path: root/lisp/org.el
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Diffstat (limited to 'lisp/org.el')
1 files changed, 35 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/lisp/org.el b/lisp/org.el
index 9c18677..2b5603c 100644
--- a/lisp/org.el
+++ b/lisp/org.el
@@ -6152,13 +6152,21 @@ Use `org-reduced-level' to remove the effect of `org-odd-levels'."
(defvar org-font-lock-keywords nil)
(defsubst org-re-property (property &optional literal allow-null)
- "Return a regexp matching a PROPERTY line.
- Match group 3 will be set to the value if it exists."
- (concat "^\\(?4:[ \t]*\\)\\(?1::\\(?2:"
- (if literal property (regexp-quote property))
- "\\):\\)[ \t]+\\(?3:[^ \t\r\n]"
- (if allow-null "*")
- ".*?\\)\\(?5:[ \t]*\\)$"))
+ "Return a regexp matching a PROPERTY line.
+When optional argument LITERAL is non-nil, do not quote PROPERTY.
+This is useful when PROPERTY is a regexp. When ALLOW-NULL is
+non-nil, match properties even without a value.
+Match group 3 is set to the value when it exists. If there is no
+value and ALLOW-NULL is non-nil, it is set to the empty string."
+ (concat
+ "^\\(?4:[ \t]*\\)"
+ (format "\\(?1::\\(?2:%s\\):\\)"
+ (if literal property (regexp-quote property)))
+ (if allow-null
+ "\\(?:\\(?3:$\\)\\|[ \t]+\\(?3:.*?\\)\\)\\(?5:[ \t]*\\)$"
+ "[ \t]+\\(?3:[^ \r\t\n]+.*?\\)\\(?5:[ \t]*\\)$")))
(defconst org-property-re
(org-re-property ".*?" 'literal t)
@@ -6720,7 +6728,8 @@ in special contexts.
(setq org-cycle-global-status 'overview)
(run-hook-with-args 'org-cycle-hook 'overview)))))
-(defvar org-called-with-limited-levels);Dyn-bound in ̀org-with-limited-levels'.
+(defvar org-called-with-limited-levels nil
+ "Non-nil when `org-with-limited-levels' is currently active.")
(defun org-cycle-internal-local ()
"Do the local cycling action."
@@ -7724,13 +7733,12 @@ command."
"Make the number of empty lines before current exactly N.
So this will delete or add empty lines."
- (goto-char (point-at-bol))
- (if (looking-back "\\s-+" nil 'greedy)
- (replace-match ""))
- (or (bobp) (insert "\n"))
- (while (> N 0)
- (insert "\n")
- (setq N (1- N)))))
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (let ((p (point)))
+ (skip-chars-backward " \r\t\n")
+ (unless (bolp) (forward-line))
+ (delete-region (point) p))
+ (when (> N 0) (insert (make-string N ?\n)))))
(defun org-get-heading (&optional no-tags no-todo)
"Return the heading of the current entry, without the stars.
@@ -9091,14 +9099,16 @@ if `orgstruct-heading-prefix-regexp' is not empty."
(if fallback
(let* ((orgstruct-mode)
- (loop with key = ,key
- for rep in
- '(nil
- ("<\\([^>]*\\)tab>" . "\\1TAB")
- ("<\\([^>]*\\)return>" . "\\1RET")
- ("<\\([^>]*\\)escape>" . "\\1ESC")
- ("<\\([^>]*\\)delete>" . "\\1DEL"))
- do
+ (let ((key ,key))
+ (catch 'exit
+ (dolist
+ (rep
+ '(nil
+ ("<\\([^>]*\\)tab>" . "\\1TAB")
+ ("<\\([^>]*\\)return>" . "\\1RET")
+ ("<\\([^>]*\\)escape>" . "\\1ESC")
+ ("<\\([^>]*\\)delete>" . "\\1DEL"))
+ nil)
(when rep
(setq key (read-kbd-macro
(let ((case-fold-search))
@@ -9106,7 +9116,8 @@ if `orgstruct-heading-prefix-regexp' is not empty."
(car rep)
(cdr rep)
(key-description key))))))
- thereis (key-binding key))))
+ (when (key-binding key)
+ (throw 'exit (key-binding key))))))))
(if (keymapp binding)
(org-set-transient-map binding)
(let ((func (or binding