Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* Updated MANUAL date and man page.John MacFarlane2016-12-10
* Updated changelog.John MacFarlane2016-12-10
* Version to 1.19.1John MacFarlane2016-12-10
* We no longer need the MathMLInHTML.js shim from 2004!John MacFarlane2016-12-09
* Docx reader: Ensure one-row tables don't have header.Jesse Rosenthal2016-12-08
* Small tweaks to release checklist.John MacFarlane2016-12-08
* Makefile: use stack.John MacFarlane2016-12-08
* Set PANDOC_VERSION environment variable for filters.John MacFarlane2016-12-08
* Removed debug trace from HTML reader.John MacFarlane2016-12-08
* Really fixed bash completion this time!John MacFarlane2016-12-07
* Improved bash-completion for filenames with spaces.John MacFarlane2016-12-07
* Fixed bash completion for filenames with spaces.John MacFarlane2016-12-07
* MANUAL: better docs on how to create a custom reference.docx.John MacFarlane2016-12-07
* HTML reader: Understand `style=width:` as well as `width` in `col`.John MacFarlane2016-12-07
* Fixed tests with dynamic linking.John MacFarlane2016-12-07
* RST reader: print warnings when keys, substitition, notes not found.John MacFarlane2016-12-07
* RST reader: fix hyperlink aliases.John MacFarlane2016-12-07
* Fixed some bad regressions in HTML table parser.John MacFarlane2016-12-06
* Man writer: Ensure that periods are escaped at beginning of line.John MacFarlane2016-12-05
* Pretty: Added `afterBreak`.John MacFarlane2016-12-05
* LaTeX writer: Fix unnumbered headers when used with `--top-level`Albert Krewinkel2016-12-04
* LaTeX template: use correct separator for pdfkeywords.John MacFarlane2016-12-04
* Markdown writer: Fixed incorrect word wrapping.John MacFarlane2016-12-04
* Minor spelling typos in the manual (#3273)Anthony Geoghegan2016-12-03
* More cosmetic changes to changelog.John MacFarlane2016-12-01
* Reformatting changelog.John MacFarlane2016-12-01
* Update date in manual and man page.John MacFarlane2016-11-30
* Updated changelog.John MacFarlane2016-11-30
* Use pandoc-citeproc 0.10.3 release in stack.yamls for binary pkgs.John MacFarlane2016-11-30
* Options: Removed writerStandalone, made writerTemplate a Maybe.John MacFarlane2016-11-30
* Updated changelog.John MacFarlane2016-11-30
* Removed unused import.John MacFarlane2016-11-30
* travis: use language generic (#3267)ickc2016-11-30
* stack.yaml - use texmath 0.9 release.John MacFarlane2016-11-30
* Use new module from texmath to lookup MS font codepoints.John MacFarlane2016-11-30
* Updated changelog.John MacFarlane2016-11-27
* Shared.fetchItem: Better handling of protocol-relative URL.John MacFarlane2016-11-27
* Updated renderHtml import in HTML writer to avoid deprecated function.John MacFarlane2016-11-27
* Refactor top-level division selection (#3261)Albert Krewinkel2016-11-27
* Updated stack.yaml to use lts 7.9 + latest pandoc-citeproc dev.John MacFarlane2016-11-27
* Version to 1.19.John MacFarlane2016-11-27
* Update changelog.John MacFarlane2016-11-27
* HTML reader: improved table parsing.John MacFarlane2016-11-26
* Revert "Open Document writer: set first level of blockquotes to not use inden...John MacFarlane2016-11-26
* Open Document writer: set first level of blockquotes to not use indent (#2757)Jeff Sheets2016-11-26
* [Tex] Remove invalid inlines in sections (#3218)hubertp-lshift2016-11-26
* [odt] Infer table's caption from the paragraph (#3224)hubertp-lshift2016-11-26
* Allow to overwrite top-level division type heuristics (#3258)Albert Krewinkel2016-11-26
* LaTeX reader: don't treat `\vspace` and `\hspace` as block commands.John MacFarlane2016-11-26
* Use pre-wrap for code in dzslides template (Nicolas Porcel).John MacFarlane2016-11-25