path: root/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* Changed style names in reference docx.John MacFarlane2013-02-26
* Docx writer: Create content types and document rels from scratch.John MacFarlane2013-02-26
* Refactoring in Docx writer.John MacFarlane2013-02-25
* Docx writer: Handle PDF images.John MacFarlane2013-02-23
* EPUB writer: Improved behavior with `--number-sections`.John MacFarlane2013-02-23
* EPUB writer: more transition.John MacFarlane2013-02-23
* EPUB writer: Temporary step towards a better system for numbering.John MacFarlane2013-02-23
* HTML writer: fix case when writerNumberOffet is empty or short.John MacFarlane2013-02-23
* `--number-from` -> `--number-offset`John MacFarlane2013-02-23
* EPUB writer: Minor section numbering tweaks.John MacFarlane2013-02-22
* EPUB writer: Use writerNumberFrom instead of ugly hack.John MacFarlane2013-02-22
* Made HTML writer sensitive to `writerNumberFrom`.John MacFarlane2013-02-22
* ConTeXt writer: now sensitive to 'unnumbered' class in headers.John MacFarlane2013-02-18
* LaTeX writer: Omit lists with no items.John MacFarlane2013-02-16
* EPUB writer: Fix section numbering.John MacFarlane2013-02-16
* LaTeX writer: Include unnumbered sections in TOC.John MacFarlane2013-02-15
* Implemented "unnumbered" headers in LaTeX writer.John MacFarlane2013-02-14
* HTML writer: Support header attributes.John MacFarlane2013-02-14
* hierarchicalize: Do not number section with class "unnumbered".John MacFarlane2013-02-13
* HTML writer: Refactored adding attributes to html element.John MacFarlane2013-02-12
* Shared: Changed type of Element.John MacFarlane2013-02-12
* Revert "Citation changes."John MacFarlane2013-02-06
* Citation changes.John MacFarlane2013-02-03
* DocBook writer: for linebreak, but newline in literallayout.John MacFarlane2013-01-28
* LaTeX writer: Avoid extra space at start/end of table cell.John MacFarlane2013-01-28
* Markdown writer: Set title, author, date variables as before.John MacFarlane2013-01-28
* RST writer: Use `.. code:: language` for code blocks with language.John MacFarlane2013-01-26
* Markdown writer: Use autolink when link text matches url.John MacFarlane2013-01-26
* Another fix to the CPP macro in EPUB writer.John MacFarlane2013-01-22
* Fixed MIN_VERSION - need to sub _ for - in blaze-html.John MacFarlane2013-01-22
* EPUB: condition Blaze Utf8 module name import on blaze-html versionJens Petersen2013-01-22
* Use proportional font for email autolinks with obfuscation.John MacFarlane2013-01-21
* Add data-cites field to citations in HTML5.John MacFarlane2013-01-18
* RTF writer: Added writeRTFWithEmbeddedImages.John MacFarlane2013-01-18
* Convert highlighting-kate language to listings languageJohn MacFarlane2013-01-17
* Fixed problem with duplicate ids in epub.John MacFarlane2013-01-16
* Implemented Ext_mmd_header_identifiers in markdown writer.John MacFarlane2013-01-16
* LaTeX writer: Prevent paragraphs containing only linebreaks or spaces.John MacFarlane2013-01-15
* Added `writerHtmlQTags` and `--html-q-tags` option.John MacFarlane2013-01-15
* Use 'fig:' instead of '\SOH' in title to indicate figure.John MacFarlane2013-01-15
* Implemented Ext_implicit_figures.John MacFarlane2013-01-14
* RST writer: Fixes bug with links with duplicate text.John MacFarlane2013-01-13
* RST writer: Properly handle images with no alt text.John MacFarlane2013-01-13
* RST writer: Allow soft breaks w continuations in line blocks.John MacFarlane2013-01-13
* Use line block in RST writer when a paragraph contains linebreaks.John MacFarlane2013-01-13
* Markdown writer: Support Ext_auto_identifiers and Ext_header_attributes.John MacFarlane2013-01-12
* Escape `|` as `\vert` in LaTeX math.John MacFarlane2013-01-12
* Changed hspace in last commit to 0.333em.John MacFarlane2013-01-11
* LaTeX writer: Use `\hspace*` for nonbreaking space after line break.John MacFarlane2013-01-11
* Revised EPUB writer given changes in header attributes.John MacFarlane2013-01-11