path: root/src
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* Made LaTeX parser more robust.John MacFarlane2012-02-09
* Better handling of raw latex environments in markdown.John MacFarlane2012-02-09
* Improvements to markdown attributes syntax (on code blocks).John MacFarlane2012-02-08
* Put LaTeX verse environments in blockquotes.John MacFarlane2012-02-08
* Don't wrap headers in markdown or rst.John MacFarlane2012-02-08
* More efficient implementation of nowrap in Pretty.John MacFarlane2012-02-08
* Limit nesting of strong/emph.John MacFarlane2012-02-07
* PDF: Only run latex twice if \tableofcontents is present.John MacFarlane2012-02-07
* Handle escaped $ in latex math. Closes #186.John MacFarlane2012-02-07
* Added test case for issue #186 (\$ in latex math).John MacFarlane2012-02-07
* Added test case for issue #186 (\$ in latex math).John MacFarlane2012-02-07
* LaTeX writer: prevent adjacent hyphens from forming ligatures.John MacFarlane2012-02-06
* LaTeX reader: use raw latex as fallback for Cites.John MacFarlane2012-02-06
* Text.Pandoc.PDF: Simplified tex2pdf.John MacFarlane2012-02-06
* Fixed bug in fromEntities: require semicolon to process as entity.John MacFarlane2012-02-05
* Parsing: Make characterReference fail if entity not found.John MacFarlane2012-02-05
* Removed module Text.Pandoc.CharacterReferences.John MacFarlane2012-02-05
* Removed outdated comment in LaTeX reader.John MacFarlane2012-02-05
* Fixed Pretty so it uses Data.Monoid's <> w/ GHC 7.4.John MacFarlane2012-02-05
* Re-added the --ascii option.John MacFarlane2012-02-05
* Text.Pandoc.XML: Export fromEntities.John MacFarlane2012-02-05
* Remove dependency on dlist.John MacFarlane2012-02-05
* Normalize date in EPUB metadata.John MacFarlane2012-02-05
* Changed infix level of testing combinators.John MacFarlane2012-02-05
* pandoc: Treat html5+lhs as an html format.John MacFarlane2012-02-05
* Support \frametitle, \framesubtitle.John MacFarlane2012-02-05
* LaTeX reader: Fixed bug in authors.John MacFarlane2012-02-05
* LaTeX reader: Support \TeX, \LaTeX.John MacFarlane2012-02-05
* LaTeX reader: Skip everything after \end{document}.John MacFarlane2012-02-05
* Added \vspace and \hspace to latex ignored block commands.John MacFarlane2012-02-04
* Improvements to LaTeX reader:John MacFarlane2012-02-04
* Handle \address and \signature in letter environment. Closes #393.John MacFarlane2012-02-04
* LaTeX reader: support macron accents \=o.John MacFarlane2012-02-04
* LaTeX reader: support \. dot accent.John MacFarlane2012-02-04
* handleIncludes: read file as UTF8, allow multiples separated by commas.John MacFarlane2012-02-04
* Don't print warnings for not-found packages, includes.John MacFarlane2012-02-04
* Revert "LaTeX reader: Use kpsewhich to find paths for handleIncludes."John MacFarlane2012-02-04
* LaTeX reader: Use kpsewhich to find paths for handleIncludes.John MacFarlane2012-02-04
* Have handleIncludes look for local .sty files from \usepackage.John MacFarlane2012-02-04
* LaTeX reader: small bug fixes.John MacFarlane2012-02-04
* Minor formatting changeJohn MacFarlane2012-02-04
* LaTeX reader: Factored out rawEnvJohn MacFarlane2012-02-04
* Small improvements in latex table parser.John MacFarlane2012-02-04
* Complete rewrite of LaTeX reader.John MacFarlane2012-02-04
* Don't let autolinks create reference links.John MacFarlane2012-01-31
* Don't include mathml javascript for html5 output.John MacFarlane2012-01-31
* Support `--mathml` flag in docbook.John MacFarlane2012-01-31
* Change copyright date.John MacFarlane2012-01-31
* Added `--epub-embed-font` option.John MacFarlane2012-01-30
* Added default.beamer template (separate from default.latex).John MacFarlane2012-01-30