Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* Removed advice to pipe through tidy before HTML reader.fiddlosopher2010-02-02
* Allow absolute URI as parameter (in this case, content is downloaded).fiddlosopher2010-02-02
* Made HTML reader much more forgiving.fiddlosopher2010-02-02
* LaTeX writer: set numbersections template variable.fiddlosopher2010-01-31
* Made userdir arg of saveDocumentAsODT a Maybe.fiddlosopher2010-01-18
* Removed unneeded import.fiddlosopher2010-01-18
* Made user directory a Maybe in readFile, s5HeaderIncludes, laTeXMathML.fiddlosopher2010-01-18
* Rename getTemplate -> getDefaultTemplate.fiddlosopher2010-01-18
* Removed ref to Makefile in cabal file.fiddlosopher2010-01-17
* Deleted empty macports, freebsd directories.fiddlosopher2010-01-17
* Removed obsolete Makefile.fiddlosopher2010-01-17
* Website: renamed -> index.txt.fiddlosopher2010-01-17
* New batch file to make-windows-installer.fiddlosopher2010-01-17
* Removed freebsd and macports directories.fiddlosopher2010-01-17
* Added 'update' target to web/Makefile.fiddlosopher2010-01-17
* Setup: Made man page building sensitive to build verbosity.fiddlosopher2010-01-17
* Setup.hs : -Wall and hlint cleanup.fiddlosopher2010-01-17
* Fixed RunTests so it doesn't require data files to have been installed.fiddlosopher2010-01-14
* Added --data-dir option.fiddlosopher2010-01-14
* Setup.hs: improved detection of highlighting support in test hook.fiddlosopher2010-01-14
* Setup.hs: Install wrapper scripts into cabal bin directory.fiddlosopher2010-01-12
* Setup.hs: install manpages to mandir.fiddlosopher2010-01-12
* Removed obsolete debian stuff from distclean target.fiddlosopher2010-01-12
* Removed obsolete win-pkg Makefile target.fiddlosopher2010-01-12
* Added getTemplate to Text.Pandoc.Templates.fiddlosopher2010-01-11
* Version bump to 1.4.1.fiddlosopher2010-01-10
* Updated changelog.fiddlosopher2010-01-10
* Deprecated --custom-header in documentation.fiddlosopher2010-01-10
* HTML writer: don't include empty UL if --toc but no sections.fiddlosopher2010-01-09
* Windows installer - fixed bug in data file locations.fiddlosopher2010-01-09
* markdown2pdf: always do at least two runs.fiddlosopher2010-01-05
* LaTeX writer: Removed stLink, link template variable.fiddlosopher2010-01-05
* LaTeX template: always include hyperref package.fiddlosopher2010-01-05
* Updated haddocks for changes in Meta type.fiddlosopher2010-01-04
* LaTeX writer: if book, report, or memoir documentclass, use \chapter{}fiddlosopher2010-01-03
* Makefile: specify --template explicitly when using pandoc.fiddlosopher2010-01-03
* Removed unneeded dependency on template-haskell.fiddlosopher2010-01-03
* Changed default of writerXeTeX to False.fiddlosopher2010-01-02
* Latex template: only show \author if there are some...fiddlosopher2010-01-02
* Added to RELEASE_CHECKLIST - compile trypandoc.fiddlosopher2010-01-02
* Web makefile: Use rsync to upload website.fiddlosopher2010-01-02
* Web: annouce 1.4 release.fiddlosopher2010-01-02
* Web makefile: build markdown2pdf man page.fiddlosopher2010-01-02
* Added note on markdown2pdf changes.fiddlosopher2010-01-02
* changelog: noted addition of wrappers to windows installer.fiddlosopher2010-01-02
* markdown2pdf.hs: throw error if pandoc --dump-args does.fiddlosopher2010-01-02
* markdown2pdf.hs: When --toc, run latex an extra time.fiddlosopher2010-01-02
* pandoc.hs: warn of deprecated options after --dump-args has exited.fiddlosopher2010-01-02
* Include markdown2pdf and hsmarkdown in windows binary package.fiddlosopher2010-01-02
* Changed example14 in web demos to use template & xetex instead of -C.fiddlosopher2010-01-02