path: root/src/Text/Pandoc
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1 files changed, 52 insertions, 28 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Ms.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Ms.hs
index f45ddede8..d228235f1 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Ms.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Ms.hs
@@ -31,11 +31,8 @@ TODO:
[ ] warning for non-rendered raw content
[ ] is there a better way to do strikeout?
-[x] strong + em doesn't seem to work
[ ] super + subscript don't seem to work
[ ] options for hyperlink rendering (currently footnote)
-[x] avoid note-in-note (which we currently get easily with
- links in footnotes)
[ ] can we get prettier output using .B, etc. instead of
the inline forms?
[ ] tight/loose list distinction
@@ -57,11 +54,7 @@ TODO:
A big advantage of gropdf: it supports the tag
\X'pdf: pdfpic file alignment width height line-length'
and also seems to support bookmarks.
-[x] avoid blank line after footnote marker when footnote has a
- paragraph
-[ ] better smallcaps support, see below...
[ ] add via groff option to PDF module
-[ ] better handling of autolinks?
[ ] better handling of images, perhaps converting to eps when
going to PDF?
[ ] better template, with configurable page number, table of contents,
@@ -83,12 +76,13 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Pretty
import Text.Pandoc.Builder (deleteMeta)
import Text.Pandoc.Class (PandocMonad)
import Control.Monad.State
-import Data.Char ( isDigit )
+import Data.Char ( isDigit, isLower, isUpper, toUpper )
import Text.TeXMath (writeEqn)
data WriterState = WriterState { stHasInlineMath :: Bool
, stNotes :: [Note]
, stInNote :: Bool
+ , stSmallCaps :: Bool
, stFontFeatures :: Map.Map Char Bool
@@ -96,6 +90,7 @@ defaultWriterState :: WriterState
defaultWriterState = WriterState{ stHasInlineMath = False
, stNotes = []
, stInNote = False
+ , stSmallCaps = False
, stFontFeatures = Map.fromList [
, ('B',False)
@@ -152,15 +147,24 @@ pandocToMs opts (Pandoc meta blocks) = do
Just tpl -> return $ renderTemplate' tpl context
-- | Association list of characters to escape.
-manEscapes :: [(Char, String)]
-manEscapes = [ ('\160', "\\ ")
- , ('\'', "\\[aq]")
- , ('’', "'")
- , ('\x2014', "\\[em]")
- , ('\x2013', "\\[en]")
- , ('\x2026', "\\&...")
- , ('|', "\\[u007C]") -- because we use | for inline math
- ] ++ backslashEscapes "-@\\"
+manEscapes :: Map.Map Char String
+manEscapes = Map.fromList $
+ [ ('\160', "\\ ")
+ , ('\'', "\\[aq]")
+ , ('’', "'")
+ , ('\x2014', "\\[em]")
+ , ('\x2013', "\\[en]")
+ , ('\x2026', "\\&...")
+ , ('|', "\\[u007C]") -- because we use | for inline math
+ , ('-', "\\-")
+ , ('@', "\\@")
+ , ('\\', "\\\\")
+ ]
+escapeChar :: Char -> String
+escapeChar c = case Map.lookup c manEscapes of
+ Just s -> s
+ Nothing -> [c]
-- | Escape | character, used to mark inline math, inside math.
escapeBar :: String -> String
@@ -170,15 +174,28 @@ escapeBar = concatMap go
-- | Escape special characters for Ms.
escapeString :: String -> String
-escapeString = escapeStringUsing manEscapes
+escapeString = concatMap escapeChar
+toSmallCaps :: String -> String
+toSmallCaps [] = []
+toSmallCaps (c:cs)
+ | isLower c = let (lowers,rest) = span isLower (c:cs)
+ in "\\s-2" ++ escapeString (map toUpper lowers) ++
+ "\\s0" ++ toSmallCaps rest
+ | isUpper c = let (uppers,rest) = span isUpper (c:cs)
+ in escapeString uppers ++ toSmallCaps rest
+ | otherwise = escapeChar c ++ toSmallCaps cs
-- | Escape a literal (code) section for Ms.
escapeCode :: String -> String
-escapeCode = concat . intersperse "\n" . map escapeLine . lines where
- escapeLine codeline =
- case escapeStringUsing (manEscapes ++ backslashEscapes "\t ") codeline of
- a@('.':_) -> "\\&" ++ a
- b -> b
+escapeCode = concat . intersperse "\n" . map escapeLine . lines
+ where escapeCodeChar ' ' = "\\ "
+ escapeCodeChar '\t' = "\\\t"
+ escapeCodeChar c = escapeChar c
+ escapeLine codeline =
+ case concatMap escapeCodeChar codeline of
+ a@('.':_) -> "\\&" ++ a
+ b -> b
-- We split inline lists into sentences, and print one sentence per
-- line. groff/troff treats the line-ending period differently.
@@ -384,9 +401,12 @@ inlineToMs opts (Superscript lst) = do
inlineToMs opts (Subscript lst) = do
contents <- inlineListToMs opts lst
return $ char '~' <> contents <> char '~'
-inlineToMs opts (SmallCaps lst) = inlineListToMs opts lst -- not supported
--- but see
--- for a way to fake them
+inlineToMs opts (SmallCaps lst) = do
+ -- see
+ modify $ \st -> st{ stSmallCaps = not (stSmallCaps st) }
+ res <- inlineListToMs opts lst
+ modify $ \st -> st{ stSmallCaps = not (stSmallCaps st) }
+ return res
inlineToMs opts (Quoted SingleQuote lst) = do
contents <- inlineListToMs opts lst
return $ char '`' <> contents <> char '\''
@@ -397,7 +417,11 @@ inlineToMs opts (Cite _ lst) =
inlineListToMs opts lst
inlineToMs _ (Code _ str) =
withFontFeature 'C' (return $ text $ escapeCode str)
-inlineToMs _ (Str str) = return $ text $ escapeString str
+inlineToMs _ (Str str) = do
+ smallcaps <- gets stSmallCaps
+ if smallcaps
+ then return $ text $ toSmallCaps str
+ else return $ text $ escapeString str
inlineToMs opts (Math InlineMath str) = do
modify $ \st -> st{ stHasInlineMath = True }
res <- convertMath writeEqn InlineMath str
@@ -425,7 +449,7 @@ inlineToMs opts (Link _ txt (src, _)) = do
case txt of
[Str s]
| escapeURI s == srcSuffix ->
- return $ char '<' <> text (escapeString srcSuffix) <> char '>'
+ return $ text (escapeString srcSuffix)
_ | inNote -> do
-- avoid a note in a note!
contents <- inlineListToMs opts txt