path: root/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* HTML writer: don't add data- prefix to unknown attributes beginning with data-.John MacFarlane2017-10-16
* RST writer: correctly handle inline code containing backticks.John MacFarlane2017-10-16
* RST writer: don't backslash-escape word-internal punctuation.John MacFarlane2017-10-16
* Merge pull request #3970 from d-dorazio/masterJohn MacFarlane2017-10-13
| * markdown writer: always write bracketed_spans' attributesd-dorazio2017-10-13
* | CommonMark writer: omit "fig:" prefix in image titles.John MacFarlane2017-10-13
* ConTeXt writer: Use identifiers for chapters.John MacFarlane2017-10-11
* FB2 Writer: format LineBlock as poemAlexander Krotov2017-10-11
* docx writer - activate evenAndOddHeaders from reference docAgustín Martín Barbero2017-10-10
* FB2 writer: replace concatMap with cMapAlexander Krotov2017-10-09
* hlint FB2 writerAlexander Krotov2017-10-09
* Use mathjax 2.7.2 by default.John MacFarlane2017-10-06
* KaTeX fixes:John MacFarlane2017-10-05
* EPUB writer: simplified some functions.John MacFarlane2017-09-30
* Removed writerSourceURL, add source URL to common state.John MacFarlane2017-09-30
* RST writer: add header anchors when header has non-standard id.John MacFarlane2017-09-27
* Write euro symbol directly in LaTeXAndrew Dunning2017-09-08
* Markdown writer: Escape pipe characters when `pipe_tables` enabled.John MacFarlane2017-09-07
* LaTeX writer: use proper code for list enumerators.John MacFarlane2017-09-07
* Markdown writer: make Span with null attribute transparent.John MacFarlane2017-09-05
* Plain writer: don't use   to separate list and indented code.John MacFarlane2017-09-04
* Org writer: stop using raw HTML to wrap divsAlbert Krewinkel2017-09-01
* Add a type sig to satisfy ghc 7.10.3.John MacFarlane2017-08-29
* HTML writer: ensure we don't get two style attributes for width & height.John MacFarlane2017-08-28
* Markdown writer: don't crash on Str "".John MacFarlane2017-08-26
* RST reader/writer: support unknown interpreted text roles...John MacFarlane2017-08-17
* slidy uses https instead of http (#3848)ickc2017-08-17
* Update to hslua-0.8.0Albert Krewinkel2017-08-16
* Docx writer: fixed a regression (infinite loop on certain lists).John MacFarlane2017-08-15
* Implement multicolumn support for slide formats.John MacFarlane2017-08-14
* CommonMark writer: prefer pipe tables to HTML tables...John MacFarlane2017-08-13
* Markdown writer: Use pipe tables if `raw_html` disabled...John MacFarlane2017-08-13
* Added some Functor constraints needed for ghc 7.8.John MacFarlane2017-08-13
* Delete Text.Pandoc.Lua.SharedInstancesAlbert Krewinkel2017-08-13
* Use hslua >= 0.7, update Lua codeAlbert Krewinkel2017-08-13
* Docx writer: pass through comments.John MacFarlane2017-08-12
* Escape MetaString values (as added with --metadata flag).John MacFarlane2017-08-12
* Added support for translations (localization) (see #3559).John MacFarlane2017-08-11
* Remove writerUserDataDir from WriterOptions.John MacFarlane2017-08-10
* Removed datadir param from readDataFile and getDefaultTemplate.John MacFarlane2017-08-10
* Expose getDefaultDataFile in both Shared and Class.John MacFarlane2017-08-10
* Slidy writer: use h1 for all slides...John MacFarlane2017-08-10
* RST writer: don't wrap term in definition list.John MacFarlane2017-08-09
* EPUB writer: don't strip formatting in TOC.John MacFarlane2017-08-09
* Muse writer: insert two blanklines between lists of the same type (#3844)Alexander2017-08-08
* CommonMark writer: avoid excess blank lines at end of output.John MacFarlane2017-08-08
* CommonMark writer: support `hard_line_breaks`, `smart`.John MacFarlane2017-08-08
* Writers.Shared.unsmartify: undo literal double curly quotes.John MacFarlane2017-08-08
* CommonMark writer: Support pipe tables.John MacFarlane2017-08-08
* CommonMark writer: support table, strikethrough extensions...John MacFarlane2017-08-08