path: root/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Math.hs
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAge
* hlint suggestions.John MacFarlane2017-10-29
* Use mathjax 2.7.2 by default.John MacFarlane2017-10-06
* KaTeX fixes:John MacFarlane2017-10-05
| | | | | | | * In Options.HTMLMathMethod, the KaTeX contsructor now takes only one string (for the KaTeX base URL), rather than two [API change]. * The default URL has been updated to the latest version. * The autoload script is now loaded by default.
* Text.Pandoc.Writers.Math: export defaultMathJaxURL, defaultKaTeXURL.John MacFarlane2017-06-19
| | | | | | | | This will ensure that we only need to update these in one place. (Currently, for example, the mathjax URL is used in both App and trypandoc.) Closes #3685.
* Stylish-haskell automatic formatting changes.John MacFarlane2017-03-04
* Use new warnings throughout the code base.John MacFarlane2017-02-11
* Class: rename addWarning[WithPos] to warning[WithPos].John MacFarlane2017-01-25
| | | | | | | There's already a function addWarning in Parsing! Maybe we can dispense with that now, but I still like 'warning' better as a name.
* Class: Renamed 'warn' to 'addWarning' and consolidated RTF writer.John MacFarlane2017-01-25
| | | | | | | | * Renaming Text.Pandoc.Class.warn to addWarning avoids conflict with Text.Pandoc.Shared.warn. * Removed writeRTFWithEmbeddedImages from Text.Pandoc.Writers.RTF. This is no longer needed; we automatically handle embedded images using the PandocM functions. [API change]
* Make sure texMathToInlines issues warning.John MacFarlane2017-01-25
* Refactored math conversion in writers.John MacFarlane2017-01-25
* Remove exported module `Text.Pandoc.Readers.TeXMath` * Add exported module `Text.Pandoc.Writers.Math` * The function `texMathToInlines` now lives in `Text.Pandoc.Writers.Math` * Export helper function `convertMath` from `Text.Pandoc.Writers.Math` * Use these functions in all writers that do math conversion. This ensures that warnings will always be issued for failed math conversions.