path: root/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Odt/StyleReader.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Odt/StyleReader.hs')
1 files changed, 50 insertions, 137 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Odt/StyleReader.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Odt/StyleReader.hs
index 26ba6df82..58be8e4a3 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Odt/StyleReader.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Odt/StyleReader.hs
@@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
Copyright (C) 2015 Martin Linnemann <>
@@ -50,49 +49,36 @@ module Text.Pandoc.Readers.Odt.StyleReader
, ListLevelType (..)
, LengthOrPercent (..)
, lookupStyle
-, getTextProperty
-, getTextProperty'
-, getParaProperty
-, getListStyle
, getListLevelStyle
, getStyleFamily
-, lookupDefaultStyle
, lookupDefaultStyle'
, lookupListStyleByName
-, getPropertyChain
-, textPropertyChain
-, stylePropertyChain
-, stylePropertyChain'
-, getStylePropertyChain
, extendedStylePropertyChain
-, extendedStylePropertyChain'
-, liftStyles
, readStylesAt
) where
-import Control.Arrow
-import Control.Applicative hiding ( liftA, liftA2, liftA3 )
+import Control.Applicative hiding (liftA, liftA2, liftA3)
+import Control.Arrow
-import qualified Data.Foldable as F
-import qualified Data.Map as M
-import qualified Data.Set as S
-import Data.Char ( isDigit )
-import Data.Default
-import Data.List ( unfoldr )
-import Data.Maybe
+import Data.Char (isDigit)
+import Data.Default
+import qualified Data.Foldable as F
+import Data.List (unfoldr)
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import Data.Maybe
+import qualified Data.Set as S
-import qualified Text.XML.Light as XML
+import qualified Text.XML.Light as XML
-import Text.Pandoc.Readers.Odt.Arrows.State
-import Text.Pandoc.Readers.Odt.Arrows.Utils
+import Text.Pandoc.Readers.Odt.Arrows.Utils
-import Text.Pandoc.Readers.Odt.Generic.Utils
-import qualified Text.Pandoc.Readers.Odt.Generic.SetMap as SM
-import Text.Pandoc.Readers.Odt.Generic.Fallible
-import Text.Pandoc.Readers.Odt.Generic.XMLConverter
+import Text.Pandoc.Readers.Odt.Generic.Fallible
+import qualified Text.Pandoc.Readers.Odt.Generic.SetMap as SM
+import Text.Pandoc.Readers.Odt.Generic.Utils
+import Text.Pandoc.Readers.Odt.Generic.XMLConverter
-import Text.Pandoc.Readers.Odt.Namespaces
-import Text.Pandoc.Readers.Odt.Base
+import Text.Pandoc.Readers.Odt.Base
+import Text.Pandoc.Readers.Odt.Namespaces
readStylesAt :: XML.Element -> Fallible Styles
@@ -118,7 +104,7 @@ instance Lookupable FontPitch where
instance Default FontPitch where
def = PitchVariable
--- The font pitch can be specifed in a style directly. Normally, however,
+-- The font pitch can be specified in a style directly. Normally, however,
-- it is defined in the font. That is also the specs' recommendation.
-- Thus, we want
@@ -145,13 +131,12 @@ type StyleReaderSafe a b = XMLReaderSafe FontPitches a b
-- | A reader for font pitches
fontPitchReader :: XMLReader _s _x FontPitches
fontPitchReader = executeIn NsOffice "font-face-decls" (
- ( withEveryL NsStyle "font-face" $ liftAsSuccess (
+ withEveryL NsStyle "font-face" (liftAsSuccess (
findAttr' NsStyle "name"
lookupDefaultingAttr NsStyle "font-pitch"
- )
- )
- >>?^ ( M.fromList . (foldl accumLegalPitches []) )
+ ))
+ >>?^ ( M.fromList . foldl accumLegalPitches [] )
where accumLegalPitches ls (Nothing,_) = ls
accumLegalPitches ls (Just n,p) = (n,p):ls
@@ -230,15 +215,15 @@ instance Lookupable StyleFamily where
-- | A named style
-data Style = Style { styleFamily :: Maybe StyleFamily
- , styleParentName :: Maybe StyleName
- , listStyle :: Maybe StyleName
- , styleProperties :: StyleProperties
+data Style = Style { styleFamily :: Maybe StyleFamily
+ , styleParentName :: Maybe StyleName
+ , listStyle :: Maybe StyleName
+ , styleProperties :: StyleProperties
deriving ( Eq, Show )
-data StyleProperties = SProps { textProperties :: Maybe TextProperties
- , paraProperties :: Maybe ParaProperties
+data StyleProperties = SProps { textProperties :: Maybe TextProperties
+ , paraProperties :: Maybe ParaProperties
-- , tableColProperties :: Maybe TColProperties
-- , tableRowProperties :: Maybe TRowProperties
-- , tableCellProperties :: Maybe TCellProperties
@@ -354,8 +339,8 @@ instance Read XslUnit where
readsPrec _ "em" = [(XslUnitEM , "")]
readsPrec _ _ = []
--- | Rough conversion of measures into millimeters.
--- Pixels and em's are actually implemetation dependant/relative measures,
+-- | Rough conversion of measures into millimetres.
+-- Pixels and em's are actually implementation dependant/relative measures,
-- so I could not really easily calculate anything exact here even if I wanted.
-- But I do not care about exactness right now, as I only use measures
-- to determine if a paragraph is "indented" or not.
@@ -397,11 +382,11 @@ data ListLevelStyle = ListLevelStyle { listLevelType :: ListLevelType
instance Show ListLevelStyle where
show ListLevelStyle{..} = "<LLS|"
- ++ (show listLevelType)
+ ++ show listLevelType
++ "|"
- ++ (maybeToString listItemPrefix)
- ++ (show listItemFormat)
- ++ (maybeToString listItemSuffix)
+ ++ maybeToString listItemPrefix
+ ++ show listItemFormat
+ ++ maybeToString listItemSuffix
++ ">"
where maybeToString = fromMaybe ""
@@ -439,7 +424,7 @@ instance Read ListItemNumberFormat where
-- Readers
--- seems like a whole lot of this should be automatically deriveable
+-- seems like a whole lot of this should be automatically derivable
-- or at least moveable into a class. Most of this is data concealed in
-- code.
@@ -497,14 +482,14 @@ readTextProperties =
( liftA6 PropT
( searchAttr NsXSL_FO "font-style" False isFontEmphasised )
( searchAttr NsXSL_FO "font-weight" False isFontBold )
- ( findPitch )
+ findPitch
( getAttr NsStyle "text-position" )
- ( readUnderlineMode )
- ( readStrikeThroughMode )
+ readUnderlineMode
+ readStrikeThroughMode
where isFontEmphasised = [("normal",False),("italic",True),("oblique",True)]
isFontBold = ("normal",False):("bold",True)
- :(map ((,True).show) ([100,200..900]::[Int]))
+ :map ((,True).show) ([100,200..900]::[Int])
readUnderlineMode :: StyleReaderSafe _x (Maybe UnderlineMode)
readUnderlineMode = readLineMode "text-underline-mode"
@@ -524,7 +509,7 @@ readLineMode modeAttr styleAttr = proc x -> do
Nothing -> returnA -< Just UnderlineModeNormal
else returnA -< Nothing
- isLinePresent = [("none",False)] ++ map (,True)
+ isLinePresent = ("none",False) : map (,True)
[ "dash" , "dot-dash" , "dot-dot-dash" , "dotted"
, "long-dash" , "solid" , "wave"
@@ -561,20 +546,18 @@ readListStyle =
findAttr NsStyle "name"
>>?! keepingTheValue
( liftA ListStyle
- $ ( liftA3 SM.union3
+ $ liftA3 SM.union3
( readListLevelStyles NsText "list-level-style-number" LltNumbered )
( readListLevelStyles NsText "list-level-style-bullet" LltBullet )
- ( readListLevelStyles NsText "list-level-style-image" LltImage )
- ) >>^ M.mapMaybe chooseMostSpecificListLevelStyle
+ ( readListLevelStyles NsText "list-level-style-image" LltImage ) >>^ M.mapMaybe chooseMostSpecificListLevelStyle
readListLevelStyles :: Namespace -> ElementName
-> ListLevelType
-> StyleReaderSafe _x (SM.SetMap Int ListLevelStyle)
readListLevelStyles namespace elementName levelType =
- ( tryAll namespace elementName (readListLevelStyle levelType)
+ tryAll namespace elementName (readListLevelStyle levelType)
>>^ SM.fromList
- )
readListLevelStyle :: ListLevelType -> StyleReader _x (Int, ListLevelStyle)
@@ -624,20 +607,11 @@ lookupStyle :: StyleName -> Styles -> Maybe Style
lookupStyle name Styles{..} = M.lookup name stylesByName
-lookupDefaultStyle :: StyleFamily -> Styles -> StyleProperties
-lookupDefaultStyle family Styles{..} = fromMaybe def
- (M.lookup family defaultStyleMap)
lookupDefaultStyle' :: Styles -> StyleFamily -> StyleProperties
lookupDefaultStyle' Styles{..} family = fromMaybe def
(M.lookup family defaultStyleMap)
-getListStyle :: Style -> Styles -> Maybe ListStyle
-getListStyle Style{..} styles = listStyle >>= (`lookupListStyleByName` styles)
lookupListStyleByName :: StyleName -> Styles -> Maybe ListStyle
lookupListStyleByName name Styles{..} = M.lookup name listStylesByName
@@ -655,7 +629,7 @@ parents style styles = unfoldr findNextParent style -- Ha!
getStyleFamily :: Style -> Styles -> Maybe StyleFamily
getStyleFamily style@Style{..} styles
= styleFamily
- <|> (F.asum $ map (`getStyleFamily` styles) $ parents style styles)
+ <|> F.asum (map (`getStyleFamily` styles) $ parents style styles)
-- | Each 'Style' has certain 'StyleProperties'. But sometimes not all property
-- values are specified. Instead, a value might be inherited from a
@@ -677,68 +651,7 @@ stylePropertyChain style styles
extendedStylePropertyChain :: [Style] -> Styles -> [StyleProperties]
extendedStylePropertyChain [] _ = []
-extendedStylePropertyChain [style] styles = (stylePropertyChain style styles)
- ++ (maybeToList (fmap (lookupDefaultStyle' styles) (getStyleFamily style styles)))
-extendedStylePropertyChain (style:trace) styles = (stylePropertyChain style styles)
- ++ (extendedStylePropertyChain trace styles)
--- Optimizable with Data.Sequence
-extendedStylePropertyChain' :: [Style] -> Styles -> Maybe [StyleProperties]
-extendedStylePropertyChain' [] _ = Nothing
-extendedStylePropertyChain' [style] styles = Just (
- (stylePropertyChain style styles)
- ++ (maybeToList (fmap (lookupDefaultStyle' styles) (getStyleFamily style styles)))
- )
-extendedStylePropertyChain' (style:trace) styles = fmap ((stylePropertyChain style styles) ++)
- (extendedStylePropertyChain' trace styles)
-stylePropertyChain' :: Styles -> Style -> [StyleProperties]
-stylePropertyChain' = flip stylePropertyChain
-getStylePropertyChain :: StyleName -> Styles -> [StyleProperties]
-getStylePropertyChain name styles = maybe []
- (`stylePropertyChain` styles)
- (lookupStyle name styles)
-getPropertyChain :: (StyleProperties -> Maybe a) -> Style -> Styles -> [a]
-getPropertyChain extract style styles = catMaybes
- $ map extract
- $ stylePropertyChain style styles
-textPropertyChain :: Style -> Styles -> [TextProperties]
-textPropertyChain = getPropertyChain textProperties
-paraPropertyChain :: Style -> Styles -> [ParaProperties]
-paraPropertyChain = getPropertyChain paraProperties
-getTextProperty :: (TextProperties -> a) -> Style -> Styles -> Maybe a
-getTextProperty extract style styles = fmap extract
- $ listToMaybe
- $ textPropertyChain style styles
-getTextProperty' :: (TextProperties -> Maybe a) -> Style -> Styles -> Maybe a
-getTextProperty' extract style styles = F.asum
- $ map extract
- $ textPropertyChain style styles
-getParaProperty :: (ParaProperties -> a) -> Style -> Styles -> Maybe a
-getParaProperty extract style styles = fmap extract
- $ listToMaybe
- $ paraPropertyChain style styles
--- | Lifts the reader into another readers' state.
-liftStyles :: (OdtConverterState s -> OdtConverterState Styles)
- -> (OdtConverterState Styles -> OdtConverterState s )
- -> XMLReader s x x
-liftStyles extract inject = switchState extract inject
- $ convertingExtraState M.empty readAllStyles
+extendedStylePropertyChain [style] styles = stylePropertyChain style styles
+ ++ maybeToList (fmap (lookupDefaultStyle' styles) (getStyleFamily style styles))
+extendedStylePropertyChain (style:trace) styles = stylePropertyChain style styles
+ ++ extendedStylePropertyChain trace styles