path: root/pandoc.hs
diff options
authorJohn MacFarlane <>2016-11-21 15:32:27 +0100
committerJohn MacFarlane <>2016-11-21 15:32:27 +0100
commitac6dfe0b4efb601f24e444ac8a4059c4103881ef (patch)
tree6eb0a12af38f845bb85acaf7793276544ec53e71 /pandoc.hs
parent8d7ecc27a19facf6c4b50a65ee1029c105aacdb2 (diff)
Changed resolution of filter paths.
- We now first treat the argument of `--filter` as a full (absolute or relative) path, looking for a program there. If it's found, we run it. - If not, and if it is a simple program name or a relative path, we try resolving it relative to `$DATADIR/filters`. - If this fails, then we treat it as a program name and look in the user's PATH. Previously if you did `--filter foo` and you had `foo` in your path and also an executable `foo` in your working directory, the one in the path would be used. Now the one in the working directory is used. In addition, when you do `--filter foo/bar.hs`, pandoc will now find a filter `$DATADIR/filters/foo/bar.hs` -- assuming there isn't a `foo/bar.hs` relative to the working directory. @jkr note the slight revision of what we had before. This was motivated by the idea that one might clone filter repositories into the filters subdirectory; it is nice to be able to run them as `reponame/filtername`.
Diffstat (limited to 'pandoc.hs')
1 files changed, 15 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/pandoc.hs b/pandoc.hs
index 80128586a..983089515 100644
--- a/pandoc.hs
+++ b/pandoc.hs
@@ -1111,19 +1111,22 @@ adjustMetadata metadata d = return $ M.foldWithKey setMeta d metadata
applyTransforms :: [Transform] -> Pandoc -> IO Pandoc
applyTransforms transforms d = return $ foldr ($) d transforms
- -- First we check to see if a filter is a path. If it isn't, we
- -- check to see whether it's in `userdir/filters`. If not, we leave
- -- it unchanged.
+ -- First we check to see if a filter is found. If not, and if it's
+ -- not an absolute path, we check to see whether it's in `userdir/filters`.
+ -- If not, we leave it unchanged.
expandFilterPath :: Maybe FilePath -> FilePath -> IO FilePath
-expandFilterPath mbDatadir fp
- | '/' `elem` fp = return fp
- | Just datadir <- mbDatadir = do
- let filterPath = (datadir </> "filters" </> fp)
- filterPathExists <- doesFileExist filterPath
- if filterPathExists
- then return filterPath
- else return fp
- | otherwise = return fp
+expandFilterPath mbDatadir fp = do
+ fpExists <- doesFileExist fp
+ if fpExists
+ then return fp
+ else case mbDatadir of
+ Just datadir | isRelative fp -> do
+ let filterPath = (datadir </> "filters" </> fp)
+ filterPathExists <- doesFileExist filterPath
+ if filterPathExists
+ then return filterPath
+ else return fp
+ _ -> return fp
applyFilters :: Maybe FilePath -> [FilePath] -> [String] -> Pandoc -> IO Pandoc
applyFilters mbDatadir filters args d = do