path: root/lisp/org-macro.el
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lisp/org-macro.el')
1 files changed, 116 insertions, 91 deletions
diff --git a/lisp/org-macro.el b/lisp/org-macro.el
index fee33f6..8560891 100644
--- a/lisp/org-macro.el
+++ b/lisp/org-macro.el
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-;;; org-macro.el --- Macro Replacement Code for Org Mode
+;;; org-macro.el --- Macro Replacement Code for Org -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2013-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@
;; {{{email}}} and {{{title}}} macros.
;;; Code:
+(require 'cl-lib)
(require 'org-macs)
(require 'org-compat)
@@ -57,12 +58,13 @@
(declare-function org-element-type "org-element" (element))
(declare-function org-file-contents "org" (file &optional noerror))
(declare-function org-mode "org" ())
-(declare-function org-remove-double-quotes "org" (s))
-(declare-function org-with-wide-buffer "org-macs" (&rest body))
+(declare-function vc-backend "vc-hooks" (f))
+(declare-function vc-call "vc-hooks" (fun file &rest args) t)
+(declare-function vc-exec-after "vc-dispatcher" (code))
;;; Variables
-(defvar org-macro-templates nil
+(defvar-local org-macro-templates nil
"Alist containing all macro templates in current buffer.
Associations are in the shape of (NAME . TEMPLATE) where NAME
stands for macro's name and template for its replacement value,
@@ -70,50 +72,48 @@ both as strings. This is an internal variable. Do not set it
directly, use instead:
#+MACRO: name template")
-(make-variable-buffer-local 'org-macro-templates)
;;; Functions
(defun org-macro--collect-macros ()
"Collect macro definitions in current buffer and setup files.
Return an alist containing all macro templates found."
- (let* (collect-macros ; For byte-compiler.
- (collect-macros
- (lambda (files templates)
- ;; Return an alist of macro templates. FILES is a list of
- ;; setup files names read so far, used to avoid circular
- ;; dependencies. TEMPLATES is the alist collected so far.
- (let ((case-fold-search t))
- (org-with-wide-buffer
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (while (re-search-forward
- "^[ \t]*#\\+\\(MACRO\\|SETUPFILE\\):" nil t)
- (let ((element (org-element-at-point)))
- (when (eq (org-element-type element) 'keyword)
- (let ((val (org-element-property :value element)))
- (if (equal (org-element-property :key element) "MACRO")
- ;; Install macro in TEMPLATES.
- (when (string-match
- "^\\(.*?\\)\\(?:\\s-+\\(.*\\)\\)?\\s-*$" val)
- (let* ((name (match-string 1 val))
- (template (or (match-string 2 val) ""))
- (old-cell (assoc name templates)))
- (if old-cell (setcdr old-cell template)
- (push (cons name template) templates))))
- ;; Enter setup file.
- (let ((file (expand-file-name
- (org-remove-double-quotes val))))
- (unless (member file files)
- (with-temp-buffer
- (setq default-directory
- (file-name-directory file))
- (org-mode)
- (insert (org-file-contents file 'noerror))
- (setq templates
- (funcall collect-macros (cons file files)
- templates)))))))))))
- templates))))
+ (letrec ((collect-macros
+ (lambda (files templates)
+ ;; Return an alist of macro templates. FILES is a list
+ ;; of setup files names read so far, used to avoid
+ ;; circular dependencies. TEMPLATES is the alist
+ ;; collected so far.
+ (let ((case-fold-search t))
+ (org-with-wide-buffer
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (while (re-search-forward
+ "^[ \t]*#\\+\\(MACRO\\|SETUPFILE\\):" nil t)
+ (let ((element (org-element-at-point)))
+ (when (eq (org-element-type element) 'keyword)
+ (let ((val (org-element-property :value element)))
+ (if (equal (org-element-property :key element) "MACRO")
+ ;; Install macro in TEMPLATES.
+ (when (string-match
+ "^\\(.*?\\)\\(?:\\s-+\\(.*\\)\\)?\\s-*$" val)
+ (let* ((name (match-string 1 val))
+ (template (or (match-string 2 val) ""))
+ (old-cell (assoc name templates)))
+ (if old-cell (setcdr old-cell template)
+ (push (cons name template) templates))))
+ ;; Enter setup file.
+ (let ((file (expand-file-name
+ (org-unbracket-string "\"" "\"" val))))
+ (unless (member file files)
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (setq default-directory
+ (file-name-directory file))
+ (org-mode)
+ (insert (org-file-contents file 'noerror))
+ (setq templates
+ (funcall collect-macros (cons file files)
+ templates)))))))))))
+ templates))))
(funcall collect-macros nil nil)))
(defun org-macro-initialize-templates ()
@@ -148,7 +148,8 @@ function installs the following ones: \"property\",
(mapc update-templates
(list (cons "input-file" (file-name-nondirectory visited-file))
(cons "modification-time"
- (format "(eval (format-time-string \"$1\" '%s))"
+ (format "(eval (format-time-string \"$1\" (or (and (org-string-nw-p \"$2\") (org-macro--vc-modified-time %s)) '%s)))"
+ (prin1-to-string visited-file)
(nth 5 (file-attributes visited-file)))))))))
(setq org-macro-templates templates)))
@@ -189,54 +190,54 @@ found in the buffer with no definition in TEMPLATES.
Optional argument KEYWORDS, when non-nil is a list of keywords,
as strings, where macro expansion is allowed."
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (let ((properties-regexp
- (format "\\`EXPORT_%s\\+?\\'" (regexp-opt keywords)))
- record)
- (while (re-search-forward "{{{[-A-Za-z0-9_]" nil t)
- (let* ((datum (save-match-data (org-element-context)))
- (type (org-element-type datum))
- (macro
- (cond
- ((eq type 'macro) datum)
- ;; In parsed keywords and associated node properties,
- ;; force macro recognition.
- ((or (and (eq type 'keyword)
- (member (org-element-property :key datum) keywords))
- (and (eq type 'node-property)
- (org-string-match-p
- properties-regexp
- (org-element-property :key datum))))
- (save-restriction
- (narrow-to-region (match-beginning 0) (line-end-position))
- (org-element-map (org-element-parse-buffer) 'macro
- #'identity nil t))))))
- (when macro
- (let* ((value (org-macro-expand macro templates))
- (begin (org-element-property :begin macro))
- (signature (list begin
- macro
- (org-element-property :args macro))))
- ;; Avoid circular dependencies by checking if the same
- ;; macro with the same arguments is expanded at the same
- ;; position twice.
- (cond ((member signature record)
- (error "Circular macro expansion: %s"
- (org-element-property :key macro)))
- (value
- (push signature record)
- (delete-region
- begin
- ;; Preserve white spaces after the macro.
- (progn (goto-char (org-element-property :end macro))
- (skip-chars-backward " \t")
- (point)))
- ;; Leave point before replacement in case of
- ;; recursive expansions.
- (save-excursion (insert value)))
- (finalize
- (error "Undefined Org macro: %s; aborting"
- (org-element-property :key macro)))))))))))
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (let ((properties-regexp
+ (format "\\`EXPORT_%s\\+?\\'" (regexp-opt keywords)))
+ record)
+ (while (re-search-forward "{{{[-A-Za-z0-9_]" nil t)
+ (let* ((datum (save-match-data (org-element-context)))
+ (type (org-element-type datum))
+ (macro
+ (cond
+ ((eq type 'macro) datum)
+ ;; In parsed keywords and associated node properties,
+ ;; force macro recognition.
+ ((or (and (eq type 'keyword)
+ (member (org-element-property :key datum) keywords))
+ (and (eq type 'node-property)
+ (string-match-p
+ properties-regexp
+ (org-element-property :key datum))))
+ (save-restriction
+ (narrow-to-region (match-beginning 0) (line-end-position))
+ (org-element-map (org-element-parse-buffer) 'macro
+ #'identity nil t))))))
+ (when macro
+ (let* ((value (org-macro-expand macro templates))
+ (begin (org-element-property :begin macro))
+ (signature (list begin
+ macro
+ (org-element-property :args macro))))
+ ;; Avoid circular dependencies by checking if the same
+ ;; macro with the same arguments is expanded at the same
+ ;; position twice.
+ (cond ((member signature record)
+ (error "Circular macro expansion: %s"
+ (org-element-property :key macro)))
+ (value
+ (push signature record)
+ (delete-region
+ begin
+ ;; Preserve white spaces after the macro.
+ (progn (goto-char (org-element-property :end macro))
+ (skip-chars-backward " \t")
+ (point)))
+ ;; Leave point before replacement in case of
+ ;; recursive expansions.
+ (save-excursion (insert value)))
+ (finalize
+ (error "Undefined Org macro: %s; aborting"
+ (org-element-property :key macro)))))))))))
(defun org-macro-escape-arguments (&rest args)
"Build macro's arguments string from ARGS.
@@ -279,6 +280,30 @@ Return a list of arguments, as strings. This is the opposite of
s nil t)
+(defun org-macro--vc-modified-time (file)
+ (save-window-excursion
+ (when (vc-backend file)
+ (let ((buf (get-buffer-create " *org-vc*"))
+ (case-fold-search t)
+ date)
+ (unwind-protect
+ (progn
+ (vc-call print-log file buf nil nil 1)
+ (with-current-buffer buf
+ (vc-exec-after
+ (lambda ()
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (when (re-search-forward "Date:?[ \t]*" nil t)
+ (let ((time (parse-time-string
+ (buffer-substring
+ (point) (line-end-position)))))
+ (when (cl-some #'identity time)
+ (setq date (apply #'encode-time time))))))))
+ (let ((proc (get-buffer-process buf)))
+ (while (and proc (accept-process-output proc .5 nil t)))))
+ (kill-buffer buf))
+ date))))
(provide 'org-macro)
;;; org-macro.el ends here