diff options
authorJoost Kremers <>2021-05-12 23:42:18 +0200
committerJoost Kremers <>2021-05-12 23:42:18 +0200
commit39a2d76f911b55e930536bdc3b081bf9c8dcbba7 (patch)
parent823d375b13fc9c4e4f47ae9833f69c7808b3dfcd (diff)
Add `parsebib-parse` to parse files rather than buffers.
1 files changed, 73 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/parsebib.el b/parsebib.el
index b66c197..7e8b346 100644
--- a/parsebib.el
+++ b/parsebib.el
@@ -947,6 +947,79 @@ year, a month and a day."
(parsebib--process-template "{year}{-month}{-day}"
(seq-mapn #'cons '(year month day) date-parts)))
+;; Format-independent API ;;
+(cl-defun parsebib-parse (files &key entries strings display fields)
+ "Parse one or more bibliography files.
+FILES is the list of files to parse. All bibliographic entries
+in FILES are collected and returned in a single hash table.
+FILES can be a list of `.bib' or `.json' files, or a combination
+of these. FILES can also be a string, which should be the path
+to a single bibliography file.
+ENTRIES, if provided, should be a hash table with test function
+`equal', it is used to store the entries. Any existing entries
+with identical keys are overwritten. If provided, ENTRIES is
+also the return value. If ENTRIES is nil, a new hash table is
+created and returned.
+STRINGS, similarly a hash table with test function `equal', is
+used to store the @String definitions. Although STRINGS is not
+returned, it is modified in place and can therefore be used to
+collect the @String definitions in the files being parsed.
+If DISPLAY is non-nil, field values are returned in a way that is
+suitable for display: in `.bib' files, @String abbreviations are
+expanded, in `.json' files, values that are not strings are
+converted to strings. Furthermore, sequences of white space
+characters (including newlines) are reduced to a single space.
+Specifically, setting DISPLAY means setting the arguments
+`parsebib-parse-bib-buffer' and setting STRINGIFY and YEAR-ONLY
+in the function `parsebib-parse-json-buffer'. DISPLAY is simply
+passed on to these arguments, which means that it can be set to
+anything that INHERITANCES in `parsebib-parse-bib-buffer'
+accepts. (The other arguments only distinguish between nil and
+FIELDS is a list of the field names to be read and included in
+the result. Fields not in the list are ignored. Note that field
+names should be strings; when parsing a `.json' file, they are
+converted to symbols. See the doc strings of
+`parsebib-parse-bib-buffer' and `parsebib-parse-json-buffer' for
+details. If FIELDS is nil, all fields are returned."
+ (or (and (hash-table-p entries)
+ (eq (hash-table-test entries) 'equal))
+ (setq entries (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
+ (or (and (hash-table-p strings)
+ (eq (hash-table-test strings) 'equal))
+ (setq strings (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
+ (when (stringp files)
+ (setq files (list files)))
+ (mapc (lambda (file)
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (insert-file-contents file)
+ (cond
+ ((string= (file-name-extension file t) ".bib")
+ (parsebib-parse-bib-buffer :entries entries
+ :strings strings
+ :expand-strings display
+ :inheritances display
+ :fields fields))
+ ((string= (file-name-extension file t) ".json")
+ (parsebib-parse-json-buffer :entries entries
+ :stringify display
+ :year-only display
+ :fields fields))
+ (t (error "Not a bibliography file: %s" file)))))
+ files)
+ entries)
(provide 'parsebib)
;;; parsebib.el ends here