# This version builds both pandoc and pandoc-citeproc, assuming # pandoc-citeproc is in the pandoc-citeproc subdirectory. flags: pandoc: trypandoc: false https: true embed_data_files: false old-locale: false network-uri: true pandoc-citeproc: bibutils: true embed_data_files: true # if you are on OSX, stack install cpphs and # uncomment the following three lines: #ghc-options: # pandoc-citeproc: '-pgmP cpphs -optP--cpp' # highlighting-kate: '-pgmP cpphs -optP--cpp' packages: - '.' - '../pandoc-citeproc' - '../pandoc-types' extra-deps: - doctemplates- - http-client-0.5.0 - http-client-tls-0.3.0 resolver: lts-7.0