#!/bin/bash CONFILE="$FAKEROOT"$CONFIGED/pam.conf IGNORE_AGE=./.ignore_age CONF=./pam.conf echo if [ -f "$IGNORE_AGE" ]; then echo "you don't want to be bothered with the age of your $CONFILE file" yes="n" elif [ ! -f "$CONFILE" ] || [ "$CONF" -nt "$CONFILE" ]; then if [ -f "$CONFILE" ]; then echo "\ An older Linux-PAM configuration file already exists ($CONFILE)" WRITE=overwrite fi echo -n "\ Do you wish to copy the $CONF file in this distribution to $CONFILE ? (y/n) [n] " read yes else yes=n fi if [ "$yes" = "y" ]; then echo " copying $CONF to $CONFILE" cp $CONF $CONFILE else touch "$IGNORE_AGE" echo " Skipping $CONF installation" fi echo exit 0