path: root/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/RST.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/RST.hs')
1 files changed, 24 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/RST.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/RST.hs
index d98079940..d04fe4113 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/RST.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/RST.hs
@@ -18,9 +18,9 @@ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
{- |
- Module : Text.Pandoc.Writers.RST
+ Module : Text.Pandoc.Writers.RST
Copyright : Copyright (C) 2006-2010 John MacFarlane
- License : GNU GPL, version 2 or above
+ License : GNU GPL, version 2 or above
Maintainer : John MacFarlane <>
Stability : alpha
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ reStructuredText: <>
module Text.Pandoc.Writers.RST ( writeRST) where
import Text.Pandoc.Definition
-import Text.Pandoc.Shared
+import Text.Pandoc.Shared
import Text.Pandoc.Templates (renderTemplate)
import Data.List ( isPrefixOf, intersperse, transpose )
import Text.Pandoc.Pretty
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ import Data.Char (isSpace)
type Refs = [([Inline], Target)]
-data WriterState =
+data WriterState =
WriterState { stNotes :: [[Block]]
, stLinks :: Refs
, stImages :: Refs
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ data WriterState =
-- | Convert Pandoc to RST.
writeRST :: WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> String
-writeRST opts document =
+writeRST opts document =
let st = WriterState { stNotes = [], stLinks = [],
stImages = [], stHasMath = False,
stOptions = opts }
@@ -89,8 +89,8 @@ pandocToRST (Pandoc (Meta tit auth dat) blocks) = do
refsToRST :: Refs -> State WriterState Doc
refsToRST refs = mapM keyToRST refs >>= return . vcat
--- | Return RST representation of a reference key.
-keyToRST :: ([Inline], (String, String))
+-- | Return RST representation of a reference key.
+keyToRST :: ([Inline], (String, String))
-> State WriterState Doc
keyToRST (label, (src, _)) = do
label' <- inlineListToRST label
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ keyToRST (label, (src, _)) = do
-- | Return RST representation of notes.
notesToRST :: [[Block]] -> State WriterState Doc
-notesToRST notes =
+notesToRST notes =
mapM (\(num, note) -> noteToRST num note) (zip [1..] notes) >>=
return . vsep
@@ -116,8 +116,8 @@ noteToRST num note = do
pictRefsToRST :: Refs -> State WriterState Doc
pictRefsToRST refs = mapM pictToRST refs >>= return . vcat
--- | Return RST representation of a picture substitution reference.
-pictToRST :: ([Inline], (String, String))
+-- | Return RST representation of a picture substitution reference.
+pictToRST :: ([Inline], (String, String))
-> State WriterState Doc
pictToRST (label, (src, _)) = do
label' <- inlineListToRST label
@@ -135,9 +135,9 @@ titleToRST lst = do
let border = text (replicate titleLength '=')
return $ border $$ contents $$ border
--- | Convert Pandoc block element to RST.
+-- | Convert Pandoc block element to RST.
blockToRST :: Block -- ^ Block element
- -> State WriterState Doc
+ -> State WriterState Doc
blockToRST Null = return empty
blockToRST (Plain inlines) = inlineListToRST inlines
blockToRST (Para [Image txt (src,tit)]) = do
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ blockToRST (CodeBlock (_,classes,_) str) = do
else return $ "::" $+$ nest tabstop (text str) $$ blankline
blockToRST (BlockQuote blocks) = do
tabstop <- get >>= (return . writerTabStop . stOptions)
- contents <- blockListToRST blocks
+ contents <- blockListToRST blocks
return $ (nest tabstop contents) <> blankline
blockToRST (Table caption _ widths headers rows) = do
caption' <- inlineListToRST caption
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ blockToRST (Table caption _ widths headers rows) = do
if isSimple
then map ((+2) . numChars) $ transpose (headers' : rawRows)
else map (floor . (fromIntegral (writerColumns opts) *)) widths
- let hpipeBlocks blocks = hcat [beg, middle, end]
+ let hpipeBlocks blocks = hcat [beg, middle, end]
where h = maximum (map height blocks)
sep' = lblock 3 $ vcat (map text $ replicate h " | ")
beg = lblock 2 $ vcat (map text $ replicate h "| ")
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ blockToRST (Table caption _ widths headers rows) = do
rows' <- mapM (\row -> do cols <- mapM blockListToRST row
return $ makeRow cols) rows
let border ch = char '+' <> char ch <>
- (hcat $ intersperse (char ch <> char '+' <> char ch) $
+ (hcat $ intersperse (char ch <> char '+' <> char ch) $
map (\l -> text $ replicate l ch) widthsInChars) <>
char ch <> char '+'
let body = vcat $ intersperse (border '-') rows'
@@ -208,9 +208,9 @@ blockToRST (BulletList items) = do
-- ensure that sublists have preceding blank line
return $ blankline $$ vcat contents $$ blankline
blockToRST (OrderedList (start, style', delim) items) = do
- let markers = if start == 1 && style' == DefaultStyle && delim == DefaultDelim
+ let markers = if start == 1 && style' == DefaultStyle && delim == DefaultDelim
then take (length items) $ repeat "#."
- else take (length items) $ orderedListMarkers
+ else take (length items) $ orderedListMarkers
(start, style', delim)
let maxMarkerLength = maximum $ map length markers
let markers' = map (\m -> let s = maxMarkerLength - length m
@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ definitionListItemToRST (label, defs) = do
-- | Convert list of Pandoc block elements to RST.
blockListToRST :: [Block] -- ^ List of block elements
- -> State WriterState Doc
+ -> State WriterState Doc
blockListToRST blocks = mapM blockToRST blocks >>= return . vcat
-- | Convert list of Pandoc inline elements to RST.
@@ -303,19 +303,19 @@ inlineListToRST lst = mapM inlineToRST (insertBS lst) >>= return . hcat
-- | Convert Pandoc inline element to RST.
inlineToRST :: Inline -> State WriterState Doc
-inlineToRST (Emph lst) = do
+inlineToRST (Emph lst) = do
contents <- inlineListToRST lst
return $ "*" <> contents <> "*"
inlineToRST (Strong lst) = do
contents <- inlineListToRST lst
return $ "**" <> contents <> "**"
-inlineToRST (Strikeout lst) = do
+inlineToRST (Strikeout lst) = do
contents <- inlineListToRST lst
return $ "[STRIKEOUT:" <> contents <> "]"
-inlineToRST (Superscript lst) = do
+inlineToRST (Superscript lst) = do
contents <- inlineListToRST lst
return $ ":sup:`" <> contents <> "`"
-inlineToRST (Subscript lst) = do
+inlineToRST (Subscript lst) = do
contents <- inlineListToRST lst
return $ ":sub:`" <> contents <> "`"
inlineToRST (SmallCaps lst) = inlineListToRST lst
@@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ inlineToRST (Link txt (src, tit)) = do
else return $ "`" <> linktext <> " <" <> text src <> ">`_"
inlineToRST (Image alternate (source, tit)) = do
pics <- get >>= return . stImages
- let labelsUsed = map fst pics
+ let labelsUsed = map fst pics
let txt = if null alternate || alternate == [Str ""] ||
alternate `elem` labelsUsed
then [Str $ "image" ++ show (length pics)]
@@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ inlineToRST (Image alternate (source, tit)) = do
modify $ \st -> st { stImages = pics' }
label <- inlineListToRST txt
return $ "|" <> label <> "|"
-inlineToRST (Note contents) = do
+inlineToRST (Note contents) = do
-- add to notes in state
notes <- get >>= return . stNotes
modify $ \st -> st { stNotes = contents:notes }