path: root/src/Text/Pandoc/Options.hs
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* KaTeX fixes:John MacFarlane2017-10-05
* Removed writerSourceURL, add source URL to common state.John MacFarlane2017-09-30
* Added `--strip-comments` option, `readerStripComments` in `ReaderOptions`.John MacFarlane2017-09-17
* Remove To/FromJSON instance for WriterOptions.John MacFarlane2017-09-15
* FromJSON/ToJSON instances for Reader, WriterOptions.John MacFarlane2017-09-14
* Support for PDF generation via `weasyprint` and `prince` (#3909)Mauro Bieg2017-09-11
* Remove writerUserDataDir from WriterOptions.John MacFarlane2017-08-10
* Rewrote LaTeX reader with proper tokenization.John MacFarlane2017-07-07
* Added `writerEpubSubdirectory` to `WriterOptions`.John MacFarlane2017-06-22
* Text.Pandoc.App: ToJSON and FromJSON instances for Opts.John MacFarlane2017-05-21
* Update dates in copyright noticesAlbert Krewinkel2017-05-13
* Allow dynamic loading of syntax definitions.John MacFarlane2017-03-30
* Added readerAbbreviations to ParserState.John MacFarlane2017-03-05
* Stylish-haskell automatic formatting changes.John MacFarlane2017-03-04
* Removed `--epub-stylesheet`; use `--css` instead.John MacFarlane2017-02-27
* Added Text.Pandoc.Logging (exported module).John MacFarlane2017-02-10
* Removed --parse-raw and readerParseRaw.John MacFarlane2017-02-06
* Changed writerEpubMetadata to a Maybe String.John MacFarlane2017-02-04
* `--mathml` and MathML in HTMLMathMethod longer take an argument.John MacFarlane2017-01-30
* LaTeX writer: export writeBeamer.John MacFarlane2017-01-28
* HTML: export separate functions for slide formats.John MacFarlane2017-01-27
* HTML writer: export writeHtmlStringForEPUB.John MacFarlane2017-01-27
* Split writeDocbook into writeDocbook4, writeDocbook5.John MacFarlane2017-01-26
* Provide explicit separate functions for HTML 4 and 5.John MacFarlane2017-01-25
* Removed readerVerbosity and writerVerbosity.John MacFarlane2017-01-25
* Changes to verbosity in writer and reader options.John MacFarlane2017-01-25
* Removed writerHighlight; made writerHighlightStyle a Maybe.John MacFarlane2017-01-25
* Removed vestigial writerMediaBag from WriterOptions.John MacFarlane2017-01-25
* Removed writerIgnoreNotes.John MacFarlane2017-01-25
* Removed unused readerFileScope.John MacFarlane2017-01-25
* Removed writerTeXLigatures.John MacFarlane2017-01-25
* Options: changed default reader/writerExtensions to emptyExtensions.John MacFarlane2017-01-25
* Removed readerOldDashes and --old-dashes option, added old_dashes extension.John MacFarlane2017-01-25
* Removed readerSmart and the --smart option; added Ext_smart extension.John MacFarlane2017-01-25
* Make Extensions a custom type instead of a Set Extension.John MacFarlane2017-01-25
* Split extensions code from Options into separate Text.Pandoc.Extensions.John MacFarlane2017-01-25
* Simplified reference-docx/reference-odt to reference-doc.John MacFarlane2017-01-25
* Options: Removed writerStandalone, made writerTemplate a Maybe.John MacFarlane2016-11-30
* Refactor top-level division selection (#3261)Albert Krewinkel2016-11-27
* Allow to overwrite top-level division type heuristics (#3258)Albert Krewinkel2016-11-26
* Added `angle_brackets_escapable` extension.John MacFarlane2016-10-22
* Add option for top-level division typeAlbert Krewinkel2016-10-19
* Add --parts command line option to LaTeX writer.Oliver Matthews2016-09-06
* Options: Add references location.Jesse Rosenthal2016-10-11
* removed mmd raw_tex in src/Text/Pandoc/Options.hsKolenCheung2016-10-09
* Markdown reader: added bracket syntax for native spans.John MacFarlane2016-09-28
* Changed email-obfuscation default to no obfuscation.John MacFarlane2016-06-20
* Write out Docbook 5 namespaceIvo Clarysse2016-04-29
* Add docbook5 writer supportIvo Clarysse2016-04-29
* Updated copyright dates to include 2016.John MacFarlane2016-03-22