PAM_FAIL_DELAY A function pointer to redirect centrally managed failure delays. See pam_fail_delay3 . PAM_XDISPLAY The name of the X display. For graphical, X-based applications the value for this item should be the $DISPLAY variable. This value may be used independently of PAM_TTY for passing the name of the display. PAM_XAUTHDATA A pointer to a structure containing the X authentication data required to make a connection to the display specified by PAM_XDISPLAY, if such information is necessary. See pam_xauth_data3 . PAM_AUTHTOK_TYPE The default action is for the module to use the following prompts when requesting passwords: "New UNIX password: " and "Retype UNIX password: ". The example word UNIX can be replaced with this item, by default it is empty. This item is used by pam_get_authtok3 .