If TO-BUFFER is the symbol `string', don't leave any
-buffer behind but just return the resulting LaTeX as a string.
-When BODY-ONLY is set, don't produce the file header and footer,
-simply return the content of \\begin{document}...\\end{document},
-without even the \\begin{document} and \\end{document} commands.
-when PUB-DIR is set, use this as the publishing directory.
-(autoload 'org-export-as-pdf "org-latex" "\
-Export as LaTeX, then process through to PDF.
-(autoload 'org-export-as-pdf-and-open "org-latex" "\
-Export as LaTeX, then process through to PDF, and open.
-\(fn ARG)" t nil)
-;;;### (autoloads (org-lparse-region org-replace-region-by org-lparse-to-buffer
-;;;;;; org-lparse-batch org-lparse-and-open) "org-lparse" "org-lparse.el"
-;;;;;; (20580 53523))
-;;; Generated autoloads from org-lparse.el
-(autoload 'org-lparse-and-open "org-lparse" "\
-Export outline to TARGET-BACKEND via NATIVE-BACKEND and open exported file.
-If there is an active region, export only the region. The prefix
-ARG specifies how many levels of the outline should become
-headlines. The default is 3. Lower levels will become bulleted
-(autoload 'org-lparse-batch "org-lparse" "\
-Call the function `org-lparse'.
-This function can be used in batch processing as:
-emacs --batch
- --load=$HOME/lib/emacs/org.el
- --eval \"(setq org-export-headline-levels 2)\"
- --visit=MyFile --funcall org-lparse-batch
-\(fn TARGET-BACKEND &optional NATIVE-BACKEND)" nil nil)
-(autoload 'org-lparse-to-buffer "org-lparse" "\
-Call `org-lparse' with output to a temporary buffer.
-No file is created. The prefix ARG is passed through to
-\(fn BACKEND ARG)" nil nil)
-(autoload 'org-replace-region-by "org-lparse" "\
-Assume the current region has org-mode syntax, and convert it to HTML.
-This can be used in any buffer. For example, you could write an
-itemized list in org-mode syntax in an HTML buffer and then use
-this command to convert it.
-\(fn BACKEND BEG END)" nil nil)
-(autoload 'org-lparse-region "org-lparse" "\
-Convert region from BEG to END in org-mode buffer to HTML.
-If prefix arg BODY-ONLY is set, omit file header, footer, and table of
-contents, and only produce the region of converted text, useful for
-cut-and-paste operations.
-If BUFFER is a buffer or a string, use/create that buffer as a target
-of the converted HTML. If BUFFER is the symbol `string', return the
-produced HTML as a string and leave not buffer behind. For example,
-a Lisp program could call this function in the following way:
- (setq html (org-lparse-region \"html\" beg end t 'string))
-When called interactively, the output buffer is selected, and shown
-in a window. A non-interactive call will only return the buffer.
-\(fn BACKEND BEG END &optional BODY-ONLY BUFFER)" nil nil)
-;;;### (autoloads (org-mobile-create-sumo-agenda org-mobile-pull
-;;;;;; org-mobile-push) "org-mobile" "org-mobile.el" (20540 44570))
-;;; Generated autoloads from org-mobile.el
-(autoload 'org-mobile-push "org-mobile" "\
-Push the current state of Org affairs to the WebDAV directory.
-This will create the index file, copy all agenda files there, and also
-create all custom agenda views, for upload to the mobile phone.
-\(fn)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-mobile-pull "org-mobile" "\
-Pull the contents of `org-mobile-capture-file' and integrate them.
-Apply all flagged actions, flag entries to be flagged and then call an
-agenda view showing the flagged items.
-\(fn)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-mobile-create-sumo-agenda "org-mobile" "\
-Create a file that contains all custom agenda views.
-\(fn)" t nil)
-;;;### (autoloads (org-export-as-odf-and-open org-export-as-odf org-export-odt-convert
-;;;;;; org-export-as-odt org-export-as-odt-batch org-export-as-odt-and-open)
-;;;;;; "org-odt" "org-odt.el" (20581 51586))
-;;; Generated autoloads from org-odt.el
-(put 'org-export-odt-preferred-output-format 'safe-local-variable 'stringp)
-(autoload 'org-export-as-odt-and-open "org-odt" "\
-Export the outline as ODT and immediately open it with a browser.
-If there is an active region, export only the region.
-The prefix ARG specifies how many levels of the outline should become
-headlines. The default is 3. Lower levels will become bulleted lists.
-\(fn ARG)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-export-as-odt-batch "org-odt" "\
-Call the function `org-lparse-batch'.
-This function can be used in batch processing as:
-emacs --batch
- --load=$HOME/lib/emacs/org.el
- --eval \"(setq org-export-headline-levels 2)\"
- --visit=MyFile --funcall org-export-as-odt-batch
-\(fn)" nil nil)
-(autoload 'org-export-as-odt "org-odt" "\
-Export the outline as a OpenDocumentText file.
-If there is an active region, export only the region. The prefix
-ARG specifies how many levels of the outline should become
-headlines. The default is 3. Lower levels will become bulleted
-lists. HIDDEN is obsolete and does nothing.
-EXT-PLIST is a property list with external parameters overriding
-org-mode's default settings, but still inferior to file-local
-settings. When TO-BUFFER is non-nil, create a buffer with that
-name and export to that buffer. If TO-BUFFER is the symbol
-`string', don't leave any buffer behind but just return the
-resulting XML as a string. When BODY-ONLY is set, don't produce
-the file header and footer, simply return the content of
-<body>...</body>, without even the body tags themselves. When
-PUB-DIR is set, use this as the publishing directory.
-(autoload 'org-export-odt-convert "org-odt" "\
-Convert IN-FILE to format OUT-FMT using a command line converter.
-IN-FILE is the file to be converted. If unspecified, it defaults
-to variable `buffer-file-name'. OUT-FMT is the desired output
-format. Use `org-export-odt-convert-process' as the converter.
-If PREFIX-ARG is non-nil then the newly converted file is opened
-using `org-open-file'.
-\(fn &optional IN-FILE OUT-FMT PREFIX-ARG)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-export-as-odf "org-odt" "\
-Export LATEX-FRAG as OpenDocument formula file ODF-FILE.
-Use `org-create-math-formula' to convert LATEX-FRAG first to
-MathML. When invoked as an interactive command, use
-`org-latex-regexps' to infer LATEX-FRAG from currently active
-region. If no LaTeX fragments are found, prompt for it. Push
-MathML source to kill ring, if `org-export-copy-to-kill-ring' is
-\(fn LATEX-FRAG &optional ODF-FILE)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-export-as-odf-and-open "org-odt" "\
-Export LaTeX fragment as OpenDocument formula and immediately open it.
-Use `org-export-as-odf' to read LaTeX fragment and OpenDocument
-formula file.
-\(fn)" t nil)
-;;;### (autoloads (org-plot/gnuplot) "org-plot" "org-plot.el" (20535
-;;;;;; 39591))
-;;; Generated autoloads from org-plot.el
-(autoload 'org-plot/gnuplot "org-plot" "\
-Plot table using gnuplot. Gnuplot options can be specified with PARAMS.
-If not given options will be taken from the +PLOT
-line directly before or after the table.
-\(fn &optional PARAMS)" t nil)
-;;;### (autoloads (org-publish-current-project org-publish-current-file
-;;;;;; org-publish-all org-publish) "org-publish" "org-publish.el"
-;;;;;; (20581 49187))
-;;; Generated autoloads from org-publish.el
-(defalias 'org-publish-project 'org-publish)
-(autoload 'org-publish "org-publish" "\
-Publish PROJECT.
-\(fn PROJECT &optional FORCE)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-publish-all "org-publish" "\
-Publish all projects.
-With prefix argument, remove all files in the timestamp
-directory and force publishing all files.
-\(fn &optional FORCE)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-publish-current-file "org-publish" "\
-Publish the current file.
-With prefix argument, force publish the file.
-\(fn &optional FORCE)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-publish-current-project "org-publish" "\
-Publish the project associated with the current file.
-With a prefix argument, force publishing of all files in
-the project.
-\(fn &optional FORCE)" t nil)
-;;;### (autoloads (org-remember-handler org-remember org-remember-apply-template
-;;;;;; org-remember-annotation org-remember-insinuate) "org-remember"
-;;;;;; "org-remember.el" (20535 39646))
-;;; Generated autoloads from org-remember.el
-(autoload 'org-remember-insinuate "org-remember" "\
-Setup remember.el for use with Org-mode.
-\(fn)" nil nil)
-(autoload 'org-remember-annotation "org-remember" "\
-Return a link to the current location as an annotation for remember.el.
-If you are using Org-mode files as target for data storage with
-remember.el, then the annotations should include a link compatible with the
-conventions in Org-mode. This function returns such a link.
-\(fn)" nil nil)
-(autoload 'org-remember-apply-template "org-remember" "\
-Initialize *remember* buffer with template, invoke `org-mode'.
-This function should be placed into `remember-mode-hook' and in fact requires
-to be run from that hook to function properly.
-\(fn &optional USE-CHAR SKIP-INTERACTIVE)" nil nil)
-(autoload 'org-remember "org-remember" "\
-Call `remember'. If this is already a remember buffer, re-apply template.
-If there is an active region, make sure remember uses it as initial content
-of the remember buffer.
-When called interactively with a \\[universal-argument] prefix argument GOTO, don't remember
-anything, just go to the file/headline where the selected template usually
-stores its notes. With a double prefix argument \\[universal-argument] \\[universal-argument], go to the last
-note stored by remember.
-Lisp programs can set ORG-FORCE-REMEMBER-TEMPLATE-CHAR to a character
-associated with a template in `org-remember-templates'.
-(autoload 'org-remember-handler "org-remember" "\
-Store stuff from remember.el into an org file.
-When the template has specified a file and a headline, the entry is filed
-there, or in the location defined by `org-default-notes-file' and
-If no defaults have been defined, or if the current prefix argument
-is 1 (using C-1 \\[org-remember-finalize] to exit remember), an interactive
-process is used to select the target location.
-When the prefix is 0 (i.e. when remember is exited with C-0 \\[org-remember-finalize]),
-the entry is filed to the same location as the previous note.
-When the prefix is 2 (i.e. when remember is exited with C-2 \\[org-remember-finalize]),
-the entry is filed as a subentry of the entry where the clock is
-currently running.
-When \\[universal-argument] has been used as prefix argument, the
-note is stored and Emacs moves point to the new location of the
-note, so that editing can be continued there (similar to
-inserting \"%&\" into the template).
-Before storing the note, the function ensures that the text has an
-org-mode-style headline, i.e. a first line that starts with
-a \"*\". If not, a headline is constructed from the current date and
-some additional data.
-If the variable `org-adapt-indentation' is non-nil, the entire text is
-also indented so that it starts in the same column as the headline
-\(i.e. after the stars).
-See also the variable `org-reverse-note-order'.
-\(fn)" nil nil)
-;;;### (autoloads (org-table-to-lisp orgtbl-mode turn-on-orgtbl org-table-iterate-buffer-tables
-;;;;;; org-table-recalculate-buffer-tables) "org-table" "org-table.el"
-;;;;;; (20581 53986))
-;;; Generated autoloads from org-table.el
-(autoload 'org-table-recalculate-buffer-tables "org-table" "\
-Recalculate all tables in the current buffer.
-\(fn)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-table-iterate-buffer-tables "org-table" "\
-Iterate all tables in the buffer, to converge inter-table dependencies.
-\(fn)" t nil)
-(autoload 'turn-on-orgtbl "org-table" "\
-Unconditionally turn on `orgtbl-mode'.
-\(fn)" nil nil)
-(autoload 'orgtbl-mode "org-table" "\
-The `org-mode' table editor as a minor mode for use in other modes.
-\(fn &optional ARG)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-table-to-lisp "org-table" "\
-Convert the table at point to a Lisp structure.
-The structure will be a list. Each item is either the symbol `hline'
-for a horizontal separator line, or a list of field values as strings.
-The table is taken from the parameter TXT, or from the buffer at point.
-\(fn &optional TXT)" nil nil)
-;;;### (autoloads (org-export-as-taskjuggler-and-open org-export-as-taskjuggler)
-;;;;;; "org-taskjuggler" "org-taskjuggler.el" (20538 30195))
-;;; Generated autoloads from org-taskjuggler.el
-(autoload 'org-export-as-taskjuggler "org-taskjuggler" "\
-Export parts of the current buffer as a TaskJuggler file.
-The exporter looks for a tree with tag, property or todo that
-matches `org-export-taskjuggler-project-tag' and takes this as
-the tasks for this project. The first node of this tree defines
-the project properties such as project name and project period.
-If there is a tree with tag, property or todo that matches
-`org-export-taskjuggler-resource-tag' this three is taken as
-resources for the project. If no resources are specified, a
-default resource is created and allocated to the project. Also
-the taskjuggler project will be created with default reports as
-defined in `org-export-taskjuggler-default-reports'.
-\(fn)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-export-as-taskjuggler-and-open "org-taskjuggler" "\
-Export the current buffer as a TaskJuggler file and open it
-with the TaskJuggler GUI.
-\(fn)" t nil)
-;;;### (autoloads (org-timer-set-timer org-timer-item org-timer-change-times-in-region
-;;;;;; org-timer org-timer-stop org-timer-pause-or-continue org-timer-start)
-;;;;;; "org-timer" "org-timer.el" (20542 22690))
-;;; Generated autoloads from org-timer.el
-(autoload 'org-timer-start "org-timer" "\
-Set the starting time for the relative timer to now.
-When called with prefix argument OFFSET, prompt the user for an offset time,
-with the default taken from a timer stamp at point, if any.
-If OFFSET is a string or an integer, it is directly taken to be the offset
-without user interaction.
-When called with a double prefix arg, all timer strings in the active
-region will be shifted by a specific amount. You will be prompted for
-the amount, with the default to make the first timer string in
-the region 0:00:00.
-\(fn &optional OFFSET)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-timer-pause-or-continue "org-timer" "\
-Pause or continue the relative timer.
-With prefix arg STOP, stop it entirely.
-\(fn &optional STOP)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-timer-stop "org-timer" "\
-Stop the relative timer.
-\(fn)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-timer "org-timer" "\
-Insert a H:MM:SS string from the timer into the buffer.
-The first time this command is used, the timer is started. When used with
-a \\[universal-argument] prefix, force restarting the timer.
-When used with a double prefix argument \\[universal-argument], change all the timer string
-in the region by a fixed amount. This can be used to recalibrate a timer
-that was not started at the correct moment.
-If NO-INSERT-P is non-nil, return the string instead of inserting
-it in the buffer.
-\(fn &optional RESTART NO-INSERT-P)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-timer-change-times-in-region "org-timer" "\
-Change all h:mm:ss time in region by a DELTA.
-\(fn BEG END DELTA)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-timer-item "org-timer" "\
-Insert a description-type item with the current timer value.
-\(fn &optional ARG)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-timer-set-timer "org-timer" "\
-Prompt for a duration and set a timer.
-If `org-timer-default-timer' is not zero, suggest this value as
-the default duration for the timer. If a timer is already set,
-prompt the user if she wants to replace it.
-Called with a numeric prefix argument, use this numeric value as
-the duration of the timer.
-Called with a `C-u' prefix arguments, use `org-timer-default-timer'
-without prompting the user for a duration.
-With two `C-u' prefix arguments, use `org-timer-default-timer'
-without prompting the user for a duration and automatically
-replace any running timer.
-\(fn &optional OPT)" t nil)
-;;;### (autoloads (org-git-version org-release) "org-version" "org-version.el"
-;;;;;; (20583 29615))
-;;; Generated autoloads from org-version.el
-(autoload 'org-release "org-version" "\
-The release version of org-mode.
- Inserted by installing org-mode or when a release is made.
-\(fn)" nil nil)
-(autoload 'org-git-version "org-version" "\
-The Git version of org-mode.
- Inserted by installing org-mode or when a release is made.
-\(fn)" nil nil)
-(defconst org-odt-data-dir "/usr/share/emacs/etc/org" "\
-The location of ODT styles.")
-;;;### (autoloads (org-export-as-xoxo) "org-xoxo" "org-xoxo.el" (20535
-;;;;;; 39591))
-;;; Generated autoloads from org-xoxo.el
-(autoload 'org-export-as-xoxo "org-xoxo" "\
-Export the org buffer as XOXO.
-The XOXO buffer is named *xoxo-<source buffer name>*
-\(fn &optional BUFFER)" t nil)
-;;;### (autoloads (org-unindent-buffer org-transpose-element org-narrow-to-element
-;;;;;; org-mark-element org-drag-element-forward org-drag-element-backward
-;;;;;; org-up-element org-backward-element org-forward-element org-customize
-;;;;;; org-reload org-require-autoloaded-modules org-submit-bug-report
-;;;;;; org-cycle-agenda-files org-switchb org-map-entries org-update-all-dblocks
-;;;;;; org-open-link-from-string org-open-at-point-global org-insert-link-global
-;;;;;; org-store-link org-run-like-in-org-mode turn-on-orgstruct++
-;;;;;; turn-on-orgstruct orgstruct-mode org-global-cycle org-mode
-;;;;;; org-version org-babel-do-load-languages) "org" "org.el" (20583
-;;;;;; 28515))
-;;; Generated autoloads from org.el
-(autoload 'org-babel-do-load-languages "org" "\
-Load the languages defined in `org-babel-load-languages'.
-\(fn SYM VALUE)" nil nil)
-(autoload 'org-version "org" "\
-Show the org-mode version in the echo area.
-With prefix argument HERE, insert it at point.
-When FULL is non-nil, use a verbose version string.
-When MESSAGE is non-nil, display a message with the version.
-\(fn &optional HERE FULL MESSAGE)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-mode "org" "\
-Outline-based notes management and organizer, alias
-\"Carsten's outline-mode for keeping track of everything.\"
-Org-mode develops organizational tasks around a NOTES file which
-contains information about projects as plain text. Org-mode is
-implemented on top of outline-mode, which is ideal to keep the content
-of large files well structured. It supports ToDo items, deadlines and
-time stamps, which magically appear in the diary listing of the Emacs
-calendar. Tables are easily created with a built-in table editor.
-Plain text URL-like links connect to websites, emails (VM), Usenet
-messages (Gnus), BBDB entries, and any files related to the project.
-For printing and sharing of notes, an Org-mode file (or a part of it)
-can be exported as a structured ASCII or HTML file.
-The following commands are available:
-\(fn)" t nil)
-(defvar org-inlinetask-min-level)
-(autoload 'org-global-cycle "org" "\
-Cycle the global visibility. For details see `org-cycle'.
-With \\[universal-argument] prefix arg, switch to startup visibility.
-With a numeric prefix, show all headlines up to that level.
-\(fn &optional ARG)" t nil)
-(autoload 'orgstruct-mode "org" "\
-Toggle the minor mode `orgstruct-mode'.
-This mode is for using Org-mode structure commands in other
-modes. The following keys behave as if Org-mode were active, if
-the cursor is on a headline, or on a plain list item (both as
-defined by Org-mode).
-M-up Move entry/item up
-M-down Move entry/item down
-M-left Promote
-M-right Demote
-M-S-up Move entry/item up
-M-S-down Move entry/item down
-M-S-left Promote subtree
-M-S-right Demote subtree
-M-q Fill paragraph and items like in Org-mode
-C-c ^ Sort entries
-C-c - Cycle list bullet
-TAB Cycle item visibility
-M-RET Insert new heading/item
-S-M-RET Insert new TODO heading / Checkbox item
-C-c C-c Set tags / toggle checkbox
-\(fn &optional ARG)" t nil)
-(autoload 'turn-on-orgstruct "org" "\
-Unconditionally turn on `orgstruct-mode'.
-\(fn)" nil nil)
-(autoload 'turn-on-orgstruct++ "org" "\
-Unconditionally turn on `orgstruct++-mode'.
-\(fn)" nil nil)
-(autoload 'org-run-like-in-org-mode "org" "\
-Run a command, pretending that the current buffer is in Org-mode.
-This will temporarily bind local variables that are typically bound in
-Org-mode to the values they have in Org-mode, and then interactively
-call CMD.
-\(fn CMD)" nil nil)
-(autoload 'org-store-link "org" "\
-\\<org-mode-map>Store an org-link to the current location.
-This link is added to `org-stored-links' and can later be inserted
-into an org-buffer with \\[org-insert-link].
-For some link types, a prefix arg is interpreted:
-For links to usenet articles, arg negates `org-gnus-prefer-web-links'.
-For file links, arg negates `org-context-in-file-links'.
-\(fn ARG)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-insert-link-global "org" "\
-Insert a link like Org-mode does.
-This command can be called in any mode to insert a link in Org-mode syntax.
-\(fn)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-open-at-point-global "org" "\
-Follow a link like Org-mode does.
-This command can be called in any mode to follow a link that has
-Org-mode syntax.
-\(fn)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-open-link-from-string "org" "\
-Open a link in the string S, as if it was in Org-mode.
-\(fn S &optional ARG REFERENCE-BUFFER)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-update-all-dblocks "org" "\
-Update all dynamic blocks in the buffer.
-This function can be used in a hook.
-\(fn)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-map-entries "org" "\
-Call FUNC at each headline selected by MATCH in SCOPE.
-FUNC is a function or a lisp form. The function will be called without
-arguments, with the cursor positioned at the beginning of the headline.
-The return values of all calls to the function will be collected and
-returned as a list.
-The call to FUNC will be wrapped into a save-excursion form, so FUNC
-does not need to preserve point. After evaluation, the cursor will be
-moved to the end of the line (presumably of the headline of the
-processed entry) and search continues from there. Under some
-circumstances, this may not produce the wanted results. For example,
-if you have removed (e.g. archived) the current (sub)tree it could
-mean that the next entry will be skipped entirely. In such cases, you
-can specify the position from where search should continue by making
-FUNC set the variable `org-map-continue-from' to the desired buffer
-MATCH is a tags/property/todo match as it is used in the agenda tags view.
-Only headlines that are matched by this query will be considered during
-the iteration. When MATCH is nil or t, all headlines will be
-visited by the iteration.
-SCOPE determines the scope of this command. It can be any of:
-nil The current buffer, respecting the restriction if any
-tree The subtree started with the entry at point
-region The entries within the active region, if any
- The entries within the active region, but only those at
- the same level than the first one.
-file The current buffer, without restriction
- The current buffer, and any archives associated with it
-agenda All agenda files
- All agenda files with any archive files associated with them
-\(file1 file2 ...)
- If this is a list, all files in the list will be scanned
-The remaining args are treated as settings for the skipping facilities of
-the scanner. The following items can be given here:
- archive skip trees with the archive tag.
- comment skip trees with the COMMENT keyword
- function or Emacs Lisp form:
- will be used as value for `org-agenda-skip-function', so whenever
- the function returns t, FUNC will not be called for that
- entry and search will continue from the point where the
- function leaves it.
-If your function needs to retrieve the tags including inherited tags
-at the *current* entry, you can use the value of the variable
-`org-scanner-tags' which will be much faster than getting the value
-with `org-get-tags-at'. If your function gets properties with
-`org-entry-properties' at the *current* entry, bind `org-trust-scanner-tags'
-to t around the call to `org-entry-properties' to get the same speedup.
-Note that if your function moves around to retrieve tags and properties at
-a *different* entry, you cannot use these techniques.
-\(fn FUNC &optional MATCH SCOPE &rest SKIP)" nil nil)
-(autoload 'org-switchb "org" "\
-Switch between Org buffers.
-With one prefix argument, restrict available buffers to files.
-With two prefix arguments, restrict available buffers to agenda files.
-Defaults to `iswitchb' for buffer name completion.
-Set `org-completion-use-ido' to make it use ido instead.
-\(fn &optional ARG)" t nil)
-(defalias 'org-ido-switchb 'org-switchb)
-(defalias 'org-iswitchb 'org-switchb)
-(autoload 'org-cycle-agenda-files "org" "\
-Cycle through the files in `org-agenda-files'.
-If the current buffer visits an agenda file, find the next one in the list.
-If the current buffer does not, find the first agenda file.
-\(fn)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-submit-bug-report "org" "\
-Submit a bug report on Org-mode via mail.
-Don't hesitate to report any problems or inaccurate documentation.
-If you don't have setup sending mail from (X)Emacs, please copy the
-output buffer into your mail program, as it gives us important
-information about your Org-mode version and configuration.
-\(fn)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-require-autoloaded-modules "org" "\
-Not documented
-\(fn)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-reload "org" "\
-Reload all org lisp files.
-With prefix arg UNCOMPILED, load the uncompiled versions.
-\(fn &optional UNCOMPILED)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-customize "org" "\
-Call the customize function with org as argument.
-\(fn)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-forward-element "org" "\
-Move forward by one element.
-Move to the next element at the same level, when possible.
-\(fn)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-backward-element "org" "\
-Move backward by one element.
-Move to the previous element at the same level, when possible.
-\(fn)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-up-element "org" "\
-Move to upper element.
-\(fn)" t nil)
-(defvar org-element-greater-elements)
-(autoload 'org-drag-element-backward "org" "\
-Move backward element at point.
-\(fn)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-drag-element-forward "org" "\
-Move forward element at point.
-\(fn)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-mark-element "org" "\
-Put point at beginning of this element, mark at end.
-Interactively, if this command is repeated or (in Transient Mark
-mode) if the mark is active, it marks the next element after the
-ones already marked.
-\(fn)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-narrow-to-element "org" "\
-Narrow buffer to current element.
-\(fn)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-transpose-element "org" "\
-Transpose current and previous elements, keeping blank lines between.
-Point is moved after both elements.
-\(fn)" t nil)
-(autoload 'org-unindent-buffer "org" "\
-Un-indent the visible part of the buffer.
-Relative indentation (between items, inside blocks, etc.) isn't
-\(fn)" t nil)
+;; The file org-install is obsolete.
+;; It is provided here so that (require 'org-install) does not
+;; trigger an error for users with obsolete Emacs configuration.
+;; You can safely remove (require 'org-install) from your config."
(provide 'org-install)
;; Local Variables:
-;; version-control: never
;; no-byte-compile: t
-;; no-update-autoloads: t
;; coding: utf-8
;; End:
;;; org-install.el ends here