SUMMARY: pam_listfile: Checks a specified item against a list in a file. Options: * item=[tty|user|rhost|ruser|group|shell] * sense=[allow|deny] (action to take if found in file, if the item is NOT found in the file, then the opposite action is requested) * file=/the/file/to/get/the/list/from * onerr=[succeed|fail] (if something weird happens such as unable to open the file, what to do?) * apply=[user|@group] restrict the user class for which the restriction apply. Note that with item=[user|ruser|group] this does not make sense, but for item=[tty|rhost|shell] it have a meaning. (Cristian Gafton) Also checks to make sure that the list file is a plain file and not world writable. - Elliot Lee , Red Hat Software. v0.9 August 16, 1996. BUGS: Bugs?