Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* Support for display math; changed ASCIIMathML -> LaTeXMathML:fiddlosopher2008-08-13
* Don't expose Text.Pandoc.Biblio module unless citeproc option is selected.fiddlosopher2008-08-12
* Small haddock documentation fix. (Andrea Rossato)fiddlosopher2008-08-12
* Patches to Text.Pandoc.Biblio for new citeproc API.fiddlosopher2008-08-12
* Parse raw ConTeXt environments as TeX in markdown reader.fiddlosopher2008-08-11
* Added new markdown reader tests to list of extra source files in pandoc.cabal.fiddlosopher2008-08-11
* ODT writer: Use '/', even on Windows, as path separator in xlink attributefiddlosopher2008-08-11
* Makefile: Added 'configure' as dependency of 'uninstall-all'.fiddlosopher2008-08-10
* Allow newline before URL in markdown link references. Resolves Issue #81.fiddlosopher2008-08-10
* Use -S option when building man pages in Setup.hs.fiddlosopher2008-08-10
* Man writer: don't escape " as \".fiddlosopher2008-08-10
* Updated man page sources with pdf output option, minor cosmetic changes.fiddlosopher2008-08-10
* Added zip as a build dependency in debian/control.fiddlosopher2008-08-10
* Debian packaging changes:fiddlosopher2008-08-10
* Removed markdown2pdf and all references to it.fiddlosopher2008-08-10
* Added Text.Pandoc.PDF module, 'pdf' as new output option.fiddlosopher2008-08-10
* Use 'bracket' to improve withTempDir Text.Pandoc.Shared.fiddlosopher2008-08-10
* Removed dependency on reference.odt from Makefile.fiddlosopher2008-08-10
* Removed no-longer-needed wrappers directory.fiddlosopher2008-08-09
* Removed no-longer-needed templates directory.fiddlosopher2008-08-09
* Moved more of the build process from Makefile to Setup.hs:fiddlosopher2008-08-09
* Removed layout-cache and Configurations2 from odt-styles directory.fiddlosopher2008-08-09
* Include shell scripts themselves in repo, rather than generating from wrappers.fiddlosopher2008-08-09
* Added preconfigure hook to build reference.odt if missing.fiddlosopher2008-08-09
* Rewrote test suite so it doesn't depend on perl or unix tools.fiddlosopher2008-08-09
* Removed unneeded space after "\\item" in LaTeX and ConTeXt output.fiddlosopher2008-08-09
* Added Text.Pandoc.UTF8 as a backup for when utf8-string is not present.fiddlosopher2008-08-08
* Small improvements to citation parsing in markdown reader.fiddlosopher2008-08-06
* Allow parsing of multiline citations.fiddlosopher2008-08-05
* Text/Pandoc/Biblio.hs - made getRefs point-free.fiddlosopher2008-08-05
* Mention ODT writer in pandoc.cabal.fiddlosopher2008-08-05
* Added padding to table cells in ODT.fiddlosopher2008-08-05
* Added opendocument writer tests.fiddlosopher2008-08-05
* Added support for Cite to Markdown reader, and conditional support for citepr...fiddlosopher2008-08-04
* Added Cite element to definition and writers.fiddlosopher2008-08-04
* Improved configuration options and CPP macros.fiddlosopher2008-08-03
* Added 'utf8' configuration flag to pandoc.cabal.fiddlosopher2008-08-03
* Improvements to ODT writer (for windows compatibility):fiddlosopher2008-08-03
* INSTALL: Included instructions on installing utf8-string.fiddlosopher2008-08-02
* Replaced markdown2odt with pandoc in web demos.fiddlosopher2008-08-02
* Added information about `odt` to README and pandoc(1) man page.fiddlosopher2008-08-02
* Improved template handling:fiddlosopher2008-08-02
* Removed superfluous copyFile from Text/Pandoc/ODT.hs.fiddlosopher2008-08-01
* Fixes to make haddock work with template haskell:fiddlosopher2008-08-01
* Removed FlexibleInstances Extension line from pandoc.cabal; it isn't neededfiddlosopher2008-08-01
* Use </> with contentsOf to ensure that paths are portable.fiddlosopher2008-08-01
* ODT writer: Don't use pathname in invoking "zip", as that causes problems in...fiddlosopher2008-08-01
* Added pragma to HTML writer to avoid deprecation warning for use of "start" a...fiddlosopher2008-08-01
* Added pragma to Text/Pandoc/Shared.hs to get rid of "orphan instance" warnings.fiddlosopher2008-08-01
* Removed 'CPP' from Extension in pandoc.cabal.fiddlosopher2008-08-01