path: root/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Texinfo.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Texinfo.hs')
1 files changed, 46 insertions, 44 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Texinfo.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Texinfo.hs
index 5b706d24b..1f126f34c 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Texinfo.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Texinfo.hs
@@ -68,56 +68,58 @@ wrapTop (Pandoc (Meta title authors date) blocks) =
pandocToTexinfo :: WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> State WriterState Doc
pandocToTexinfo options (Pandoc meta blocks) = do
- main <- blockListToTexinfo blocks
- head' <- if writerStandalone options
- then texinfoHeader options meta
- else return empty
- let before = if null (writerIncludeBefore options)
- then empty
- else text (writerIncludeBefore options)
- let after = if null (writerIncludeAfter options)
- then empty
- else text (writerIncludeAfter options)
- let body = before $$ main $$ after
- -- XXX toc untested
- let toc = if writerTableOfContents options
- then text "@contents"
- else empty
- let foot = if writerStandalone options
- then text "@bye"
- else empty
- return $ head' $$ toc $$ body $$ foot
+ return empty -- TODO
+-- main <- blockListToTexinfo blocks
+-- head' <- if writerStandalone options
+-- then texinfoHeader options meta
+-- else return empty
+-- let before = if null (writerIncludeBefore options)
+-- then empty
+-- else text (writerIncludeBefore options)
+-- let after = if null (writerIncludeAfter options)
+-- then empty
+-- else text (writerIncludeAfter options)
+-- let body = before $$ main $$ after
+-- -- XXX toc untested
+-- let toc = if writerTableOfContents options
+-- then text "@contents"
+-- else empty
+-- let foot = if writerStandalone options
+-- then text "@bye"
+-- else empty
+-- return $ head' $$ toc $$ body $$ foot
-- | Insert bibliographic information into Texinfo header.
texinfoHeader :: WriterOptions -- ^ Options, including Texinfo header
-> Meta -- ^ Meta with bibliographic information
-> State WriterState Doc
texinfoHeader options (Meta title authors date) = do
- titletext <- if null title
- then return empty
- else do
- t <- inlineListToTexinfo title
- return $ text "@title " <> t
- headerIncludes <- get >>= return . S.toList . stIncludes
- let extras = text $ unlines headerIncludes
- let authorstext = map makeAuthor authors
- let datetext = if date == ""
- then empty
- else text $ stringToTexinfo date
- let baseHeader = case writerHeader options of
- "" -> empty
- x -> text x
- let header = text "@documentencoding utf-8" $$ baseHeader $$ extras
- return $ text "\\input texinfo" $$
- header $$
- text "@ifnottex" $$
- text "@paragraphindent 0" $$
- text "@end ifnottex" $$
- text "@titlepage" $$
- titletext $$ vcat authorstext $$
- datetext $$
- text "@end titlepage"
+ return empty -- TODO
+-- titletext <- if null title
+-- then return empty
+-- else do
+-- t <- inlineListToTexinfo title
+-- return $ text "@title " <> t
+-- headerIncludes <- get >>= return . S.toList . stIncludes
+-- let extras = text $ unlines headerIncludes
+-- let authorstext = map makeAuthor authors
+-- let datetext = if date == ""
+-- then empty
+-- else text $ stringToTexinfo date
+-- let baseHeader = case writerHeader options of
+-- "" -> empty
+-- x -> text x
+-- let header = text "@documentencoding utf-8" $$ baseHeader $$ extras
+-- return $ text "\\input texinfo" $$
+-- header $$
+-- text "@ifnottex" $$
+-- text "@paragraphindent 0" $$
+-- text "@end ifnottex" $$
+-- text "@titlepage" $$
+-- titletext $$ vcat authorstext $$
+-- datetext $$
+-- text "@end titlepage"
makeAuthor :: String -> Doc
makeAuthor author = text $ "@author " ++ (stringToTexinfo author)