path: root/test/Tests/Readers/Org/Inline.hs
diff options
authorAlbert Krewinkel <>2017-12-24 22:48:18 +0100
committerAlbert Krewinkel <>2017-12-28 14:15:58 +0100
commit2d443ecb07491f81e35b60d9c6cdd9041ab1c4dd (patch)
treeabbb39d1748c579fd3e75ad3287049a691e83d0c /test/Tests/Readers/Org/Inline.hs
parent0fd7ed0cab165821346b71055bd3ca7f94a825e4 (diff)
Break-up org reader test file
The org reader test file had grown large, to the point that editor performance was negatively affected in some cases. The tests are spread over multiple submodules, and re-combined into a tasty TestTree in the main org reader test file.
Diffstat (limited to 'test/Tests/Readers/Org/Inline.hs')
1 files changed, 516 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/Tests/Readers/Org/Inline.hs b/test/Tests/Readers/Org/Inline.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cb50ba630
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Tests/Readers/Org/Inline.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,516 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+module Tests.Readers.Org.Inline (tests) where
+import Data.List (intersperse)
+import Test.Tasty (TestTree, testGroup)
+import Tests.Helpers ((=?>))
+import Tests.Readers.Org.Shared ((=:), spcSep)
+import Text.Pandoc
+import Text.Pandoc.Builder
+import Text.Pandoc.Shared (underlineSpan)
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+import qualified Tests.Readers.Org.Inline.Note as Note
+import qualified Tests.Readers.Org.Inline.Smart as Smart
+tests :: [TestTree]
+tests =
+ [ "Plain String" =:
+ "Hello, World" =?>
+ para (spcSep [ "Hello,", "World" ])
+ , "Emphasis" =:
+ "/Planet Punk/" =?>
+ para (emph . spcSep $ ["Planet", "Punk"])
+ , "Strong" =:
+ "*Cider*" =?>
+ para (strong "Cider")
+ , "Strong Emphasis" =:
+ "/*strength*/" =?>
+ para (emph . strong $ "strength")
+ , "Emphasized Strong preceded by space" =:
+ " */super/*" =?>
+ para (strong . emph $ "super")
+ , "Underline" =:
+ "_underline_" =?>
+ para (underlineSpan $ "underline")
+ , "Strikeout" =:
+ "+Kill Bill+" =?>
+ para (strikeout . spcSep $ [ "Kill", "Bill" ])
+ , "Verbatim" =:
+ "=Robot.rock()=" =?>
+ para (code "Robot.rock()")
+ , "Code" =:
+ "~word for word~" =?>
+ para (code "word for word")
+ , "Math $..$" =:
+ "$E=mc^2$" =?>
+ para (math "E=mc^2")
+ , "Math $$..$$" =:
+ "$$E=mc^2$$" =?>
+ para (displayMath "E=mc^2")
+ , "Math \\[..\\]" =:
+ "\\[E=ℎν\\]" =?>
+ para (displayMath "E=ℎν")
+ , "Math \\(..\\)" =:
+ "\\(σ_x σ_p ≥ \\frac{ℏ}{2}\\)" =?>
+ para (math "σ_x σ_p ≥ \\frac{ℏ}{2}")
+ , "Symbol" =:
+ "A * symbol" =?>
+ para (str "A" <> space <> str "*" <> space <> "symbol")
+ , "Superscript simple expression" =:
+ "2^-λ" =?>
+ para (str "2" <> superscript "-λ")
+ , "Superscript multi char" =:
+ "2^{n-1}" =?>
+ para (str "2" <> superscript "n-1")
+ , "Subscript simple expression" =:
+ "a_n" =?>
+ para (str "a" <> subscript "n")
+ , "Subscript multi char" =:
+ "a_{n+1}" =?>
+ para (str "a" <> subscript "n+1")
+ , "Linebreak" =:
+ "line \\\\ \nbreak" =?>
+ para ("line" <> linebreak <> "break")
+ , "Inline note" =:
+ "[fn::Schreib mir eine E-Mail]" =?>
+ para (note $ para "Schreib mir eine E-Mail")
+ , "Markup-chars not occuring on word break are symbols" =:
+ T.unlines [ "this+that+ +so+on"
+ , "seven*eight* nine*"
+ , "+not+funny+"
+ ] =?>
+ para ("this+that+ +so+on" <> softbreak <>
+ "seven*eight* nine*" <> softbreak <>
+ strikeout "not+funny")
+ , "No empty markup" =:
+ "// ** __ <> == ~~ $$" =?>
+ para (spcSep [ "//", "**", "__", "<>", "==", "~~", "$$" ])
+ , "Adherence to Org's rules for markup borders" =:
+ "/t/& a/ / ./r/ (*l*) /e/! /b/." =?>
+ para (spcSep [ emph $ "t/&" <> space <> "a"
+ , "/"
+ , "./r/"
+ , "(" <> strong "l" <> ")"
+ , emph "e" <> "!"
+ , emph "b" <> "."
+ ])
+ , "Quotes are allowed border chars" =:
+ "/'yep/ *sure\"*" =?>
+ para (emph "'yep" <> space <> strong "sure\"")
+ , "Spaces are forbidden border chars" =:
+ "/nada /" =?>
+ para "/nada /"
+ , "Markup should work properly after a blank line" =:
+ T.unlines ["foo", "", "/bar/"] =?>
+ (para $ text "foo") <> (para $ emph $ text "bar")
+ , "Inline math must stay within three lines" =:
+ T.unlines [ "$a", "b", "c$", "$d", "e", "f", "g$" ] =?>
+ para ((math "a\nb\nc") <> softbreak <>
+ "$d" <> softbreak <> "e" <> softbreak <>
+ "f" <> softbreak <> "g$")
+ , "Single-character math" =:
+ "$a$ $b$! $c$?" =?>
+ para (spcSep [ math "a"
+ , "$b$!"
+ , (math "c") <> "?"
+ ])
+ , "Markup may not span more than two lines" =:
+ "/this *is +totally\nnice+ not*\nemph/" =?>
+ para ("/this" <> space <>
+ strong ("is" <> space <>
+ strikeout ("totally" <>
+ softbreak <> "nice") <>
+ space <> "not") <>
+ softbreak <> "emph/")
+ , "Sub- and superscript expressions" =:
+ T.unlines [ "a_(a(b)(c)d)"
+ , "e^(f(g)h)"
+ , "i_(jk)l)"
+ , "m^()n"
+ , "o_{p{q{}r}}"
+ , "s^{t{u}v}"
+ , "w_{xy}z}"
+ , "1^{}2"
+ , "3_{{}}"
+ , "4^(a(*b(c*)d))"
+ ] =?>
+ para (mconcat $ intersperse softbreak
+ [ "a" <> subscript "(a(b)(c)d)"
+ , "e" <> superscript "(f(g)h)"
+ , "i" <> (subscript "(jk)") <> "l)"
+ , "m" <> (superscript "()") <> "n"
+ , "o" <> subscript "p{q{}r}"
+ , "s" <> superscript "t{u}v"
+ , "w" <> (subscript "xy") <> "z}"
+ , "1" <> (superscript "") <> "2"
+ , "3" <> subscript "{}"
+ , "4" <> superscript ("(a(" <> strong "b(c" <> ")d))")
+ ])
+ , "Verbatim text can contain equal signes (=)" =:
+ "=is_subst = True=" =?>
+ para (code "is_subst = True")
+ , testGroup "Images"
+ [ "Image" =:
+ "[[./sunset.jpg]]" =?>
+ (para $ image "./sunset.jpg" "" "")
+ , "Image with explicit file: prefix" =:
+ "[[file:sunrise.jpg]]" =?>
+ (para $ image "sunrise.jpg" "" "")
+ , "Multiple images within a paragraph" =:
+ T.unlines [ "[[file:sunrise.jpg]]"
+ , "[[file:sunset.jpg]]"
+ ] =?>
+ (para $ (image "sunrise.jpg" "" "")
+ <> softbreak
+ <> (image "sunset.jpg" "" ""))
+ , "Image with html attributes" =:
+ T.unlines [ "#+ATTR_HTML: :width 50%"
+ , "[[file:guinea-pig.gif]]"
+ ] =?>
+ (para $ imageWith ("", [], [("width", "50%")]) "guinea-pig.gif" "" "")
+ ]
+ , "Explicit link" =:
+ "[[][pseudo-random /nonsense/]]" =?>
+ (para $ link "" ""
+ ("pseudo-random" <> space <> emph "nonsense"))
+ , "Self-link" =:
+ "[[]]" =?>
+ (para $ link "" "" "")
+ , "Absolute file link" =:
+ "[[/url][hi]]" =?>
+ (para $ link "file:///url" "" "hi")
+ , "Link to file in parent directory" =:
+ "[[../file.txt][moin]]" =?>
+ (para $ link "../file.txt" "" "moin")
+ , "Empty link (for gitit interop)" =:
+ "[[][New Link]]" =?>
+ (para $ link "" "" "New Link")
+ , "Image link" =:
+ "[[sunset.png][file:dusk.svg]]" =?>
+ (para $ link "sunset.png" "" (image "dusk.svg" "" ""))
+ , "Image link with non-image target" =:
+ "[[][./logo.png]]" =?>
+ (para $ link "" "" (image "./logo.png" "" ""))
+ , "Plain link" =:
+ "Posts on can be funny at times." =?>
+ (para $ spcSep [ "Posts", "on"
+ , link "" "" ""
+ , "can", "be", "funny", "at", "times."
+ ])
+ , "Angle link" =:
+ "Look at <> for fnords." =?>
+ (para $ spcSep [ "Look", "at"
+ , link "" "" ""
+ , "for", "fnords."
+ ])
+ , "Absolute file link" =:
+ "[[file:///etc/passwd][passwd]]" =?>
+ (para $ link "file:///etc/passwd" "" "passwd")
+ , "File link" =:
+ "[[file:target][title]]" =?>
+ (para $ link "target" "" "title")
+ , "Anchor" =:
+ "<<anchor>> Link here later." =?>
+ (para $ spanWith ("anchor", [], []) mempty <>
+ "Link" <> space <> "here" <> space <> "later.")
+ , "Inline code block" =:
+ "src_emacs-lisp{(message \"Hello\")}" =?>
+ (para $ codeWith ( ""
+ , [ "commonlisp" ]
+ , [ ("org-language", "emacs-lisp") ])
+ "(message \"Hello\")")
+ , "Inline code block with arguments" =:
+ "src_sh[:export both :results output]{echo 'Hello, World'}" =?>
+ (para $ codeWith ( ""
+ , [ "bash" ]
+ , [ ("org-language", "sh")
+ , ("export", "both")
+ , ("results", "output")
+ ]
+ )
+ "echo 'Hello, World'")
+ , "Inline code block with toggle" =:
+ "src_sh[:toggle]{echo $HOME}" =?>
+ (para $ codeWith ( ""
+ , [ "bash" ]
+ , [ ("org-language", "sh")
+ , ("toggle", "yes")
+ ]
+ )
+ "echo $HOME")
+ , "Citation" =:
+ "[@nonexistent]" =?>
+ let citation = Citation
+ { citationId = "nonexistent"
+ , citationPrefix = []
+ , citationSuffix = []
+ , citationMode = NormalCitation
+ , citationNoteNum = 0
+ , citationHash = 0}
+ in (para $ cite [citation] "[@nonexistent]")
+ , "Citation containing text" =:
+ "[see @item1 p. 34-35]" =?>
+ let citation = Citation
+ { citationId = "item1"
+ , citationPrefix = [Str "see"]
+ , citationSuffix = [Space ,Str "p.",Space,Str "34-35"]
+ , citationMode = NormalCitation
+ , citationNoteNum = 0
+ , citationHash = 0}
+ in (para $ cite [citation] "[see @item1 p. 34-35]")
+ , "Org-ref simple citation" =:
+ "cite:pandoc" =?>
+ let citation = Citation
+ { citationId = "pandoc"
+ , citationPrefix = mempty
+ , citationSuffix = mempty
+ , citationMode = AuthorInText
+ , citationNoteNum = 0
+ , citationHash = 0
+ }
+ in (para $ cite [citation] "cite:pandoc")
+ , "Org-ref simple citation with underscores" =:
+ "cite:pandoc_org_ref" =?>
+ let citation = Citation
+ { citationId = "pandoc_org_ref"
+ , citationPrefix = mempty
+ , citationSuffix = mempty
+ , citationMode = AuthorInText
+ , citationNoteNum = 0
+ , citationHash = 0
+ }
+ in (para $ cite [citation] "cite:pandoc_org_ref")
+ , "Org-ref simple citation succeeded by comma" =:
+ "cite:pandoc," =?>
+ let citation = Citation
+ { citationId = "pandoc"
+ , citationPrefix = mempty
+ , citationSuffix = mempty
+ , citationMode = AuthorInText
+ , citationNoteNum = 0
+ , citationHash = 0
+ }
+ in (para $ cite [citation] "cite:pandoc" <> str ",")
+ , "Org-ref simple citation succeeded by dot" =:
+ "cite:pandoc." =?>
+ let citation = Citation
+ { citationId = "pandoc"
+ , citationPrefix = mempty
+ , citationSuffix = mempty
+ , citationMode = AuthorInText
+ , citationNoteNum = 0
+ , citationHash = 0
+ }
+ in (para $ cite [citation] "cite:pandoc" <> str ".")
+ , "Org-ref simple citation succeeded by colon" =:
+ "cite:pandoc:" =?>
+ let citation = Citation
+ { citationId = "pandoc"
+ , citationPrefix = mempty
+ , citationSuffix = mempty
+ , citationMode = AuthorInText
+ , citationNoteNum = 0
+ , citationHash = 0
+ }
+ in (para $ cite [citation] "cite:pandoc" <> str ":")
+ , "Org-ref simple citep citation" =:
+ "citep:pandoc" =?>
+ let citation = Citation
+ { citationId = "pandoc"
+ , citationPrefix = mempty
+ , citationSuffix = mempty
+ , citationMode = NormalCitation
+ , citationNoteNum = 0
+ , citationHash = 0
+ }
+ in (para $ cite [citation] "citep:pandoc")
+ , "Org-ref extended citation" =:
+ "[[citep:Dominik201408][See page 20::, for example]]" =?>
+ let citation = Citation
+ { citationId = "Dominik201408"
+ , citationPrefix = toList "See page 20"
+ , citationSuffix = toList ", for example"
+ , citationMode = NormalCitation
+ , citationNoteNum = 0
+ , citationHash = 0
+ }
+ in (para $ cite [citation] "[[citep:Dominik201408][See page 20::, for example]]")
+ , testGroup "Berkeley-style citations" $
+ let pandocCite = Citation
+ { citationId = "Pandoc"
+ , citationPrefix = mempty
+ , citationSuffix = mempty
+ , citationMode = NormalCitation
+ , citationNoteNum = 0
+ , citationHash = 0
+ }
+ pandocInText = pandocCite { citationMode = AuthorInText }
+ dominikCite = Citation
+ { citationId = "Dominik201408"
+ , citationPrefix = mempty
+ , citationSuffix = mempty
+ , citationMode = NormalCitation
+ , citationNoteNum = 0
+ , citationHash = 0
+ }
+ dominikInText = dominikCite { citationMode = AuthorInText }
+ in [
+ "Berkeley-style in-text citation" =:
+ "See @Dominik201408." =?>
+ (para $ "See "
+ <> cite [dominikInText] "@Dominik201408"
+ <> ".")
+ , "Berkeley-style parenthetical citation list" =:
+ "[(cite): see; @Dominik201408;also @Pandoc; and others]" =?>
+ let pandocCite' = pandocCite {
+ citationPrefix = toList "also"
+ , citationSuffix = toList "and others"
+ }
+ dominikCite' = dominikCite {
+ citationPrefix = toList "see"
+ }
+ in (para $ cite [dominikCite', pandocCite'] "")
+ , "Berkeley-style plain citation list" =:
+ "[cite: See; @Dominik201408; and @Pandoc; and others]" =?>
+ let pandocCite' = pandocInText {
+ citationPrefix = toList "and"
+ }
+ in (para $ "See "
+ <> cite [dominikInText] ""
+ <> "," <> space
+ <> cite [pandocCite'] ""
+ <> "," <> space <> "and others")
+ ]
+ , "Inline LaTeX symbol" =:
+ "\\dots" =?>
+ para "…"
+ , "Inline LaTeX command" =:
+ "\\textit{Emphasised}" =?>
+ para (emph "Emphasised")
+ , "Inline LaTeX command with spaces" =:
+ "\\emph{Emphasis mine}" =?>
+ para (emph "Emphasis mine")
+ , "Inline LaTeX math symbol" =:
+ "\\tau" =?>
+ para (emph "τ")
+ , "Unknown inline LaTeX command" =:
+ "\\notacommand{foo}" =?>
+ para (rawInline "latex" "\\notacommand{foo}")
+ , "Export snippet" =:
+ "@@html:<kbd>M-x org-agenda</kbd>@@" =?>
+ para (rawInline "html" "<kbd>M-x org-agenda</kbd>")
+ , "MathML symbol in LaTeX-style" =:
+ "There is a hackerspace in Lübeck, Germany, called nbsp (unicode symbol: '\\nbsp')." =?>
+ para ("There is a hackerspace in Lübeck, Germany, called nbsp (unicode symbol: ' ').")
+ , "MathML symbol in LaTeX-style, including braces" =:
+ "\\Aacute{}stor" =?>
+ para "Ástor"
+ , "MathML copy sign" =:
+ "\\copy" =?>
+ para "©"
+ , "MathML symbols, space separated" =:
+ "\\ForAll \\Auml" =?>
+ para "∀ Ä"
+ , "LaTeX citation" =:
+ "\\cite{Coffee}" =?>
+ let citation = Citation
+ { citationId = "Coffee"
+ , citationPrefix = []
+ , citationSuffix = []
+ , citationMode = NormalCitation
+ , citationNoteNum = 0
+ , citationHash = 0}
+ in (para . cite [citation] $ rawInline "latex" "\\cite{Coffee}")
+ , "Macro" =:
+ T.unlines [ "#+MACRO: HELLO /Hello, $1/"
+ , "{{{HELLO(World)}}}"
+ ] =?>
+ para (emph "Hello, World")
+ , "Macro repeting its argument" =:
+ T.unlines [ "#+MACRO: HELLO $1$1"
+ , "{{{HELLO(moin)}}}"
+ ] =?>
+ para "moinmoin"
+ , "Macro called with too few arguments" =:
+ T.unlines [ "#+MACRO: HELLO Foo $1 $2 Bar"
+ , "{{{HELLO()}}}"
+ ] =?>
+ para "Foo Bar"
+ , testGroup "Footnotes" Note.tests
+ , testGroup "Smart punctuation" Smart.tests
+ ]