path: root/Makefile
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAge
* Use gfm for generated MacFarlane2017-12-30
* Generate from template and MANUAL.txt.John MacFarlane2017-12-29
| | | | | `make` will generate the after changes to MANUAL.txt have been made.
* Makefile tweaksJohn MacFarlane2017-12-28
* Makefile: add update-website targetJohn MacFarlane2017-12-28
* Added 'make trypandoc' targetJohn MacFarlane2017-12-27
* Makefile: Add 'pandoc-templates' target.John MacFarlane2017-12-27
* makefile: use lts-10 resolver.John MacFarlane2017-12-20
* Added 'packages' target to Makefile.John MacFarlane2017-11-20
* Makefile - create windows binary package as zip as well as msi.John MacFarlane2017-11-20
* Use lua filter to generate man page from MANUAL.John MacFarlane2017-11-11
| | | | | | Instead of three Haskell filters. This is easier and faster.
* Fix 'make changes_github'.John MacFarlane2017-11-05
* Makefile: fix version detection.John MacFarlane2017-10-29
* Makefile: make SOURCEFILES overridable for make lint, make format.John MacFarlane2017-10-29
* Updated Glob upper bound.John MacFarlane2017-10-23
* Provide make target to update lua module docs (#3946)Albert Krewinkel2017-09-30
| | | | | The pandoc module documentation in doc/ was automatically generated from `data/pandoc.lua`. A make target is provided which uses a lua filter to update the documentation.
* Makefile - disable parallel build on 'make quick'.John MacFarlane2017-08-11
| | | | Interleaved error messages too confusing.
* Reorganized Makefile.John MacFarlane2017-08-09
* Makefile: use nightly + colored output for quick.John MacFarlane2017-08-09
* Makefile: use nightly.John MacFarlane2017-08-09
* Makefile: split 'make haddock' from 'make full'.John MacFarlane2017-06-25
* Makefile: improved 'make full'.John MacFarlane2017-06-24
| | | | | | - Disable optimizations. - Build everything, inc. trypandoc and benchmarks. - Use parallel build.
* Use Control.Monad.State.Strict throughout.John MacFarlane2017-06-17
| | | | | This gives 20-30% speedup and reduction of memory usage in most of the writers.
* Fixed weigh-pandoc for Text readers.John MacFarlane2017-06-10
* Changed comodo code signing key path.John MacFarlane2017-06-09
* Makefile: added 'lint' target.John MacFarlane2017-06-01
* Makefile: fixed filename for windows package download.John MacFarlane2017-05-24
* Add settings for document variables like width.John MacFarlane2017-03-24
* Rename static-linux -> linux.John MacFarlane2017-03-19
* Removed unneeded deb directory.John MacFarlane2017-03-19
| | | | We now use static-linux to create the deb.
* Makefile: allow make test to take TESTARGS.John MacFarlane2017-03-15
* Use tasty for tests rather than test-framework.John MacFarlane2017-03-14
* Makefile - removed 'refactor' target.John MacFarlane2017-03-04
* Makefile: Separate refactor and reformat targets.John MacFarlane2017-03-04
| | | | Removed tools/
* Added 'make refactor' using hlint, stylish-haskell.John MacFarlane2017-03-04
* Makefile: make version overridable.John MacFarlane2017-02-07
* Makefile: added BRANCH variable for winpkgJohn MacFarlane2017-02-05
* Name change OSX -> MacOS.John MacFarlane2017-01-31
| | | | | Add a -MacOS suffix to mac package rather than -OSX. CHanged local names from osx to macos.
* Fixed up github changes target in Makefile so #s aren't escaped.John MacFarlane2017-01-29
* Moved to osx/ directory.John MacFarlane2016-12-10
* Makefile: use stack.John MacFarlane2016-12-08
* remove make_travis_yml.hs (#3235)ickc2016-11-16
* Rename README to MANUAL.txtAlbert Krewinkel2016-07-20
* Added winpkg target to Makefile.John MacFarlane2016-07-14
| | | | | | | This downloads the windows package from appveyor and signs it using the key. This way we needn't mess with a Windows VM to build the package.
* Fixed debpkg target.John MacFarlane2016-01-02
* stack.full.yaml - use local versions of everything.John MacFarlane2015-11-28
* 'make dist' - use stack to build from tarball.John MacFarlane2015-11-15
* Removed 'changes' Makefile target.John MacFarlane2015-11-15
* Added 'make changes_github' and 'make changes', updated release checklist.John MacFarlane2015-11-15
* Added 'make changes' target.John MacFarlane2015-11-15
| | | | | This copies to osx clipboard a github-markdown version of the changes from the latest release in the changelog.
* Makefile: include version in man page.John MacFarlane2015-11-12