path: root/slidy
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAge
* New slidy directory for "self-contained."John MacFarlane2011-12-03
* Fixed slidy css.John MacFarlane2011-07-24
| | | | | | * Use non-minimized version of `slidy.css` with `--offline` option, so users can more easily edit it. * Fixed bug in slidy css that prevented proper centering of title.
* Used yuicompressor to minify slidy css and js.John MacFarlane2011-07-06
* Minimized slidy files.John MacFarlane2011-07-06
* slidy.js: Avoid string literal "</script>".John MacFarlane2011-07-06
| | | | | It causes problems when the script is embedded with the --offline option.
* Updated slidy/ directory with Slidy2 js and css.John MacFarlane2011-07-06
| | | | Note: This still needs to be run through jsmin.
* Added new --offline option for slidy.John MacFarlane2010-07-22
Added slidy/slidy.min.{css,js}.