path: root/data/sample.lua
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAge
* Added Cite function to sample.lua.John MacFarlane2013-12-13
* Preliminary support for new Div and Span elements in writers.John MacFarlane2013-08-08
| | | | | Currently these are "transparent" containers, except in HTML, where they produce div and span elements with attributes.
* Updated sample.lua for new metadata.John MacFarlane2013-07-14
* Custom writer: Pass full metadata, not just tit/auth/date.John MacFarlane2013-06-27
* Added `Text.Pandoc.Writers.Custom`, `--print-custom-lua-writer`.John MacFarlane2013-04-14
pandoc -t data/sample.lua will load the script sample.lua and use it as a custom writer. data/sample.lua is provided as an example. Added `--print-custom-lua-writer` option to print the sample script.